Guruji's parting words, London July 2016 ॐ From all that has been shared today,
I won't even ask that you intentionally try to remember anything.
It is better that you just allow the space of being to be
without putting anything in it. Nothing new, nothing old.
Just be aware of the sense of being, the feeling of pure presence.
No one needed to support it, control it, or water it.
It is simply here, as it is. Water it with your attention.
Be one with it and It will remind you and remain in, with and as you.
It will bring your mind back
into its natural unity, harmony and wholeness.
Don't ask how. Just keep quiet. Trust.
Best now to stay in this state of emptiness which is a stateless state.
The mind will say, 'Okay, we have been patient and good
for two whole hours, now its time to party!
Lets find some friends, go find a pub or something.'
My advice: Don't do this. Honour your seeing.
Digest your experiencing. Keep quiet.
Respect what you are discovering,
That which the ego-ridden mind fails to grasp.
Therefore, it wants to reject it—the state of effortless grace.
There is far more to you than what your mind has to say about you.
Allow a little space to my pointing
so that your seeing matures into greater clarity
and auspiciously a deeper level of consciousness
will begin to rise to the surface of the mind.
Unexpected things will come into being
to strengthen you in ways you cannot imagine.
They will establish and reveal a deeper
and more profound understanding of your true nature.
The flow of grace will begin to remove your fears and doubts
and replace them with an increased feeling of peace
and a natural sense of joy and lightness of being.
Trust This fully.
Just in the way that the natural progression of
a caterpillar is to become butterfly,
the natural progression of a human being
is to become conscious of themselves as timeless Awareness.
Like this, each one will rise above the shallow waters of ego.
Your true destiny is to wake up to your universal Consciousness-Being,
which is the light in this world.
Don't wait for someone else to go in front of you.
You honour your own Self.
It is not a person.
Remain unattached and centred in the heart
and you will attract the Supreme.
So let today close with this blessing:
May all whose hearts are beating for freedom and Truth
flower into perfect awakening and unity with the Real.
May their minds expand in wisdom and compassion,
love, openness and universality.
May you find the one true thing worth discovering in this life
and be timelessly free and happy.
And may all who meet you on the path of life
be inspired by your presence.
May they be so moved by your peace and genuineness,
your love and openness, your strength and joy
that they are compelled to search within themselves
to find the light that they see in you.
Like this may your light shine for all and forever.
This is the true communion of a human being,
the human soul and spirit:
that in connecting and sharing with each other from the Heart
we impart blessing and uplift the collective universal consciousness
without turning it into a task.
Just by meeting with the love that you are,
with the peace that you are,
with the joy that you are,
nobody will forget you.
Existing in the Truth of your Self,
your light is bringing so much joy,
hope and inspiration in this world,
You must become the proof that God exists.
Blessed is the one whose life and presence is the evidence of Truth.
Don't think of yourself as being too little for this great discovery.
You are already the universal consciousness. You are already whole.
Don't let your mind hide or distort this truth.
Every power is given unto human beings
to transcend the dark ways of the mind.
Take courage. Don't complain.
Everyone must go through the thick forest of existence
and must feel the doubts, pains and the fears
that come due to ignorance of the Self.
But remember:
You have the power to transcend the veiling hypnosis
of conditioning and limited personal identity,
and to win yourself back from these states of delusion.
And you will do it. It is only a question of time.
There are some beings who can't wait. Enough waiting.
They will remain immersed in the one true Self.
So until we have the opportunity to meet again
go in peace and with the love that I feel for You
who are the Truth embodied.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Once you understand that you are the witness
We believe too quickly in feelings and thought-processes.
You must become more detached from them.
Keep looking without interpreting so quickly.
Once you understand that you are the witness
to what is playing in the mind, if you don't identify so quickly,
you start to become aware of your own presence.
You begin to enjoy your own pure presence.
You will enjoy its spaciousness. It is empty of mind.
The world will lose its grip on your mind.
You will start to experience the state of love again,
deep peace and the joy that does not come from things,
but a joy that emanates and resonates from your own Self.
And all of this will come to life in a short time.
It is your invisibility that matters.
There are some people I don't see very often.
There are some, in one year, I only see them for 2 or 3 hours.
But each time I see them,
I see that they are less and less of a person
and more and more of being.
The absence of them as a person
is perceived more powerfully as presence.
So it is not your presence as a person that matters,
it is only your presence as presence that matters.
In a funny way, it is your absence, personally,
that is spiritually attractive,
because in your absence as ego,
you become Universal.
And it is only your universal spirit
that can bless the world.
~ Mooj
You must become more detached from them.
Keep looking without interpreting so quickly.
Once you understand that you are the witness
to what is playing in the mind, if you don't identify so quickly,
you start to become aware of your own presence.
You begin to enjoy your own pure presence.
You will enjoy its spaciousness. It is empty of mind.
The world will lose its grip on your mind.
You will start to experience the state of love again,
deep peace and the joy that does not come from things,
but a joy that emanates and resonates from your own Self.
And all of this will come to life in a short time.
It is your invisibility that matters.
There are some people I don't see very often.
There are some, in one year, I only see them for 2 or 3 hours.
But each time I see them,
I see that they are less and less of a person
and more and more of being.
The absence of them as a person
is perceived more powerfully as presence.
So it is not your presence as a person that matters,
it is only your presence as presence that matters.
In a funny way, it is your absence, personally,
that is spiritually attractive,
because in your absence as ego,
you become Universal.
And it is only your universal spirit
that can bless the world.
~ Mooj
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Did the rose Ever open its heart
Did the rose
Ever open its heart
And give to this world
All its
It felt the encouragement of light
Against its
We all remain
Did the rose
Ever open its heart
And give to this world
All its
It felt the encouragement of light
Against its
We all remain
Friday, July 08, 2016
Search for eternal happiness
There is no evenness in this world. You can never have total peace or
total chaos. There appears to be two powers and one is always
contradicting the other. Look at your
personal life. Things are going well for a while; then something
happens, seems to pull the rug from under your feet and you become
upset. Things are terrible in your life for a while, something comes
along and changes it. And things are pretty good for a while and so it
is all through your life.
The time comes when you get disgusted with this whole game. The time comes when you want to search for eternal happiness, for infinite peace that doesn't change. The search begins within yourself. You begin to examine yourself, diligently. You begin to question yourself. And the answers come out of your self.
They are not necessarily the answers you've been looking for but the answers come. As you search deep within yourself you are led to the right book, to the right teacher, to the right circumstances, the right experience. You begin to unfold. You begin to look at this world in which you live and you see it differently for the first time.
You see the world as an image projected by your self. The world begins to have less meaning to you. You begin to drop many of the things you've been into, many of the situations, conditions that you've been involved in. You let go of them. You make your life simple. The simpler your life becomes the happier you begin to feel.
— Robert Adams, Transcript 125, The Search Begins Within Yourself, 2nd February, 1992
The time comes when you get disgusted with this whole game. The time comes when you want to search for eternal happiness, for infinite peace that doesn't change. The search begins within yourself. You begin to examine yourself, diligently. You begin to question yourself. And the answers come out of your self.
They are not necessarily the answers you've been looking for but the answers come. As you search deep within yourself you are led to the right book, to the right teacher, to the right circumstances, the right experience. You begin to unfold. You begin to look at this world in which you live and you see it differently for the first time.
You see the world as an image projected by your self. The world begins to have less meaning to you. You begin to drop many of the things you've been into, many of the situations, conditions that you've been involved in. You let go of them. You make your life simple. The simpler your life becomes the happier you begin to feel.
— Robert Adams, Transcript 125, The Search Begins Within Yourself, 2nd February, 1992
Thursday, July 07, 2016
Be kind, be loving, everything else will take of itself
"Be kind, be loving, everything else will take of itself. You are the
one, the holy one, the mighty one, the true one, the loving one. Go
within your heart right now. Dive deep within the heart centre and lose
yourself entirely.
The spiritual heart centre is on the right side of the chest. See a sphere of golden light in the heart center, a sphere of beautiful golden light, throbbing.
See this globe of white light, golden light expanding, expanding throughout the whole universe. Where all of the planets, galaxies, everything are super- impositions on this golden globe of light.
The spiritual heart centre is on the right side of the chest. See a sphere of golden light in the heart center, a sphere of beautiful golden light, throbbing.
See this globe of white light, golden light expanding, expanding throughout the whole universe. Where all of the planets, galaxies, everything are super- impositions on this golden globe of light.
Everything is an image on this light. Like the image on the screen.
This light is like boundless space. It accommodates the whole uni- verse. Everything is in this light. Nothing is left out.
Understand that you are the light.
The light is you, the Self. The imperishable Brahman. The ultimate reality, nirvana.
The I-am that I-am, that is the nature of this golden light. See all the images disappearing and only the light remains.
Feel this light as your- self. You are filled with joy, filled with bliss, with happiness. You are now the true Self and there are no others. Feel this deeply. Feel this bliss, this love, this joy, pulsating within, without you. All of your past has been wiped out.
There never was any room for a past or a present or a future. There is just the one mighty Self, expressing itself as consciousness and you are that! Peace."
Robert Adams - Los Angeles, CA - Dec 3, 1992
This light is like boundless space. It accommodates the whole uni- verse. Everything is in this light. Nothing is left out.
Understand that you are the light.
The light is you, the Self. The imperishable Brahman. The ultimate reality, nirvana.
The I-am that I-am, that is the nature of this golden light. See all the images disappearing and only the light remains.
Feel this light as your- self. You are filled with joy, filled with bliss, with happiness. You are now the true Self and there are no others. Feel this deeply. Feel this bliss, this love, this joy, pulsating within, without you. All of your past has been wiped out.
There never was any room for a past or a present or a future. There is just the one mighty Self, expressing itself as consciousness and you are that! Peace."
Robert Adams - Los Angeles, CA - Dec 3, 1992
Sunday, July 03, 2016
Ramana's Teaching
“The mind is nothing but the thought
“I”. Thoughts arise because of the thinker.” “The thinker is the sense
of separation that when sought automatically dissolves.”
“The more you get fixed in the Self, the more the thoughts collapses by themselves.”
“It one remains quiet without abandoning the understanding of simply being, the individual sense of the thought – form I am the body, it dissolves by itself.”
“And ultimately the final thought. The “I” thought will also be extinguished, like camphor that is burned by fire…this alone is Realization.”
“To succeed bring the mind back by fixing it in the Self every time it turns outwards.”
“The real state of effortlessness its permanent.”
“There are not stages in realization or degrees in liberation.”
“There are not levels of reality only levels of experiencing for the individual.”
“When you give up thinking of outwards objects and prevent your mind from going outwards and turn it inwards and fix it in the Self, the Self alone remains.”
“Engage yourself in the living present, the future takes care of itself.”
“If anything can be gained which was not present before, it can be lost. Where the Absolute is eternal here and now.
Saturday, July 02, 2016
Three qualities arose in me when I experienced a deep awakening:
wisdom, innocence, and love. Although they are actually parts of one
whole, this wholeness can be expressed by these three qualities.

Awakening opens wisdom. When I speak of wisdom, it doesn't mean that I suddenly became smart. It simply means that I realized the Truth. This Truth is what I am. This is what the world is. This is what is. The wisdom is the realization of what you are. It is the realization of Truth, the one and only true truth. This Truth is not a matter of philosophy, or science, or faith, or belief, or religion. It is beyond all of that—far beyond.

Awakening opens wisdom. When I speak of wisdom, it doesn't mean that I suddenly became smart. It simply means that I realized the Truth. This Truth is what I am. This is what the world is. This is what is. The wisdom is the realization of what you are. It is the realization of Truth, the one and only true truth. This Truth is not a matter of philosophy, or science, or faith, or belief, or religion. It is beyond all of that—far beyond.
second quality born within this awakening was innocence. This
tremendous innocence produces the feeling of an ever-present newness in
Since the awakening, the brain no longer holds and compares, so every moment is experienced as new, just as it would be in the mind of a young child. The adult mind tends to take things in, compare its perceptions to the litany of things that have happened in the past, and basically hold the attitude, "Been there, done that." It is rather arid, dry, and boring. The innocent mind arises when this comparison is no longer happening. This innocence could also be called humility. But I personally like the word innocence because I think it stays closer to the actual experience.
The third quality that arose was love. This love is simply for existence. What is born in awakening is a love of What IS—of everything that is. The fact that there is anything at all seems wonderful because when the insight of awakening goes very deep, there is a realization about how tenuous existence is. I don't simply mean that we could be killed at any moment. I mean we see an unbelievable miracle, we see how unimaginably easy it would be for absolutely nothing to be here.
(Actually, there is absolutely nothing, but that's another story.) That anything exists at all is seen as an absolute and utter miracle, and from that seeing there is the birth of so much love simply for what is. It's a different love than when we love getting what we want or we find the perfect partner.
This is a love just for the fact that we have shoelaces or for the fact that toenails exist, that kind of love. A tremendous love arises simply for the miracle that is life, realizing that all and everything is the One.
- Adyashanti, Emptiness Dancing

Since the awakening, the brain no longer holds and compares, so every moment is experienced as new, just as it would be in the mind of a young child. The adult mind tends to take things in, compare its perceptions to the litany of things that have happened in the past, and basically hold the attitude, "Been there, done that." It is rather arid, dry, and boring. The innocent mind arises when this comparison is no longer happening. This innocence could also be called humility. But I personally like the word innocence because I think it stays closer to the actual experience.
The third quality that arose was love. This love is simply for existence. What is born in awakening is a love of What IS—of everything that is. The fact that there is anything at all seems wonderful because when the insight of awakening goes very deep, there is a realization about how tenuous existence is. I don't simply mean that we could be killed at any moment. I mean we see an unbelievable miracle, we see how unimaginably easy it would be for absolutely nothing to be here.
(Actually, there is absolutely nothing, but that's another story.) That anything exists at all is seen as an absolute and utter miracle, and from that seeing there is the birth of so much love simply for what is. It's a different love than when we love getting what we want or we find the perfect partner.
This is a love just for the fact that we have shoelaces or for the fact that toenails exist, that kind of love. A tremendous love arises simply for the miracle that is life, realizing that all and everything is the One.
- Adyashanti, Emptiness Dancing

Friday, July 01, 2016
Surrender trouble
"When in trouble....
You can say,
"SELF, here I am again in trouble.
I have no idea what to do next, but you are really me,
even though you're all-pervading, you're expressing as myself.
You know what to do.
I therefore, surrender completely to you.
I surrender my body,
I surrender my affairs,
I surrender my world.
I have no need to worry or fret.
You will take care of everything."
And you let go.
If you can only learn to do this first, before you take any other action,
you will be pleasantly surprised what happens."
~ Robert Adams ~
You can say,
"SELF, here I am again in trouble.
I have no idea what to do next, but you are really me,
even though you're all-pervading, you're expressing as myself.
You know what to do.
I therefore, surrender completely to you.
I surrender my body,
I surrender my affairs,
I surrender my world.
I have no need to worry or fret.
You will take care of everything."
And you let go.
If you can only learn to do this first, before you take any other action,
you will be pleasantly surprised what happens."
~ Robert Adams ~
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