Monday, April 20, 2009

EFT helps grieving 14 year old

I read this article today and was touched by the effectiveness of EFT

Find out how to use EFT

Here is that story :#

It is about someone who, with the help of EFT, overcame 14 years of pent up grief and trauma about her father's death.

'Emily came wanting help in figuring out why she had not been in a relationship for a long time. She was an attractive woman and desperately wanted a partner and children. In the first few minutes of the session, I asked how long it had been since she was in a relationship and she replied "14 years. I've been shut-down since my father's death". This was a pretty strong clue as to where to start. Emily had tried many other modalities of treatment around her father's death and had thought that it was "handled".
However, when I asked Emily to access the memory of the day her father died she could not even get the words out without breaking down into tear. So we did a few rounds of tapping to handle the initial sadness and pain so that she could start to tell the story.

The father had died of a heart attack without warning. She had received a phone call at home from her mother and rushed across town to the scene where Ambulance (Paramedics) officers were attempting to revive her father. She was in hysterics on arrival and, at first, had been prevented from getting to her father by an Ambulance officer. Then she held his hand knowing that he had already moved on and she felt hopeless and frustrated knowing there was nothing she could do. Seeing her fathers body was a terrible shock since the body did not appear to be her father.

I explained about the movie technique and asked her to start running the movie in her mind and stop whenever intensity spiked. Although, I didn't askethe length of the movie initially, over time I learned that there were several hours over which the traumatic events had taken place.
In our initial 3-hour session there were many points in the movie where Emily completely broke down and could not speak so I would tap for her. No words or scaling were needed because she was obviously at a 10 in intensity and fully tuned into the emotion.
When she was capable of telling me a little about the parts of the movie which were intense, there were many, many different aspects that came up, for example:

Even though my father was just lying there, ...
Even though I couldn't stand the sight of his eyes rolled up in his head,...
Even though the Ambulance Office tried to keep me from my father,...
Even though I was afraid to close my fathers eyes, I deeply love and forgive myself,...
Even though I was angry at the Ambulance officer for giving up, I forgive him.
Even though I watched my father being zipped into a black bag, ...
Even though I felt so helpless that all I could do was hold his hand and pray, I accept that I was doing the best I could, and what I did was enough.
Even though I can't accept that he is gone, I know he still loves me, is with me and I still love him.
Even though I've been beating my self up with this memory, ...
Even though I've been fighting with myself to get over this memory, ..
Many tears, tissues and deep sighs later, Emily could at least describe the order of events without breaking down.
Several times during our session, I asked if she wanted to take a break but she was insistent on wanting to get through this. This strength to continue was something that, later on, she was able to be grateful to her father for instilling in her.

Because of the intensity of the work we had covered in the initial 3 hours, I suggested she give herself time to integrate the changes and come and see me again a week or so later.

Before her return visit, I followed up with a phone call to see how she was doing.
She mentioned that she had started introducing herself with a name she hadn't used for many years.
I explained that this indicated some identity shifts within her and to pay attention to what else was different.

At the start of our second visit, I asked her if we could test the movie to see if there was any further emotional intensity. I only asked her to run the movie mentally first and not try to speak about it.
Again, more points came up which we tapped on. Emily said that she was very surprised about the amount of detail that she could now recall about the events.
As a final test, I asked her to narrate the events to me from before she had got the initial phone call right through to the end. There were only a few remaining intensities of 2 or 3 left in the whole scene. Emily was amazed that she could work through the whole movie, frame-by-frame, like a movie director witnessing each scene with high levels of detail.

The second session was about 2 hours and at the end Susan looked at peace, felt no tension in her body and looked 10 years younger. So in only 5 hours we have unburdened 14 years of grief and trauma. Incredible!

While Emily is not yet in a relationship, she believes we have now handled a major stumbling block towards this goal.

want to know more about this technique /book a session with an expert /learn if for yourself

Monday, April 13, 2009

April Affluence

Allowing the Flow

In today's issue

New article on virtual reality added

Events :: Radio Show begins this month


I have added a new article by Abraham on 'Virtual Reality' here:~


Commanding Wealth Circle

April 22 nd
6.45pm start end by 8.15pm.
6 places remain. New people very welcome!

Telephone sessions also available

Creating Affluence
Radio Show with Zannie Rose
Yahoo Group
New Moon April 25th
10 am UK 3 pm ET

Go here to listen to episode 1

Creating Affluence with ZPoint Process

Make sure you download talkshoe stuff in advance so you can listen in on April 25th

More about ZPoint Process

I am also opening a new yahoo group to explore Creating Affluence, based on Deepak Chopra's Creating Affluence book
You are invited to join and take part too.
There is no fee to join and participate
Members will have access to the Deepak Chopra audio on Creating Affluence A-Z, which is posted in the files section

wishing you a most benevolent outcome from reading the newsletter

Zannie Rose

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