Thursday, July 28, 2005

Ascension Paradigm

I am very interested in the Ascension Paradigm , so much so that I have been holding an Ascension Study Group for 5 years. Today I held my 1st Introduction to Ascension teleclass and intend to run more beginning on September 28th at 7pm GMT/1pm PT.

There is more info on

One of the processes included is exploring the energy of the higher chakras. Most people interested in spiritual growth are aware of the importance of chakras 1-7.
I like to introduce my groups to the 4th and 5th dimensional chakras

Higher Chakras and their Associations

8. Emerald-Green and Purple. This is the energy to call on for a deep cleansing

9 Blue-green. This is associated with joy.

10 Pearlescent. This balances the inner male and female aspects

11 Pink-orange. This energy brings in the energies of the New Age

12 Luminous gold. This is the energy of Christ Consciousness

13 Violet-Pink.This chakra has a connection with materializing things

14 Violet-Blue. This is connected with unlimitedness

15 Gold-White This chakra is concerend with your Monadic Connection

16 Violet-White. The 16th chakra is associated with ascension and becoming Universal Being

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

DNA by the Sea

I enjoyed my short visit to Shoreham-by-sea. The venue was the Healing Light Centre on East St. Do call in if you are in West Sussex. They have a variety of healers and several workshops over the next weeks and months.
I would love to live in one of the newly built properties overlooking the ocean, and wonder how the Universal Manager might bring that into being. One of the participants thought I might be visiting Shoreham again. I hope she is right. In the meantime I think i will ensure I go off on a few adventures around the South East this summer

Friday, July 15, 2005

Huna Wisdom


IKE: The world is what you think it is.

KALA: There are no limits.

MAKIA: Energy flows where attention goes.

MANAWA: Now is the moment of power.

ALOHA: To love is to be happy with.

MANA: All power comes from within.

PONO: Effectiveness is the measure of truth.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

10 Ways to promote your Blog

10 Ways to Instantly Promote your Blog for Free

1. Ping and other search engines.
When you ping a blog,you are telling the search engine that you have updated your blogcontent and that your listing should be refreshed. is ablog update notification service that many individuals and servicesuse to track blog changes. Pinging your blogs to the search enginesis the fastest way to get the search engine robots to visit yourblog. Also, many people browse these sites to find something new.

2. Submit your blog address to blog search sites and directories
.You can submit your blog's url to websites such as Technorati,Daypop, Blogdex and Popdex. For a complete list of websites whereyou can submit your url, go to

3. Set your blog to display RSS feeds and submit your blog's RSSfeed to the major RSS feed directories online. A good place to startis which provides a list of the top RSSdirectories.

4. Put your blog URL in your email signature. If you're a regularat any online discussion forum, you can also add your url to yoursignature line at the bottom of each message you post.

5. Install a blogroll.
A blogroll is a collection of links to otherweblogs. Services such as Technorati spider your links to tellwho's linking to you and who you're linking to. If you showup onsomeone's Technorati link list for their site they're likelyto visit your site to see what you said, increasing your exposure.Blog owners can also visit your site to check it out if you show upon their referral logs.

6. Be an active commenter. Try to leave comments on the blogs thatyou regularly visit. Most comment systems also provide a way for youto leave a link back to your blog which begs a visit at the veryleast

.7. If you plan to have anything printed up, put your blog's webaddress on it. You can print your blog URL on business cards,stickers, leaflets, etc.

8. Take advantage of blog software features that help to promoteyour Blog. For example, if you're using Blogger, you can do this byturning on: "Email This Post", "Post Pages" "Site feed" and theBlogger Navbar.

These features will help attract new visitors toyour blog.9. Exchange Links with other Bloggers or blog owners. This isanother effective strategy for generating targeted traffic to yourblog for free. It involves contacting other blog owners for apossible link exchange partnership. All you have to do is locateblogs that are related to yours and contact the webmaster to swaplinks.

10. Write articles or free reports for other webmasters to publish and put your blog url in the byline. The `byline' is theshort paragraph that goes at the bottom of each article anddescribes who the author is and what they do. If you write goodcontent, your articles will be published by other webmasters andmany readers who like your article will go on to visit your blog.

Copyright © 2005.
Chileshe Mwape writes for the US Banks Website: Find informative articles and news storiesabout banking and finance.. This article may be reprinted as long as all the above links are active and clickable

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Olympics and 2012

I am delighted London is hosting the 2012 Olympic Games. It will be fascinating to watch the Phoenix in action in east London. David Beckham was at his most charming on the day of the announcement. The whole Olympic bid caught my attention and I regularly transmitted Divine Will to the process and will continue to do so for the next 7 years. According to Alice Bailey, London is one of the points of entry for extra planetary energy as is new York, one of the other contenders.
As Mayan prophecy tells us 2012 promises great shifts in the collective consciousness. The games will generate a huge amount of energy in London, which will be dispersed for the higher good. Cant wait. Here's a quote to celebrate the first ray qualities of focus and persistence of the athletes

Our bodies are the instruments through which we experience life on this sweet Earth and manifest Spirit into matter. Being fully alive in our bodies is to awaken the Divine on Earth."
--Brooke Medicine Eagle