Monday, January 30, 2006

Removing Conditioned Responses


'Conditioned Response
Reactions To Life Events'

Our experiences in the past can all too often colour everything.

The events of our past can have an unwelcome deep effect on how we see our lives in the present and what we choose to believe about our world.

Our past experiences can influence our emotional reactions and responses to what is showing up in life

Each of us reacts to stimulus based on what we have learned in life. There is no right or wrong to it; it is simply the result of past experience.

When our strong feelings have passed, we may be perplexed at our reactions. Yet when we face a similar situation, again our reactions may be the same.

When we understand those experiences, we can come that much closer to understanding our reactions and consciously change them. Between the stimulus and the reaction there is a fleeting moment of thought. Often, that thought is based on something that has happened to you in the past.

When presented with a similar situation later on, your natural impulse is to unconsciously regard it in a similar light.For example, if you survived a shocking car accident as a child, the first thing you might feel upon witnessing even a minor collision between vehicles may be intense panic.

You can, however, reduce the intensity of your reactions by identifying the fleetingthought that triggers your reaction.Then, next time, replace that thought with a more positive one.

The process you can learn about with me, which I call Clearing all the Ways is a simple and easy to apply technique that you can use immediately in every day life to clear old patterns in the moment, so you can stop re-playing these old movies

Modifying your reaction by modifying your thoughts is difficult, but do remember that this process speeds things up enormously It can help you to see and experience formerly unpleasant situations in a whole new light. It allows you to stop reacting unconsciously.

Learning the reason for your reactions may also help you put aside a negative reaction long enough to respond in more positive and empowered ways but having the clearing all the ways technique leads to you allowing more and more flow of well being

Your reactions and responses then become about what's happening in the present moment rather than about the past. As time passes, your negative thoughts lose strength, leaving only your positive thoughts to inform your healthy reactions.

email today to set up your appointment to


Zannie Rose


it has all had a tremendous impact on my awareness and my reactions to events and even casual chats with friends and customers in my shop. I have begun to resolve / let go of so much baggage from my past. I am experiencing a calmness that I have never known before. All in all a fantastic experience - thank you.Thank you for everything.

Irene Cabay

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