listen my love, love to listen?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Kundalini Reiki
Awakening the Serpent
In classic Hatha yoga and Tantra traditions, each person is believed to possess a great reservoir of dormant feminine energy. This raw creative energy lies coiled at the base of the spine. It is often associated with the serpent.
Kundalini energy is part of the life force, so there is always a minute amount flowing through your subtle body.
Only when properly understood and awakened can it express its full potential, rising through you and energizing your senses.
It is possible to awaken your Kundalini through different forms of meditation or yoga, though the process should be undertaken slowly.
A hasty opening of the Kundalini centre can cause headaches and other physical symptoms.
Raised properly, Kundalini energy has the potential to spring forth as active kinetic energy that may result in altered states of consciousness.
Once you have tapped into your Kundalini, what you experience will be unique to you
Some people experience the rising of the Kundalini upward through the chakras as spreading warmth and a feeling of extreme well being.
Others find they have more energy and are consistently happier.
If you awaken your Kundalini, you may find yourself getting sick less often.
The results vary from person to person, but the benefits are generally positive.
You may be thinking about raising your Kundalini on your own.
One way to do this is to draw the Kundalini up through the Shushumna, the passageway that travels through the centre of your body toward the head, by visualizing the energy as a serpent traveling upward.
But only bring it up a little at a time and use caution and wisdom.
If you experience headaches or a burning sensation, you may be going too fast and need to consult a teacher.
Though awakening the Kundalini can be a difficult experience, it can also be a rewarding and exciting one.
As the raw energy of the Kundalini is transformed into a potent storehouse of refined energy waiting to be utilized, you will be tapping into a rich source of creativity and awareness.
Elegant. Powerful. Effective. And ... it feels Wonderful
You too can become a Energy Worker - and sparkle up your life in a whole new way
with Zannie Rose Energy Healing Specialist
Kundalini Reiki Master is not an empty phrase.
It is not some airy fairy New Age fad, and it isn't something we only turn to when all else has failed
It is one of the things you need to have access to to enhance your energy quotient and expand your experiences in life
A life full of joy, power, freedom and delight, of love, of being a part of the living, dancing Universe itself.
The Spirit, or the Energy System, if you want to call it that, has been ignored for far too long.
Our World faces many challenges .
People are sad,depressed and stressed - and it's getting worse, in spite of ever more complicated intellectual, chemical and mechanical approaches to fix things somehow.
There are so many things that are wrong, so many ways in which we people have just gone down the wrong path, there is so much suffering, it really can become totally overwhelming.
We sit down and ask ourselves,"But what can I do?
So, we as an individual by themselves know we can't "end world hunger".
We can't really cure cancer by allopathic means.
We can't DO anything about the global destruction of the environment, our own destructive environments of cities and neon lights, we can't even do very much about the food we eat.
With all these overwhelming problems, we keep asking ourselves "What can we do?
"What can *I* do to make it better, to make a difference?"
Something is needed here
The Kundalini path is REAL, and effective, and powerful, and can make a difference
This process is something that is easy, natural and available to ALL .
It will not add even further complications in the fixing of the existing problems
It is positive - inspiring, delightful, something worth doing.
It is uplifting- something brings a spark of joy back , a light of excitement into the eyes, something that would gives hope.
It is powerful and really works, giving you energy to step out on your own true path....
Kundalini Reiki is rich, deep, profound, flexible & gentle -
This is one of the most exciting and pleasurable form of spiritual healing available today
And now, ,you can learn, experience, understand and use the power of Kundalini reiki to begin to transform your life and really make a difference, with this specially designed unique distance learning course.
Here are real tools for real change
Kundalini reiki is here, it is real, and this is your chance to learn to use for you, your loved ones, your clients and your community.
This specially designed Kundalini Reiki Master/ Practitioner Distance Learning course will give you all the tools, information and the experiences needed to really tap into the power of this amazing system to allow and enhance your well being
When you say yes in this training, you will receive:
Kundalini reiki level one, two and Master distant attunements
Plus course units, directly to your inbox wherever you are in the world
Each unit contains relevant information and transformational daily exercises, affirmations and more
Clear, concise instructions in simple language about the real secrets you must know to become a fully certified Kundalini Reiki Master
Online tutor support for the duration of the training,from Zannie Rose, a qualified and experienced Energy Healer to answer questions by email
Explanations and information so you are fully confident with all the central techniques, tools and potentail of Kundalini Reiki
Become a Kundalini Reiki Master
Not everyone wants to help paying clients at the professional level, but even if you only do this course for yourself and your loved ones, your friends and family, you will discover:
Just how much better you can feel when you learn how to access the kundalini reiki energy
Just how much power you actually have, ready and able to draw upon, to make changes to your own energy fields and that of others;
How you can help to balance energy field disturbances
How to use your own intention in a whole new and delightful way to help yourself and others;
How you can heal your own pain from past experiences in a totally new and absolutely delightfully freeing way.
How you can help others find thier way to resolution, to joy and aliveness - and how that makes you feel
You'll receive helpful tips and hints and mediations from Zannie Rose so you get to make the most of this truly wonderful technique for brightening the spirit.
Kundalini reiki is rich, deep, profound, flexible & gentle -
The information, practical exercises, inspiration and beautiful experiences in this wonderful course are perfect for you if you really want to:
Find out about how the energy system really works in people, and especially, in yourself;
Become an even more powerful and positively effective healer than you already are;
Gain certification as Kundalini Reiki Master - a real energy worker
Help others remember and realise their own potential and re-claim their power over their lives;
Release your own burdens, and dissolve the barriers that are holding you back from achieving your personal destiny.
This is a fabulous opportunity for your growth and evolution
This straightforward course written with brevity and clarity, containing relevant exercises are your doorway to a great many things you have always wanted
You'll finally be able to:
understand how emotion, behaviour, health, thoughts and the energy system work together
Return the past to its rightful place and begin to plan a new future - one that contains joy, excitement,
Bring the bright, joyful spirit of the real true Universe to all the others you touch with your light;
Be able to channel and use all sorts of energies that were previously inaccessible
Have totally different experiences altogether - even if the environment remains the same;
Be able to use yourself to really make a difference in your. And what's even better, just like Kundalini Reiki itself, this course has absolutely:
NO make belief, illusion, guesswork, or dogma; NO religious alignments or doctrine of any kind;
No cross over or conflict with any allopathic or physical healing modality
Also included in this wonderful course programme are:
A simple, fast & effective stand alone healing approach you can use anytime, anywhere
By taking this course, you are absolutely assured of state of the art knowledge and training in this extraordinary healing modality - directly from the Creator of this course, Zannie Rose
This is at least 25 years worth of experience, expertise and research - in a nutshell, perfectly presented, so you can start to benefit immediately.
This unique Kundalini Reiki Master Correspondence Course is only available right here, from Zannie Rose .
This is more than just a "mental" training course - this is an exciting and delicious full body energy experience.
Here is some further feedback from other delighted students on the Kundalini Reiki Correspondence Course:
''Thank you for making this exciting course available for distance learning.
This is a complete gift, I feel so lucky to have received this from you - ''
As an kundalini reiki practitioner you are helping individuals experience, possibly for the very first time, what it truly feels like to live a life full of joy and abundance such that they are in awe and wonder of everything in the Universe from the smallest to the largest, and everything in between.
The Kundalini reiki master has an opportunity to make a real difference to their client’s or friend's perception of what is possible for them and help them on their way to live a joyous, peaceful and tranquil life.
Kundalini reiki offers the promise of dissolving many negative emotions so that people can really start to live again and realise their true potential.
What is so exciting about being a Kundalini reiki master is that it makes healing so easy, and at everybody's hands. It opens up a whole new way of looking at problems and emotions also, one that makes you feel you can do something about it.
Become A kundalini reiki master and a true Energy Healer with The Kundalini Reiki Master Distance Learning Course
Here are all the details once more in brief.
Once you enrol in this delightful training programme, you will receive:
One course unit for you to experience, understand and complete plus level one attunement
A brief and very straightforward set of questions to help you be sure that you have understood and integrated all the most important concepts from that unit;
Online Support so you can ask questions and get the help and guidance you need to complete this training;
This consists of a maximum of one email daily Monday-Friday.
Further course units that follow in logical progression, with a gentle learning curve ; plus level two and MASTER attunements
Certification following the successful completion of your course programme and thereby becoming ...fully certified Master Kundalini Reiki.
The certificate is sent by e-mail
Outstanding Value For Money
The Kundalini Reiki Distance Learning Practitioner Course is accessible to all
You complete the course within 6 weeks in the comfort of your own home.
Become A Kundalini Reiki Master
And Bring The Delightful Energy of Kundalini Reiki To YOUR life
Also Included Is:
The online course itself, the tutor support, the KRM certification too for just $122
Don't miss out on this outstanding opportunity
Enrol now and start today to unlock the secrets of your own energy system to brighten your spirit
Then take what you have learned and help make the world a better place for your loved ones and those you are helping to heal.
Start today on a future that will increase your love of life, your flexibility and your understanding of our true Universe, of people, and finally, that will allow you to move towards the future of your dreams.
Your Future Starts Today ...
Make that commitment to your true path - Enrol today
Kundalini Reiki is a wonderfulL healing modality; it is real, true, honest but most of all, truly delightful in its ability to bring back hope, light, flow and LOVE OF LIFE.
We plan to bring you a course that will help YOU unlock the true power of Kundalini reiki so you can use it and SHARE IT - because that's what it is for
I invite YOU most wholeheartedly to join in, Zannie Rose Course Designer
If that sounds like something that excited too, then enrol today
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Reiki Principle One

One of the subjects covered in a Reiki -Seichem level one course is the Five Reiki Principles designed by the founder of Reiki, Dr Usui.
We can begin to use these principles even if we have not yet been attuned to Reiki
Principle I - Just for today, I will not be angry.
Anger at others or oneself or at the whole world, creates blockages in one's energy. It is a complex inner enemy.
Reiki is an excellent tool to remove anger blockages which have accumulated in the body over the years, and it can remove the likelihood of angry responses to daily frustrations as a self treatment, or receiving a Reiki treatment can be very relaxing and rejuvenating.
The more relaxed we are, the calmer we can be when dealing with life. and its many challenges.The more calmly we can deal with life's challenges, the more energy we have to enjoy and celebrate life's blessings.
Letting go of anger also brings more room for peace in the mind.
When we first think about this principle it might seem as if we are not supposed to feel anger, which, lets face it, is pretty unrealistic when you live in a busy city like London with people pushing and shoving and traffic not wanting to wait, or having to wait in line at the know what a mean. If we take it to mean we should not even feel anger, and then we do feel it, we then feel guilty or suppress that response. I think a more helpful attitude is to acknowledge that we feel what we feel eg anger, but then make a conscious decision not to hold onto it, not to react from that place of anger, but to decide to let it go.
Cherry Plum is a help Bach flower remedy to use when dealing with anger. It can defuse life long patterns of bad temper.
The next Reiki-Seichem Level One in Bayswater, London is
Saturday Saturday January 30th
The course includes Reiki and Seichem attunements and you will learn how to give yourself a treatment.
There is also an attunement to Violet Flame, with information on how to use the Violet Flame for personal well being and for the benefit of humanity.
You also learn how to give a full Reiki treatment to your friends and family.
If you cannot make that date, it is possible to arrange individual tuition to suit you.
The group will be small and everyone receives a manual and a certificate of attendance.
The fee is £110
Book and attend with a friend for £100 each
It is possible to arrange for private tuition at a time to suit you
This level one is a pre-requisite for Reiki-Seichem Level Two
hope to see you soon
Zannie Rose
Reiki Master
reiki training,
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