One of the subjects covered in a Reiki -Seichem level one course is the Five Reiki Principles designed by the founder of Reiki, Dr Usui.
We can begin to use these principles even if we have not yet been attuned to Reiki
Principle I - Just for today, I will not be angry.
Anger at others or oneself or at the whole world, creates blockages in one's energy. It is a complex inner enemy.
Reiki is an excellent tool to remove anger blockages which have accumulated in the body over the years, and it can remove the likelihood of angry responses to daily frustrations as a self treatment, or receiving a Reiki treatment can be very relaxing and rejuvenating.
The more relaxed we are, the calmer we can be when dealing with life. and its many challenges.The more calmly we can deal with life's challenges, the more energy we have to enjoy and celebrate life's blessings.
Letting go of anger also brings more room for peace in the mind.
When we first think about this principle it might seem as if we are not supposed to feel anger, which, lets face it, is pretty unrealistic when you live in a busy city like London with people pushing and shoving and traffic not wanting to wait, or having to wait in line at the bank....you know what a mean. If we take it to mean we should not even feel anger, and then we do feel it, we then feel guilty or suppress that response. I think a more helpful attitude is to acknowledge that we feel what we feel eg anger, but then make a conscious decision not to hold onto it, not to react from that place of anger, but to decide to let it go.
Cherry Plum is a help Bach flower remedy to use when dealing with anger. It can defuse life long patterns of bad temper.
The next Reiki-Seichem Level One in Bayswater, London is
Saturday Saturday January 30th
The course includes Reiki and Seichem attunements and you will learn how to give yourself a treatment.
There is also an attunement to Violet Flame, with information on how to use the Violet Flame for personal well being and for the benefit of humanity.
You also learn how to give a full Reiki treatment to your friends and family.
If you cannot make that date, it is possible to arrange individual tuition to suit you.
The group will be small and everyone receives a manual and a certificate of attendance.
The fee is £110
Book and attend with a friend for £100 each
It is possible to arrange for private tuition at a time to suit you
This level one is a pre-requisite for Reiki-Seichem Level Two
hope to see you soon
Zannie Rose
Reiki Master
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