Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Being in the Flow of Life

Abe Quote
"Those old habits don't have to be erased, they just become replaced by a new habit that is more in vibrational harmony with who you are and what you want."


C. G. Jung defines synchronicity as a meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something othe than the probability of chance is involved.

Synchronicities are delightful signs that we are living in the flow.
We notice ourselves living a magical, flowing existence where everything
we need shows up and our next step is clear. We may meet someone
who invites us to a special place we've always wanted to visit; or life brings us that opportunity we've been
yearning for; or we bump into a person we have been thinking about and they give us a piece of
information that guides us to the next important event in our lives; or the phone rings and it brings us an answer
we have been asking for.

All of us have known experiences like these that are surprising and delightful. The only ways we can explain these things are with statements like the force is with me or we imagine that angels are engaged in our lives and responsible for creating these events.

To be in the flow is much more than that. It is more than miracles, and it
is more than having an assistant in the spirit world helping to put these
events together, though of coursse, interventions by the Divine Civil Service are always welcome

It is more about us than it is them or the events themselves.

The key to being in the flow is how much we love, trust, have faith, meditate
and allow ourselves to enjoy and appreciate the life we have. Gratitude has a whole different
energy to it than frustration
. Giving, caring, expecting, celebrating, and
being passionate about something are the energy generators.
So are fear, anger, sadness, blame, and feeling like a victim.
The difference in these energy generators is in what they are creating .

What we think and what we feel generate the energy that creates our future.

If we are thinking positive thoughts and feeling good about ourselves and our lives,
we are creating an attractor field that attracts good things

Depression, anger and despair also create a force field that attracts things to us. What most of us dont grasp is that we do have a choice about the way we think and feel and this also is instrumental in what we attract.

We need to focus on moving up the emotional scale

The purpose of meditation is to give ourselves an opportunity to dis-engage from
daily life so we can enjoy some quiet time with our True Nature and be re-vitalised
and inspired.

Aligning with that inner silence where our True Nature lives creates the space between thoughts that is needed to receive the guidance from this awareness that always knows what our best next step would be.

Being in the flow requires these things:

A relationship with our True Nature/ Source for guidance to our best next step.
Taking the inspired action that is called for.
Having the faith, excitement and anticipation about what that action is eading us to, and
Gratitude for the gifts that it brings.

Our True Nature knows what is next for us because it is not separate from the Universe we are all part of. We aren't separate from each other either, but our mind functions as if we are and therefore is not in tune to the consciousness of the Universal Mind or Quantum Field

The Universal Mind is a blending of all the energies it includes, and one of the laws it runs by is Like Attracts Like. When we put out a positive energy force field we attract one back. When we dont feel good about ourselves and our lives we perpetuate this same kind of life experience by our thoughts and emotional energies.

So to create a magical life we need to become generators of positive energies. This starts with accepting that things are the way they are and that we /they did the best we/they could at the time. We may feel can't change the past, but we can change our attitude about it

A higher vibrational energy than acceptance is forgiveness. Forgiveness doesn't mean that we have forgotten the things hurt us at the time, but it means that we are ready to put let it go and look towards the future instead of living in the pain of the past.

Carrying the pain of the past and negative feelings towards those who were involved when those feelings began is a sure way to stay stuck in the past and miss the flow that is just waiting to take us into a better future.

enjoy your day


The Secret is here

Are you ready for your 1:1 or telephone session to move up the emotional scale & enhance the flow in your life?
tel 0845 458 1511

44 20 7706 7421

I first went to see Zannie at a very dark time in mylife, I was suffering acute anxiety and I justcouldn't find anyone to help me, I had literally triedabout 15 therapists of varying kinds, with no change. The first session with Zannie made an enormousdifference and set me on the path to healing, it hasbeen a long path to healing, I have suffered anxietyacutely over a period of 2 years, I've been to see herabout 6 times since - and the results have beenncredible, not only could Zannie see what was reallygoing on - but she was able to do something about it.
When I think about the place I was in and the place Iam in now - it seems like a different lifetime,without Zannie I doubt I could ever have understoodwhat was happening and lay it to rest, as I have donenow. Not only has she helped me transcend anxietycompletely but she has been intremental in helping memanifest and achieve the life I want - in terms ofcareer, money and relationships - and it all happensso quickly!

After a gap of 8 years with norelationships apart from unsatisfying flings - onesession with Zannie cleared the blocks to findingromantic love and 2 months later I was in love - and ayear later still am! Yes it could be coincidence, butI don't really believe in coincidences!

I haven'tseen Zannie for a while as everything is flowing sobeautifully I haven't felt the need, but she does doremote spiritual clearing for me on a monthly basis tokeep my energy field clear and flowing, I receive areport once she's done it and it's always so accuratewith what I have been experiencing that month, and Ireally feel the energy shifts, I can always tell wellshe's done it as I wake feeling light and full of energy.

Zannie has helped me move from a place ofterrible darkness and pain to a place of calm andhappiness and power and for that I will always be grateful.
Zoe -

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rose Garden July 2006

Rose Garden under the Capricorn Full Moon

How are you experiencing this month's full moon energies? I am being bathed in a gentle suffusion of pink-gold 6th dimensional light.

Ascension Activation
This months ascension seat to spend time in during meditation, journaling etc is the Serapis Bey's ascension seat in Luxor. It is easy to be there, simply intend it to be so. Invoke the Ascended master Serapis Bey, chohan of the 3rd ray, to support you at this time of potentially rapid growth

For new readers here is the link to an audio of the Soul & Monad mantras. This is an excellent mantra to speak each time you focus on your spiritual practice.

8 Ascension Questions to Ask Yourself

Do you fear the unknown?
Have you surrendered to the greater good? To God?Are you able to walk into your mysteries?Are old emotional patterns dying out for the better?
What’s been released?What is left to be healed and forgiven?What benefits have you received from letting go of negative thoughts?What changes are going on within you now?

Would you like to arrange an individual ascension activation session by phone?
email to set this up

Whats Blossoming in the Rose Garden?

DNA Activation Class
July 16th 1-3pm London
more info

Awakening the Light Body
new cycle begins September
more info

New Website

There is something new on the fr/eebies page

New Article

I have also added an interesting article on Ho opono pono on
It will help with point 6 of the ascension questions

bright blessings


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Inner Child Healing


Treasures the Past
Inner Child Meditation enables the flow of well-being

Deep inside each of us lives the child we once were.

For most of us, our inner child lies hidden beneath the layers that we have donned in order to become sensible, well-balnced adults. In our rush to put on adult clothing and live adult lives, we may have forgotten the wisdom and innocence that we enjoyed when we were children. In meditation, we can re-connect with our inner child and reclaim what we havelong forgotten.To begin how about finding a photograph of yourself as a child that you can gaxe upon softly for a few moments.

School photos work well to help you connect with this part of you.

Sit in a relaxed position, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Set the intention that you are going to connect with your inner child.

Wait for an image of yourself as a child to appear on your inner screen

See your adult self hugging your inner child. Listen to what your inner child has to say. Perhaps your inner child wants to give you the answer to a question that you've been pondering on

. After all, you never needed to look outside yourself when you were a child to know how you felt or what was true for you. You always knew the answers.

There also may be a hurt from childhood that you can now heal by talking to and listening to your inner child and offering them the wisdom and perspective that comes with the years.

Or maybe you've forgotten how to see the world with childlike wonder and hope,and your inner child would like you to remember how.

Tell your inner child that they are loved and you will keep them safe. Embrace your inner child and tell them that you are always there for them. Allow your inner child to always be there for you. Connecting to your inner child in with meditation is a very useful tool, but you can also connect with your inner child even when you aren't in meditation.

Treat yourself to a play date, ice lolly, or a walk in the park.
Let yourself laugh and play more.
Give yourself permission to be as wise as your inner child so you can stop focusing on what isn'treally that important and start living as if every moment is precious.

Your life will be filled with more laughter and fun

Healing the effects of toxic parents
feels like your inner child holds too many wounds to play?
Want to discover the magical child instead?

Experience a deelpy healing 1:1 or telephone session with Zannie to clear the effects of toxic parenting. We will use your cue word to do this

9-7 BST
9-2 ET
or tel 0845 458 1511 to book your session



Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Power Of Staying Positive

Our thoughts are not simply ethereal pieces of information that enter our minds and then disappear forever.

The words and ideas that think can shape our lives and impel toward success and happiness or failure and upset.

How you think and feel can have a profound effect on your ability to recognize opportunity, how well you perform and the outcome of the goals that you've set .

When you uphold an optimistic outlook and make an effort to keep thinking only positive thoughts, you begin to create the circumstances conducive to you achieving what you desire.

You feel more and more like a co-creator and few of life's challenges seem truly overwhelming because it is in your nature to expect a positive outcome.

Staying positive does not mean that you ignore difficulties or disregard limitations. Instead, it means spending time focusing only on the thoughts that are conducive to your well-being and progress. Positive thinking increases your chances of success in any area. When you're sure that you are worthy and that achievement is within your grasp, you start to relax and look for solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

You are more likely to imagine positive situations or outcomes and disregard the thoughts related to giving up, failure or obstacles..

What the mind expects, it finds. If you anticipate joy, good health, happiness, and accomplishment, then you will experience more and more of that.

Thinking positively may sound like a simple shift in attention - and it is - but it is a mind-set is rewarding if developed.

Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, try immediately replacing it with a constructive or optimistic one. With persistence, you can condition your mind to judge fleeting, self-defeating thoughts as inconsequential and dismiss them. It is within your power to become as happy, content, or successful as you make up your mind to be.

Staying positive may not have an immediate effect on your situation, but it will likely have a profound and instantaneous effect on your mood and the quality of your experiences.

In order for positive thinking to change your life, it must become your predominant mind-set.
Once you are committed to embracing positive thinking, you'll start believing that everything that you want is within your grasp.

Here is a meditation/affirmation that reminds you that you are the co-creator of your life

"I am an irresistible magnet, with the power to attract unto myself everything that I divinely desire, according to the thoughts, feelings, and mental pictures I constantly entertain and radiate.

I am the center of my universe

I have the power to create whatever I wish.

I attract whatever I radiate.

I attract whatever I mentally choose and accept.

I begin choosing and mentally accepting the highest and best in life. I now choose and accept health, success, and happiness.

I now choose lavish abundance for myself and all mankind.

This is a rich, friendly universe and I dare to accept its riches, its hospitality, and to enjoy them now"-- Catherine Ponder,
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

Ready to book a session to help you shift and release negative thinking?

contact Zannie today

I visited Zannie for a session on reprogramming of core beliefs: patterns of negative belief that were buried deep and affecting my personal progress and healing practice. Zannie is such a gifted and intuitive healer. She facilitated many shifts that day, in a totally safe and supported environment, and gave me very high level feedback. I treasure the session
Chris Guest
Reiki Practitioner and Holistic Massage Therapist

Whats on in the Rose Garden

DNA Activation Courses
May 20th & June 24th
Bayswater :London

Awakening the Light Body
Next cycle begins September 2006

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Taking Time Out


Modern life compels us to rush about quite a bit.

Because we often feel pressured to make the most of our time each day, the activities that sustain , rejuvenate and help us evolve are all too often the first to be sacrificed when we are in a hurry
or faced with a new obligation at work or in the family.

It is important we remember that there is more to life than achieving success, making money, and
even caring for others, especially at our own expense.

Your spiritual needs should occupy an important place on your list of priorities. Do they?

Each task you undertake and each relationship you nurture draws from the wellspring of your own spiritual vitality.

Taking the time to engage in spiritually fulfilling activities replenishes that well and prepares
you to face another day. Making time for the activities that contribute to your spiritual growth
is not being selfish and has everything to do with your well-being and ultimately with the well
being of your nearest and dearest

Regularly taking the time out to focus on your soul's needs ensures that you are able to nurture
yourself, spend time with your thoughts, experience tranquility, and exhance your spiritual
boundaries.It is easy to avoid using our free moments for spiritual enrichment. There is always something
seemingly more important that needs to be seen to.

Too many people feel guilty when they use their free time to engage in pursuits where they are
focusing on themselves because they feel as if they are neglecting their family or their work.

To make time for yourself, it may be necessary to say no to people's requests or refuse to take on
extra responsibilities. How easy is that for you?

Setting aside even fifteen minutes each day for your spiritual needs can make you feel tranquil,
give you more energy and allows you to feel more in touch with the universe.

Writing in a journal, meditating, studying the words of wise people, and engaging in other spiritual practices can help you make the most of this time.Making time to nurture your spirit may require that you sacrifice other, less vital activities.
The more time you commit to soul-nurturing activities, the happier and more relaxed you will become.
The time you devote to enriching your spirit will rejuvenate you and help you create a more restful life.

Do you have difficulty taking that time out?
Do have have a problem with boundaries ?

How about putting a time in your diary to have a one hour telephone session to clear all of the
ways you cannot create and keep to boundaries, and instal new ways of creating and sustaining boundaries for your highest good

email to make your appointment

Appointment times available for 9am-2pm ET
9am -7pm BST


Zannie Click to play sound: Laughing Child

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Allowing the Flow Bulletin
We all need time on our own. Even if we are social butterflies we need some time to ourselves. Solitude is usually necessary for meditation and quiet reflective time

We also may choose to isolate ourselves when we are busy and have to meet an important deadline. That makes sense.

We may relish time alone when we want to give ourselves over to artistic _expression or music, or to get lost in a good book, or get absorbed in a personal project. There is a sublte difference between solitude and isolation.

Having time to ourselves allows us to focus completely on our yoga practice or get into the zone while running or strength training.

Sometimes we need to moodle, to simply do nothing but enjoy the sound of silence. Our alone time revitalizes and replenishes.

Too much isolation, especially when our intention is to hide, withdraw, or not deal with the realities of our lives is not physically, mentally, or spiritually good for our ultimate well-being
Isolation can take us away from our lives, rather than enhancing it.

Too much isolation can create a buffer where we don't have to deal with our problems. Sometimes, pushing ourselves to deal with our issues and be in our lives, rather than isolated, is one of the best gifts we can give to ourselves, even if it may not seem like it at the time.

Just as it is important for us to have our "alone" time, we need to remember that as human beings, we are social creatures that thrive on contact. Our lives cannot occur in a vacuum, and we cannot fully live in this world without interacting with others.

Consider using isolation as time spent for rest, reinvigoration, and personal growth. Isolation can then be seen as a nourishing period of solitude that not only empowers you, but it can allows you to return to your work and your relationships restored and ready for life. One of the positive results of time spent in solitude is the deepening of understanding of our purpose
Most living creatures belong to a particular soul group and are born knowing their purpose in life.
An animal will spend its day looking for food, taking care of itself and its young, and creating a home.
No one tells an animal to do this as it instinctively knows how
Humans, are not born consciously knowing what their purpose is. Purpose gives life meaning.
When you uncover your purpose, you can live your life with intention and make choices that serve your objective for why you are here on the planet.
Finding your purpose is not always a piece of cake is it?
.You must embrace life wholeheartedly, explore many different pathways, and allow yourself to grow.
Your purpose is as unique as you and unfolds and evolves as you move through life.
You don't need anyone's permission to fulfil your purpose, and no one can tell you what that purpose is, though others can support you in the discovery.

Finding and fulfilling your purpose can be a lifelong endeavour. One way to figure out what your purpose is could be to ask yourself what drives you - not what forces you out of bed in the morning, but what makes you glad to be alive. What makes YOU tick?
Make a list of activities that you wish you were involved in or think about a career path that you would love to embark upon
These are the clues that can help you fulfil your purpose and bring you the most satisfaction.
Picture yourself working on projects that don't interest you or fulfil your purpose, yet they help satisfy your basic survival needs.
Imagine how living this way each day would make you feel.
Next, picture yourself devoting your time to projects that spark your imagination, inspire, excite, and satisfy you. More often than not, these activities are some of the ways that you can fulfil your life purpose. Time spent on these endeavours will never feel like a waste. Live your life with purpose, and you will feel significant and capable because every action you take and each choice you make will have meaning.
Purpose is not always about doing, sometimes our purpose can be more about being. What we radiate is important, who we are is important. Remember too that ‘being is enough’. We can be a catalyst for others by just being who we are.

An affirmation I came across recently will be of great benefit

'I am now willing for the Divine Plan of my life to manifest'


Zannie Rose
Catalyst for your personal growth & spiritual evolution
The winds of grace are always blowing but we must raise the sail

tel 0845 458 1511
intl 44 020 770 67421

Monday, January 30, 2006

Removing Conditioned Responses


'Conditioned Response
Reactions To Life Events'

Our experiences in the past can all too often colour everything.

The events of our past can have an unwelcome deep effect on how we see our lives in the present and what we choose to believe about our world.

Our past experiences can influence our emotional reactions and responses to what is showing up in life

Each of us reacts to stimulus based on what we have learned in life. There is no right or wrong to it; it is simply the result of past experience.

When our strong feelings have passed, we may be perplexed at our reactions. Yet when we face a similar situation, again our reactions may be the same.

When we understand those experiences, we can come that much closer to understanding our reactions and consciously change them. Between the stimulus and the reaction there is a fleeting moment of thought. Often, that thought is based on something that has happened to you in the past.

When presented with a similar situation later on, your natural impulse is to unconsciously regard it in a similar light.For example, if you survived a shocking car accident as a child, the first thing you might feel upon witnessing even a minor collision between vehicles may be intense panic.

You can, however, reduce the intensity of your reactions by identifying the fleetingthought that triggers your reaction.Then, next time, replace that thought with a more positive one.

The process you can learn about with me, which I call Clearing all the Ways is a simple and easy to apply technique that you can use immediately in every day life to clear old patterns in the moment, so you can stop re-playing these old movies

Modifying your reaction by modifying your thoughts is difficult, but do remember that this process speeds things up enormously It can help you to see and experience formerly unpleasant situations in a whole new light. It allows you to stop reacting unconsciously.

Learning the reason for your reactions may also help you put aside a negative reaction long enough to respond in more positive and empowered ways but having the clearing all the ways technique leads to you allowing more and more flow of well being

Your reactions and responses then become about what's happening in the present moment rather than about the past. As time passes, your negative thoughts lose strength, leaving only your positive thoughts to inform your healthy reactions.

email today to set up your appointment to


Zannie Rose


it has all had a tremendous impact on my awareness and my reactions to events and even casual chats with friends and customers in my shop. I have begun to resolve / let go of so much baggage from my past. I am experiencing a calmness that I have never known before. All in all a fantastic experience - thank you.Thank you for everything.

Irene Cabay