Allowing the Flow
Hey, have you noticed the buds and all this blossoming? I was thrilled to see the magnolias promising to come into flower any moment.
What is promising to come into flower in you life?
Sap is Rising
Let your QI Flow
Chinese medicine tells us the seasons are associated with the f elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Spring is associated with the Wood element because it symbolizes the increased energy that stimulates new growth, new beginnings..
The Wood phase exemplifies the energy of growth, change and pushing through blocks.
In nature, it is present in the greening of the land and the spring breezes that mark the change of season
Inside us, it is present in muscles that are more inclined to move more briskly outdoors, in our creativity as we have new ideas, and in our drive to start new projects. It is an active energy that allows for movement and progress, both inside and out.
If your energy is confined or misdirected into unattainable goals, it can become the energy of frustration, anger or stress. This we can do with out.
Spring is a great time to work with these blockages and get things moving in a more positive direction.
In Chinese medicine, spring and Wood are connected with the Liver/Gall Bladder system.
The Liver is said to flower in the eyes, and it also stores blood, governs emotional states, controls muscular activity including the flexibility and agility of the muscles and tendons, plays a key role in the functioning of the reproductive system, and is responsible for the smooth flow of mental and physical energy.
It also contributes to our capacity for organizing and planning, and assists all the other organ systems in functioning properly
Liver qi allows for the right movement of emotions, and has an strong connection with creativity, anger and frustration.
The Gall Bladder controls judgment and the ability to make decisions, and also influences our quality and length of sleep.
Tips to give yourself a spring clean and make the most of the season
Go outside. a gentle spring breeze can help to get your qi flowing, especially if you’re feeling stuck or stagnant. If you feel irritable, lethargic or stuck, find time for outdoor activity.
Get creative. . Any form of creative expression helps nourish and channel Wood energy .
Eat something leafy and green. Green is the colour that goes with spring, the Wood phase and the liver. Green leafy foods are especially helpful to the liver qi.
Move your body. According to Chinese medicine, the Liver stores blood during rest and releases it to the tendons and muscles in times of activity. Taking a few minutes to stretch in the morning can help you move more fluidly through your day.
Ease your eyes. The liver is said to flower into the eyes. Although all the organs have some connection to the health of the eyes, the liver is connected to proper eye function. Remember to take breaks when looking at a computer monitor and maybe do some eye exercises
Book a remote shamanic journey to get the stagnant winter chi out of your system and allow the Wood qui to flow
Sap is Rising Special
Would you like a remote shamanic journey to remove energy blocks and allow the sap to rise more freely in your life so that you may truly blossom?
Just click on the link below to book your journey and I will be in touch!
wishing you a most benevolent outcome from reading the newsletter
Zannie Rose
Align with the Divine in 2010
Next course April 25th in London
1 :1 or telephone activation sessions at a time to suit you.