Friday, February 27, 2015
Enlightenment Meditation
I take a moment to adjust my posture and to sit in a comfortable position.
I relax my jaw and the muscles around my eyes.
I release any tension in my arms and shoulders.
As I relax my body I feel more peaceful, aware, and in touch with my inner being.
I take a few deep breaths in, relaxing at an even deeper level as I do.
My soul and higher self join me now.
They transmit light to me.
I open to receive light and energy coming from my higher self and soul
I let their light come down through the top of my head, through my crown centre
. My soul and higher self are transmitting energy to me to awaken my head centre.
I allow the light to flow from my head center into my mind and brain, stimulating my mind to higher ideas and my brain to awaken the genius capacity within me.
Light from my soul and higher self is now flowing into my third eye, I allow my inner vision to grow clearer. The veils of illusion are lifting
.My capacity to see and to know truth is expanding. I am awakening to the unlimited being I am.
I receive light from my higher self and soul into the DNA in the center of my cells, preparing me to evolve at a cellular level.
I release any beliefs that are standing in the way of my spiritual growth and enlightenment.
I embrace those thoughts and beliefs that lead me toward my path of enlightenment, knowing that as I become enlightened am able to be of greater service to humanity.
I now believe that I can become enlightened in this lifetime.
I believe I can grow through joy rather than through struggle.
I believe I can grow easily and instantly I focus on my spiritual growth.
I know that energy spent on my spiritual growth comes back to me multiplied.
I now make a commitment to my spiritual growth. I make it a priority in my life
.Everything I do is an opportunity to grow spiritually, to spread love, and to make a contribution. .
Every action I take provides me with an opportunity to put light, harmony, order, and love into the universe around me.
Every event that happens provides me with an opportunity to act in the highest way I have ever acted and occurs to bring out the best in me.
I affirm that I will reach my highest potential in this lifetime.
by Orin and DaBen
''the threshold of your own mind.”
man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in
the dawning of your knowledge. The teacher who walks in the shadow of
the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of
his faith and his lovingness. If he is indeed wise he does not bid you
enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of
your own mind.”
Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Saturday, February 21, 2015
there are no beginnings or endings
In Reality, there are no events;
there are no beginnings or endings. The backdrop is silent, still, and
undisturbed by the movie. One’s reality is the context and not the
content. The oneness of life appears to perception as multitudinous.
What makes the appearances of the world seem real is a projection of the
radiance of the Self. The movie itself has no intrinsic reality as
perceived. The actual locus of the sense of realness lies totally within
consciousness as subjectivity. Even if there were such a thing as an
independent, objective reality, it would only be knowable because of
one’s internal subjectivity.
Along the Path to Enlightenment- D Hawkins
Along the Path to Enlightenment- D Hawkins
Monday, February 16, 2015
Always we hope
Always we hope
someone else has the answer.
some other place will be better,
some other time it will all turn out.
This is it.
no one else has the answer.
no other place will be better,
and it has already turned out.
At the center of your being
you have the answer;
you know who you are
and you know what you want.
There is no need
to run outside
for better seeing.
Nor to peer from a window.
Rather abide at the center of your being;
for the more you leave it, the less you learn.
Search your heart
and see
the way to do
is to be.
--Lao Tzu
no one else has the answer.
no other place will be better,
and it has already turned out.
At the center of your being
you have the answer;
you know who you are
and you know what you want.
There is no need
to run outside
for better seeing.
Nor to peer from a window.
Rather abide at the center of your being;
for the more you leave it, the less you learn.
Search your heart
and see
the way to do
is to be.
--Lao Tzu
Daily Declarations with Source
I am one with Source. I am one with beauty, grace, creativity and abundance. I am the emanation of Source. I am that I am.
I know my true self is Source-given and cannot be denied. I take time daily to honour my Self and listen to my inner voice
I am the place where heaven meets Earth. I speak my word and create from a place of joy, grace and love. I affirm only the highest and the best. Yes, heaven is at hand right now.
I choose to see only grace, beauty, peace and joy. I see Source expressed in all things.
I effortlessly surrender to the Source of all being. In effortless this surrender, I am guided and directed to my greatest yet-to-be. I am grateful.
I am successful in all I do. I celebrate my accomplishments. I rejoice in this day. All is well.
I am the joy of Source. I am the light of Creator. Joyfully, I share my gifts and talents with the world.
I know my true self is Source-given and cannot be denied. I take time daily to honour my Self and listen to my inner voice
I am the place where heaven meets Earth. I speak my word and create from a place of joy, grace and love. I affirm only the highest and the best. Yes, heaven is at hand right now.
I choose to see only grace, beauty, peace and joy. I see Source expressed in all things.
I effortlessly surrender to the Source of all being. In effortless this surrender, I am guided and directed to my greatest yet-to-be. I am grateful.
I am successful in all I do. I celebrate my accomplishments. I rejoice in this day. All is well.
I am the joy of Source. I am the light of Creator. Joyfully, I share my gifts and talents with the world.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
what is good for you is good for me
In this interconnected universe, every improvement we make in
our private world improves the world at large for everyone. We all float
on the collective level of consciousness of mankind so that any
increment we add comes back to us. We all add to our common buoyancy by
our efforts to benefit life. What we do to serve life automatically
benefits all of us because we are all included in that which is life. We
are life. It’s a scientific fact that “what is good for you is good for
Along the Path to Enlightenment
Along the Path to Enlightenment
Friday, February 13, 2015
lovingness engenders love
Fears are eliminated by graceful acceptance of the qualities inherent in the human condition, which brings to awareness the comforting realization that one’s discomforts are shared equally by all. This results in a healing compassion toward all life. To become loving brings an end to the fear of loss of love, for lovingness engenders love wherever it goes.
Along the Path to Enlightenment -D Hawkins
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Wisdom Meditation
I take a deep, easy breath in.
I imagine myself growing calmer.
My mind is clear and alert.
I put down any burdens I have been carrying.
My shoulders feel lighter. I ask my higher self to join me.
It comes to me and showers me with love.
My heart center grows radiant with the love of my higher self.
Love flows out from my heart to everyone around me. My capacity for compassion and love for myself and others is growing.
My higher self stimulates my third eye, located in an area between my eyebrows.
I begin to see life through the loving, wise eyes of my higher self and soul.
My higher self sends energy down into my head center.
I blend my mind with the mind of my higher self simply by imagining that I am doing so.
The wisdom of my higher self flows into my mind and thoughts.
I link my heart center, my third eye, and my head center.
I awaken to my inner wisdom. I open to see through the eyes of wisdom.
I feel through the love of wisdomWith this gift of wisdom I am aware of my truth.
I am my own authority. I know what is best for me and my life.
I go by the wisdom of my true self in how I live my life.I think of an area where I have turned my authority over to another.
I now follow and trust my own wisdom in this area.
As I look through the wise eyes of my higher self I open to see the larger picture of my life.
I trust that everything that happens is for my higher good, even if I don't always understand why at the time.
I pick a situation in my life to look at through the eyes of my higher self.
With this expanded vision, I am able to see some of the good that is coming out of this situation and the soul qualities this situation is developing in me.
I act from wisdom. I stop, take time to reflect, and reach upward to my higher self for direction.I know that what I create in this way comes from a wiser, higher part of myself and will bring me my higher good.As I blend my mind with the mind of my higher self, I know what is important in my life and what is not.
I focus my time and energy on the areas of my life where there is light and joy, and thus increase those experiences in my life. I am wise about where I put my time. I now put my time and energy into people and projects that are on my path.The activities I do contribute to my sense of well-being. I now bring something new into my life that adds to my self of well-being.I stop putting my energy and time into those things that are not on my path and that take away from my sense of aliveness.
I spend time with people with whom I feel loved, nurtured, and uplifted.
I live in a loving, supportive environment.
I radiate love to everyone. I am growing wiser everyday.
I am linked with the mind of my higher self, and the connection is growing stronger
Healing the Heart
Self Assessment
*Are you aware of emotional memories you still need to heal?
*Have you been thinking it might be time to address the relationships that require healing?
*Do you ever use your emotional wounds to control people or situations?
*Have you allowed yourself to be controlled by the wounds of another?
*Are you willing to change that?
*Do you have some fears about it being painful to become emotionally healthy?
*Do you associate emotional health with no longer needing an intimate relationship?
*Is it too hard to forgive?
*Do you know who the people are you need to forgive?
*Are you willing to heal your wounds in order to open yourself to more loving relationships?
*Would you like your heart healing journey to be graceful and flowing?
*Is it time to say yes to more love in your relationships and in your life?
plenty of yeses?
Contact Zannie to discover where to go next
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Becoming a Source of Light
I take a few deep breaths in.
As I breathe in I imagine I am breathing in light
I feel the gentle touch of light moving through me riding on my breath.Light flows into every part of my body.
There is a perfect circulation of light within and through me.
As I breathe out I send light out to the world.
The light around me is growing.
I call my soul to me simply by having the intention to do so.
I imagine its magnificent presence surrounding me with its beautiful light.
I feel my soul's power and love.
I draw in my soul's light. It comes into every part of my being.
I am becoming radiant with my soul's light.
I transmit my soul's light to the world as it pours through me.
I call light to myself from the higher dimensions.
I think of all the high beings of light who are broadcasting light to humanity.
I open to receive all the light the Enlightened Ones are sending.
As I receive their light I affirm that I will use it for my spiritual growth and for the good of all humanity.
I draw in Solar Light the soul of the sun-- the light of beauty and oneness
I fill myself with Solar Light.
With each breath in I draw in Solar Light and circulate it throughout my aura, my cells, and my body.
With each breath out I send Solar Light out to the world.
I am becoming a radiant source of light.
I think of the light of the stars, I imagine the light of the Pole Star, the star of direction and purpose, flowing into me.
As I fill up with this light, I now radiate this light of direction and purpose to others.I sense more and more light radiating from me.
As I draw in light, I become a radiating source of light.
I now stay connected to the light. I automatically draw in light with every breath in.I think of the souls of all those who are one step behind me. I radiate light to them.I think of my loved ones.
As I think of them I fill myself with light.
I transmit the light of my soul, the light of the Enlightened Ones, the Solar Light, and the light of the Pole Star to them simply by thinking of them as I call light to myself.I am radiant.
I am a source of light.
I am becoming a light that lights the way for others
do this meditation often
contact Zannie Rose to learn more ways of playing with light
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Cutting Cords
A Liberating Goodbye
In every relationship, people are constantly exchanging energy that can become a chord connecting two people.
This energetic cord forms just below the breastbone and can remain long after a relationship has ended. This unbroken cord may leave an open channel between you and another person, through which emotions and energy can continue to flow.
If you are unaware that the chord exists, it is easy to feel the other person's emotions and mistakenly think that they are yours.
Besides the fact that this can limit the amount of closure you can experience in a relationship, letting this cord remain intact can leave you with a continued sense of sadness while creating feelings of lethargy as your own energy is sapped from you.
Cutting the cord can help you separate yourself from old baggage, unnecessary attachments, and release you from connections that are no longer serving you. Finding and cutting unwanted cords is a simple, gentle process that is best done alone and when you are relaxed. It is important that you are strong in your intention to release the chord between you and someone else.
To begin, breathe deeply and perform a simple centering meditation. When you are ready, visualize or sense the chords that are connecting you to other people. Run your fingers through the cords to separate them until you find the cord you wish to sever. There is no need to worry, because the chord you need to sever will feel just right. When you have found it, determine where the cut should be made and then visualize the cord being cleanly cut. If you need assistance, Archangel Michael can be called upon to help you with his sword. Afterwards, if you feel that cutting the chord has left spaces in your energy field, then visualize those spaces being filled with healing sunlight.
There may be times where cutting a cord can help free a relative or loved one to reach new stages of growth. You're not severing a relationship, but you are severing the chords that are no longer serving you both. At other times, a cord may simply refuse to be cut because it is still serving a higher purpose. It is also important to remember that cutting a cord with someone is not a replacement for doing your emotional work with people. It can, however, be an enactment of that work upon its completion.
In any case, cutting a relationship cord should always be viewed as a positive and nurturing act. By cutting the cords that no longer need to be there, you are setting yourself and others free from the ties that bind.
(Daily Om)
In every relationship, people are constantly exchanging energy that can become a chord connecting two people.
This energetic cord forms just below the breastbone and can remain long after a relationship has ended. This unbroken cord may leave an open channel between you and another person, through which emotions and energy can continue to flow.
If you are unaware that the chord exists, it is easy to feel the other person's emotions and mistakenly think that they are yours.
Besides the fact that this can limit the amount of closure you can experience in a relationship, letting this cord remain intact can leave you with a continued sense of sadness while creating feelings of lethargy as your own energy is sapped from you.
Cutting the cord can help you separate yourself from old baggage, unnecessary attachments, and release you from connections that are no longer serving you. Finding and cutting unwanted cords is a simple, gentle process that is best done alone and when you are relaxed. It is important that you are strong in your intention to release the chord between you and someone else.
To begin, breathe deeply and perform a simple centering meditation. When you are ready, visualize or sense the chords that are connecting you to other people. Run your fingers through the cords to separate them until you find the cord you wish to sever. There is no need to worry, because the chord you need to sever will feel just right. When you have found it, determine where the cut should be made and then visualize the cord being cleanly cut. If you need assistance, Archangel Michael can be called upon to help you with his sword. Afterwards, if you feel that cutting the chord has left spaces in your energy field, then visualize those spaces being filled with healing sunlight.
There may be times where cutting a cord can help free a relative or loved one to reach new stages of growth. You're not severing a relationship, but you are severing the chords that are no longer serving you both. At other times, a cord may simply refuse to be cut because it is still serving a higher purpose. It is also important to remember that cutting a cord with someone is not a replacement for doing your emotional work with people. It can, however, be an enactment of that work upon its completion.
In any case, cutting a relationship cord should always be viewed as a positive and nurturing act. By cutting the cords that no longer need to be there, you are setting yourself and others free from the ties that bind.
(Daily Om)
Monday, February 09, 2015
Secrets to Mastering Your Mind
Secrets to Mastering Your Mind
"Do not rely on your mind for liberation. Go beyond it altogether. Be aware of being aware. Broaden and deepen the field of awareness. You are beyond space and time, uncaused, the very matrix of existence, the Supreme Absolute... the Source of being, life and consciousness." ~Nisargadatta
You may be more busy and distracted than you realize or even want to admit. The mind tends to get fixated on thoughts about your survival, as it keeps itself occupied with getting all those ever so important things done so you can remain happy, successful, loved, at peace and free. The mind tends to form habitual ways of thinking which give you a sense of security in life and can experience yourself as you and not someone else. If you only had brand new and original unique thoughts all day long and all life long, you probably wouldn't have any clue about who or what you are. So there are many positive and negative aspects to repetitive thinking patterns, yet this is not what creates the suffering you experience in your life. It's the lack of stillness, silence and total quietness of mind where all of life's apparent problems can be found.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie to include you in her daily cleaning practices.
Most people say that they just don't have the time to relax, meditate or sit still and do nothing. They are too busy, too worried, too hooked into their desires to get everything done that needs to get done so they don't feel even more stressed, overwhelmed and more tired tomorrow. If this sounds like you on any level, my advice is that if you ever want to get out of the rat race, you have to stop thinking like a rat. You will need to entice your mind to step completely out of its busy comfort zone, and start slowing everything down. If you ever want to win this insane rat running race, you have to slow down.
It may seem preposterous, illogical, and that you'll only fall far behind, yet do you remember who won the race between the tortoise and the hare? The hare fell asleep because he was so tired, and then missed the entire journey while the tortoise slowly strolled on by.
Perhaps the most essential and vital foundation to lay down before you attempt to find this omnipresent silence inside you, is knowing about the background of thoughts, beliefs and programs that are playing out in your subconscious mind. This deeper mind is a bit more difficult to hear than the incessant chattering noise in the head, yet its always there. Its there just like all the things in your basement and storage closet are there even though you don't see them everyday.
You cannot know what is hiding in your basement until you go down there to look. It will never be cleaned and organized unless you make it your #1 priority, as if the fulfillment of your entire life depended on it. The devotion to unraveling yourself is huge and will pay off for many years to come! This is why I'm urging you now to start the process of slowing everything down, just so that one day you can make it down to the very bottom basement floor and see exactly what has been stored away in your deepest subconscious programming.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily. You can also arrange for Zannie to include you in her daily cleaning practices.
Sunday, February 08, 2015
the Self in the Heart
Why hanker for security? Life is insecure in its very nature,
hence it is simple logic: those who want to be more alive, they have to
live in insecurity. The greater the insecurity, the more will be your
aliveness." ~Osho
Each one of us naturally carries a deep and sacred clarity about ourselves and our world. We were born with a crystal clear perception of life that has no judgments nor any limiting beliefs.
However, through the years this innate understanding became clouded by others judgments, opinions and misperceptions.
Habitual thinking patterns soon developed that were embedded with assumptions, societal beliefs, and countless stories about what limited and powerless human beings we really are.
With all of this misunderstanding, the mind could assume that this whole world was unjust, and that human interactions were a constant struggle we all just had to deal with to survive.
The habit of unclear seeing can be so cloudy that you don't realize you've got it
. If you feel that you're in a whirlpool of challenges and have been suffering on any level for weeks or months, you will want to break out of this spinning bowl of limited thinking and simply return to your greatest truth.
Your greatest truth is that which liberates you on the deepest level and causes your life to overflow with joy and ease.
It is your most natural state of being that has the taste of unbounded freedom!
When we can clearly know our truth and feel what is exactly going on within our heart, we become aligned with our soul's mission and feel a deep aliveness bubbling up from within.
The truth brings us into the experience of "divine alignment" with the whole Universe, where every day feels like you're floating down a fun effortless river made of milk and honey.
My invitation for you today just might be the most radical and challenging task you've ever received in your life.
The action in itself is one that any child could easily conquer, yet for a mature adult it may bring you down to your knees. Its only for those who want to become unstoppably successful in every area of their lives.
If this is you, then read on. If you want to feel totally alive, overflowing with tremendous joy and freedom in this lifetime then give yourself plenty of courage to attempt this mission.
"Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment, Know the sweet joy of living in the way. ~Buddha, from the Dhammapada
Yes, be aware, this assignment is not for the halfhearted. It may bring up the greatest amount of fear you've ever discovered.
Yet, it's good to know that all fear is simply excitement in disguise. So I hope that you can get excited about this invitation, and see it as special journey in unraveling yourself. I believe that all you'll need is 15 seconds of courage to complete this assignment, that will shift your life in the most profound ways.
Before I go into explaining the assignment I want you to know why I'm giving this to you. When you follow through with this mission, you'll discover the most amazing freedom inside you.
A freedom that has no boundaries, no limitations and a vast unlimited potentiality. It has nothing to give you but pure ecstasy and bliss! This freedom is not created by thoughts, bound by thoughts, nor liberated through thinking. It is discovered in that timeless space between your thoughts, otherwise known as the "gap" between each word which continues passing through your brain. In between your thoughts is this void, the unknown, the place where pure love, creativity and a divine state of bliss will arise from.
There are many techniques that will enable you to suddenly fall deep into this gap between your thoughts and discover the very source of who and what you are.
Yet, many of these techniques have no lasting permanent effect which remain implemented in your daily social life. There however is one technique that I deem as the most powerful of them all, which comes through one simple intention. Speaking about that which cannot be spoken.
What does this mean?
How are you to speak something which you cannot say? Inside you there exists a level of information that you are protecting, hiding and keeping secret from the world. You fear that if society found out this information about you, that you would be ruined.
This information is protecting your ego from being "found out" where you may become embarrassed to the point of feeling like you should leave the community. The energy around protecting this information is draining and is exactly what you need to let go of. Holding on too tightly to anything in this world will create an energetic wall around your ego, causing you to live a shielded, guarded "un-free" life. Whatever is behind this wall is the sacred secret information which you most need to share.
The one thing that would destroy you in life, is also that which will liberate you. Perhaps its your greatest secret, your biggest fear or that most embarrassing moment of your life. The golden nugget here is to see WHY this tiny piece of insignificant information has become such a big deal for you.
Why you have spent so much energy in protecting and hiding it, rather than being liberated from these thoughts and feelings. We really don't know how small of a cage we are currently living in until we step out into the vast sky. By sharing that which we cannot share, we open the door to become that being who is continuously overflowing with joy, love and laughter like a child.
"He who has realized the Self in the Heart has transcended the dualities and is never perplexed." ~Ramana
When we no longer are invested in our egos, we don't spend all this extra mental energy in hiding or avoiding saying things with anyone.
When we give up protecting the ego, a tremendous freedom is instantly found.
A truly free soul is one who can speak whatever is on their mind with anyone at anytime. They are a walking state of liberation!
No matter how trivial their message is, it is the liberty at which their words effortlessly pour out of their mouths which make them so amazing to be with. It is this level of freedom that gives them the power to dive into the deepest depths of their soul.
That which we cannot share, should not share, or feel terrified in letting others know about ourselves, is a big egoic game and hoax. People really don't care about your secrets. They most likely have their own which are ten times more frightening than yours. When we can dismantle any hesitation around sharing that which we "should" not share, the core ego structure and its walls around the prized identity we were once clinging to come tumbling down.
After we share ourselves openly without care, our hidden secrets can fly free into the wind and vast unbounded sky. When the dust from the fear of social ostracization soon settles and we can suddenly see the world through crystal clear eyes... as if it was for the very first time.
As I mentioned, this may be the hardest act of courage you have ever tackled in your life. Yet, no great action went without fear.
You will discover a multitude of excuses for avoiding sharing what you cannot share. The ego may make you think this assignment is ridiculous and your reputation is at stake! There are just some things in life that are not meant to be shared. Look at this. Look at what you are defending, protecting and avoiding. The ego is a master at keeping you in prison, and continuing to hide that which keeps you locked up inside. Would you be a greater or lesser person having gone to your grave desperately holding this information back from those who are most intimate with you?
You'll soon find that speaking your truth freely is contagious, as it enlightens the load for everyone in your presence everyday.
Once you start thinking about what information you're holding back from the world, ponder the idea of what it may feel like to not have to protect it anymore. What would it feel like once your great secret is out, and fully accepted with great compassion by your entire community? It makes you realize how much energy we spend on coping. What a tight, controlled and limited world we often live with on the inside. There is no need for this self-engaged prison. You can choose to be free! Now, I'm not saying that you should shock every person you meet on the street by barfing your darkest deepest secret onto them. What would be the point of that? While that may be a liberating exercise, what I'm pointing you towards today is much more liberating. Its about creating a profound intimacy with those souls you already know.
One great secret is knowing how to start sharing that which you cannot share. Before you say anything to anyone, it's key that you "set the stage" with your individual listener or audience. This can be done through shifting your tone of voice to a more deep sincere honest quality that prepares them to listen from that depth as well. Then you can start with saying, "I'd like to share something with you that is not easy for me to speak about". With this one comment you will instigate a heightened level to their listening and the room will instantly get quiet. This creates a momentum to dive deeper within you, where it becomes easier to reveal your deepest truth AND be fully heard.
If your listener is not willing to hear you, there is no reason to speak. If you know you simply cannot reach the minds and hearts of your audience, then remain silent and speak to them in a room by yourself. Yet, if these people truly love you, they will listen as best they can. It's vital that you learn how to reach out with your feelings and get a sense for where your audience is listening from.
How can you say what you're needing to say in that special way they can understand you? When you learn how to listen to and through your listener's ears, you speak that message that comes through clearly. By tuning your mind to who is listening you can share from a more confident space and communicate the more subtle aspects of that which cannot be communicated inside you. Radical heart felt communication is about sharing your truth in a way that is received fully. If you aren't in tune with your audience's listening, it will feel like you're talking to a brick wall.
When you're ready to instigate a radical change in your life, I recommend doing this exercise.
Create a Truth Circle!
Gather a group of your closest friends or family members into a circle for an hour.
Find an object that everyone agrees is to be the sacred talking stick. The stick can be anything from a rock, an egg, an actual stick, or whatever you deem to be the special talking device.
Only the person holding the stick has the right to speak and everyone else cannot make commentary, give suggestions, or feedback. The only feedback everyone can give is silence.
Give each person 5-10 minutes (depending on the size of the circle) to share that which they cannot share.
Place the stick in the middle of the circle and when a person is ready, they must pick it up. Each person holding the stick must spend the entire time speaking as much as they can from their very soul. If there is more silence than words, wonderful!
That will give them more initiative to share when the sharing circle happens next week.
Before you begin the circle, talk about the intention of the circle which is to create a deeper quality of honesty, love, truthfulness and friendship between everyone. The support of the circle will as well liberate each individual from their fears and insecurities. Have everyone agree that information shared is sacred and that it will never leave the circle. The reverence for this agreement gives everyone more permission to reveal themselves fully. The silence during sharing time also needs to be held in the most sacred manner, and yet if some people absolutely cannot hold back a small chuckle or laughter that also has to be welcomed and integrated.
Laughter can instigate a deeper healing, creating lightness out of what someone deemed a heavy traumatic demon in their mind for decades.
You will be blown away at what happens in your life with this assignment! You, your family and friendships will totally be transformed!
By holding a sacred sharing circle on a weekly basis the connections and intimacy will be amazing.
The layers of shielding and hiding will in time start falling away, and you'll discover an entirely new level of inner peace and relaxation with everyone. The inside your being. Imagine a world where everyone you know is included in this level of sharing. Imagine what would happen if your entire community started to participate in their own sharing circles.
Everyone around you could openly share their deepest truth without fear. In a few months, you would have a very empowered, whole and healed world around you.
If you'd like to learn the secrets to manifesting your heart's desires, I HIGHLY recommend doing the Super Manifesting Program!
Divine Abundance is your Natural State
Each one of us naturally carries a deep and sacred clarity about ourselves and our world. We were born with a crystal clear perception of life that has no judgments nor any limiting beliefs.
However, through the years this innate understanding became clouded by others judgments, opinions and misperceptions.
Habitual thinking patterns soon developed that were embedded with assumptions, societal beliefs, and countless stories about what limited and powerless human beings we really are.
With all of this misunderstanding, the mind could assume that this whole world was unjust, and that human interactions were a constant struggle we all just had to deal with to survive.
The habit of unclear seeing can be so cloudy that you don't realize you've got it
. If you feel that you're in a whirlpool of challenges and have been suffering on any level for weeks or months, you will want to break out of this spinning bowl of limited thinking and simply return to your greatest truth.
Your greatest truth is that which liberates you on the deepest level and causes your life to overflow with joy and ease.
It is your most natural state of being that has the taste of unbounded freedom!
When we can clearly know our truth and feel what is exactly going on within our heart, we become aligned with our soul's mission and feel a deep aliveness bubbling up from within.
The truth brings us into the experience of "divine alignment" with the whole Universe, where every day feels like you're floating down a fun effortless river made of milk and honey.
My invitation for you today just might be the most radical and challenging task you've ever received in your life.
The action in itself is one that any child could easily conquer, yet for a mature adult it may bring you down to your knees. Its only for those who want to become unstoppably successful in every area of their lives.
If this is you, then read on. If you want to feel totally alive, overflowing with tremendous joy and freedom in this lifetime then give yourself plenty of courage to attempt this mission.
"Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment, Know the sweet joy of living in the way. ~Buddha, from the Dhammapada
Yes, be aware, this assignment is not for the halfhearted. It may bring up the greatest amount of fear you've ever discovered.
Yet, it's good to know that all fear is simply excitement in disguise. So I hope that you can get excited about this invitation, and see it as special journey in unraveling yourself. I believe that all you'll need is 15 seconds of courage to complete this assignment, that will shift your life in the most profound ways.
Before I go into explaining the assignment I want you to know why I'm giving this to you. When you follow through with this mission, you'll discover the most amazing freedom inside you.
A freedom that has no boundaries, no limitations and a vast unlimited potentiality. It has nothing to give you but pure ecstasy and bliss! This freedom is not created by thoughts, bound by thoughts, nor liberated through thinking. It is discovered in that timeless space between your thoughts, otherwise known as the "gap" between each word which continues passing through your brain. In between your thoughts is this void, the unknown, the place where pure love, creativity and a divine state of bliss will arise from.
There are many techniques that will enable you to suddenly fall deep into this gap between your thoughts and discover the very source of who and what you are.
Yet, many of these techniques have no lasting permanent effect which remain implemented in your daily social life. There however is one technique that I deem as the most powerful of them all, which comes through one simple intention. Speaking about that which cannot be spoken.
What does this mean?
How are you to speak something which you cannot say? Inside you there exists a level of information that you are protecting, hiding and keeping secret from the world. You fear that if society found out this information about you, that you would be ruined.
This information is protecting your ego from being "found out" where you may become embarrassed to the point of feeling like you should leave the community. The energy around protecting this information is draining and is exactly what you need to let go of. Holding on too tightly to anything in this world will create an energetic wall around your ego, causing you to live a shielded, guarded "un-free" life. Whatever is behind this wall is the sacred secret information which you most need to share.
The one thing that would destroy you in life, is also that which will liberate you. Perhaps its your greatest secret, your biggest fear or that most embarrassing moment of your life. The golden nugget here is to see WHY this tiny piece of insignificant information has become such a big deal for you.
Why you have spent so much energy in protecting and hiding it, rather than being liberated from these thoughts and feelings. We really don't know how small of a cage we are currently living in until we step out into the vast sky. By sharing that which we cannot share, we open the door to become that being who is continuously overflowing with joy, love and laughter like a child.
"He who has realized the Self in the Heart has transcended the dualities and is never perplexed." ~Ramana
When we no longer are invested in our egos, we don't spend all this extra mental energy in hiding or avoiding saying things with anyone.
When we give up protecting the ego, a tremendous freedom is instantly found.
A truly free soul is one who can speak whatever is on their mind with anyone at anytime. They are a walking state of liberation!
No matter how trivial their message is, it is the liberty at which their words effortlessly pour out of their mouths which make them so amazing to be with. It is this level of freedom that gives them the power to dive into the deepest depths of their soul.
That which we cannot share, should not share, or feel terrified in letting others know about ourselves, is a big egoic game and hoax. People really don't care about your secrets. They most likely have their own which are ten times more frightening than yours. When we can dismantle any hesitation around sharing that which we "should" not share, the core ego structure and its walls around the prized identity we were once clinging to come tumbling down.
After we share ourselves openly without care, our hidden secrets can fly free into the wind and vast unbounded sky. When the dust from the fear of social ostracization soon settles and we can suddenly see the world through crystal clear eyes... as if it was for the very first time.
As I mentioned, this may be the hardest act of courage you have ever tackled in your life. Yet, no great action went without fear.
You will discover a multitude of excuses for avoiding sharing what you cannot share. The ego may make you think this assignment is ridiculous and your reputation is at stake! There are just some things in life that are not meant to be shared. Look at this. Look at what you are defending, protecting and avoiding. The ego is a master at keeping you in prison, and continuing to hide that which keeps you locked up inside. Would you be a greater or lesser person having gone to your grave desperately holding this information back from those who are most intimate with you?
You'll soon find that speaking your truth freely is contagious, as it enlightens the load for everyone in your presence everyday.
Once you start thinking about what information you're holding back from the world, ponder the idea of what it may feel like to not have to protect it anymore. What would it feel like once your great secret is out, and fully accepted with great compassion by your entire community? It makes you realize how much energy we spend on coping. What a tight, controlled and limited world we often live with on the inside. There is no need for this self-engaged prison. You can choose to be free! Now, I'm not saying that you should shock every person you meet on the street by barfing your darkest deepest secret onto them. What would be the point of that? While that may be a liberating exercise, what I'm pointing you towards today is much more liberating. Its about creating a profound intimacy with those souls you already know.
One great secret is knowing how to start sharing that which you cannot share. Before you say anything to anyone, it's key that you "set the stage" with your individual listener or audience. This can be done through shifting your tone of voice to a more deep sincere honest quality that prepares them to listen from that depth as well. Then you can start with saying, "I'd like to share something with you that is not easy for me to speak about". With this one comment you will instigate a heightened level to their listening and the room will instantly get quiet. This creates a momentum to dive deeper within you, where it becomes easier to reveal your deepest truth AND be fully heard.
If your listener is not willing to hear you, there is no reason to speak. If you know you simply cannot reach the minds and hearts of your audience, then remain silent and speak to them in a room by yourself. Yet, if these people truly love you, they will listen as best they can. It's vital that you learn how to reach out with your feelings and get a sense for where your audience is listening from.
How can you say what you're needing to say in that special way they can understand you? When you learn how to listen to and through your listener's ears, you speak that message that comes through clearly. By tuning your mind to who is listening you can share from a more confident space and communicate the more subtle aspects of that which cannot be communicated inside you. Radical heart felt communication is about sharing your truth in a way that is received fully. If you aren't in tune with your audience's listening, it will feel like you're talking to a brick wall.
When you're ready to instigate a radical change in your life, I recommend doing this exercise.
Create a Truth Circle!
Gather a group of your closest friends or family members into a circle for an hour.
Find an object that everyone agrees is to be the sacred talking stick. The stick can be anything from a rock, an egg, an actual stick, or whatever you deem to be the special talking device.
Only the person holding the stick has the right to speak and everyone else cannot make commentary, give suggestions, or feedback. The only feedback everyone can give is silence.
Give each person 5-10 minutes (depending on the size of the circle) to share that which they cannot share.
Place the stick in the middle of the circle and when a person is ready, they must pick it up. Each person holding the stick must spend the entire time speaking as much as they can from their very soul. If there is more silence than words, wonderful!
That will give them more initiative to share when the sharing circle happens next week.
Before you begin the circle, talk about the intention of the circle which is to create a deeper quality of honesty, love, truthfulness and friendship between everyone. The support of the circle will as well liberate each individual from their fears and insecurities. Have everyone agree that information shared is sacred and that it will never leave the circle. The reverence for this agreement gives everyone more permission to reveal themselves fully. The silence during sharing time also needs to be held in the most sacred manner, and yet if some people absolutely cannot hold back a small chuckle or laughter that also has to be welcomed and integrated.
Laughter can instigate a deeper healing, creating lightness out of what someone deemed a heavy traumatic demon in their mind for decades.
You will be blown away at what happens in your life with this assignment! You, your family and friendships will totally be transformed!
By holding a sacred sharing circle on a weekly basis the connections and intimacy will be amazing.
The layers of shielding and hiding will in time start falling away, and you'll discover an entirely new level of inner peace and relaxation with everyone. The inside your being. Imagine a world where everyone you know is included in this level of sharing. Imagine what would happen if your entire community started to participate in their own sharing circles.
Everyone around you could openly share their deepest truth without fear. In a few months, you would have a very empowered, whole and healed world around you.
If you'd like to learn the secrets to manifesting your heart's desires, I HIGHLY recommend doing the Super Manifesting Program!
Divine Abundance is your Natural State
Saturday, February 07, 2015
You will see your own Self in everyone around you.
You will see your own Self in everyone around you.
"Through intense deep meditation you reach a state that is beyond thought, beyond change, beyond imagination, beyond differences and duality. Once you can stay in that state for a while and come out of it without losing any of it, then the inner divine love will begin to pour through you. You will not see people as different, separate individuals. You will see your own Self in everyone around you. Then the flow of love from within you will be constant and unbroken." ~Swami Muktananda
To slow your life down do everything with more consciousness, grace, and ease. Move everywhere at a speed where you truly can be relaxed inside your body. This will create a spacious and timeless experience inside, which is the secret to raising your vibration and manifesting anything you desire. It will help you to spiritually wake up and realize that there is no finish line, and you are on an endless journey that continues forever even after your body is gone. Slowing down will also drop you deeper into your heart center, where you'll feel more loved, become more loving, and experience the real richness of your life.
This depth allows you to taste the texture of what enlightenment is like. There is a freedom here that is like nothing you've ever known before. It is beyond anything you've ever comprehended. The more you can slow down everything you do, you'll find that your every breath can feel close to orgasmic.
Now you may think its impossible to bring your mind into complete silence because you've never experienced anything like this before. It can feel daunting, even terrifying, and you might notice yourself avoiding this exploration and suddenly get distracted again and again with something that is more practical and important. You also may feel unprepared and vulnerable, as if you were going to climb Mt. Everest in your summer bathing suit with a small water bottle in your hand. That is why I'm going to give you these essential secrets today.
These 3 steps below will act like your own personal high tech cozy helicopter which will drop you off at the top of Everest in a warm protective suit and take you back home immediately after. Enjoy!!
"You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait.
You need not even wait, just learn to become quiet, still and solitary.
The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked.
It has no other choice. It will roll in ecstasy at your feet."
~Franz Kafka
Relax your Entire Body. For 5 minutes a day, at the same time and same spot, sit comfortably in a chair (or lie on the floor) and release any tension in your body from head to toe. Imagine your body is filling with sparkling golden healing light that calms and releases ANY tension held inside.
Find whatever your most comfortable posture is where you can let go of your body. If you're sitting, perhaps lean against a wall to keep your back vertical yet relaxed. Pretend your spine is a gently balanced stack of golden coins. Let you hands rest comfortably wherever they are and do nothing.
Sit very very still. Do not move a muscle, yet do not try not to move. Simply pretend you are a crystallized statue that just happens to breathe on its own.
The magic happens when all your attention is resting inside you, and you are relaxing into the core of "you". If there is any efforting at all, its about relaxing deeper, letting go of everything and becoming completely unmoving. Yet you must let go of all efforting on all levels. The key is simply to be very still and this will eventually allow your mind to relax.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily cleaning practices.
Be Unfocused and Experience your Presence. When your mind wanders bring it to focus on being unfocused and experiencing your own presence. Just relax into experiencing your own soft sweet presence that you already are. Be patient with your mind, it is very slippery and needs your total devotion and love to find this freedom. Keep feeling the quality of "unfocusedness" inside, while relaxing into your being and presence. Stay in the rich presence experience for as long as you possibly can!
If you have been using the mind to meditate, focusing on a mantra, or this or that, you are still engaging the mind and perhaps not connecting with the enlightened presence of absolute unbounded pure empty consciousness. This is the goldmine. So let go of all your techniques, drop them because they are just heavy baggage. With enough trust, patience, and surrender you will find the real gold. The secret is what are you doing with your mind the other 16 hours of your day? When you slow your entire life down the mind will soon stop all its mental chatter and meditation becomes easy and effortless.
Whenever thoughts arise throughout your day, just watch them. Don't follow them like a lost sheep would, and don't try to get rid of them. Every thought is a new gift from the Universe to unwrap and unravel. Just play the game of watch and release. As soon as they come, let them go. Notice which thoughts you cannot release, or don't want to let go of, and which ones keep getting caught in your net! Allow your thoughts to be whatever they need to be, and then return to the practice of being unfocused pure presence. This is your golden key to Nirvana. Practice of being empty, quiet and free as much as possible. Absolute unbounded joy and freedom is your natural state, yet it may take from 3 minutes to 3 months to find it, so just be patient because it is worth it.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily cleaning practices.
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