Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Affirming that the Infinite Spirit within me, which is God, the livingSpirit Almighty, knows me as part of Itself, I consciously turn fromevery thought that can deny my union with all the Presence, all thePower, and all the Good there is.

Today I embody a deep conviction that my word is operated on bya spiritual law.
This Infinite Creative Law is always bringing completesatisfaction into my experience because it is mechanical and exact.

If I desire health, it flows forth. If I desire joy, it bursts into my life. If I yearn for confidence and faith, they become my identity.

This is the nature of an Infinite Creative Law; to be the doer. I am only responsiblefor choices and demands, that's it. So I consciously act with wisdomas I use this creative force to instill divine intelligence, infinite love andperfect harmony into my daily living. Directing my thoughts inward, I rest in gratitude for such miraculous discoveries.

It is these small things that lead us to the perfect rightlife. Aahhhhhh.
Thank you God. And so it is.


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