Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I appreciate

reading about things changing for Joy,

responses from others in the group to various postings
cyber conversations

getting to the feeling of being in the field of all possibilities

experiencing the light of being under this waterfall of abundance

waking up into a feeling of well-being today..this is happening more and more

my improved breathing

hearing the scaffloders at work..this means my roof is getting fixed in real life

the article about cells and beliefs that I can feel ticking over just below the surface and almost ready to burst up and out.

the invite from S.H to have a portal on her site which invites me to create new material to put there..wow

the abe material to play with and watch for results

my flower essences

excellent feedback from ES about how my suggestion is having an impact on her life

my computer and seeing the letters line up on the screen as I type

silvia hartmann's vast creativity

letting go of an old inherited family pattern about money and feeling the growing trust in my friend the Universe

the new to me pale green glass ornament of a pair of birds that I got to put in my relationship corner to energise relationship feng shui (who knows!!!)

the relief I felt when my friend said the woman upstairs needs to find another place to live

the blessed tranquility and calm nerves in the early hours b4 the woman upstairs gets up and goes about her day

delicious coffee

looking forward to the telephone call from the glaziers

email enquiry from someone who has done 2 online chakra courses with me and now asks about healing..and knowing I have several things to offer her that will make a real difference

the wonderful feeling when I mixed the sea salt and the rose-geranium shower gel and gave my self a perfumed salt rub b4 stepping into the bath and steeping

what are you grateul for, appreciative of?


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