wake up in the morning and say to yourself,
“I do not exist now,
I have never existed previously,
and I will never exist in the future."
When your mind is calm in the morning hours when you awaken,
you say something like this,
you will get a beautiful warm good feeling.
When you feel that you do not exist,
you are totally free from the reactions to the things that are going on.
There is no one to react any longer.
Therefore, everything that appears to be done by you,
will be done in a wonderful way,
all the time knowing that you are not the doer.
I know the teaching sounds absurd to most people.
Yet this is the teaching that has been propagated by Roshis, sages,
since the beginning of time. This is it.
This is your opportunity to awaken. Why not use it?
Do not let another moment go by where you’re sitting there
and believing and thinking something is wrong somewhere.
It's interesting, when you stop thinking of joy,
when you stop thinking of sadness,
when you stop thinking of good things and bad things, again,
something wonderful happens to you,
for you are no longer attached to anything.
Yet in this non-attachment, you feel love and kindness,
beauty and joy, in a totally different way.
Why not awaken now? Will you do this for me? Wake up.
Do me a favor. Stop playing these games.
~Robert Adams.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Saturday, November 26, 2016
There is no previous existence to begin with.
There is no previous existence to begin with.
There's no one to practice anything.
There's no one to practice anything.
You are living in time that doesn't exist.
The time that you're living in right now,
the second that you're in,
you're already awake totally and completely, to divine nature.
In this moment, where you are right now,
you are self-realized and you are free.
But when you begin to think about it,
you bring up the deluded world,
you begin to believe other things.
you bring up the deluded world,
you begin to believe other things.
So then you begin to think.
You bring your belief system to the place and
it spoils everything for you.
For the thinking is concerned with time and space.
The thoughts are concerned with the world, with the universe,
the past and the present.
Yet there is no past and present at all.
And there is no one to awaken from anything.
For you were never really asleep.
~Robert Adams - T.194 - Stop What You’re Doing -
25th October, 1992
25th October, 1992
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
everything that happens on this planet is necessary.
I know some people don't take this lightly, what I'm saying right now.
Everything is necessary.
There are no mistakes.
No mistakes have ever been made, none are being made, and none will ever be made.
Your job is to find out who you are, and then you will understand what's going on in the world.
Take, as an example, if you were the size of a molecule and you were in the earth.
Someone plants a rose seed.
In order for the rose to grow the seed has to be destroyed. And if you are the size of a molecule standing next to the seed, it would seem like a nuclear holocaust, a nuclear explosion, as the seed becomes destroyed in order for the beautiful rose to grow.
In the same way, everything that happens on this planet is necessary.
Robert Adams
Everything is necessary.
There are no mistakes.
No mistakes have ever been made, none are being made, and none will ever be made.
Your job is to find out who you are, and then you will understand what's going on in the world.
Take, as an example, if you were the size of a molecule and you were in the earth.
Someone plants a rose seed.
In order for the rose to grow the seed has to be destroyed. And if you are the size of a molecule standing next to the seed, it would seem like a nuclear holocaust, a nuclear explosion, as the seed becomes destroyed in order for the beautiful rose to grow.
In the same way, everything that happens on this planet is necessary.
Robert Adams
Sunday, November 20, 2016
No thing exists without your permission.
No thing exists without your permission.
I know this sounds strange to some of you, but it's the truth.
The things that you hate and the things that you love in this world are your own projections, your own Self.
When a being begins to realize that they are the world, they are the universe, they then become very careful of what they think about, of how they perceive things.
All things in this world are subject to the law of change.
No thing ever remains the same.
Consequently, if you attach yourself ignorantly to person, place or thing, you're going to suffer, for it must change.
When you dislike something or someone external from you, you are truly disliking yourself.
For your Self is omnipresent.
You are the Self of everything you perceive.
How can you dislike anything?
It all has to do with you.
Everything is your Self, not some things.
If you have a bad temper, if you're ignorant, if you hate, you're doing this to yourself.
It behooves you therefore to love everything.
Say to yourself, "I do not understand what it's all about."
Be honest with yourself.
But if I hate that tree outside, I'm hating myself.
Why? When you are in deep sleep, does the world exist for you?
You cannot say the world exists, because you are in deep sleep.
You are as good as dead.
The only thing about what you call death and being in deep sleep, is in deep sleep you wake up again to this world.
In death you wake up to another world.
That's the only difference between deep sleep and death.
So as far as you are concerned you have absolutely nothing to do with this world, when you are in deep sleep.
When you drop your body you, again, have absolutely nothing to do with this world, and you carry on somewhere else.
Find out what you are all about.
No things are as it appears.
— From Robert Adams Satsangs: The Collected Works, Transcript 86, On the Path (Getting Rid Of Negative Habits), 11th August, 1991
Friday, November 18, 2016
"How can I tell if I'm making spiritual progress?
A question that I'm most often asked, "How can I tell if I'm making spiritual progress? Is there a sign? How can I know if I'm making spiritual progress on this path?"
The answer is very simple. When you look at the world what do you see?
Do you see the same world you saw five years ago? If your habits haven't changed. Your judgmentalism hasn't changed, your ego hasn't changed, your anger hasn't changed, this really means you're not doing anything. Not practicing anything and you will see the things that you are, outside of yourself. But, if you're feeling more peace, more harmony, when there is strife going on, so-to-speak, you look right through it and you see harmony. You no longer are judgmental towards anybody or anything. Right and wrong, good and bad, up and down, forward and backward are all illusory to you, then you know you're making progress, things are happening. Only you can save yourself.
Remember you do not know how much time you have left in this world, in your body, so-to-speak. You never know when you're going to give up your body. What are you doing with your time? Do you waste it by worrying over nonsense or trying to change person, place or thing, or trying to get your own way, manipulation? You're only fooling yourself. You must try your best to let go of this world, if you want to make spiritual progress.
By letting go of this world I don't mean you have to go live in a cave and ignore everybody, I mean mentally. This all begins mentally. You have to mentally make the correction within yourself.
As an example: You go to a school room and you look through the window in a school and you see a teacher adding on the blackboard, two times two is five. That's the wrong answer. You have no right to go into the school and beat up the teacher. I guess that's what they do now. You can go to the teacher and become angry at the teacher and scream at her and say, "Look what you're writing down, two times two is five, this is wrong!" Of course in her words, she is just trying to show the class. You really don't know what's going on, you're seeing a partial picture and you're judging by the partial picture. But your duty is to make the correction mentally. You see the difference? Mentally you're saying to yourself, "Two times two is four, not five!" And once you're made the correction you're finished with it. That is how you should live in this world.
When you see disharmony, man's inhumanity to man, wars, all the nonsensical things going on in this world, you mentally change it, by knowing the truth about these things. The truth is there is only Brahman, there is only the absolute reality and you are that absolute reality. There is only the one and you are that one.
As you begin to do this day after day, make mental corrections, the day comes when you no longer have to do this, for you now live in a higher consciousness, where there is no disharmony, no confusion, no chaos. You have lifted yourself up to a higher plateau. Even when I say there is no confusion, no chaos, no disharmony, I'm not saying it will stop being like that in this world. This world will never change, this world is the world that we see.
This world goes through certain universal karma and it has absolutely nothing to do with you. This is why you learn to leave the world alone. You learn to leave people alone. You learn to leave yourself alone. It all starts within yourself.
If you're not satisfied with yourself, if you do not love yourself, how can you possibly love other people? Or be satisfied with other people? You will always find fault. That fault comes from a deep dissatisfaction, probably since you were a kid.
How do you remedy this? By staying the mind on God, on Brahman, on consciousness.
Robert Adams - 2/28/93
Thursday, November 17, 2016
T.P. Ramachandra Iyer (TPR), was an efficient lawyer. He represented the ashram in court cases from 1938. In the latter half of the 1940s, he retired from his profession and came to stay with Bhagavan in the ashram for good. He also had the golden opportunity of serving Bhagavan as one of his personal attendants till Bhagavan‟s mahanirvana. During this period he had many intimate dialogues with him, mostly when they were together while walking, or resting at night inside the hall.
T.P. Ramachandra Iyer (TPR), was an efficient lawyer. He represented the ashram in court cases from 1938. In the latter half of the 1940s, he retired from his profession and came to stay with Bhagavan in the ashram for good. He also had the golden opportunity of serving Bhagavan as one of his personal attendants till Bhagavan‟s mahanirvana. During this period he had many intimate dialogues with him, mostly when they were together while walking, or resting at night inside the hall.
During TPR‟s last days, I had the privilege of winning his confidence
and bringing him into the ashram premises. He lived in Chadwick‟s
cottage. He was very kind to me and shared with me many unrecorded
reminiscences of rare happenings that took place in the presence of
While walking on the hill, TPR asked Bhagavan whether it was ever possible to totally eradicate one‟s karma or fate, summarily, in this birth itself.
“Oh, yes,” replied Bhagavan. “It can be done, one hundred percent, if you do as I tell you!”.
TPR readily agreed.
“The totality of one‟s karma,” said Bhagavan, “is divided into two:
(i) the past, i.e., memories of incidents, success, failure, change, pain, pleasure, growth and decay, etc.
(ii) the future, i.e., desires of impending ambitions, achievements, plans and their executions, etc.
If one is prepared to completely erase the past, that is, all that has happened to one till this present moment, then fifty percent of one‟s karma will be warded off!” TPR interrupted and asked, “what about the other fifty percent?”
Bhagavan smiled graciously and said, “If you have succeeded in giving up the past, that is, fifty percent of your karma, you will yourself realize that the remaining fifty percent is also destroyed. Simultaneously. With past and future erased, there will only be the NOW!”
“How does one achieve this almost impossible act of completely eradicating the past?” pleaded TPR. The ocean of grace and compassion that Bhagavan ever is, replied,
“Accept and see without any trace of doubt or reaction, that whatever has happened up to the present moment is only through God‟s injunction.
One will then get tremendous energy to totally erase one‟s past, on the valid ground and inner understanding, that no one through one‟s effort can ever change or alter one‟s past”.
'DROPS from the OCEAN' by V. Ganesan
While walking on the hill, TPR asked Bhagavan whether it was ever possible to totally eradicate one‟s karma or fate, summarily, in this birth itself.
“Oh, yes,” replied Bhagavan. “It can be done, one hundred percent, if you do as I tell you!”.
TPR readily agreed.
“The totality of one‟s karma,” said Bhagavan, “is divided into two:
(i) the past, i.e., memories of incidents, success, failure, change, pain, pleasure, growth and decay, etc.
(ii) the future, i.e., desires of impending ambitions, achievements, plans and their executions, etc.
If one is prepared to completely erase the past, that is, all that has happened to one till this present moment, then fifty percent of one‟s karma will be warded off!” TPR interrupted and asked, “what about the other fifty percent?”
Bhagavan smiled graciously and said, “If you have succeeded in giving up the past, that is, fifty percent of your karma, you will yourself realize that the remaining fifty percent is also destroyed. Simultaneously. With past and future erased, there will only be the NOW!”
“How does one achieve this almost impossible act of completely eradicating the past?” pleaded TPR. The ocean of grace and compassion that Bhagavan ever is, replied,
“Accept and see without any trace of doubt or reaction, that whatever has happened up to the present moment is only through God‟s injunction.
One will then get tremendous energy to totally erase one‟s past, on the valid ground and inner understanding, that no one through one‟s effort can ever change or alter one‟s past”.
'DROPS from the OCEAN' by V. Ganesan
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
3 points to remember...
There are 3 points to remember...
If you remember these 3 points, you will already be awakened.
You have to remember these 3 points in your heart.
By assimilating these 3 points, by digesting them,
by becoming a living embodiment of these 3 points,
you will become Consciousness, Pure Awareness,
which you already are.
You have to remember these 3 points in your heart.
By assimilating these 3 points, by digesting them,
by becoming a living embodiment of these 3 points,
you will become Consciousness, Pure Awareness,
which you already are.
The first point is:
Whatever befalls your body or your mind,
remember that is not happening to you.
Whatever befalls your body or your mind,
remember that is not happening to you.
The second point is:
All of your karmas, your samskaras, your sins of omission,
commission, the sinful acts that you are responsible for,
none of these things can touch you,
if you center yourself in the HERE and NOW.
All of your karmas, your samskaras, your sins of omission,
commission, the sinful acts that you are responsible for,
none of these things can touch you,
if you center yourself in the HERE and NOW.
The HERE and NOW is Omnipresence.
The HERE and NOW is All-Pervading, Omniscient.
The HERE and NOW is Consciousness.
The HERE and NOW is Boundless Space,
Effortless, Choiceless, Pure Awareness.
When you hold onto the HERE and NOW,
when you identify with HERE and NOW, the past is no longer valid.
There is no past, there is no future in the HERE and NOW.
There is I AM. There is the Ultimate Reality, Ultimate Oneness,
and You Are That.
When you are living in the HERE and NOW,
your karmas do not exist any longer,
samskaras stop dead in their trachs, sins are abated,
you are born again, so to speak.
You become the new man, the new woman.
You are free.
The third point is:
You have absolutely nothing to give up.
Nothing to surrender.
Nothing to let go of.
You are already liberated.
You have absolutely nothing to give up.
Nothing to surrender.
Nothing to let go of.
You are already liberated.
~Robert Adams - Silence of the Heart.
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