Sunday, November 26, 2017


I participated in a Sound workshop with James'd'Angelo this weekend.
We did chants and exercises and at the end of each there was a the pause I noticed exquisite Silence.

Image may contain: ocean, outdoor, text, water and nature

Everything in the world is a result of something inside of you.

Most people in the west strive to be something outside of themselves.
The outside world affects them.
They believe what they see.
The outside world includes their body and their thoughts.
Naturally they believe that they are a body and a thought.
They also believe what the world shows them is correct.
This is not true. 

Everything in the world is a result of something inside of you.
The whole universe is a manifestation of your thoughts.

No thing exists without your permission. 

I know this sounds strange to some of you, but it's the truth.
The things that you hate and the things that you love in this world
are your own projections, your own Self. 

When a being begins to realize that they are the world,
they are the universe, they then become very careful
of what they think about, of how they perceive things.

~Robert Adams - Transcript 86 - On the Path
(Getting Rid Of Negative Habits) -11th August, 1991

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

How Jnani help others

Once you are inwardly integrated, outer knowledge comes to you spontaneously. 
At every moment of your life you know what you need to know.
 In the ocean of the universal mind all knowledge is contained; it is yours on demand. 

Most of it you may never need to know -- but it is yours all the same.
As with knowledge, so it is with power.
Whatever you feel needs be done happens unfailingly. 

No doubt, God attends to this business of managing the universe; but He is glad to have some help.
 When the helper is selfless and intelligent, all the powers of the universe are for him to command.

Q: Even the blind powers of nature?
M: There are no blind powers.
 Consciousness is power. 
Just be aware of what needs be done and it will be done. 
Only keep alert -- and quiet. 

Once you reach your destination and Know your real nature, your existence becomes a blessing to all. 
You may not know, nor will the world know, yet the help radiates. 

There are people in the world who do more good than all the statesmen and philanthropists put together.

 They radiate light and peace with no intention or knowledge. 
When others tell them about the miracles they worked, they also are wonder struck. 
Yet, taking nothing as their own, they are neither proud, nor do they crave for reputation.
They are just unable to desire anything for themselves, not even the joy of helping others knowing that God is good they are at peace.
Ch. 76, I Am That by Shree Nisargadatta Maharaj

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

That Divine Moment Is Now!

Some of you are still afraid that if you become liberated,
you will fall out of love with someone
or you will not care about your job
or you will believe that you don't care about anything,
you will become cynical, this is untrue. 

You become more of a loving person,
compassionate, filled with joy. 

You give your love to your mate in a free way.
Expecting nothing in return. 

Your love increases a thousand times.
Because you're free.
You can love someone without any need,
unconditioned and you don't have to think about it.
Therefore I concluded talking to this gentleman on the phone, turn within.
Your past is dead we both know this, you've become
a new person as you say but the I still lives in you. 

If the I is still alive in you your samskaras are still active.
You may be inclined to rob a bank again. 

You have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow
when you allow the personal I to exist. 

Therefore begin to understand that this I, this ego,
this mind is only a thought, an idea. It has no reality.
You must inquire within yourself,
"To whom does the mind come?
To whom does the I come?
To whom does the ego come?" 

When thoughts about your past come up.
When you think about your ten years in prison.
When you think about the evil acts you've committed.
Immediately do anything you can to halt those thoughts. 

You can ask, "To whom do these thoughts come?"
Or you can just remain perfectly silent and become
the witness to the thoughts, not reacting to them. 

Not trying to stop them at all.
If you do not react to your thoughts
they will burn themselves out.
They only become more powerful when you react to them.
As an example if you're trying to fight an illness,
if you react to your illness by imagining
and believing in your mind that it doesn't exist,
that you're having a terrible time.
Why did this happen to me?
I can't take it any longer. 

This is what's keeping you back not the illness.
But as your illness continues upon you,
if you would simply observe it without thinking,
become the witness to it without trying to do anything else,
or inquiring, "To whom does it come?" 

In other words do what you have to do to stop the thought process.
You use the same method with any other problem
or with any other goodness that comes to you.
Remember all the human goodness is also an illusion. 

So if you have a good life, it is only temporary. 

If you do not find yourself you will have to come back to this earth
again and again and again and have other experiences. 

You may come back again when the earth is in the dark ages once more
and they're having the Spanish inquisition
and you're hanging by your thumbs
while your eyes are being gorged out. 

And then you may come back in a different life
when you are a multimillionaire and you live in a castle
and you're in control of thousands of people.
They are two sides of the same coin. 

Therefore wake up.
Do not try to exchange bad for good. 

Do not believe that if I become a multimillionaire
I'll be happy or if I get rid of my disease I'll be happier
or if I live in a better home I'll be happier
or if I have a new mate I'll be happier
or if I have no mate I'll be happier,
or if I have this I'll be happier.
It's all illusion.
Happiness is your real nature.
Happiness is what you are. 

You are that now, if you live in the moment.
In that moment you are absolute reality. 

In that moment you are pure awareness.
You are Brahman in that moment. 

You are sat-chit-ananda, ultimate oneness, emptiness. 

That is your true nature. Identify with that.
Focus on that.
Become that and you will be ever free.
-Robert Adams - T.74 - That Divine Moment Is Now! - 30th June, 1991

Monday, November 06, 2017

Where do the thoughts come from? From nowhere.

Practice this right now.
Allow the thoughts to come, whatever they are.
Do absolutely nothing. 

It makes no difference what the thoughts are. 
Let them come, no matter how much they seem to frighten you,
no matter how powerful they appear to be, let them come.

Where do the thoughts come from to begin with?
They come from nowhere. 

They do not come from consciousness.
They do not come from pure awareness.
They do not come from the Self. 

Where do the thoughts come from? From nowhere. 

They're an optical illusion. They do not exist.
They're like the appearance of the sky on top of the mountain.
The sky appears to be resting on top of the mountain,
but it's an optical illusion. 

Thoughts do not exist, whatsoever.
Therefore you ask yourself: "Who's thinking?"
and you will find out, the ego is thinking. 

So here's another point.
When the thoughts slow down, so does the ego. 

The thoughts and the ego are synonymous.
As the thoughts slow down, the ego slows down,
and begins to also disappear with the thoughts.
When there are no thoughts, there's no ego.
When there's no ego, there's nobody left to think.
Then the question you will ask is:
"How do I function without thinking?" 

As I mentioned in the beginning,
the sage's thoughts are like a burnt rope. 

They appear to be real, but they're not.
In other words, your thoughts are not real. They are false. 

How do you function without thoughts? Very well, thank you. 

Many of you still believe you have to have thoughts to function.
You think you'll become a vegetable,
but you will be spontaneous without thoughts. 

You'll be motivated by the Self.
You will know what to do, where to go,
whom to speak to, whom not to speak to,
much better than you do now, much, much better.
Things will happen to you spontaneously.
~ Robert Adams