Tuesday, April 08, 2014
G is for Gazelle.
I have been pursuing my interest in shamanic healing for nearly 20 years. I completed a soul retrieval training in 1996 and feel very blessed to be following my calling with people all over the world.
I have been captured by the qualities of different animals too. Do you know your power animal? I wonder if it is a gazelle?.
Working with their essence could be very powerful.
Gazelle Essence-- Provides support for facing one's vulnerability and for learning the strength of healthy vulnerability. For feeling safe in the world. Supports one in becoming keenly aware of what is going on in one's surroundings, and helps one to develop a highly tuned sense of alertness and awareness. For moving through the world in a gentle yet confident way.
I love to watch gazelles leaping ..would love to see them live.
if you would like Zannie Rose to journey to discover your power animal.
Monday, April 07, 2014
F is for Fun
I had hoped it would be fun to write a post daily for the A-Z blog challenge, and it is.
I came across someone talking about 'amusing' and 'what is amusing about this' and at first I had some resistance to this. If someone finds something amusing it has a slight edge of superiority to it..IMO- but I chose to keep with the word and to notice how it unfolds.
I prefer the energy of the word 'fun' and might prefer to ask 'how much fun can this be' and to notice what shows up.
How much more fun can the A-Z blog challenge be?
How much more fun can I have today?
Saturday, April 05, 2014
E is for Effortless
Effortless- I love that word, the feel and the flow of it. Much nicer than the Protestant Work Ethic with which I was programmed at home and at school.
Now, how does Effortless feel to you today?
I discovered a Chi Kung class last week and went along to my first class last night. I used to do Tai Chi, so it was great to find out how effortless is the flow of Chi when allowing the body to enjoy being effortless flow
Thursday, April 03, 2014
D is for Dancer
I recently joined a choir. I was attracted by the kinds of songs...rock, pop and Motown. In the repetoire they have Bruno Mars, ''Just The Way You Are'', which is one of my favourite songs at the moment.
Every autumn I look forward to 'Strictly Come Dancing ' and enjoyed Harry Judd enormously. He won in 2011. Can you imagine my delight when I saw a clip of him practising to my favourite song recently. Think I will have a look on youtube to see if the full dance routine is there.
Yes- it is...and get a load of that apple green dress and its undulating feathers.
Creative types love to experience DNA 12 Strand Activation. I once worked with someone who was in the process of expanding his work with music and moving from the safe confines of a regular job to doing and being what he truly loved.
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
C for 'chiaroscuro'
C is for 'chiaroscuro'. I loved this word when I first came across it years ago. It is Italian and means light and shade.
I have been thinking about it for a few days because of a prompt word from a writing group I go to. Lightshade was one of the 5 words we had to incorporate in our story.
Lightshade meaning lampshade did not inspire anything but lightshade as in light and shade did- it led me back to 'chiaroscuro'. I put the word into google, like you do and it took me to a short piece about Caravaggio and so I invested a few moments looking more closely at a couple of examples of his work.
Depicting light on canvas fascinates me and I relish the work of artists who have the talent to do this. Merriam Webster online dictionary also gave extra definitions of the term , including 'in the shadows', and that gave me an extra image for the possibility of my story including a figure in the shadows. This character feels male, yet if I consider another word used by Merriam Webster 'veiled ' a female character might join the cast.
At least I have a setting to begin writing- the Uffizi in Florence. I wonder how this will unfold.
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
B is for Beach
delighted to see that work has started on mending the bank of the river that seemed to be taking over the beach. We can now walk across the little bridge and the temporary, wobbly stepping stones have gone. The sand is also returning so visitors will have something to sit on this summer.
delighted to see that work has started on mending the bank of the river that seemed to be taking over the beach. We can now walk across the little bridge and the temporary, wobbly stepping stones have gone. The sand is also returning so visitors will have something to sit on this summer.
A-Z Blogging Challenge - A is for Activation
Many people wonder what DNA Activation entails. I have not written much about it as I noticed that people would discover my website and just know that DNA Activation was for them, or they had researched DNA Activation and chose me to work with.
I have been performing Activation of latent DNA Strands for over ten years. The first time was during an ascension study group when I led the group in a guided visualisation to activate their DNA and was shown an elegant and effective spiritual technique to do this by the Ascended Masters .I felt very blessed to be shown this and continue to include it in the Activation session to this day.
I offered the work in groups and one day a young man who was present kept getting up to leave the room. After the 3rd time he left I asked him what the matter was. He explained that he was feeling sick so I asked him if I could look at the issue with my inner eye. He agreed and I perceived that in a previous life he had made vows which restricted his freedom to grow in consciousness so , with his agreement, I removed these vows and he felt much more at ease with the opportunities inherent within the Activation.
Since that insight I have always included a Vows Clearing section in both group, individual and telephone sessions. I often perceive scrolls being released from people's auric field, or chains being broken. People often experience tingles, lightness and a sense of expansion when this is completed on their behalf.
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