Affirming that the Infinite Spirit within me, which is God, the livingSpirit Almighty, knows me as part of Itself, I consciously turn fromevery thought that can deny my union with all the Presence, all thePower, and all the Good there is.
Today I embody a deep conviction that my word is operated on bya spiritual law.
This Infinite Creative Law is always bringing completesatisfaction into my experience because it is mechanical and exact.
If I desire health, it flows forth. If I desire joy, it bursts into my life. If I yearn for confidence and faith, they become my identity.
This is the nature of an Infinite Creative Law; to be the doer. I am only responsiblefor choices and demands, that's it. So I consciously act with wisdomas I use this creative force to instill divine intelligence, infinite love andperfect harmony into my daily living. Directing my thoughts inward, I rest in gratitude for such miraculous discoveries.
It is these small things that lead us to the perfect rightlife. Aahhhhhh.
Thank you God. And so it is.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Saturday, October 04, 2008
angelic messages and 111
I thought it would be fun to explore those numbers we keep seeing, along with what an expert has to say about it. Doreen Virtue tells us thatNumber Sequences can be seen as messages From The AngelsQuote from D.V :~The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate withus. In this way, they help us heal our own lives.
However, we oftendiscount the signs they give us, writing them off as mere coincidencesor our imagination. The angels say: “We can’t write our messages toyou in the sky. You’ve got to pay attention and believe when you seeany patterns forming in your life — especially in response to anyquestions or prayers you’ve posed. When you hear the same songrepeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think isbehind this? Your angels, of course!”
Number SequencesYour angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequencesof numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper inyour ear so you’ll look up in time to notice the clock’s time or aphone number on a billboard. The angels hope you’ll be aware thatyou’re seeing this same number sequence repeatedly.
For instance, youmay frequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems every timeyou look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or 11:11.The second way in which angels show you meaningful number sequences isby physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you thathas a specific license plate number they want you to see. Those whoare aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning ofvarious license plates. In this way, the angels will actually give youdetailed messages
.Here are the basic meanings of various number sequences. However, yourown angels will tell you if your situation holds a different meaningfor you. Ask your angels, “What are you trying to tell me?” and they’ll happily give you additional information to help decode theirnumeric meanings.111Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think aboutwhat you want, not what you don’t want.
This sequence is a sign thatthere is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts aremanifesting into form at record speeds.
The 111 is like the brightlight of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshotof your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts)
.I would be really interested to see how many of us notice 111 or 11.11 etc today,/ this week and how D.V.'s remarks make sense to us.I will post on other number sequences , possibly daily, or at least weekly...and do post on your 11 /111/ 11.11 stories
However, we oftendiscount the signs they give us, writing them off as mere coincidencesor our imagination. The angels say: “We can’t write our messages toyou in the sky. You’ve got to pay attention and believe when you seeany patterns forming in your life — especially in response to anyquestions or prayers you’ve posed. When you hear the same songrepeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think isbehind this? Your angels, of course!”
Number SequencesYour angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequencesof numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper inyour ear so you’ll look up in time to notice the clock’s time or aphone number on a billboard. The angels hope you’ll be aware thatyou’re seeing this same number sequence repeatedly.
For instance, youmay frequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems every timeyou look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or 11:11.The second way in which angels show you meaningful number sequences isby physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you thathas a specific license plate number they want you to see. Those whoare aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning ofvarious license plates. In this way, the angels will actually give youdetailed messages
.Here are the basic meanings of various number sequences. However, yourown angels will tell you if your situation holds a different meaningfor you. Ask your angels, “What are you trying to tell me?” and they’ll happily give you additional information to help decode theirnumeric meanings.111Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think aboutwhat you want, not what you don’t want.
This sequence is a sign thatthere is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts aremanifesting into form at record speeds.
The 111 is like the brightlight of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshotof your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts)
.I would be really interested to see how many of us notice 111 or 11.11 etc today,/ this week and how D.V.'s remarks make sense to us.I will post on other number sequences , possibly daily, or at least weekly...and do post on your 11 /111/ 11.11 stories
Thursday, October 02, 2008
700 billion positive thoughts of abundance and prosperity
An email regarding the above plan was sent out to New Thought Ministers all over the country and the response has been phenomenal. We are confident that this plan will work. If you haven't already sent in your pledge please do so and support this Divinely inspired plan. If you did not receive the email read on!
Awakened Heart Spiritual Center, in Wilmington, Delaware, is leading the way with a new initiative to plant 700 billion positive thoughts of abundance and prosperity into the soil of human consciousness with the intention of co-creating economic well-being for all. Knowing that the financial climate is influenced by the consciousness of the populace, we now become part of a powerful solution to turn the economy around.
Clearly, we are not looking for 700 billion people to participate ... that is greater than the entire world population! Our intention is to motivate as many agents of change as possible to transform our current economic environment to one of plenty for everyone. The plan is designed for each and every participant to do their deep inner work.
1. For the next 21 days, repeat this affirmation as many times as you can throughout the day. Make it your mantra of prosperity!
I am so grateful that I live in (God's) an abundant universe!
2. Be vigilant of your every thought, word and action. When a fear arises about the economy or your own personal finances, simply state that this thought has no power. Take a moment to quiet your mind and repeat with deep conviction, I am at ease, I am relaxed, I am at peace.
3. Next, copy and paste the Plan of Action commitment statement below into a separate email. Simply sign and date your response and send it to awakenedheartde@ This action records your pledge to work with us in the transformation of human consciousness toward abundance and prosperity for all everywhere.
700 Billion Positive Thoughts of Abundance and Prosperity Action Pledge
I ____________ _________ _________ ___, in order to demonstrateGood in my life, my family, my community and the world, pledge to become synchronized with the ceaseless activity of Divine Abundanceand Prosperity. I hereby commit to be a part of the solution by actively participating in the 700 Billion Positive Thoughts of Abundance and Prosperity Plan of Action. Each positive thought makes a difference and adds to the greater consciousness of humankind. I am attuned to Infinite Prosperity.
By participating in this plan, I transform the current climate of fear, scarcity and powerlessness to a new vibration of empowerment, confidence, joy and abundance leading to greater financial well-being for all.
____________ _________ _________ _________ _
____________ _______
Awakened Heart Spiritual Center, in Wilmington, Delaware, is leading the way with a new initiative to plant 700 billion positive thoughts of abundance and prosperity into the soil of human consciousness with the intention of co-creating economic well-being for all. Knowing that the financial climate is influenced by the consciousness of the populace, we now become part of a powerful solution to turn the economy around.
Clearly, we are not looking for 700 billion people to participate ... that is greater than the entire world population! Our intention is to motivate as many agents of change as possible to transform our current economic environment to one of plenty for everyone. The plan is designed for each and every participant to do their deep inner work.
1. For the next 21 days, repeat this affirmation as many times as you can throughout the day. Make it your mantra of prosperity!
I am so grateful that I live in (God's) an abundant universe!
2. Be vigilant of your every thought, word and action. When a fear arises about the economy or your own personal finances, simply state that this thought has no power. Take a moment to quiet your mind and repeat with deep conviction, I am at ease, I am relaxed, I am at peace.
3. Next, copy and paste the Plan of Action commitment statement below into a separate email. Simply sign and date your response and send it to awakenedheartde@ This action records your pledge to work with us in the transformation of human consciousness toward abundance and prosperity for all everywhere.
700 Billion Positive Thoughts of Abundance and Prosperity Action Pledge
I ____________ _________ _________ ___, in order to demonstrateGood in my life, my family, my community and the world, pledge to become synchronized with the ceaseless activity of Divine Abundanceand Prosperity. I hereby commit to be a part of the solution by actively participating in the 700 Billion Positive Thoughts of Abundance and Prosperity Plan of Action. Each positive thought makes a difference and adds to the greater consciousness of humankind. I am attuned to Infinite Prosperity.
By participating in this plan, I transform the current climate of fear, scarcity and powerlessness to a new vibration of empowerment, confidence, joy and abundance leading to greater financial well-being for all.
____________ _________ _________ _________ _
____________ _______
Friday, September 19, 2008
infinite field
We live in an infinite field of creative potentiality. This field is all around us and within us. It is the Life of God – and this is the Life we are living. This Life works through Law as I direct It.
Knowing this, I declare I am conscious of what I am thinking, feeling and speaking. I speak only words that are beneficial to myself and my world. The I am that I am is powerful. I am prosperous. I am healthy. I am creative. I am loving and loved. I am joyful. I am blessed.
I am grateful. I am grateful to know I can work with the Law so effortlessly, and the Law works through me with ease.
I release these words to the Law of Mind knowing they are already so. And so It is.
written by rev angelica
Knowing this, I declare I am conscious of what I am thinking, feeling and speaking. I speak only words that are beneficial to myself and my world. The I am that I am is powerful. I am prosperous. I am healthy. I am creative. I am loving and loved. I am joyful. I am blessed.
I am grateful. I am grateful to know I can work with the Law so effortlessly, and the Law works through me with ease.
I release these words to the Law of Mind knowing they are already so. And so It is.
written by rev angelica
Thursday, September 11, 2008
.D.K. on Peptides Pep Talk
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek. (Tibetan greeting, pronounced tash-ee delay-k)
Alright. A very warm Tibetan greeting. Tashi Delek means happy auspicious you, that I am seeing you in your spirit form, perfect and complete as is. It is equivalent to Namaste, which many are familiar with. It’s a Hindu greeting and has also some other, in other cultures and what not, the greeting is different but basically it is greeting the Holy Spirit as Holy Spirit.
Our topic today is “Peptide Pep Talk” And since we are in a time that is retribution or karmic retribution, in other words, previous deeds coming back upon one, we would look at that as most experiences that you have had in any given lifetime and certainly in the collection of your lifetimes, have probably been in the painful, angry or just very unevolved.
So this is a time of karmic retribution with Pluto going direct. And Pluto, well the current Moon influences are one factor, and there are some other important anniversary dates and a few other configurations astronomically that are impacting things and more than I want to go into detail at the moment. But basically the karmic retribution is upon Humanity.
So, we want to go at the cellular structure, really sub cellular. We want to look at hormone receptor sites, a few other things that are happening in the body and we see by far, many of Humanity that would say that their Peptides are conditioned for stress, anxiety, stress, pressure, and a lot of adrenaline. It’s really sort of killing the rest of the endocrine system. It really creates quite an imbalance but also then throws off of course all the hormones. Then a little excitement begets more excitement and pretty soon you need caffeine, energy drinks or drama to feed the sensors in the body.
So what we want to work with today is a Peptide Pep Talk that is conditioning the Peptides energetically to respond to something else, such as calm, grace, ease, the light of the Soul, the wisdom of the Universe, and the Joy of Creation without the stress of it. So I am going to work directly with Peptides. Some of you know anatomically what I am talking about. Others can look up the word Peptide and work with the energy of it.
I want to give you all just a brief hint which is one way of working with this on a daily basis. For some of you it will be a very good habit for the rest of this incarnation. And it is based on the old saying “An apple a day will keep the doctor away”. And I would like you to find your favorite apple, or maybe a variety that you switch with seasonally. It does have to be a fresh apple, not apple juice, or concentrate, and pray into the apple, so you can do a Peptide Pep Talk into the apple and then eat the apple. Once a day, probably for most of you it is going to be a mid-morning snack. For some of you it might be early morning or mid afternoon or an hour or two after dinner. There will be a different time frame for each physical structure on when they want this apple.
The idea of praying into the consciousness of the apple and then consuming it is very important. You don’t need to eat the seeds or the stem or anything but certainly the meat of the apple and also preferably the skin of the apple. Unless it has been sprayed with something and you really need to take the skin off. So that is a very simple method. With or without the apple, you can still talk to the Peptides. With the apple, it just tends to bring it deeper into the consciousness and it does relate back to the biblical stories of Adam and Eve and the apple. And I’ll leave you to ponder why that might be.
In the meantime, I am going to give you the Pep Talk. It’s important to get an emotional response going with the energy. You can also use 9th Ray color, which is Joy. The vibration of Joy, is a blue green color. It is very vibrant. There is a lot of effervescence in it. And you can use the 9th Ray Attunement, which is Exquisite Joy. The other thing you want to see is just this little stamp that says “Joy” on it and you are just stamping every single hormone receptor with the word “Joy” and the ink on it is a very beautiful blue green color, a very happy color. It sort of makes you smile or brings Joy to your energy field.
Our Pep Talk goes like this:
Imagine there is a Peptide right in front of you and say “We are going to have a tremendous amount of Joy! today. We are going to have a tremendous amount of Joy! today”. You just keep saying it. “We are going to have a tremendous amount of Joy! today.”
Now this particular Peptide Pep Talk is to transmute fear into excitement, then into Joy. It takes a while to sort of mold the Peptide response or to change the hormone receptor into a Joyful state of awareness, a Joyful state of expression, a Joyful state of consciousness.
When something new happens, to the Peptides just say “Joy” instead of “Oh dread!” or “Oh be scared”. Thinking, I don’t know it, I should fear it. For the Peptide Pep Talk, even if it is simply upon going to sleep every night, sing “Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!”.
Stamp it on every Peptide you can imagine, billions in the body, every morning when you awake get your little Joy stamp all over the Peptides “Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!” It’s another simple way to work with it.
With an apple, you could just hold it with your fingertips, send Joy into it, blue green Joy, and you could use the affirmation Pep Talk, or anything that you want.
“We are going to experience a tremendous amount of Joy today!”
Just put that vibration in and eat the apple. Wonderful, wonderful work and it will reprogram your consciousness.
As always, thank you and my love to you,
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek. (Tibetan greeting, pronounced tash-ee delay-k)
Alright. A very warm Tibetan greeting. Tashi Delek means happy auspicious you, that I am seeing you in your spirit form, perfect and complete as is. It is equivalent to Namaste, which many are familiar with. It’s a Hindu greeting and has also some other, in other cultures and what not, the greeting is different but basically it is greeting the Holy Spirit as Holy Spirit.
Our topic today is “Peptide Pep Talk” And since we are in a time that is retribution or karmic retribution, in other words, previous deeds coming back upon one, we would look at that as most experiences that you have had in any given lifetime and certainly in the collection of your lifetimes, have probably been in the painful, angry or just very unevolved.
So this is a time of karmic retribution with Pluto going direct. And Pluto, well the current Moon influences are one factor, and there are some other important anniversary dates and a few other configurations astronomically that are impacting things and more than I want to go into detail at the moment. But basically the karmic retribution is upon Humanity.
So, we want to go at the cellular structure, really sub cellular. We want to look at hormone receptor sites, a few other things that are happening in the body and we see by far, many of Humanity that would say that their Peptides are conditioned for stress, anxiety, stress, pressure, and a lot of adrenaline. It’s really sort of killing the rest of the endocrine system. It really creates quite an imbalance but also then throws off of course all the hormones. Then a little excitement begets more excitement and pretty soon you need caffeine, energy drinks or drama to feed the sensors in the body.
So what we want to work with today is a Peptide Pep Talk that is conditioning the Peptides energetically to respond to something else, such as calm, grace, ease, the light of the Soul, the wisdom of the Universe, and the Joy of Creation without the stress of it. So I am going to work directly with Peptides. Some of you know anatomically what I am talking about. Others can look up the word Peptide and work with the energy of it.
I want to give you all just a brief hint which is one way of working with this on a daily basis. For some of you it will be a very good habit for the rest of this incarnation. And it is based on the old saying “An apple a day will keep the doctor away”. And I would like you to find your favorite apple, or maybe a variety that you switch with seasonally. It does have to be a fresh apple, not apple juice, or concentrate, and pray into the apple, so you can do a Peptide Pep Talk into the apple and then eat the apple. Once a day, probably for most of you it is going to be a mid-morning snack. For some of you it might be early morning or mid afternoon or an hour or two after dinner. There will be a different time frame for each physical structure on when they want this apple.
The idea of praying into the consciousness of the apple and then consuming it is very important. You don’t need to eat the seeds or the stem or anything but certainly the meat of the apple and also preferably the skin of the apple. Unless it has been sprayed with something and you really need to take the skin off. So that is a very simple method. With or without the apple, you can still talk to the Peptides. With the apple, it just tends to bring it deeper into the consciousness and it does relate back to the biblical stories of Adam and Eve and the apple. And I’ll leave you to ponder why that might be.
In the meantime, I am going to give you the Pep Talk. It’s important to get an emotional response going with the energy. You can also use 9th Ray color, which is Joy. The vibration of Joy, is a blue green color. It is very vibrant. There is a lot of effervescence in it. And you can use the 9th Ray Attunement, which is Exquisite Joy. The other thing you want to see is just this little stamp that says “Joy” on it and you are just stamping every single hormone receptor with the word “Joy” and the ink on it is a very beautiful blue green color, a very happy color. It sort of makes you smile or brings Joy to your energy field.
Our Pep Talk goes like this:
Imagine there is a Peptide right in front of you and say “We are going to have a tremendous amount of Joy! today. We are going to have a tremendous amount of Joy! today”. You just keep saying it. “We are going to have a tremendous amount of Joy! today.”
Now this particular Peptide Pep Talk is to transmute fear into excitement, then into Joy. It takes a while to sort of mold the Peptide response or to change the hormone receptor into a Joyful state of awareness, a Joyful state of expression, a Joyful state of consciousness.
When something new happens, to the Peptides just say “Joy” instead of “Oh dread!” or “Oh be scared”. Thinking, I don’t know it, I should fear it. For the Peptide Pep Talk, even if it is simply upon going to sleep every night, sing “Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!”.
Stamp it on every Peptide you can imagine, billions in the body, every morning when you awake get your little Joy stamp all over the Peptides “Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!” It’s another simple way to work with it.
With an apple, you could just hold it with your fingertips, send Joy into it, blue green Joy, and you could use the affirmation Pep Talk, or anything that you want.
“We are going to experience a tremendous amount of Joy today!”
Just put that vibration in and eat the apple. Wonderful, wonderful work and it will reprogram your consciousness.
As always, thank you and my love to you,
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri
everything happens for my highest good
Hold today's affirmation in your crown chakra
'I know more and more that everything that happens is for my highest good’
saying NO can be a form of self care.
Begin to notice where you would benefit from saying NO.
Could you practice saying NO this week, especially in the area related to finances?
Think back to a challenge concerning your prosperity that you have dealt with in the last 12 months
What qualities did you develop as a result of this challenge showing up in your life?
What is /is not in your life at the moment that is a challenge?
What quality would assist you in dealing with it?
Write this quality on a postcard and place it where you can see it often
Just before you go to sleep, and again upon waking, say to yourself
‘I AM the (chosen quality) within
I AM the (quality) within
I AM the (quality)
I AM the (quality)
I AM the (quality) within
Notice what shows up in your dreams and in your environment
Point to Ponder
I shall keep the promise that I have made to myself.
I shall never again tell myself that I am poor, sick,
weak, nor unhappy.
I shall not lie to myself any more, but shall daily speak the
truth to my inner Soul, telling It that It is wonderful and
marvelous; that It is One with the Great Cause of all Life,
Truth, Power and Action.
I shall whisper these things into my Soul until it breaks
forth into songs of joy with the realization of Its
Limitless possibilities.
Yes, I shall assure my Soul.
by Ernest Holmes
Holographic Universe video
The pure Presence of Life has taken form as all creation! The nature of allthings is sacred and whole, and this includes me. My nature is sacred andwhole, both in the abstract and in form. I recognize this day that my bodyis a perfect reflection of the wholeness of life, and that I live within aform of Spirit that is so incredibly intelligent, that it knows how torebuild itself every day.My body is inherently intelligent, and it knows how to resource all it needs.
I talk to my body, instilling wisdom into actions that support its health,
its strength, and its beauty.
The wisdom of Spirit takes up all my choices
and I immediately see progress in activities and behaviors that support mybody's wholeness.
I discover all negative conditioning or decline is halted.
I hold the attitude that whatever brings more life, more vibrant health, and
more joy into expression in my body is good, and desirable! I give thanks
for this natural inner tendency towards supporting my natural wholeness.I also know that anything that is out of balance in my body is being
completely resolved and healed right now. I declare my nature as
balance, grace, health, and strength.
I listen intently to what my body
is telling my about what I need in terms of food, activity, and rest, and
joyfully follow this inner wisdom. these kinds of choices naturally
reveal my whole and pure nature. For this I give thanks. And so it is.
by a peregroff
Zannie Rose
What would you like to have happen?
telephone sessions to shift your focus and reveal a new world
Commanding Wealth
'I know more and more that everything that happens is for my highest good’
saying NO can be a form of self care.
Begin to notice where you would benefit from saying NO.
Could you practice saying NO this week, especially in the area related to finances?
Think back to a challenge concerning your prosperity that you have dealt with in the last 12 months
What qualities did you develop as a result of this challenge showing up in your life?
What is /is not in your life at the moment that is a challenge?
What quality would assist you in dealing with it?
Write this quality on a postcard and place it where you can see it often
Just before you go to sleep, and again upon waking, say to yourself
‘I AM the (chosen quality) within
I AM the (quality) within
I AM the (quality)
I AM the (quality)
I AM the (quality) within
Notice what shows up in your dreams and in your environment
Point to Ponder
I shall keep the promise that I have made to myself.
I shall never again tell myself that I am poor, sick,
weak, nor unhappy.
I shall not lie to myself any more, but shall daily speak the
truth to my inner Soul, telling It that It is wonderful and
marvelous; that It is One with the Great Cause of all Life,
Truth, Power and Action.
I shall whisper these things into my Soul until it breaks
forth into songs of joy with the realization of Its
Limitless possibilities.
Yes, I shall assure my Soul.
by Ernest Holmes
Holographic Universe video
The pure Presence of Life has taken form as all creation! The nature of allthings is sacred and whole, and this includes me. My nature is sacred andwhole, both in the abstract and in form. I recognize this day that my bodyis a perfect reflection of the wholeness of life, and that I live within aform of Spirit that is so incredibly intelligent, that it knows how torebuild itself every day.My body is inherently intelligent, and it knows how to resource all it needs.
I talk to my body, instilling wisdom into actions that support its health,
its strength, and its beauty.
The wisdom of Spirit takes up all my choices
and I immediately see progress in activities and behaviors that support mybody's wholeness.
I discover all negative conditioning or decline is halted.
I hold the attitude that whatever brings more life, more vibrant health, and
more joy into expression in my body is good, and desirable! I give thanks
for this natural inner tendency towards supporting my natural wholeness.I also know that anything that is out of balance in my body is being
completely resolved and healed right now. I declare my nature as
balance, grace, health, and strength.
I listen intently to what my body
is telling my about what I need in terms of food, activity, and rest, and
joyfully follow this inner wisdom. these kinds of choices naturally
reveal my whole and pure nature. For this I give thanks. And so it is.
by a peregroff
Zannie Rose
What would you like to have happen?
telephone sessions to shift your focus and reveal a new world
Commanding Wealth
Saturday, September 06, 2008
D.K :Invoking Forgiveness
Invoking the Energy of Forgiveness”
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek. (Tibetan greeting, pronounced tash-ee delay-k)
Alright. Today and all this week, we work with the energies of the Dark Side of Humanity. The Dark Side of Humanity will be working through a number of effects that I think are rather challenging. I would say that we have a number of things going into place here. Probably most noteworthy, would be the energies of the moon and the Scorpio vibration. So it’s Moon in Scorpio, we are starting there, and then we have what I would call a number of other challenges.
Now those who are oriented toward ignoring their dark side will not be able to ignore it any longer. Those who are oriented towards indulging in their dark side will find themselves either less inclined to indulge in the dark side, in other words it is not so romantic any more, or, even more so, like they want to go to the deepest part possible. Part of that is the Scorpio Moon influences death and transition. It influences flirtation with death or darkness.
So what I want to do here is work with the Light and work with Illumination of Love. So as we counter the energies that are occurring on a global scale, we work within ourselves with the illumination of Love.
Fear is void of love. In other words, fear can only be present when love is absent. So when we illuminate the love aspect in the body, in the consciousness, in the world, what we are doing is calling forth the true nature of Creation and we are eliminating the darkness aspect. Breathe in Love. Just breathe in pure Love. And when you exhale, you let the darkness out. You can inhale again, pure Love. Exhale and consciously let the darkness leave you, wherever it might be stored in the body, let it leave you. And one more nice deep breath, pure Love, tingling all over with the vibration of Love energy and then a big exhale to let all the darkness leave the consciousness. Good.
Alright then. We are going to go into a violet flame next and work with transmuting the energies, just whatever it is. Violet flame has its own vibratory pattern. In other words it’s self correcting and you can just immerse yourself in violet flame and allow the energies to do what they will do.
I might note here also that on Saturday September 6, the moon will enter Sag. Very early, wee hours of the morning; just after 3 a.m. in New York and just after midnight in Los Angeles. So the vibration will begin to shift then but again I see, careful choosing what you want. It’s not a good time to think about death and mortality. It’s a better time to think about eternity and life and consciously choose to be fully alive and then breathe that Love in, breathe the darkness out. It is going to be your best remedy for this time period.
Now we have planets turning direct. It’s going to be a lot of fun. You are going to see Jupiter direct on Sunday, Monday. I am going to say that for that one you might work with a direct relationship with your Wheel of Fortune. Now it might not be money. Your Wheel of Fortune might be good luck or great relationships or impeccable timing. Whatever is your Wheel of Fortune, that which brings you fortune, work with expanding it at that time.
Alright dear ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek. (Tibetan greeting, pronounced tash-ee delay-k)
Alright. Today and all this week, we work with the energies of the Dark Side of Humanity. The Dark Side of Humanity will be working through a number of effects that I think are rather challenging. I would say that we have a number of things going into place here. Probably most noteworthy, would be the energies of the moon and the Scorpio vibration. So it’s Moon in Scorpio, we are starting there, and then we have what I would call a number of other challenges.
Now those who are oriented toward ignoring their dark side will not be able to ignore it any longer. Those who are oriented towards indulging in their dark side will find themselves either less inclined to indulge in the dark side, in other words it is not so romantic any more, or, even more so, like they want to go to the deepest part possible. Part of that is the Scorpio Moon influences death and transition. It influences flirtation with death or darkness.
So what I want to do here is work with the Light and work with Illumination of Love. So as we counter the energies that are occurring on a global scale, we work within ourselves with the illumination of Love.
Fear is void of love. In other words, fear can only be present when love is absent. So when we illuminate the love aspect in the body, in the consciousness, in the world, what we are doing is calling forth the true nature of Creation and we are eliminating the darkness aspect. Breathe in Love. Just breathe in pure Love. And when you exhale, you let the darkness out. You can inhale again, pure Love. Exhale and consciously let the darkness leave you, wherever it might be stored in the body, let it leave you. And one more nice deep breath, pure Love, tingling all over with the vibration of Love energy and then a big exhale to let all the darkness leave the consciousness. Good.
Alright then. We are going to go into a violet flame next and work with transmuting the energies, just whatever it is. Violet flame has its own vibratory pattern. In other words it’s self correcting and you can just immerse yourself in violet flame and allow the energies to do what they will do.
I might note here also that on Saturday September 6, the moon will enter Sag. Very early, wee hours of the morning; just after 3 a.m. in New York and just after midnight in Los Angeles. So the vibration will begin to shift then but again I see, careful choosing what you want. It’s not a good time to think about death and mortality. It’s a better time to think about eternity and life and consciously choose to be fully alive and then breathe that Love in, breathe the darkness out. It is going to be your best remedy for this time period.
Now we have planets turning direct. It’s going to be a lot of fun. You are going to see Jupiter direct on Sunday, Monday. I am going to say that for that one you might work with a direct relationship with your Wheel of Fortune. Now it might not be money. Your Wheel of Fortune might be good luck or great relationships or impeccable timing. Whatever is your Wheel of Fortune, that which brings you fortune, work with expanding it at that time.
Alright dear ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.
Djwhal Khul
Channeled by Rev. Terri
Friday, September 05, 2008
Friday Blessings
I live in a universe that is by nature abundant; this universe is bynature loving, and it is by its very nature whole. I choose today torealize what's always been true: that I am One with this Universe, thatI always have been one with it, and that I have access to all its good,whenever I open my mind to receive it.
Today I awaken to my noble self, realizing that I am a powerful centerof creative energy in this universe, a place where life is delighted toflow and flow with ease. I stop playing small, and realize that I cangift myself anything in the world, and I do it with joy and with the knowing and believing that as imagination flows through me, I align with creation, it's not of my own creation, but of Spirit. I receive each gift, whatever its form, freely. Whether it is presents from my children, offering my best in my work, loving my partner with all of my heart, or finding abundance, I do it with the full and complete understanding that Spirit and I playfully conduct this action through me.
I relax in the knowing that everything is just fine, that the power ofSpirit is thought+full+ly flowing through me, that this universe is a safe and wonderful place to be. And my life blossoms in joy. And so it is.
written by A pergoff
I live in a universe that is by nature abundant; this universe is bynature loving, and it is by its very nature whole. I choose today torealize what's always been true: that I am One with this Universe, thatI always have been one with it, and that I have access to all its good,whenever I open my mind to receive it.
Today I awaken to my noble self, realizing that I am a powerful centerof creative energy in this universe, a place where life is delighted toflow and flow with ease. I stop playing small, and realize that I cangift myself anything in the world, and I do it with joy and with the knowing and believing that as imagination flows through me, I align with creation, it's not of my own creation, but of Spirit. I receive each gift, whatever its form, freely. Whether it is presents from my children, offering my best in my work, loving my partner with all of my heart, or finding abundance, I do it with the full and complete understanding that Spirit and I playfully conduct this action through me.
I relax in the knowing that everything is just fine, that the power ofSpirit is thought+full+ly flowing through me, that this universe is a safe and wonderful place to be. And my life blossoms in joy. And so it is.
written by A pergoff
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Ganesha's Birthday

Allowing the Flow
Ganesha's Birthday
September 3rd :Happy Birthday Ganesha
The Sanskrit word for Ganesha means one who is the Isha (Lord) of the Ganas (Angelic army).
According to spiritual teacher Siva Baba Ganesha's special powers include the following:He removes obstacles in all areas of life.
It is important to enlist his help whether you go on a date or go to the court or sign a contract, etc.He removes malefic effects from planets including Saturn.He is a great strategic planner. He finds lost things.Any new venture needs Ganesha's blessing to begin successfully.
He is the God of education, knowledge, wisdom, literature, and the fine arts.
Ganesha is also the destroyer of vanity, selfishness and pride.
He bestows clear passage, trouble-free endeavours and easy attainment of wealth as he is the Lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles.Ganesha reveals himself in multiple forms:a warrior, a charmer, wealth giver, obstacle remover, etc.
Ganesha's Birthday Special
A distant shamanic journey to clear any blocks to your tunnel to the lower world.
This would be especially beneficial if you have been feeling stuck or you are planning a new project.
It is also an excellent idea to have periodic clearings of the tunnel to the lower world
£33 instead of the usual fee of £60, and includes a follow-up email after the journey has been completed.
Available until September 30th 2008
Book here
or email for address if you prefer to pay by cheque
12 Keys Of Spiritual Activism
I watched a lovely Ganesha video on youube some time ago and went to find it to share today, however I came across this one and decided to share this instead.
I love the words and the music, I felt inspired whilst listening and trust you will too.
September 29th 7-8.30pm
New Moon Commanding Wealth Circle
It was so lovely to meet you all. I've been feeling so happy and good in myself since having the realisation that all I had to do was to connect with myself and that the rest will just fall into place.Thank you Zannie for sharing this wonderful tool and your beautiful guidance to heights I'd never even imagined before. I'm exited about this new discovery that is so much fun, playful, free AND good for you!
Booking recommended (fully one October 28th)
8 places
Tel sessions an option also
More details:~
Many blessings
September 6th
More details:~
Many blessings
September 6th
Monday, September 01, 2008
new moon commanding wealth circle
had a wonderful time on Saturday morning, with the Commanding Wealth Circle, it is great to meet up with and work with such enthusiastic people. We worked with the 6 steps of the one command, which helps us access theta brainwaves, and from that place to experience more of what we would like to have next circle is September 29th, and I can teach this process 1:1 and over the phone and guide people thru the steps, with a focus on what they would like to have happen. I love all these shifts and changes.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
DNA 12 Strand Activation
Here are some of the benefits people are reporting:~
Enhance your well being
Develop your intuition and more
Activate your DNA 12 Strands
Learn a new process to dissolve unhelpful patterns
Feel more youthful as energy level increases
Quickened capacity for self healing
Speedier manifestations
Keener sense of knowing
Peace and calmness within
Outdated truths and beliefs no longer work
Enhanced self trust and awareness
Replacing “seeking” with “resolving
”More Conscious Languaging
Enhanced discernment
Increased sensitivity, perceptions, and telepathy
Seeing relationships more clearly
Attracting soul mates and soul families
Letting go of old stuff, people and things
Courses will be on the following dates, in London
1:1 or telephone session also an option
Enhance your well being
Develop your intuition and more
Activate your DNA 12 Strands
Learn a new process to dissolve unhelpful patterns
Feel more youthful as energy level increases
Quickened capacity for self healing
Speedier manifestations
Keener sense of knowing
Peace and calmness within
Outdated truths and beliefs no longer work
Enhanced self trust and awareness
Replacing “seeking” with “resolving
”More Conscious Languaging
Enhanced discernment
Increased sensitivity, perceptions, and telepathy
Seeing relationships more clearly
Attracting soul mates and soul families
Letting go of old stuff, people and things
Courses will be on the following dates, in London
1:1 or telephone session also an option
begin your day with a spiritual mind treameny
There is but One Power – we call It by many names, but It is so much more than that. This One Power resides in every corner of the Universe. Every corner is Its own Self. It resides within me as well.
As I breathe deeply and accept this Truth, I feel all judgment and fear dissipate with my outgoing breath. The Peace I am is now revealed. I feel it within me and all around me. In Peace I celebrate the activities I see in my world – my own and those of others. I know they are all a reflection of my thinking/feeling nature. I am filled with Peace, so I see and experience Peace, and this is good, very good.
I am so grateful for the consciousness of abundance. I know this is an abundance of all good things, including the deep peace of my soul. I am grateful to take responsibility for my part in walking in the right direction, and being an emissary of Peace.
I release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing they are so. And so It is
There is but One Power – we call It by many names, but It is so much more than that. This One Power resides in every corner of the Universe. Every corner is Its own Self. It resides within me as well.
As I breathe deeply and accept this Truth, I feel all judgment and fear dissipate with my outgoing breath. The Peace I am is now revealed. I feel it within me and all around me. In Peace I celebrate the activities I see in my world – my own and those of others. I know they are all a reflection of my thinking/feeling nature. I am filled with Peace, so I see and experience Peace, and this is good, very good.
I am so grateful for the consciousness of abundance. I know this is an abundance of all good things, including the deep peace of my soul. I am grateful to take responsibility for my part in walking in the right direction, and being an emissary of Peace.
I release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing they are so. And so It is
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Upgrade your Energy to Begin You Day
The following is an effective way to raise your energy levels and shift to a more positive mindset.
It only takes about 5- minutes to go through the sequence.
You could the following once each day in the morning to set the tone for your day
Tap 3 times for each statement.
Breath deeply as possible
Focus on the meaning of the statement, rather than going on auto-pilot
Be present and aware of the meaning of what you are saying, with sincerity and conviction.
Begin tappingat the top of the nose, on the inner the eyebrow (3X each):·
I allow myself to become more fully connected to Divine Source Energy, now and continually.
I allow myself to become more fully connected to Divine Love Energy, now and continually.·
I allow myself to become more connected to Divine Light Energy, now and continually.
I allow myself to become more fully connected to Divine Will Energy, now and continually.
I am seeing things from a Unity Consciousness perspective, now and continually
I am clarity of purpose, now and continually.
Tap on the outer eye as you repeat (3X each):·
I allow myself more complete and permanent forgiveness of myself, God, Life, the world and all others.
I allow myself to become more completely and permanently free of fear, doubt, negativity and limitation
Tap under each eye, as you state aloud (3X each)
I am changing the physical reality for myself and all others.
I am opening doors to a higher reality for myself and all others.
Tap under nose, and state aloud (3X each):·
I allow myself to be more in a high-joy vibration, now and continually.
I am awake and aware, now and continually.
Tap Under bottom-lip, as you state aloud (3X each):·
I am happy, now and continually.·
I am abundance of ________, now and continually.
Tap under arms, stating aloud (3X each):·
I am becoming more Whole and Healed, now and continually.·
I am allowing more peace and tranquility, now and continually.
With both palms face up, bring ridge of hands together, tapping and state (3X each)
I am bringing the unconscious to conscious, in a easy, graceful way
I am more awake and more aware
.Finally, tap all over the top of your head for energy boost.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I see I have not posted in a while.that does not mean I have not been doing my processes. I have, but time spent doing Om na ma si va ya leaves less time to blog.
There have been reuslts this weekI had someone book a DNA Activation session yesterday and when she arrived, she asked if she could have a reiki treatment afterwards. I was surprised, and very pleased of course. It was lovely to work with someone who was looking after herself so well. I wonder if I could add it as an optional extra for future clients?
It also meant that I was paid extra, which seems to be a re-assurance from the divine bankers that expenses for my seminar next month will be covered.had a fun manifestation this week too.
Last Sunday I began a chanting group...we will be doing a 3 hour mantra chanting marathon, every Sunday for 5 sessions.I sat on the sofa last week, choosing comfort and avoiding the floor cushions, however that meant I was v close to the incense, which made me cough a lot..what to do ?? I thought lightly that I needed a cushion with a back to it. On Thursday I had a card from the Post Office telling me they tried to deliver a parcel..when I went to collect it I was amazed. It was a gift from the owner of a website where I am a voluntary guessed..a mini chair..perfect to take along with me to the mantra chanting effort..wish granted
zannie rose
ps DNA Activation courses on May 14th /Jue 29th or July 12th
There have been reuslts this weekI had someone book a DNA Activation session yesterday and when she arrived, she asked if she could have a reiki treatment afterwards. I was surprised, and very pleased of course. It was lovely to work with someone who was looking after herself so well. I wonder if I could add it as an optional extra for future clients?
It also meant that I was paid extra, which seems to be a re-assurance from the divine bankers that expenses for my seminar next month will be covered.had a fun manifestation this week too.
Last Sunday I began a chanting group...we will be doing a 3 hour mantra chanting marathon, every Sunday for 5 sessions.I sat on the sofa last week, choosing comfort and avoiding the floor cushions, however that meant I was v close to the incense, which made me cough a lot..what to do ?? I thought lightly that I needed a cushion with a back to it. On Thursday I had a card from the Post Office telling me they tried to deliver a parcel..when I went to collect it I was amazed. It was a gift from the owner of a website where I am a voluntary guessed..a mini chair..perfect to take along with me to the mantra chanting effort..wish granted
zannie rose
ps DNA Activation courses on May 14th /Jue 29th or July 12th
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Imbolc 2008
I trust you will find this post helpful in your ever opening up to the flow of Imbolc
Imbolc February 1st and 2nd
Imbolc acknowledges the beginning of earth's awakening after the cold dark of winter. The word may mean ewe's milk or in the belly.
It is the time when ewes begin to lactate, and is of course the start of the lambing season. It's also the time when life begins to grow in the womb of the earth therefore both meanings make sense.
Imbolc marked the time on the old farming calendar when ploughing began. Corn dollies saved at Lammas, which held the spirit of the corn, were ploughed into the earth at Imbolc to symoblise the return of the corn spirit to the earth, and so ensuring fertility for the coming year
Imbolc is a festival of the Goddess as Maiden and has many names including Brigid or Bride, which some say is the origin of the "bride"
February Special
As many of you know, I am an experienced shamanic healer, in practice since 1996.
This month you have an opportunity to experience a shamanic journey for yourself, no matter where you live.
I am offering a distant shamanic journey to remove the blocks in your tunnel to the Lower World
When I do a shamanic journey for someone, I often enter their world by means of a tunnel into the Lower World. This tunnel is often blocked by debris. This debris needs to be shifted before I can go any further.
I move these blocks with the help of my power animalWhen someone has a blocked tunnel into their lower world, it shows up as feelings of being blocked in life, as if they cannot move forward, no matter what they do. There is a sense of shift and movement, once the tunnel has been unblocked. This means that people now feels as if they can actually make progress
If you would like to have a distant shamanic journey to have the entrance to your lower world unblocked, there is a special price during February, to celebrate Imbolc, which is a time of flow.
Usual fee for a shamanic journey is £60.
During February you can book a distant shamanic journey to remove the blocks in your tunnel for the special price of £33.
Payment in advance is a pre-requisite.
You can book by paypal, even if you do not have an account with paypal.
book your shamanic journey to have the tunnel to your Lower World cleared
If you prefer to pay by cheque (sterling only) contact me for the address.
Include your name ,your birthday , your town .
I will email you to let you know the day I will be doing your shamanic journey, and will email notes after the journey to confirm that your tunnel has been cleared.
I look forward to hearing from you soon
Zannie Rose
DNA Activation Course In London 2008
February 10th
2pm for a 2.15 start - 4.15pm
Imbolc February 1st and 2nd
Imbolc acknowledges the beginning of earth's awakening after the cold dark of winter. The word may mean ewe's milk or in the belly.
It is the time when ewes begin to lactate, and is of course the start of the lambing season. It's also the time when life begins to grow in the womb of the earth therefore both meanings make sense.
Imbolc marked the time on the old farming calendar when ploughing began. Corn dollies saved at Lammas, which held the spirit of the corn, were ploughed into the earth at Imbolc to symoblise the return of the corn spirit to the earth, and so ensuring fertility for the coming year
Imbolc is a festival of the Goddess as Maiden and has many names including Brigid or Bride, which some say is the origin of the "bride"
February Special
As many of you know, I am an experienced shamanic healer, in practice since 1996.
This month you have an opportunity to experience a shamanic journey for yourself, no matter where you live.
I am offering a distant shamanic journey to remove the blocks in your tunnel to the Lower World
When I do a shamanic journey for someone, I often enter their world by means of a tunnel into the Lower World. This tunnel is often blocked by debris. This debris needs to be shifted before I can go any further.
I move these blocks with the help of my power animalWhen someone has a blocked tunnel into their lower world, it shows up as feelings of being blocked in life, as if they cannot move forward, no matter what they do. There is a sense of shift and movement, once the tunnel has been unblocked. This means that people now feels as if they can actually make progress
If you would like to have a distant shamanic journey to have the entrance to your lower world unblocked, there is a special price during February, to celebrate Imbolc, which is a time of flow.
Usual fee for a shamanic journey is £60.
During February you can book a distant shamanic journey to remove the blocks in your tunnel for the special price of £33.
Payment in advance is a pre-requisite.
You can book by paypal, even if you do not have an account with paypal.
book your shamanic journey to have the tunnel to your Lower World cleared
If you prefer to pay by cheque (sterling only) contact me for the address.
Include your name ,your birthday , your town .
I will email you to let you know the day I will be doing your shamanic journey, and will email notes after the journey to confirm that your tunnel has been cleared.
I look forward to hearing from you soon
Zannie Rose
DNA Activation Course In London 2008
February 10th
2pm for a 2.15 start - 4.15pm
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