Saturday, January 31, 2015

What is Belief and why does it matter?

A belief is a composite view or mindset that consists of a set of ideas or assumptions, theories we assume to be true.
The belief you hold may be implicit and underlying expressed through our attitude and behaviour shaped by early conditioning – what we witnessed and observed in our families and internalized growing up as impressionable and dependent children; or what we absorbed from books, teachers or peers we admired and respected - or even feared.
A belief can also come from a direct experience – an inner experience, insight, realization – a knowing that’s helped us make sense of or give meaning to our world. Many of our disempowering and limiting beliefs are often shaped through compare and contrast thinking, for example:

I see myself as fat and unattractive  when I compare myself to the models and celebrities that on billboards and in those endless fashion magazines.
I think of myself as uninspired and uncreative when I compare myself to the great artists of all time.
I believe I’ll never succeed in life. I don’t know what I have to offer anyone so I won’t bother even trying.

Beliefs that limit or empower are memory circuits or loops that are based on past events and triggered by association that the brain assumes to be objectively true.
We assume, for instance, that gravity is a real force and exists no matter what.
However, when we pause to reflect and consider outer space, we know this assumed fact not to be true. Your mental paradigm or belief structure provides you with an inner frame or context that helps gives meaning and context to your life.
Observing your thoughts and behaviours shed light on your underlying hidden beliefs which either limit or empower you.
Releasing out-dated, limiting beliefs and replacing them with beliefs you choose is an empowering process that the DNA Activation process  facilitates. It can be challenging, if not impossible to realize on one’s own as the beliefs we hold form neural circuits or mental grooves with deep structural connections.
In the DNA Activation telephone session you will experience a process that balances your energy and begins to dissolve unhelpful beliefs.
It is a simple yet potent process that you take away with so you can continue to apply it as  you choose to book your session

Thursday, January 29, 2015

You Are the Source

You Are the Source


As I breathe in,I relax my body.
I am growing calm and peaceful.
My mind is clear and alert.
I let go of any thoughts of the day,and let myself be present in the moment,my point of power.
I now affirm, "I am the source of my abundance."
"I can create whatever I want."
"I have everything within me to create what I want."

I think of somethingI wanted that I got.
I recall my positive thoughtsand inner knowing thatI could create this
.I know that my thoughts,pictures, feelings, and my intention create what I want.

I now think of something I want to create.
I now link with the unlimited abundance of myhigher self and soul.
I open to receive the unlimited richesof the universe.
I picture this thing or event coming to me,even better than I have imagined.

I believe in my ability to create what I want as I link with my soul, my higher self, and with the abundant universe I am a part of.

I draw this to me through following my joy,through listening to my inner thoughts,and through holding positive pictures of my receiving this.

I am the source of my abundance through my ability to link with my soul and higher self,through my ability to picture and imagine,and through my trust in the universe and in myself.

by orin and daben

my mind is connected with an infinite Mind

Knowing that I am a center in the one Universal Mind, I speak only words of spiritual truth. I affirm with my spoken word that I am always guided to my greater good and that all is well in my life.

Today, as I touch the deep levels of my being, I discover peace and calm there. Recognizing the divine presence as the truth of who I am, I flow gently in a conscious awareness of oneness.

Knowing that my mind is connected with an infinite Mind to which all things are possible, I recognize my capacity to accomplish great things. Spirit in, as, and through me works miracles.

I see beyond the appearance of disease or illness or any physical imperfection that I have accepted up to now; instead, I see only the truth of my wholeness and perfection. I accept it.

I choose to travel light in my life, taking from the past nothing but the enlightenment I gain from it. I let go of false ideas of limitation and imperfection, knowing that I am one with the Infinite.

The sorrow I feel as a result of a loss is a healing part of my journey, and I acknowledge it. I open my heart to the loving presence of Something that always abides with me. I am comforted.

Recognizing my oneness with the infinite life of Spirit, I let go of limiting patterns of thinking. I now realize that I am free every moment to renew my life by renewing my thinking, and I do so.

I view all that happens in my life as a blessing. Praising every condition and circumstance as Spirit guiding me toward a higher good, I gratefully let the universe reveal to me this good.

I hear the call to adventure and am willing to respond. Knowing that I am the hero in the journey of my life, I commit to going forth and bringing to the world the special gifts I have to give.

Knowing that Spirit within me always supports me in attaining the goal I desire, I release any barriers that I have allowed to keep me from attaining it. I gratefully accept my blessing

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


what if by activating the DNA we can begin existing in the fifth dimension more and more as we have more capacity to invite more spiritual Light into the body and raise our vibration into alignment with our Being?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A mind that is concentrated on a positive thought has the power to increase the likelihood that the positive thought will materialize in the world of events. The most successful people in the world are those who hold in mind the highest good of all concerned, including themselves. They know that there is a win-win solution to every problem. They are at peace with themselves, which allows them to be supportive of the potential and success of others. They do work which they love, and so they feel continually inspired and creative. They do not seek happiness; they have discovered that happiness is a by-product of doing what they love. A feeling of personal fulfillment comes naturally from their positive contribution to the lives of others, including family, friends, groups, and the world at large.
(Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender)
Did you know that DNA Activatio can assist in letting go of negative thoughts that make positive thoughts easier to maintain.
book yours today

Sunday, January 25, 2015

"You are the Supreme Reality

"You are the Supreme Reality - all there is. 
Just trust and remember that. 
Wisdom lies in never forgetting the Self, the Supreme Absolute as the ever-present Source of both the experiencer and the experience. 
I am beyond consciousness and so in consciousness I cannot say what I am. 
Yet I am... Let go of the idea that you are not aware of yourself as the ever-present, changeless inexpressible Reality. 
Just let go
When you want nothing, seek nothing, expect nothing, then the Supreme State will come to you uninvited and unexpected.
 Stop making use of your mind and see what happens.
 Do this one thing thoroughly.
 That is all."
~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Saturday, January 03, 2015

spiritual mind treatment for health

The Truth of me is birthless, ageless, deathless. I am Spirit in human form. All the attributes I have given to the Source of All, are within me, just as all the components of the ocean are in the individual drops of water.
Today I choose to swim in the consciousness of the I AM. I AM is everything. It is infinitely intelligent and unconditionally loving. It is Life Itself. I consciously breathe this Life into me, and feel It mix with Life within me. Each breath I take is a healing breath. Each thought I think from the I AM is a powerful thought.
I declare I AM health. Every fibre of my being on every level is an expression of Divine Health. All the atoms making up the cells of my body are radiating Divine Life. This radiation moves through me, nurturing me, blessing me, filling me with the conscious awareness that all is well.
I celebrate this Truth with each breath I take today, remembering it is the Divine Breath that is breathing me.
Gratefully I release this word into the Law of Mind, knowing it is already done. And so It is.