Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Golden Heart Meditation

"Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back into our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on Earth.
To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us
." ~Marianne Williamson
This heart meditation exercise is  simple, yet produces profound and powerful results. If done correctly, you'll experience a profound state of deep peace and an expansive joyful sensation in your heart that penetrates every cell and fibre of your being in a matter of minutes.
Here's how you do it.
Gently hold your attention on the space where your heart resides in your chest.
Visualize a warm golden glowing source of infinite light- like a miniature sun- has taken the place of your heart.
Take a minute to feel this golden ball of light is forming inside your chest right now.
Soon, a warm fuzzy sensation will arise in your chest.
Imagine the light from your little Sun expanding and growing stronger and brighter, creating a golden glow all around your body.
Allow your Sun to glow in such a way that it naturally creates a golden aura all around your body.

It doesn't really matter how big or small your golden sun is, the key is how long you can hold the feeling of being in constant connection with it.
The more often you randomly return your attention to this emanating infinite energy throughout your day, the more miraculous changes you could experience.

Anytime your mind wanders away from visualizing this, gently bring it back and rest in the solar feeling inside for as long as  possible
Remember whatever you focus on tends to grow, so keep your attention continuously returning to your golden infinite light which is effortlessly radiating from your chest.
The golden sun has many purposes, one of which is to lighten the emotional load you're carrying in life.
It acts like a burning ball of fire that consumes all the negativity in your life.
All the worries, anxieties and problems you have are simply pulled into this magnetic sun and dissolve.
Even though you may think this is just a visualization and its all just in your mind, there is a vibrational healing shift that happens in your body after using this meditation.

The world simply starts to feel like a more heart centered healing playground.
The more often you do this meditation, the more heart centered your life becomes.
This means that you won't lose yourself so easily in the drama and anxiety that can sneak in and take over.
The magical sun in your heart will melt through those walls of pain, resistance, fear and ingratitude that have been stopping you from truly loving your life.
With much practice you'll find everything in your life seems to work smoothly and easily.
The more you focus on and engage with this ball of light, you'll find that your breath acts like a wind channel that stokes the fire on each inhale and exhalation.
Soon this imagined light will start to hold an energy on its own and feel very real in a short time.

You don't need to force your breath into your heart space in any way, as a relaxed normal breathing pattern is the most effective.
You'll see that this sun is a very gentle calming energy, the kind of energy that makes everyone relax in the room and feel deeply loved and accepted just the way they are. With practice it will bring about more peace, love and ease in your life than ever before.
I invite you to make this golden healing heart the foundation for your day, as it will form an energy field around your body that increases your manifesting abilities and naturally deepens the intimacy connection in your relationships.
Think of this exercise as investing in your heart chakra's future!
If you feel blocked or inadequate at doing this exercise, just stop and set that thought/feeling aside.
Go outside and look at the sunset or sunrise.

Focus on the sun and imagine you're breathing the light from the real sun into your heart. It might take a few minutes before you feel anything happen, yet please be patient and trust this experience will truly work miracles in your life.
"Our mental and emotional diets determine our overall energy levels, health, and well-being to a far greater extent than most people realize. Every thought and feeling, no matter how big or small, impacts our inner energy reserves." ~ Doc Childre and Howard Martini
It's good to know that every breath you take is an opportunity to stoke the fire of your light within. A vast healing source of love is awaiting you, so do this exercise first thing in the morning and then randomly throughout your day.
 You can do your heart-warming visualization while you're eating, driving, showering, watching TV, reading emails, walking, talking on the phone or working. Each second you do it is an energetic investment that add up to minutes and soon become hours compounded.
 After a few hours of igniting your heart chakra, your life has to open up to a bliss-filled state where the mind and body begin to radiate a great light and love.
The moment you wake up tomorrow morning, before you open your eyes, bring your awareness to your heart. Don't get out of bed until your sun is burning bright where you can actually feel it glowing and radiating light at least 4 inches all around your body. Keep feeling and visualizing until sensations of warmth, lightness, easiness, expansion or perhaps a subtle feeling of release comes through you.
 Make this a 3 minute priority first thing in the morning and the glowing healing energy will continue to rise again through your day on its own accord.
You are destined for amazing things in this life.
Love is not meant to be a struggle. It is your natural state of being.

Once you can truly surrender to this great guiding force of love inside you, you will go beyond the fear-based gripping ego. True surrender is an ongoing process of releasing fear, transcending doubts, and allowing total trust, intuition and love to always guide your way. If your experience of surrender is 99.99%, then ego is still in charge.
It must be 100% in order for surrender to be real. Through deep surrender to your inner sun, it will soon have a life of it's own and eventually your work, money, health and all your relationships will become so absorbed in deep sensations of peace and loving relaxation that nothing will feel unstoppable!
Enjoy 30 Days of FREE Enlightened Messages and Manifesting Materials!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Trust your Future

Trust your Future 

When you are grateful for this very moment of your life, you fall into having a natural trust for your future. 
 When you are trusting in the future of existence, great blessings will flow your way.
 The world around you may turn upside-down, yet with trust you'll see that it is simply an entertaining play instead of a frightening nightmare. 
 With trust, you become so deeply rooted in existence that nothing can shake you. 
  This trust allows you to leave your house, adventure out into the world, and have new experiences with people that open your heart and fertilize your soul.  
 It is only with trust that you can have enriching intimate relationships that open your heart to a higher purpose, mission and love. 
 The more grateful you can be for what is here now, the easier trust effortlessly rises within you. 
  It is through trusting your future that you can see how devoted you are to your spiritual path and a master at practicing the art of letting go of control and going with the flow.

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will
never go any higher than you think."  ~Benjamin Disraeli

The best way to grow your "trust muscles" is to first consciously let go of all tension that is currently holding in your body.  Check your jaw, breath, shoulders, back and anus. 
 Notice where you are holding on the most, and ask these parts to relax, trust the process of life and let go.  They may communicate a specific memory or trauma that they are holding on to from the past.  

Just let this go and relax deeper into your heart center.
  Let any fears or walls to the energy of trust melt, and surrender to a deeper experience of letting go, more than you have in your entire life! 
  It is only when we go beyond our normal comfort zones that we make any real progress.

Trust that each experience in life is the right experience.
  This one pearl of wisdom will carry you through the most challenging of times.  Only with trust inside your heart can you feel inside your being that Grace is divinely guiding you.
  When you trust in the future, it allows you to become more sensitive, so that you can discover the most sacred and divine aspects about your self that you never knew even existed.  It is only through this sweet sensitivity to life that we can experience the source of real freedom, love and bliss. 

"What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts
build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind."  ~Gautama Buddha

Trusting your future is just like trusting anything else.  Just because you don't know what is yet to come doesn't mean you cannot trust it.
  The secret to mastering trust comes from the simply practice of learning to trust yourself.   There is always that little voice inside you that knows. 
 Your sixth sense is real, and can naturally perceive and know things that are about to happen. 
 It is the all-seeing aspect of your soul and it will forewarn you if you are listening.  The key is tuning into it on a regular basis so that you are used to hearing what is coming your way. 
 The more you practice opening your senses (being more sensitive) and quieting your mind, the easier it is to hear. The more you let go, relax and trust the guidance within, the clearer the messages from your intuitive self become.

You may be asking yourself, "How can I trust in something or someone that may not be trustworthy?"  The secret is to stop looking "out there" and start looking inside yourself.  
You are choosing trust simply because it makes you a bigger and better person.  Some may call you a fool, yet those beings may live their entire lives wrapped up in fear. 
 How do you want to look back at your life when its all over? 
 Wouldn't you rather see someone who lived in trust rather than fear? 
 The choice is always there to trust, the greatest thing of all that you can do is to learn how to trust yourself.  With this, you will never fail.

"Remember the emphasis on the heart. The mind lives in doubt and the heart lives in trust.
When you trust, suddenly you become centered." ~Osho

It is the person who constantly chooses to trust each experience knows each experience is the right experience.  This constant trusting practice will help you to grow, blossom, and become a blissfully radiant being.
  The good news is that what you have been seeking your whole life is already here.  
You are the Divine Being you are seeking. 
 All that is needed to connect with this Divine presence that is you is to quiet your mind chatter, be very very still, and listen to the silence within.

  This connection is your pathway to Trust, and your passage to freedom.
  A pure unbounded state of consciousness will shine brighter and burn through any gripping fears inside you. 
If you are challenged with trusting life or your future, do not worry.
  You can grow beyond this stage of life.  It's helpful to start with repeat trusting thoughts which calm your mind such as, "Love is all there is." or "Everything is exactly as it should be."  Give it a try! 

 Just repeat and FEEL these affirmations for 3-5 minutes before bedtime and first thing upon waking in the morning.  Check inside on a scale of 1-100 and notice where you are on your "Trust-Meter"? 

 What is causing you to not completely let go and fully trust life?  You can simply make the choice to trust in life, and you'll start to breathe in a way that is free from worry or fear.  The secret is to always be fluid, be awake, and let your light shine upon all uncertainty.  Everything is unfolding perfectly, effortlessly, and exactly as it needs to.  The Universe does not make any mistakes...ever!  Nothing is by accident.  This is a brilliant play of consciousness where you have nothing to fear.

"Feel yourself being quietly drawn by the deeper pull of what you truly love."  ~Rumi

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Kundalini Reiki and 6th Chakra Support

When the 6th chakra is alive and vibrant, these statements shine brightly in life.
Are they true for you?

Would you like to say yes to all of them?
A remote Kundalini Reiki Treatment is an excellent next step to invite infinite possibilities

I am more intuitive each day
I am inspired
I am more and more open to receiving higher soul guidance for my life
I am discerning
I allow myself to see beneath the surface of things
I am more aware of and open to my higher purpose
I am seeing and hearing my spiritual truth more clearly each day

Book your remote treatment here.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Benefits of a Clear Throat Chakra

When your throat centre is unblocked, balanced and clear you have access to the following possibilities.

I am the authority in my world 
 I am speaking my truth and supported by others 
 I am powerful and safe within my family
I am power of choice  
I am the co-creator of my life 
 I am personal authority 
 I am more centered day by day
 I am make wise choices and decisions
I am allowing others their opinions and choices and I am allowing
 I am honoured..
Book your remote Throat Clearing and Balancing today

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Positive Aspects of Solar Plexus Enhanced with remote Kundalini Reiki

Outcomes of a happy solar plexus

I am powerful
I am using my power wisely
I am deserving
I am high self-esteem
I deserve joy and happiness
I am creating my thoughts about myself and my life
I am lighthearted
I am the ability to take in the sweetness of life

I am moving forward with my life
I deserve to be
all that I can be  I am worthy of God's time and
I have value
I am fulfilled  I am myself in the present moment
My needs are as important
as others
I give myself permission to use my power

I am creating a satisfying life
I am one success after another success
I am healing
I am vibrant
I am experiencing others are interested in what I have to say
I am confident and secure
I give myself permission to be happy
all is well

I am faith
I deserve inner peace
loving others is easy when I love and accept myself
I love who I am and I assert my
power wisely
I get things done
I am relaxed
I get it done now
I am creating completion in perfect timing
I am attracting the help I need
I am love
I am positive I am open to new ways of doing things
  I am discernment
I am happiness
I am forgiving of myself and others
I am what I think I am

book your remote treatment here

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Kundalini Reiki for a Happier Solar Plexus

A remote Kundalini reiki treatment for your solar plexus chakra will focus on Releasing.....

a feeling of lack of power
a lack of physical energy
the sense that the external world has power over you
all kinds of resentments
the inability to take in sweetness
a feeling of being lonely
patterns of being miserable
the sense of being unable to move forward......
release it from every cell...

A remote Kundalini Reiki treatment will also address
the lack of courage to a risk
the inability to honor yourself.

the lack of relationship with self 
feeling dependent
can't take care of yourself self
feeling cut off from your needs
self doubt

feeling undeserving
feeling guilty
belief that  you can't be loved for you .
a deep hole inside and  trying to fill it up from the outside
fear of others thoughts about you 
without drama you will die
book your treatment today

Monday, August 18, 2014

I welcome freedom in Spirit and go forth being the Divine Self only I can be

There is a Divine sequence running throughout the Universe. A self-existent principle of life from which all else has come
The Spirit of this Infinite Life and Power are then my life by nature of divine inflow.
 I am the illustration of God itself creating, working, and ruling through the agency of a human life.

From what has gone before I know that in just the degree that we come into a conscious realization of our oneness with the Infinite Life, and open ourselves to this divine inflow, do we actualize in ourselves its qualities, means, and powers.
 As I connect with this Source, I am nurtured and inspired, relaxed and happy.
 I revel in the demonstration that I possess the spiritual magnificence of the Great One in each and every moment.
 I affirm to my own inner illumination of this authority by claiming and using it as a guide in my personal life. 
I know that as I explore every one of its ideas greater abundance and enjoyment show up in my world.

I stand fully in awe of being God's idea in human form, containing everything I need to live life fulfilled. 
I welcome freedom in Spirit  and go forth being the Divine Self only I can be. And so it is.

Remote DNA 12 Strand Activation

There is magic in your DNA.

Are you ready to have the magic hidden in your dormant DNA activated and released?

This is now a possibility wherever you live as you can arrange for a Remote DNA Activation with specialist Zannie Rose.

After  DNA 12 Strand Activation, many people have told researchers they are experiencing some of the following effects.

Please remember this feedback is subjective and you may or may not have similar outcomes. 

*  higher energy & renewed youthfulness, which means they have more vitality to approach each day

* depression lifting as old patterns are released leading to increased sense of well-being and more zest for life

* feel like shedding a truck load of personal history that has been in the way

 * improved eyesight and inner vision

 * deeper meditations, heightened perception and intuition, which enables more openness to guidance by  Higher Self

 * being more effective in work and  improved health. 

 *immune system strengthened as body begin to detoxify

* ability to identify dysfunctional patterns and to strengthen productive ones

* cells  have the ability to heal quicker

*  intra cellular communication is strengthened

* intuition, clairvoyance, and clairaudience are heightened  which enhances soul contact

 * the process of moving outside of linear time is noticed more and more.

* memory  become sharper and communication becomes  more precise

 * you  stay focused and in the moment 

 *  a better understanding of  purpose in life

* healers notice their skills are improved,  clients told a massage practitioner that she has 'magic hands'..

 *people on their path of Ascension notice an acceleration

* balances both sides of the brain more easily

Book your Remote DNA Activation today

Friday, August 15, 2014

I can bring a unique unfoldment of Light to my personal world

The magnificence of a divine Presence is witnessed everywhere I rest my gaze.
Life is the sanctified image of an Infinite Oneness. Man/woman  is a vibratory structure
of unity consciousness in the organic world of Intelligence. My divine purpose
in this material kingdom is to actively embody this Oneness and live its
unfoldment "down here".

Today I become the host of this very Presence within the design God/goddess made. By
simply intending to be the transceiver space of pure unity built into the biological
system of humankind I can bring a unique unfoldment of Light to my personal world
and to the lives of all who come before me. I shall bring the function of love into
something that can make a difference as I live this day!
 Great and glorious experiences
take place through me as I allow myself to get out of the way of this Power. 
As the law of Mind operate through me I serve as the yearning of Spirit for greater and greater expression as the One true love.

I release this Truth and give deep thanks for the privilege of dwelling in the holy sanctuary of God's /goddesses Perfection. Aligned with a Source that radiates through and as me I confidently declare: I am love, I live from love, and I give love. And so it is forevermore. Amen

 We all have 12 essential programmes that are present at birth
 These programmes are part of the etheric soul matter that is anchored
in our central column
 These twelve essential programmes are governed by the Higher Self and help you to run
 the entire human body system with ease and grace,when they are fully functioning
 Often these programmes get corrupted or deleted due to life experiences and this 
inhibits our ability to live, feel and experience life from our Higher Self.

Intuition & Divine Guidance -Essential Programme Upgrade
Reconnects your access to your  intuition and re-aligns you to divine guidance.
This is a valuable asset when choosing your next step in life.

These upgrades are done remotely and you receive a confirmation email with notes 

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Magic of Snails

I have quite a few snails that like to hang out on the walls outside my front door. Thye like the nooks and crannies as well as the open white wall....wondering about their message/reflections for my world. Progress Being Grounded Whimsy Awareness Observation Patience Expansion Residual effects Dreams Consciousness Time/phases/cycles Golden Mean Spiral of Consciousness

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Golden Fountain of Healing Light

Imagine You Are a Golden Fountain of Healing Light For the next few minutes I'd like you to explore how powerful your mind truly is... Imagine that there is an infinite source of golden light entering into the base of your spine right now. This powerful energy is being pulled up your spine with each breath you take. With every inhalation of your breath, more energy is moving up your spine and filling up your stomach, chest, back, head and limbs. Your enter body is becoming a fountain of golden healing light! Naturally and slowly it cascades out the top of your head and flows all down around your skin, covering your entire body. With every breath the light becomes brighter and more energized. Relax into this experience and allow yourself to accept a growing sense of peace within you now. Notice what changes occur inside you by placing your imagination in this creative direction. There is a power inside you which enables you to create any experience you wish to have. What does it feel like to know that you have this power right now and you'll have it every day for the rest of your life? The healing benefits from just 3 minutes of this visualization are profound. It will attract more love, health, abundance, and happiness to you! It's good to know that for the rest of today, every cell throughout your body will continue increasing in this golden healing energy continuing to grow giving you a much richer more abundant life...enjoy!

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

G is for Gazelle.

I have been pursuing my interest in shamanic healing for nearly 20 years. I completed a soul retrieval training in 1996 and feel very blessed to be following my calling with people all over the world. I have been captured by the qualities of different animals too. Do you know your power animal? I wonder if it is a gazelle?. Working with their essence could be very powerful. Gazelle Essence-- Provides support for facing one's vulnerability and for learning the strength of healthy vulnerability. For feeling safe in the world. Supports one in becoming keenly aware of what is going on in one's surroundings, and helps one to develop a highly tuned sense of alertness and awareness. For moving through the world in a gentle yet confident way. I love to watch gazelles leaping ..would love to see them live. if you would like Zannie Rose to journey to discover your power animal.

Monday, April 07, 2014

F is for Fun

I had hoped it would be fun to write a post daily for the A-Z blog challenge, and it is. I came across someone talking about 'amusing' and 'what is amusing about this' and at first I had some resistance to this. If someone finds something amusing it has a slight edge of superiority to it..IMO- but I chose to keep with the word and to notice how it unfolds. I prefer the energy of the word 'fun' and might prefer to ask 'how much fun can this be' and to notice what shows up. How much more fun can the A-Z blog challenge be? How much more fun can I have today?

Saturday, April 05, 2014

E is for Effortless

Effortless- I love that word, the feel and the flow of it. Much nicer than the Protestant Work Ethic with which I was programmed at home and at school. Now, how does Effortless feel to you today? I discovered a Chi Kung class last week and went along to my first class last night. I used to do Tai Chi, so it was great to find out how effortless is the flow of Chi when allowing the body to enjoy being effortless flow

Thursday, April 03, 2014

D is for Dancer

I recently joined a choir. I was attracted by the kinds of songs...rock, pop and Motown. In the repetoire they have Bruno Mars, ''Just The Way You Are'', which is one of my favourite songs at the moment. Every autumn I look forward to 'Strictly Come Dancing ' and enjoyed Harry Judd enormously. He won in 2011. Can you imagine my delight when I saw a clip of him practising to my favourite song recently. Think I will have a look on youtube to see if the full dance routine is there. Yes- it is...and get a load of that apple green dress and its undulating feathers. Creative types love to experience DNA 12 Strand Activation. I once worked with someone who was in the process of expanding his work with music and moving from the safe confines of a regular job to doing and being what he truly loved.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

C for 'chiaroscuro'

C is for 'chiaroscuro'. I loved this word when I first came across it years ago. It is Italian and means light and shade. I have been thinking about it for a few days because of a prompt word from a writing group I go to. Lightshade was one of the 5 words we had to incorporate in our story. Lightshade meaning lampshade did not inspire anything but lightshade as in light and shade did- it led me back to 'chiaroscuro'. I put the word into google, like you do and it took me to a short piece about Caravaggio and so I invested a few moments looking more closely at a couple of examples of his work. Depicting light on canvas fascinates me and I relish the work of artists who have the talent to do this. Merriam Webster online dictionary also gave extra definitions of the term , including 'in the shadows', and that gave me an extra image for the possibility of my story including a figure in the shadows. This character feels male, yet if I consider another word used by Merriam Webster 'veiled ' a female character might join the cast. At least I have a setting to begin writing- the Uffizi in Florence. I wonder how this will unfold.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

B is for Beach

delighted to see that work has started on mending the bank of the river that seemed to be taking over the beach. We can now walk across the little bridge and the temporary, wobbly stepping stones have gone. The sand is also returning so visitors will have something to sit on this summer. delighted to see that work has started on mending the bank of the river that seemed to be taking over the beach. We can now walk across the little bridge and the temporary, wobbly stepping stones have gone. The sand is also returning so visitors will have something to sit on this summer.

A-Z Blogging Challenge - A is for Activation

Many people wonder what DNA Activation entails. I have not written much about it as I noticed that people would discover my website and just know that DNA Activation was for them, or they had researched DNA Activation and chose me to work with. I have been performing Activation of latent DNA Strands for over ten years. The first time was during an ascension study group when I led the group in a guided visualisation to activate their DNA and was shown an elegant and effective spiritual technique to do this by the Ascended Masters .I felt very blessed to be shown this and continue to include it in the Activation session to this day. I offered the work in groups and one day a young man who was present kept getting up to leave the room. After the 3rd time he left I asked him what the matter was. He explained that he was feeling sick so I asked him if I could look at the issue with my inner eye. He agreed and I perceived that in a previous life he had made vows which restricted his freedom to grow in consciousness so , with his agreement, I removed these vows and he felt much more at ease with the opportunities inherent within the Activation. Since that insight I have always included a Vows Clearing section in both group, individual and telephone sessions. I often perceive scrolls being released from people's auric field, or chains being broken. People often experience tingles, lightness and a sense of expansion when this is completed on their behalf.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Releasing Attachment Visualisation

I invite you to do this exercise before you go to bed tonight and when you wake up tomorrow morning. Imagine in your right hand is a deflated pink balloon attached to a string. Hold the string in your right hand and start blowing all your attachments, problems, issue, and worries into this large balloon. You have a magical breath that can breathe the thing (or thought) you are attached to right out of your body. The more attachments you put in, the lighter the balloon becomes. When you have emptied yourself completely, the balloon automatically closes its valve and you let go of the string. The balloon begins to drift up into the sky. Watch it move far away from your life. In the areas of your body where you released the attachments, breathe in a warm golden-white light. Notice that sense of relief and lightness in your body now that it is free from all attachments, worries and concerns. Take a few moments after you have done this exercise to meditate on the idea that you are infinite, eternal, and will never die. Return to this awareness throughout your day and you'll experience a tremendous shift in your ability to create the life you desire.

Monday, March 24, 2014

A-Z Blog Challenge

I am feeling inspired and creative this morning and love the idea of blogging with a new letter each day. What are the infinite possibilities?