Friday, March 27, 2009

time to use EFT to clear your clutter

Spring clean your clutter with EFT

We all have to deal with ever increasing clutter.Stuff just seems to breed at times dont you think

Here is an exercise to try out, taken from my 8 day Allowing the Flow e-book

Release 10 items that are no longer a match with who you are now
.Let go of the stuck energy they hold.
It could be books, photos, clothes, gifts from ex partners,
Letting go creates more flow and allows in the newTip to De-ClutteringClutter drains your energy - and you don't realize it till it's gone.
Every item in your home has an energy to it.
When items go a long time unused, unloved and uncared for, they become stuck,stagnant energy that actually physically drains you of your energy.
Your energy (chi) has trouble moving freely if there is a lot of clutter.Feng Shui (the ancient Chinese art of creating a harmonious environment by positioning objects and using space to allow chi to flow) teaches that clutter represents stagnant energy.

In order for energy (chi) to flow freely, the clutter must be clearedStart small….maybe the stack of papers on your desk or the mound of clothes on yourfloor.Pick up each piece and decide then and there if(
a) it stays right where it is
,(b) it is put away some place else
,c) it is thrown or given away

.As you open up the energy of the place by cleaning up and clearing out, you also openup your own energy
What new qualities would you enjoy flowing into your life now?
Notice these essences around you.

Maybe a new kind of book catches your eye or you are drawn to a different kind of texture in clothes when you go window shopping

Want to use EFT to help you de-clutter?

Whether you have clutter filling your home, office, mind or social life, you will enjoy listening to these audios and tapping along with the transcripts to clear clutter in your life.

This thorough audio series plus 148 pages of transcripts are authored by EFT Master Carol Look and Emotional Freedom Coach Rick Wilkes.

They address the topic of clutter from every angle—emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritual. Listening and tapping along will change the way you deal with any kind of clutter and help release the reasons you have this challenge

.Cluttered mind? Tap away the reasons you can’t stay present to your life.

Cluttered home? Tap for trying to fill the void left by a feeling of lack in your life.

Cluttered relationships? Tap to let go of those relationships that are no longer a vibrational match with your energy.

Cluttered office? Delve into the emotional reasons you feel compelled to hold onto your stuff.

Cluttered life blocking your abundance?

Tap yourself free of the clutter and allow your life to unfold the way you wish.

Enjoy over 5 hours of discussion, theory, and tap along files for you to listen to over and over again while you make use of the 148 pages of transcripts for easy reference.

Enjoy being Clutter Free with EFT!

All 6 MP3 Recordings and 148-page PDF Transcript for only $47 (Download to your computer - No shipping and handling charge

Thursday, March 19, 2009

EFT and fear of heights

read another interesting story from

A Story Of Heights

For as long as I can remember I have been afraid of heights. As a child I used to climb trees but was always the one who sat on the bottom branch whilst my friends climbed to the top. When our son was young and we used to visit seaside resorts, landmarks etc., I was the one who couldn't/wouldn't walk along the clifftop path and was left sitting on the grass whilst everyone else climbed to the top of the castle.
It has never been a really major problem which interfered with my life, just a shame that I could not join in some of the family activities.
A couple of weeks before last Christmas I was watching a film on TV which involved numerous shots of looking over the tops of skyscrapers, helicopter rides above canyons and various other scenes which, as usual, made my stomach turn over.
Suddenly Gary's words about EFT came into my head when he says: "Try it on everything". So, I did a couple of rounds of tapping and then became so engrossed in the film that I forgot all about it.
At the end of the film it occurred to me that I had had no further problem but then, and don't we all do this - WE OF LITTLE FAITH - put it down to either co-incidence, or, perhaps there hadn't been any other scenes which would have triggered off the feeling
I totally forgot about the whole incident for 8 months until the other week when I went to stay overnight with friends in Yorkshire. They were entertaining Kevin Hogan, a delightful American hypnotherapist who was over in the UK presenting a Workshop and they invited me to go along to meet him. After a lovely, lovely evening, they made plans for the following morning to take him to see a castle. After all, Americans love English castles, don't they?

And so, the following morning we duly found ourselves outside a fine example of an English castle. There were three floors inside the keep all linked by a spiral staircase but there was no problem as everything was totally enclosed and I couldn't see outside. However, when we got to the top floor, I realised that the last flight of stairs led to the parapet and the 'outside'!!!!!! I said meekly "I'm not too good with heights" [thinking of how I used to be] and so Mair said "You stay here if you like and we'll pick you up on the way down".

I decided to go just to the top of the stairs and see how I felt. Well, that was OK. I then found myself walking around the parapet without holding on to anything, without any of the uncomfortable feelings in my stomach and panic in my chest. I even joined them leaning on the rail to look at the view. WOW!!, never in my life had I done THAT before. I very nearly did a lap of honour but just managed to stop myself, I didn't want to make too big a thing out of it because, as a therapist, we are all expected to be in control of ourselves at all times, aren't we??? I was really amazed but then realised that I had not had any of those unwanted feelings since the time I saw the film seven months ago and I MUST have seen something on TV in that time which would have normally sparked off the problem. So, the tapping must have done the trick.
I'll keep you posted when I decide to go bungee jumping - and, yes, I am joking here.
Luv and wishes,
More on EFT

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Adoption Search and Rejection

Adoption Search and Rejection

February 12, 2009

Rejection. It’s a word that nobody involved in an adoption search wants to think about. Unfortunately, rejection is something that every searcher needs to consider. It happens. It’s terribly sad for all concerned, and can emotionally deeply wound the person being rejected, but it is one of the possible outcomes of any search.

Having personally been through a 7 year search myself, and having held the hands of hundreds of searching adoptees and birthmothers, I know how common it is for searchers to say that they’re prepared for any outcome in their search. The reality is that you can never truly be prepared for rejection. If you’re an adoptee, how can the woman who abandoned you once already abandon you still again? If you’re a birthmother, how can the son or daughter to whom you gave birth totally turn their back on you? There can be so many reasons, and knowing those reasons can help to better prepare you for whatever outcome your search may have.
In my 17 years of working with adoptees, it has been my experience that adoptees most often reject their birth families because of guilt over their adoptive parents, or direct pressure from their parents. There seem to be 2 distinct flavors of adoptive parents, those who understand their child’s need/desire to search, and support it, and those who go into a panic at the very thought of their child searching for their birth family.

Supportive parents understand that by standing behind their son or daughter in their search and possible reunion, they are strengthening bonds of love, and showing that the needs of their child is important to them.

Unsupportive parents have often not had close and loving relationships with their children, and they feel threatened by a potential reunion. Out of fear of losing their child to his/her birth parents, these adoptive parents frequently lay a heavy guilt trip on their kids. Their goal is to strengthen their relationship, but in reality their actions often alienate their children from them, and put up walls of resentment that may never be torn down.

Birthmothers have very different stories. Based again on my experience in working with birthmoms, the reason most often given for a birthmother rejecting her child is that the birth of that child has always been a deep, dark secret. Birthmoms are sometimes so shamed by what they’ve been through that they never tell a living soul about the baby they had and relinquished. They marry, and don’t tell their husband. They have more children, and don’t tell them. To these birthmoms, it’s like it never happened.

Suddenly, out of the blue, a son or daughter calls them on the phone, and they go into instant panic. To tell their husband after so many years that they weren’t honest with them is unthinkable. They can’t figure out any way out of their situation, so they turn away the son or daughter that they desperately want to know, because they’re afraid their family will be torn apart if they don’t.

There is so much pain for a person being rejected that it’s nearly unbearable. No matter how well you may think that you’re prepared for any eventuality in your search, you are not prepared for rejection. I personally lived with this kind of pain for 5 years, before finding an EFT practitioner that could help me to work it through. Thanks to EFT, I can discuss my rejection by my son without emotionally falling apart. Prior to those sessions, I couldn’t even bear to think about that subject.

If you’ve been rejected too, and are feeling that unbearable pain, there can be relief for you too. In situations like this, the relief is so intense that afterward you can’t imagine how you got through each day without EFT.

Don’t do what I did if you’ve been rejected. Get your life back, get your emotional balance back, and learn to smile again.

- - - - - - - -
Pat Burns

You are the Source

You Are the Source


As I breathe in,I relax my body.
I am growing calm and peaceful.
My mind is clear and alert.
I let go of any thoughts of the day,and let myself be present in the moment,my point of power.
I now affirm, "I am the source of my abundance."
"I can create whatever I want."
"I have everything within me to create what I want."

I think of somethingI wanted that I got.
I recall my positive thoughtsand inner knowing thatI could create this
.I know that my thoughts,pictures, feelings, and my intentioncreate what I want.

I now think of something I want to create.
I now link with the unlimited abundance of myhigher self and soul.
I open to receive the unlimited richesof the universe.
I picture this thing or eventcoming to me,even better than I have imagined.

I believe in my ability to createwhat I want as I link with mysoul, my higher self, andwith the abundant universe I am a part of.

I draw this to methrough following my joy,through listening to my inner thoughts,and through holdingpositive pictures of my receiving this.

I am the source of my abundancethrough my ability to link with my souland higher self,through my ability to picture and imagine,and through my trust in the universeand in myself.

by orin and daben

Monday, March 16, 2009

Is it crazy to believe you can have prosperity NOW?

I wonder what a miracle a day feels like. I love the energy of the word 'miracle'. It feels like a fountain

What does 'miracle' feel like to you?

Can a Group of Like-Minded People Make a Miracle Happen?

I like to think so. After all, what we think about we bring about.

Whose side are you on when you read the newspapers or listen to the TV (if you do, I tend not to)

One side says the economy is getting worse every day. It's only going to get harder. You are crazy if you think you can succeed in business right now. You are even crazier if you think you can have prosperity

They are saying that we are all going to hell in a hand basket...and there's nothing you can do about it.

There is also another side. On this side, you will hear a voice that has struggled through the cries of doom like a beacon of light.

This voice started off soft, raging against the current of logic and fear.

It is the voice that says,

“You can create your own reality. Whatever is going on around you doesn't have to control you”.

It is the voice that says one person has the power to affect change. One person has the power to affect the Universe. And that one person can be you..right now.

This voice - the voice of Spirit manifesting as the voice of the Spiritualpreneur - has gotten louder, and it is calling out to you today.

This new breed of entrepreneurs – Spiritualpreneurs – is led by the voice of Spirit, and they apply universal principles from an entrepreneur's angle in a way that brings about world transformation.

The day has come for you to decide whose side YOU are on.

Today, I'm coming to you with a choice - and a Challenge. The time has come to draw a line in the sand, take each other's hand and say, "WE ARE ONE".
It is time to say, "I'm not going to let others dictate my reality".
I know. Those are big words when you feel the fear of losing your house, your job, or your business.

But it's make or break time. You choose a side, or it chooses you.

Why not choose the side that says, "You're a Miracle Maker"

You can make your choice today when you sign up for the 30-Day Spiritualpreneur Challenge, where you will learn new

The lessons you will learn in this Challenge are vital for you to achieve the balance, prosperity, joy and success that you want in your business and life.

In fact, they will actually recession-proof you when you put them into action!

And you can begin today, even if the start date has begun.

choosing the side you want to be on today could be the most important decision you will ever make when it comes to having prosperity in this economy.

"The 30-Day Empowered Spiritualpreneur Challenge" (valued at $497) is a gift!

You can sign up for the 30-Day Empowered Spiritualpreneur Challenge at

When you take the Challenge you'll:

Learn tools that will help you be at a level that transcends logic
Recession-proof your business and realize that you CAN have it all
Live a life of prosperity no matter WHAT is going on around you
Learn how to get into the heart and mind of your customer in a way that will make the sales process FUN for you AND for them
Create an actual sales process that feels good for you and gets results
Make more money than you ever dreamed possible while really enjoying what you are doing
Sharon is going to teach you the exact process you can use in your life and business to achieve all of this and more, PLUS gain access to a special forum of like-minded Spiritualpreneurs that will assist you in being part of a mastermind energy grid - which will accelerate yoursuccess even faster.

Just click here to sign up right now:

see you in the forums?

Friday, March 13, 2009

EFT clears fear of spiders

Another article I read concerns how EFT helped clear a fear of spiders..

I am ok with local spiders, but I did have to deal with spiders the size of my hand when I was in the rainforest in Peru.. A bit of a challenge, but there was a man in the group who was very scared of them. I helped him with other tools and it would have been even better if I had known about EFT at that time
The great thing is that this method is easy to learn to use for yourself

Thanks for the encouragement to share some of my stories as a LAY PERSON. I have quite a few, but my first experience was with a spider phobia. It was an effective way to demonstrate the effectiveness to myself which encouraged me to try it on many other areas.

In February of 1998 I ordered your tapes. I had become interested in the “tapping” phenomenon when I witnessed a friend’s grief therapy following the horrible tragedy of having killed a girl in a car accident.

While watching the tapes, I accepted the invitation to tap along with the demonstration on whatever I chose to address.
I thought tapping on spiders would be interesting.
I had already done a great deal of work to reduce the size of my phobia but knew there was more to do. They still gave me the creeps.

If I found one upon opening a cupboard I would be startled. If my husband was around I’d have him “remove” the spider for me. During certain times of the year I would leave the house with a broom in hand making swinging motions in the air as I went down the front stairs to swish their webs away (just in case there were any.) I always felt “surprised” to see them, anywhere. I actually felt like they were being deliberately sneaky just so they could upset me.

So, I tapped on spiders while I watched the tape learning about EFT.
The next day I walked down the sidewalk going to my office. I became aware of myself bending over, saying - as I watched a black spider crawling kitty corner across the walkway - “Well, where are you going you cute little feller?” I stood up and had to laugh.

Never in my life had I had any curiosity about any spider and “cute” certainly wasn’t ever a word I would have used to describe them!

That was almost a year and a half ago. Now, as Dr. Callahan and Gary remind us, tapping doesn’t make us stupid, so I don’t play with spiders
. I do however have a few daddy long legs with whom I cohabit.
One lives in my cookware cupboard, another in my bathroom, another right where I grab the garage door to push it open. I usually remember to be careful so I don’t “startle” him!

After that first success I went on to many more. This last April I attended the International Conference for Energy Therapy in Las Vegas learning some additional techniques. I continue to use the methods by myself on a daily basis and in “peer sessions” at least once a week with two of my friends who are also “tappers.”
We're diligently going after all kinds of "problems," getting lighter and clearer and more loving by leaps and bounds.
L. W.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

EFT and fear of flying

Here is a message from a woman who successfully used EFT to remove her fears of flying

The message from C.A re: flying struck a chord with me. I had not been abroad for 14 years due to family commitments and old dogs - well that's what I used to tell everyone.

Truth was, I was terrified of flying

.My first flight, in 1972 necessitated circling the airport and dumping fuel in the midst of a horrendous thunderstorm. Lightning flashing on all sides. I was terrified and, therefore, flew as little as possible after that.

Up until last December I had only flown 4 times and each time was worse than the last. I couldn't think, couldn't speak with the fear.

The vacations were spent worrying about the flight home and so, in the end, I decided that it just wasn't worth it and have spent the past 14 years here in the UK

.Have you heard the saying "Life begins when the children leave home and the dog dies?"

Well, son had left home years before and, in November, we lost our last dog . Now there was no excuse. My husband suggested a quick break in the sun before Christmas.

To my surprise I readily agreed because I was so confident that with my invisible friend, EFT, I would be OK. Holiday was duly booked and I did some EFT work on myself and Silvia helped me some more on the 'phone. I was surprised that I did not feel worried in the few weeks beforehand.

On previous occasions just thinking about what was to come would make my stomach lurch and I would feel sick. This didn't happen.

The morning came and we took a taxi to the airport. I have to admit I felt apprehensive but not afraid. The worst time was the take-off, I didn't like it but it was much, much better than I had anticipated.
I was tapping during take-off. Once up I took off my safety belt - I'd never done that before - and visited the toilet a couple of times, this was amazing as I had never seen the inside of the toilet on a 'plane before!

I actually looked out of the window, again, I had previously kept my eyes firmly fixed on the seat in front or in the centre of the 'plane.

The holiday was wonderful and I didn't even think about the return journey. Within a week of our return we had booked to go again and, indeed, have just returned from a wonderful 4 week break -

. This time it was even better. I only tapped once and actually enjoyed the flight. I felt such a tremendous sense of freedom and relief that I had no qualms about booking to attend the Las Vegas Conference.

We are flying to San Francisco and travelling through California before flying from San Diego to Las Vegas. There will be 6 flights in all and I am really looking forward to it all.As we live near the airport I see 'planes in the distance take off and land all the time. Last year, whenever I saw them I used to think to myself, "I'm glad I'm not in that." It's now changed to, "I wish it was me".C.H

Want to know more and learn how to use EFT for yourself

Try it for $1 your well being

Zannie Rose