Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Diwali Blessings to All

Diwali falls on the new moon -October 26th & is celebrated for five days

Hindu homes worship Lakshmi, the goddess of spiritual & material wealth and Ganesh the God of auspicious beginnings, and then light lamps in the streets and homes to welcome prosperity and well-being.

Deepavali marks the end of the harvest season in most of India. Farmers give thanks for the bounty of the year gone by, and pray for a good harvest for the year to come.

The Sikh community also celebrates Diwali

Lakshmi symbolizes wealth and prosperity, and her blessings are invoked for a good year ahead.
Today you have an opportunity to work with Zannie Rose to invoke your material and spiritual blessings too..more  on that invitation later..

There are two legends that associate the worship of Lakshmi on this day. According to the first legend, on this day, Lakshmi emerged from Kshira Sagar, the Ocean of Milk, during the great churning of the oceans .

The second legend (more popular in western India) relates to the Vamana avatar of the big three Vishnu, the incarnation he assumed to kill the demon king Bali. On this day, Vishnu came back to his abode the Vaikuntha; so those who worship Lakshmi receive the benefit of her benevolent mood, and are blessed with mental, physical and material well-being.

Lakshmi Blessing

Would you like to remove energies that have been blocking your material & spiritual wealth?

Would you like to open to receive the energy ,space and consciousness of the material and spiritual wealth from your True Unlimited Self?

Would you like to book a telephone or Skype Lakshmi Blessing session with Zannie Rose at the special price of £33 instead of £45 for a magical 45 minutes?

email zannierose@aol.com to book your appointment

wishing you Lakshmi Blessings

Zannie Rose
Conversations for Conscious Living


.Zannie Rose uses ancient & advanced techniques to remove the blocks on your path in every area of your life which means you connect with your innermost self, so that you can confidently follow your own guidance on a permanent basis.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Violet Flame is a gift from the Heart

What if The Violet Flame is a gift from the Heart

of our Father-Mother God. What if the Divine Intent of this gift is to help

Humanity transmute into Light the human miscreations we inadvertently

manifested through the misuse of our thoughts and feelings. What if  this

includes anything and everything that exists in the physical plane that is not

reflecting the love, harmony and balance of Heaven on Earth.

Would you be interested if I told you the Violet Flame is the perfect balance of the Outbreath of our Father

God, the sapphire blue Flame of Divine Will, Power and Authority and

the Inbreath of our Mother God, the crystalline pink flame of

Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration and Reverence for Life.

When the Outbreath and the Inbreath of our God Parents merge into one

rhythmic pulsating, a Violet Flame of unfathomable power  is birthed into existence.

This sacred gift of the Violet Fire has the

ability to transmute into Light every malady existing on Earth and

every electron of energy humanity has ever misqualified. From

the consciousness of our finite minds this seems too good to be true,

but the reality is that the statement doesn’t even begin to reveal the

incomparable assistance contained within this gift from our Father-

Mother God

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

DNA Activation October 2011


Small Group
nr Kensington Gardens
telephone/skype/1:1 sessions also an option.

Friday, October 07, 2011

The Violet Flame can help you rediscover, align with and realise your Divine Self

The Violet Flame can help you rediscover, align with and realise your Divine Self  by dissolving emotional blocks.

The Violet Flame can help you cleanse, balance and align your energy centres as you bathe each chakra with its gentle yet powerful energy on a regualr basis

The Violet Flame can help you raise and maintain your vibration in daily life once you make it a daily practice to call upon the Violet Flame in every day circumstances.

The Violet Flame can bring you a deeper inner knowing as you take the opportunities to make a higher choice each moment. It helps you to choose the highest thoughts and actions.

The Violet Flame can help you dissolve victim consciousness and reclaim your personal power. There is more realisation of what you can truly choose. Life seems to open up

The Violet Flame can support and encourage you as you step on to your new path of Transformation as it helps you find the courage to step into the unknown.

The Violet Flame can help you restore love for the body and realise the benefits of incarnation during these transformational times.It helps you to see what's right about embodiment that maybe you have not been getting.

The Violet Flame can help you awaken into greater love for yourself and all beings.If you feel that impulse to be a contribution to the planet, here is a wonderful tool you can put to use 24/7, for the benefit of all.

The Violet Flame can help you in becoming a conduit for a greater love as you say YES to your Vibrational Upgrade .This spitual process can help you know and Be more love.

The Violet Flame can help you decide to and discover the joy of living in the Now and can help you Trust , Believe Transform

The Violet Flame can help you dissolve old beliefs and so change your future

The Violet Flame can help you synchronise your heart and mind, to blend left and right brain awareness

The Violet Flame can help you anchor into Divinity

The Violet Flame ensures your deep cellular clearing

The Violet Flame can support and purify your physical body in its transformation

The Violet Flame can help you as you reclaim your Mastery

The Violet Flame can help you in a transformation of Self

The Violet Flame can help you with your intention of increasing consciousness in the moment

It is a wonderful spiritual technology, accessible to all. What would it take for you to learn to use it too?


Thursday, October 06, 2011


C. G. Jung defines synchronicity as a meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something other than the probability of chance is involved.

Synchronicities are delightful signs that we are living in the flow.

We notice ourselves living a magical, flowing existence where everything

we need shows up and our next step is clear. We may meet someone

who invites us to a special place we've always wanted to visit; or life brings us that opportunity we've been

yearning for; or we bump into a person we have been thinking about and they give us a piece of

information that guides us to the next important event in our lives; or the phone rings and it brings us an answer

we have been asking for.

All of us have known experiences like these that are surprising and delightful. The only ways we can explain these things are with statements like the force is with me or we imagine that angels are engaged in our lives and responsible for creating these events.

To be in the flow is much more than that. It is more than miracles, and it

is more than having an assistant in the spirit world helping to put these

events together, though of coursse, interventions by the Divine Civil Service are always welcome

It is more about us than it is them or the events themselves.

The key to being in the flow is how much we love, trust, have faith, meditate

and allow ourselves to enjoy and appreciate the life we have. Gratitude has a whole different

energy to it than frustration

. Giving, caring, expecting, celebrating, and

being passionate about something are the energy generators.

So are fear, anger, sadness, blame, and feeling like a victim.

The difference in these energy generators is in what they are creating .

What we think and what we feel generate the energy that creates our future.

If we are thinking positive thoughts and feeling good about ourselves and our lives,

we are creating an attractor field that attracts good things

Depression, anger and despair also create a force field that attracts things to us. What most of us dont grasp is that we do have a choice about the way we think and feel and this also is instrumental in what we attract.

We need to focus on moving up the emotional scale

The purpose of meditation is to give ourselves an opportunity to dis-engage from

daily life so we can enjoy some quiet time with our True Nature and be re-vitalised

and inspired.

Aligning with that inner silence where our True Nature lives creates the space between thoughts that is needed to receive the guidance from this awareness that always knows what our best next step would be.

Being in the flow requires these things:

A relationship with our True Nature/ Source for guidance to our best next step.

Taking the inspired action that is called for.

Having the faith, excitement and anticipation about what that action is eading us to, and

Gratitude for the gifts that it brings.

Our True Nature knows what is next for us because it is not separate from the Universe we are all part of. We aren't separate from each other either, but our mind functions as if we are and therefore is not in tune to the consciousness of the Universal Mind or Quantum Field

The Universal Mind is a blending of all the energies it includes, and one of the laws it runs by is Like Attracts Like. When we put out a positive energy force field we attract one back. When we dont feel good about ourselves and our lives we perpetuate this same kind of life experience by our thoughts and emotional energies.

So to create a magical life we need to become generators of positive energies. This starts with accepting that things are the way they are and that we /they did the best we/they could at the time. We may feel can't change the past, but we can change our attitude about it

A higher vibrational energy than acceptance is forgiveness. Forgiveness doesn't mean that we have forgotten the things hurt us at the time, but it means that we are ready to put let it go and look towards the future instead of living in the pain of the past.

Carrying the pain of the past and negative feelings towards those who were involved when those feelings began is a sure way to stay stuck in the past and miss the flow that is just waiting to take us into a better future.

enjoy your day


Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The London Honey Show - British Beekeepers Association (BBKA)

The London Honey Show - British Beekeepers Association (BBKA)

Becoming a Source of Light

Becoming a Source of Light

Meditation by Orin and DaBen

I take a few deep breaths in.

As I breathe in I imagine I am breathing in light

.I feel the gentle touch of light moving through me riding on my breath.

Light flows into every part of my body.

There is a perfect circulation of light within and through me.

As I breathe out I send light out to the world.

The light around me is growing.

I call my soul to me simply by having the intention to do so.

I imagine its magnificent presence surrounding me with its beautiful light.

I feel my soul's power and love.

I draw in my soul's light. It comes into every part of my being.

I am becoming radiant with my soul's light.

I transmit my soul's light to the world as it pours through me.
I call light to myself from the higher dimensions.
I think of all the high beings of light who are broadcasting light to humanity.

I open to receive all the light the Enlightened Ones are sending.
As I receive their light I affirm that I will use it for my spiritual growth and for the good of all humanity.
I draw in Solar Light the soul of the sun-- the light of beauty and oneness
. I fill myself with Solar Light.

With each breath in I draw in Solar Light and circulate it throughout my aura, my cells, and my body.
With each breath out I send Solar Light out to the world.
I am becoming a radiant source of light.
I think of the light of the stars, I imagine the light of the Pole Star, the star of direction and purpose, flowing into me.

As I fill up with this light, I now radiate this light of direction and purpose to others.

I sense more and more light radiating from me.

As I draw in light, I become a radiating source of light.

I now stay connected to the light. I automatically draw in light with every breath in.I
 think of the souls of all those who are one step behind me.
 I radiate light to them.
I think of my loved ones.

As I think of them I fill myself with light.

I transmit the light of my soul, the light of the Enlightened Ones, the Solar Light, and the light of the Pole Star to them simply by thinking of them as I call light to myself.I am radiant.

I am a source of light.

I am becoming a light that lights the way for others

what would it take for you do this meditation often and to  receive a most benevolent outcome?

contact Zannie Rose to learn more ways of playing with light