Friday, June 22, 2012
this week's affirmations
Today, I choose to enjoy what I have and cheerfully acknowledge my part in ushering it all into form, knowing that I am free to choose and change it at any point.
Today, I am proud of who I am, so peaceful inside that I celebrate the uniqueness of everyone else, free of of judgment or fear.
Today, I sense purpose and order that seeks only to manifest and express new aspects of creation. I invite forms to take shape around my deep belief.
Today, I am deeply aware of my own expectations and power to raise them. I feed my longing for a sense of the sacred in thoughtful, evocative ways.
Today, I effortlessly release the need to fret over my life. I am clearly guided and motivated to do the next right thing. Everything rises into place.
Today, I start with the end in mind, calling up the feelings I wish to live in, certain that their companion forms are rushing to join us.
Today, I have more confidence in my ability to handle my Source’s business just by being who I am. This is my contract with the Infinite.
Today, I trust my Source to bring like beings and beliefs together. The vision manages the details, and I am empowered to marvel and enjoy.
Today, I make the first move in love. Actively, I express from a place of cause, reaching into myself and out to my world.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Shamanic Journey to Achieve your Targets.
What do we need to do to see ourselves in an entirely new way?
How about deciding what we would like to accomplish; then, pursuing our target until it is positively achieved. Truly these are appropriate steps in any successful target process. Regardless if the target includes issues related to health, weight, finances or relationships, our attitude can greatly influence how we relate to the target process. Instead of continuously looking for someone or something outside of ourselves to make us feel good or even feel slightly better–how about inviting yourself to feel good right now. In a sense this almost feels silly, and yet if we actually took a moment and invited ourselves to feel good, we may notice we actually felt uplifted or lighter. Even if the shift was momentary, just by deciding to feel better, allows us to experience some sort of shift towards feeling better.'
A shamanic journey to clear blocks to the tunnel in to the Other Worlds can also be a great help.
Each time we choose to look at ourselves in a different way, we also get an immediate and altered viewpoint. Each time that we give ourselves an opportunity to be positive, our attitude is elevated. Each time we CAN see beyond a limitation, we are encouraged to move a little further towards our target.
Any time we step out of our comfort zone, we are taking responsibility for what we would like to have or experience. In changing our point of view, we CAN also easily help ourselves to feeling better about past disappointments or regrets, simply by changing what we are holding in mind.
Just by refocusing on what we would prefer to experience, is giving ourselves permission to create improved outcomes. Again invite yourself to feel better right now.
Notice again it feels nice. Every positive choice that we make creates a positive association. So by holding in mind positive outcomes and positive intentions, we are also holding ourselves accountable to having improved results more of the time. Seeing ourselves in a new way also includes an inner knowledge that it is OK to successfully make changes in any area of our life.
Just by making better decisions, it is also saying that we gladly welcome positive changes into situations that are somewhat uncomfortable or challenging. Making better decisions includes moving forward, being flexible, and improving our outlook in regards to unresolved or unwanted situations. What’s wrong with that? There is nothing wrong in being positive. Being positive never hurts.
Seeing ourselves in a different way is a very important discovery because it allows us to see, even briefly, that there are no impossibles. Think of something you would like to achieve. Now think of someone who has reached a similar target.
Instantly you aligned yourself in feeling more encouraged to pursue your own target. Regardless if the target is to reduce body weight, or move into a new community, by clearly identifying what we would like to have, shows us a possibility or a pathway that we may not have previously considered. If we recognize a level of fear or perhaps acknowledgment of previously failing to complete the goal, we now have an opportunity to move forward and experience satisfaction. Today is a WONDERFUL day to begin seeing your Self positively.
Book your journey to remove those blocks today.
How about deciding what we would like to accomplish; then, pursuing our target until it is positively achieved. Truly these are appropriate steps in any successful target process. Regardless if the target includes issues related to health, weight, finances or relationships, our attitude can greatly influence how we relate to the target process. Instead of continuously looking for someone or something outside of ourselves to make us feel good or even feel slightly better–how about inviting yourself to feel good right now. In a sense this almost feels silly, and yet if we actually took a moment and invited ourselves to feel good, we may notice we actually felt uplifted or lighter. Even if the shift was momentary, just by deciding to feel better, allows us to experience some sort of shift towards feeling better.'
A shamanic journey to clear blocks to the tunnel in to the Other Worlds can also be a great help.
Each time we choose to look at ourselves in a different way, we also get an immediate and altered viewpoint. Each time that we give ourselves an opportunity to be positive, our attitude is elevated. Each time we CAN see beyond a limitation, we are encouraged to move a little further towards our target.
Any time we step out of our comfort zone, we are taking responsibility for what we would like to have or experience. In changing our point of view, we CAN also easily help ourselves to feeling better about past disappointments or regrets, simply by changing what we are holding in mind.
Just by refocusing on what we would prefer to experience, is giving ourselves permission to create improved outcomes. Again invite yourself to feel better right now.
Notice again it feels nice. Every positive choice that we make creates a positive association. So by holding in mind positive outcomes and positive intentions, we are also holding ourselves accountable to having improved results more of the time. Seeing ourselves in a new way also includes an inner knowledge that it is OK to successfully make changes in any area of our life.
Just by making better decisions, it is also saying that we gladly welcome positive changes into situations that are somewhat uncomfortable or challenging. Making better decisions includes moving forward, being flexible, and improving our outlook in regards to unresolved or unwanted situations. What’s wrong with that? There is nothing wrong in being positive. Being positive never hurts.
Seeing ourselves in a different way is a very important discovery because it allows us to see, even briefly, that there are no impossibles. Think of something you would like to achieve. Now think of someone who has reached a similar target.
Instantly you aligned yourself in feeling more encouraged to pursue your own target. Regardless if the target is to reduce body weight, or move into a new community, by clearly identifying what we would like to have, shows us a possibility or a pathway that we may not have previously considered. If we recognize a level of fear or perhaps acknowledgment of previously failing to complete the goal, we now have an opportunity to move forward and experience satisfaction. Today is a WONDERFUL day to begin seeing your Self positively.
Book your journey to remove those blocks today.
Monday, June 18, 2012
After their DNA Activation,
After their DNA Activation, many people are experiencing such effects as
* more access to higher energy & renewed youthfulness, which means they have more vitality to approach each day
* depression lifting as old patterns are released leading to increased sense of well-being and more zest for life
* improved eyesight and inner vision
* deeper meditations, heightened perception and intuition, which enables more openess to guidance by your Higher Self
* being more effective in work and improved health.
*immune system strengthened and your body will begin detoxify
* ablility to identify dysfunctional patterns and to strengthen functional ones
* cells have the ability to heal quicker
* intracellular communication is strengthened
* intuition, clairvoyance, and clairaudience are heightened , which enhances soul contact
* you will start the process of moving outside of linear time
* memory become sharper and communication becomes more precise
* you stay focused and in the moment
* you have a better understanding of your purpose in life
* healers notice their skills are improved, clients told a massage practitioner that she has 'magic hands'
* more access to higher energy & renewed youthfulness, which means they have more vitality to approach each day
* depression lifting as old patterns are released leading to increased sense of well-being and more zest for life
* improved eyesight and inner vision
* deeper meditations, heightened perception and intuition, which enables more openess to guidance by your Higher Self
* being more effective in work and improved health.
*immune system strengthened and your body will begin detoxify
* ablility to identify dysfunctional patterns and to strengthen functional ones
* cells have the ability to heal quicker
* intracellular communication is strengthened
* intuition, clairvoyance, and clairaudience are heightened , which enhances soul contact
* you will start the process of moving outside of linear time
* memory become sharper and communication becomes more precise
* you stay focused and in the moment
* you have a better understanding of your purpose in life
* healers notice their skills are improved, clients told a massage practitioner that she has 'magic hands'
Saturday, June 16, 2012
You will see your own Self in everyone around you.
"Through intense
deep meditation you reach a state that is beyond thought, beyond change, beyond
imagination, beyond differences and duality. Once you can stay in that state for
a while and come out of it without losing any of it, then the inner divine love
will begin to pour through you. You will not see people as different, separate
individuals. You will see your own Self in everyone around you. Then the flow of
love from within you will be constant and unbroken." ~Swami
To slow your life
down do everything with more consciousness, grace, and ease. Move everywhere at
a speed where you truly can be relaxed inside your body. This will create a
spacious and timeless experience inside, which is the secret to raising your
vibration and manifesting anything you desire. It will help you to spiritually
wake up and realize that there is no finish line, and you are on an
endless journey that continues forever even after your body is gone. Slowing
down will also drop you deeper into your heart center, where you'll feel more
loved, become more loving, and experience the real richness of your life. This
depth allows you to taste the texture of what enlightenment is like. There is a
freedom here that is like nothing you've ever known before. It is beyond
anything you've ever comprehended. The more you can slow down everything you
do, you'll find that your every breath can feel close to
Now you may think
its impossible to bring your mind into complete silence because you've never
experienced anything like this before. It can feel daunting, even terrifying,
and you might notice yourself avoiding this exploration and suddenly get
distracted again and again with something that is more practical and important.
You also may feel unprepared and vulnerable, as if you were going to climb Mt.
Everest in your summer bathing suit with a small water bottle in your hand.
That is why I'm going to give you these essential secrets today. These 3 steps
below will act like your own personal high tech cozy helicopter which will drop
you off at the top of Everest in a warm protective suit and take you back home
immediately after.
"You need not
leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even
listen, simply wait. You need not even wait, just learn to become quiet, still
and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has
no other choice. It will roll in ecstasy at your feet." ~Franz
your Entire Body. For 5 minutes a day, at the same time and same spot,
sit comfortably in a chair (or lie on the floor) and release any tension in your
body from head to toe. Imagine your body is filling with sparkling golden
healing light that calms and releases ANY tension held inside. Find whatever
your most comfortable posture is where you can let go of your body. If you're
sitting, perhaps lean against a wall to keep your back vertical yet relaxed.
Pretend your spine is a gently balanced stack of golden coins. Let you hands
rest comfortably wherever they are and do
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
very very still. Do not move a muscle, yet do not try not to
move. Simply pretend you are a crystallized statue that just happens to breathe
on its own. The magic happens when all your attention is resting inside you,
and you are relaxing into the core of "you". If there is any efforting at all,
its about relaxing deeper, letting go of everything and becoming completely
unmoving. Yet you must let go of all efforting on all levels. The key is
simply to be very still and this will eventually allow your mind to relax.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
Unfocused and Experience your Presence. When your mind wanders bring
it to focus on being unfocused and experiencing your own presence. Just
relax into experiencing your own soft sweet presence that you already are. Be
patient with your mind, it is very slippery and needs your total devotion and
love to find this freedom. Keep feeling the quality of "unfocusedness" inside,
while relaxing into your being and presence. Stay in the rich presence
experience for as long as you possibly can!
If you have been
using the mind to meditate, focusing on a mantra, or this or that, you are still
engaging the mind and perhaps not connecting with the enlightened presence of
absolute unbounded pure empty consciousness. This is the goldmine. So let go
of all your techniques, drop them because they are just heavy baggage. With
enough trust, patience, and surrender you will find the real gold. The secret
is what are you doing with your mind the other 16 hours of your day? When you
slow your entire life down the mind will soon stop all its mental chatter and
meditation becomes easy and effortless.
Whenever thoughts
arise throughout your day, just watch them. Don't follow them like a lost sheep
would, and don't try to get rid of them. Every thought is a new gift from the
Universe to unwrap and unravel. Just play the game of watch and release.
As soon as they come, let them go. Notice which thoughts you cannot release, or
don't want to let go of, and which ones keep getting caught in your net! Allow
your thoughts to be whatever they need to be, and then return to the practice of
being unfocused pure presence. This is your golden key to Nirvana.
Practice of being empty, quiet and free as much as possible. Absolute unbounded
joy and freedom is your natural state, yet it may take from 3 minutes to 3
months to find it, so just be patient because it is worth
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
Secrets to Mastering Your Mind
by J.Ozwald
"Do not rely on your mind for
liberation. Go beyond it altogether. Be aware of being aware. Broaden and deepen
the field of awareness. You are beyond space and time, uncaused, the very matrix
of existence, the Supreme Absolute... the Source of being, life and
consciousness." ~Nisargadatta
You may be more busy and
distracted than you realize or even want to admit. The mind tends to get
fixated on thoughts about your survival, as it keeps itself occupied with
getting all those ever so important things done so you can remain happy,
successful, loved, at peace and free. The mind tends to form habitual ways of
thinking which give you a sense of security in life and can experience yourself
as you and not someone else. If you only had brand new and original
unique thoughts all day long and all life long, you probably wouldn't have any
clue about who or what you are. So there are many positive and negative aspects
to repetitive thinking patterns, yet this is not what creates the suffering you
experience in your life. It's the lack of stillness, silence and total
quietness of mind where all of life's apparent problems can be
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
Most people say
that they just don't have the time to relax, meditate or sit still and do
nothing. They are too busy, too worried, too hooked into their desires to get
everything done that needs to get done so they don't feel even more stressed,
overwhelmed and more tired tomorrow. If this sounds like you on any level, my
advice is that if you ever want to get out of the rat race, you have to stop
thinking like a rat. You will need to entice your mind to step completely out
of its busy comfort zone, and start slowing everything down. If you ever want
to win this insane rat running race, you have to slow down. It may seem
preposterous, illogical, and that you'll only fall far behind, yet do you
remember who won the race between the tortoise and the hare? The hare fell
asleep because he was so tired, and then missed the entire journey while the
tortoise slowly strolled on by.
Perhaps the most
essential and vital foundation to lay down before you attempt to find this
omnipresent silence inside you, is knowing about the background of thoughts,
beliefs and programs that are playing out in your subconscious mind. This
deeper mind is a bit more difficult to hear than the incessant chattering noise
in the head, yet its always there. Its there just like all the things in your
basement and storage closet are there even though you don't see them everyday.
You cannot know what is hiding in your basement until you go down there to
look. It will never be cleaned and organized unless you make it your #1
priority, as if the fulfillment of your entire life depended on it. The
devotion to unraveling yourself is huge and will pay off for many years to
come! This is why I'm urging you now to start the process of slowing everything
down, just so that one day you can make it down to the very bottom basement
floor and see exactly what has been stored away in your deepest subconscious
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
Friday, June 15, 2012
How to make your day better
How to make your day better 1: Wake up a few minutes earlier
You know the scenario; you wake up in a flurry of panic the moment your alarm goes off because you need to be on time for work. You rush around the house trying to get ready but somehow get more cereal down your crisp white shirt than in your mouth; you put the milk in the dishwasher instead of the fridge; and, as you rush from room to room your sleeve gets stuck on the door handle, sending you hurtling back a metre as you were mid-way through marching out of the living room on a mission (is there anything more annoying when you’re in a rush?). As you can probably relate to from this example, being short of time makes your stress levels rise and you’re in a pickle faster than you can say “should have set my alarm earlier”. Make your mornings easier by setting your alarm 15 minutes before you need to get up. This will leave plenty of time for your body and mind to wake up so you can get ready without the stress.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
How to make your day better 2: Make a happy list
Sometimes we dwell on the things that make us sad rather than concentrating on what makes us happy. It takes a little brain training to change your thought process from negative to positive, and a good way to do this is make a list of things that make you happy and keep referring to it every time you feel sad. Whether you want to write down your favourite quote from a movie, the date of a holiday you have booked, or you stick down a photograph of yourself on one of the happiest days of your life, it’s sure to lift your spirits when you’re feeling down in the dumps. Corny? Yes. Helpful? Most definitely.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
How to make your day better 3: Sniff a lemon
Yep, you read that right. To improve your day, simply sniff a lemon. Scientists at Tel Aviv University suggest that citrus fragrances – particularly lemon – can alleviate depression and boost our mood. Indeed, the smell of a lemon boosts your levels of serotonin (a feel-good hormone) and lowers levels of norepinephrine (a stress hormone), so improve your day by burning a lemon scented candle or spritzing on a lemony fragrance, or you could just go all out and sniff a lemon.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
How to make your day better 4: Cuddle someone
With the soaring popularity of the ‘cuddle party’ phenomenon, more and more people are discovering the benefits of a good snuggle. A warm embrace boosts the natural feel-good hormones released by the body, reduces stress, and creates a feeling of mutual trust. Beware though, whilst cuddling is a great mood-enhancer, we do recommend that you be selective over whom you choose to embrace; your boss or the window cleaner may not appreciate a cuddle as much as your spouse or your pet. If you prefer something a little less intimate, there’s nothing to stop you from expressing your feelings through a man hug (yes, this can be done by the ladies too), or maybe even a high-five to release those happy hormones.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
How to make your day better 5: Sweat it out
Encourage your body’s natural feel good hormones to give your mood – and ultimately your day – a boost. Walk the dog, go for a run, or dance around the living room for half an hour; anything that gets your blood pumping and makes you sweat will do the trick. The endorphins released during exercise are scientifically proven to boost your mood, making any form of physical activity a sure-fire way to boost your day.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
How to make your day better 6: Have a bath
Rather than that quick dash in and out of the shower, make some me-time and have a bubble bath and some time to work on your personal appearance. Our day always seems to go better when we look and feel our best, so gentlemen, have a shave and use a deep moisturising balm. Ladies, apply face and hair masks and paint your nails alongside your bath. It’s surprising how much a little me-time can perk up your day.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
How to make your day better 7: Prioritise your tasks
A common reason for us to be having a bad day is stress. Having a long list of tasks to do can be overwhelming so tackle any problems head-on at the start of the day to get them out of the way as early as possible. Tackling your problems in the morning will eliminate feelings of worry throughout the rest of your day. A good way to prioritise your tasks is to write them all down and then number them from one to 10, with one being the most important, and 10 being the least important. Work your way through the tasks starting with the most important first, and tick them off as you go along. You will feel a sense of achievement each time you tick a task off
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
I take refuge in the Buddha
I shine my light into the darkness.
~In this case, are you ready to encounter darkness? Dark is the unknown. It starts with fear of the unknown, talking to the fear in others who we encounter. You are unfamiliar to them as they are to you. You will project on the dark whatever is within you. In doing so, you will journey within yourself.
I shine my light to other lights
~With this thought, you focus on the light within each person. To access that light, is a journey within yourself and within the other. Light reaches out to light. In doing so, it cuts through darkness. When lit by love, it transforms darkness; because love is not of ego or I vs you; love is I-you. If you can't yet be that love; then light reaching out to light creates a grid that cah illumine the darkness. That illumination is not a defeat of darkness but a being of all that is.
A wonderful teacher once showed me that you can hide as much in the light as in the dark. In allowing me to do so, she showed me the reason not to hide.
The three jewels
Buddham Sharanam Gacchami
Dhamman Sharanam Gacchami
Sangham Sharanam Gacchami
I take refuge in the Buddha
I take refuge in the Dharma
I take refuge in the Sangha, the spiritual community
~In this case, are you ready to encounter darkness? Dark is the unknown. It starts with fear of the unknown, talking to the fear in others who we encounter. You are unfamiliar to them as they are to you. You will project on the dark whatever is within you. In doing so, you will journey within yourself.
I shine my light to other lights
~With this thought, you focus on the light within each person. To access that light, is a journey within yourself and within the other. Light reaches out to light. In doing so, it cuts through darkness. When lit by love, it transforms darkness; because love is not of ego or I vs you; love is I-you. If you can't yet be that love; then light reaching out to light creates a grid that cah illumine the darkness. That illumination is not a defeat of darkness but a being of all that is.
A wonderful teacher once showed me that you can hide as much in the light as in the dark. In allowing me to do so, she showed me the reason not to hide.
The three jewels
Buddham Sharanam Gacchami
Dhamman Sharanam Gacchami
Sangham Sharanam Gacchami
I take refuge in the Buddha
I take refuge in the Dharma
I take refuge in the Sangha, the spiritual community
Letting go of struggle
If we are struggling for any reason, it is simply because we are holding in mind that things are difficult. We all know what struggling feels like. What we may not realize, is that we are the ones who are sustaining the struggle by wanting to be right or by believing we have to struggle in order to get what we would like to have. Holding onto fear, anger or other frustrations also sustains the struggle.
The moment we surrender to being resolved about an issue, allows for forward progress to begin. Letting go of struggle includes a willingness to be resolved about an issue or perhaps noticing a decision to experience something else. In the moment that we decide to see things from a positive perspective, results in our creating a path that that wasn’t previously noticeable to us.
Remember when you decide to have a positive intention such as, “I allow myself to be peacefully resolved with whatever you are working on (i.e. goal…, weight…, health…, financial or relationship issues), that’s what you are holding in mind.
Struggling is an emotional dilemma that we are creating. The minute we stop struggling and honestly make a decision to favorably do or not do something, the matter begins to undo itself. So as Lester Levenson has said, “When there are problems, if we would love more they would disappear. When the love is complete, the problem dissolves immediately.”
This suggestion is pointing out that whatever we are challenged by, is because we don’t like that situation. In order for something to change, we have to be in acceptance of it. If we are arguing, struggling, or insisting on being right, we are only aggravating ourselves and sustaining the problem further. Ask yourself if worrying or complaining has ever resolved anything? Honestly, neither has helped you to achieve a positive outcome. Worry is in the realm of fear.
And although complaining may also be associated with fear; it most likely falls into the category of pride, or possibly lust. The good news is if we can recognize our own limitations, we can move past them. Letting go of struggling is quite simply making a decision to examine our thinking and correct what we are holding in mind. Remember we cannot ‘want’ and ‘have’ at the same time.
Wanting is lusting and is also an admission of lack. It is saying we don’t have it, and don’t know how to get it for ourselves. Having of anything is always experienced in the realms of courageousness, acceptance, or peace. When we have something, or have positively acquired our goal, all associated wanting stops, along with any remaining struggle. Struggling to figure it out also subsides. So having-ness is actually an experiential process. Once we understand this, we can begin to have better outcomes more of the time.
By holding in mind ONLY what we want allows for us to overturn any obstacle! Another way of saying this is, “There are NO impossibles!” If you knew you couldn’t fail, where is the obstacle? The obstacle or limitations exist in the form of beliefs such as “I can’t! I won’t! It’ll never work out! It’s too hard! It’s too scary!”
These thoughts are creating issues related to difficulty and struggle. Notice if we replace thoughts of limitation with more positive choices we are letting go of feeling challenged negatively. We are also creating much better outcomes for ourselves. For example, if we say, “I can easily take care of this request! This is a wonderful plan! This can be handled easily! I am looking so forward to working on this project!” By holding in mind better outcomes, also feels better. A positive intention always includes a positive result which is what the Law of Attraction is all about. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. How can it be otherwise?
Our thoughts create our realities and not the other way around. So by deciding to let go of the habit of struggling and utilizing better intentions or choices, allows for us to become more confident and successful. Therefore each positive intention is like a seed within a garden. Each positive seed will produce more of the same. Struggling is simply a choice.
Change your mind and everything changes.
by C. Priory
let go of struggle with The One Command
The moment we surrender to being resolved about an issue, allows for forward progress to begin. Letting go of struggle includes a willingness to be resolved about an issue or perhaps noticing a decision to experience something else. In the moment that we decide to see things from a positive perspective, results in our creating a path that that wasn’t previously noticeable to us.
Remember when you decide to have a positive intention such as, “I allow myself to be peacefully resolved with whatever you are working on (i.e. goal…, weight…, health…, financial or relationship issues), that’s what you are holding in mind.
Struggling is an emotional dilemma that we are creating. The minute we stop struggling and honestly make a decision to favorably do or not do something, the matter begins to undo itself. So as Lester Levenson has said, “When there are problems, if we would love more they would disappear. When the love is complete, the problem dissolves immediately.”
This suggestion is pointing out that whatever we are challenged by, is because we don’t like that situation. In order for something to change, we have to be in acceptance of it. If we are arguing, struggling, or insisting on being right, we are only aggravating ourselves and sustaining the problem further. Ask yourself if worrying or complaining has ever resolved anything? Honestly, neither has helped you to achieve a positive outcome. Worry is in the realm of fear.
And although complaining may also be associated with fear; it most likely falls into the category of pride, or possibly lust. The good news is if we can recognize our own limitations, we can move past them. Letting go of struggling is quite simply making a decision to examine our thinking and correct what we are holding in mind. Remember we cannot ‘want’ and ‘have’ at the same time.
Wanting is lusting and is also an admission of lack. It is saying we don’t have it, and don’t know how to get it for ourselves. Having of anything is always experienced in the realms of courageousness, acceptance, or peace. When we have something, or have positively acquired our goal, all associated wanting stops, along with any remaining struggle. Struggling to figure it out also subsides. So having-ness is actually an experiential process. Once we understand this, we can begin to have better outcomes more of the time.
By holding in mind ONLY what we want allows for us to overturn any obstacle! Another way of saying this is, “There are NO impossibles!” If you knew you couldn’t fail, where is the obstacle? The obstacle or limitations exist in the form of beliefs such as “I can’t! I won’t! It’ll never work out! It’s too hard! It’s too scary!”
These thoughts are creating issues related to difficulty and struggle. Notice if we replace thoughts of limitation with more positive choices we are letting go of feeling challenged negatively. We are also creating much better outcomes for ourselves. For example, if we say, “I can easily take care of this request! This is a wonderful plan! This can be handled easily! I am looking so forward to working on this project!” By holding in mind better outcomes, also feels better. A positive intention always includes a positive result which is what the Law of Attraction is all about. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. How can it be otherwise?
Our thoughts create our realities and not the other way around. So by deciding to let go of the habit of struggling and utilizing better intentions or choices, allows for us to become more confident and successful. Therefore each positive intention is like a seed within a garden. Each positive seed will produce more of the same. Struggling is simply a choice.
Change your mind and everything changes.
by C. Priory
let go of struggle with The One Command
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
DNA Ice Scuplture
Theta healing helps to clear beliefs from the DNA on 4 levels, including the ancestral level.
My paternal great great great grandparents used to live on a working barge. They used to transport ice along the canals . The barge was also their home. It must have been very cramped and very cold.
This ice sculpture captures is succinctly don't you think.
I had a reading recently about the likelihood of me moving home to a more congenial environment than the noisy big city. She saw an image of a rabbit hutch. I wonder if she was tuning in to my ancestor's energy.
I will be doing some more ancestral theta healing today so I can melt away the unhelpful beliefs from that era that may still be lurking in my DNA.
If you would like healing of your ancestral stuff, then do contact me
Saturday, June 09, 2012
We can use reiki in every area of life, personal and global. I have come across many articles about the bee population dwindling. Each time I read about this I send reiki to the situation and visualise thriving hives and happy bees. Would you like to do that too?
We can also take inspired action in our gardens, both private and public. I watched an uplifting TV programme recently where local authorities were encouraged to experiment with planting bee friendly flowers in a section of the beds in the local parks. It was lovely to see and hear all the bees that were drawn to those plots.
''..let gardens grow, where beelines end, sighing in roses, saffron blooms, buddleia; where bees pray on their knees.''
(C.A.Duffy 'Virgil's Bees).
As humans we can love, care for and nurture bees.
We can ask ourselves 'What contibution can I be to the well being of bees?'
Did you know there are 250 different species of bee in Britain?
That makes me wonder how many there are planetwide.
I went to a Honey Fair locally where I met an artist who paints bees. I must look her up and see if she has painted a representation of each one. I also tasted honey that was made by bees who gathered pollen from trees very local to me.
I was programmed to fear Bees as a child, to avoid them wherever possible because of their sting. But I was intrigued by them, I loved their cute shape and their sound in those lazy summer days.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Regain the power to transform your life
When you can be responsible for every feeling, thought and experience that life brings to you, you instantly regain the power to transform your life.
You can shape shift your entire perception of reality to be however you wish it to be! You can be at peace with everyone you meet.
You can choose to love and accept others just as they are.
You become the still silent witness who is at peace in the eye of the storm.
Our only true power exists in our attitude and approach to life
How are you choosing to play with the cards you've been dealt?
Are you appreciating your circumstances as a empowering blessing, or playing an angry-victim role?
You can run from your life and pretend to be a mouse, or you can face it and move towards it like a lion. Only when you truly face your life do you start summoning every gift, energy and inspiration inside you to conquer the obstacles ahead. Facing our pain is how we all grow and evolve as human beings.
"Life is only an opportunity to grow, to be in bloom." ~Osho
Right now, you are entering the most exciting time in your life!
Yes, the future in front of you is bright, perfect and flawless!
Are you willing to shift your perception of life and truly see this?
Your happiness or unhappiness today is based on your perception of tomorrow.
What you decide to think about your future determines how your feel about yourself right now. Choose to see yourself waking up to a lighter, freer, happier you!
Be responsible for healing the pain inside you.
Respond to every situation with love, patience and ease.
You can shape shift your entire perception of reality to be however you wish it to be! You can be at peace with everyone you meet.
You can choose to love and accept others just as they are.
You become the still silent witness who is at peace in the eye of the storm.
Our only true power exists in our attitude and approach to life
How are you choosing to play with the cards you've been dealt?
Are you appreciating your circumstances as a empowering blessing, or playing an angry-victim role?
You can run from your life and pretend to be a mouse, or you can face it and move towards it like a lion. Only when you truly face your life do you start summoning every gift, energy and inspiration inside you to conquer the obstacles ahead. Facing our pain is how we all grow and evolve as human beings.
"Life is only an opportunity to grow, to be in bloom." ~Osho
Right now, you are entering the most exciting time in your life!
Yes, the future in front of you is bright, perfect and flawless!
Are you willing to shift your perception of life and truly see this?
Your happiness or unhappiness today is based on your perception of tomorrow.
What you decide to think about your future determines how your feel about yourself right now. Choose to see yourself waking up to a lighter, freer, happier you!
Be responsible for healing the pain inside you.
Respond to every situation with love, patience and ease.
Change is Inevitable
I find that the most beautiful aspect and saving grace about being human is that change is inevitable.
The greatest sinner one day will suddenly do something saintly, and the biggest saint will take on the heaviest sin.
Nobody is forever stuck in any one way of being.
We are constantly changing and evolving towards our highest most enlightened self.
Some will take a slower path than others, yet you are always on the right path, no matter how wrong your mind thinks it is. Our souls mission here is much bigger than you can imagine.
No thoughts can sum up the totality of your soul's existence.
You are always much more amazing than any opinion anyone has of you.
How can we box up an infinite soul with magical manifesting abilities and say this person has these certain qualities all the time.
People are born to change, and they will surprise you when you can give them the love, space and time to respond differently.
Everyone has the potential inside them to become as quiet, peaceful and enlightened as a Buddha.
All beings are my facilitators
My invitation for you this week is to meditate on knowing that the Universe and all its beings are here as facilitators in your enlightenment process.
Use every message, action and person you encounter as fuel on your path towards enlightenment.
Stop blaming others for your pain and start appreciating them for teaching you what it takes to wake up. Yes, everyone is here to help you discover that bliss is the very nature and essence of who you are.
Accept the people in your life as your top spiritual guides who are in disguise.
They were trained to help you reveal a deeper understanding of who you are.
Make it a resolution to entertain this awakening perspective and enlightenment will find you.
"Love says "I am everything". Wisdom says "I am nothing". Between the two, my life flows." ~ Nisargadatta
Learn how to naturally increase your ability to attract the life of your dreams!
Use every message, action and person you encounter as fuel on your path towards enlightenment.
Stop blaming others for your pain and start appreciating them for teaching you what it takes to wake up. Yes, everyone is here to help you discover that bliss is the very nature and essence of who you are.
Accept the people in your life as your top spiritual guides who are in disguise.
They were trained to help you reveal a deeper understanding of who you are.
Make it a resolution to entertain this awakening perspective and enlightenment will find you.
"Love says "I am everything". Wisdom says "I am nothing". Between the two, my life flows." ~ Nisargadatta
Learn how to naturally increase your ability to attract the life of your dreams!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Magpie Magic
A magpie feather lay in my path this morning as I was walking along and think about moving home.
It made me think about writing about magpie magic.
Related to the crow the magpie is an intelligent and
adaptable bird. Ancient folklore associated with the magpie suggests that when
two or more fly into ones life good fortune is coming soon. Since magpies are
opportunists and seldom miss a chance to get something for nothing those with
this medicine should pay attention to subtle omens that appear in their life
then act accordingly so opportunities are not missed. The magpie asks us to wake
up and be conscious in every area of our life.
It made me think about writing about magpie magic. for more info on animal allies
Magpies are curious and have a reputation for stealing
anything that they can carry away. They use whatever they find and teach us how
to be resourceful. Magpie medicine people have the ability to succeed in life.
Those with this totem are usually eclectic and able to draw on a variety of
resources to assist them in their pursuits. Being able to adapt to different
situations in a spontaneous way is one of the magpies strongest attributes.
Those with this totem often find that their interests are varied which make
master ship of any one thing difficult although not impossible.
Magpies are extremely vocal especially in groups. They help
those with this medicine learn how to use their voice to attract attention,
attain desired goals as well as acquire respect from others. This applies only
if this medicine is developed sufficiently. Otherwise the voice and its
expression may need improvement for positive results to be obtained. Proper
communication is one of the lessons that needs to be learned by magpie medicine
people .
The black and white colouring of the magpie associates them
to the world of magic, prophecy and witchcraft. They know how to live within the
light and the dark simultaneously and understand the pros and cons of both.
Magic is symbolic of creation. Occult knowledge must be understood fully before
it can be used in a beneficial way. Those with this totem have the opportunity
of creating a new and better life for themselves once they develop their psychic
gifts completely and use those gifts with pure intention and self less service.
Past life ties regarding the misuse of magic are common amongst magpie medicine
people. The gift of a new creation will be offered to you only when you are
ready. When the magpie flies into your life, get ready, your about to embark
into the world of opportunity.
A Magpie totem helps you use
whatever metaphysical or occult knowledge you have – no matter how incomplete it
may be. The flip side is that Magpie people can become jacks of all trades, but masters of none – dabbling
into everything. Be careful to apply your intelligence to the task and take it
to its completion.
Magpies have the ability to open up the doorways to the
Spirit and Fairy Realms and have been familiars to witches and if you have one
as a totem, it might have been your familiar in a past life. If this is the
case, Magpie will be at your side permanently, helping you as it did in the
past. However, again, be careful of using occult power for quick effects and not
taking the time to complete training. Misuse of magic can have dire
The magpie teases eagles and other predatory species in front
of its magpie friends, in order to win higher status, better mates, and
sometimes simply for the risk of it. Magpie represents risk-taking for prestige
and daredevilry. It might be time in our jobs or amongst colleagues, to take
risks in order to win favours. It might also be time to be a bit of a daredevil,
and face the fact that sometimes we have to put ourselves on the line around
others in order to grow. We can't just take risks when no one's looking.
- The magpie comes into our
lives to tell us to focus on our homes, is our home protected? Do we have the
luxury of material security? Magpie brings these aspects into focus.
- Magpie is an animal that comes into our lives to tell us that it's okay to have irrational fears. Magpie helps us confront that which we irrationally fear, and does so in a gentle and compassionate manner.
- Magpie, with their dualism of colour and representation in culture as both a good and a bad omen, represent duality and binary opposites. The specific focus on this duality tends to be on a reconciliation of emotional or spiritual opposites. It is time to balance opposing emotions, like anger and compassion, or spiritual opposites, like the mysteries life and death.
- Magpie is an animal that comes into our lives to tell us that it's okay to have irrational fears. Magpie helps us confront that which we irrationally fear, and does so in a gentle and compassionate manner.
- Magpie, with their dualism of colour and representation in culture as both a good and a bad omen, represent duality and binary opposites. The specific focus on this duality tends to be on a reconciliation of emotional or spiritual opposites. It is time to balance opposing emotions, like anger and compassion, or spiritual opposites, like the mysteries life and death.
- When magpie comes into
your life, chances are there are a few wights (spirits) in your life as well.
Magpie represents Wight-attraction, and might imply a time in your life where
you might be more obsessed with faeries, and goblins, or unicorns and dragons,
far more often than usual.
- The magpie has long
cultural links with witchcraft and many aspects associated with this. In
particular, the magpie is associated with omens, prophecy and divination. When
magpie comes into your life, it might be time to start strengthening these
aspects in your spiritual life, or alternatively it might be time to start
paying attention to the omens, dreams and hunches you might be
- Magpie comes into our
lives to either represent that part of ourselves that collects and hoards bright
shiny thoughts or objects, or to suggest that we might want to start collecting
the things we value.
- The magpie is the cunning
prophet who comes into our lives in order to help us to use prophecy and
divination in ways which are clever and even stealthy. We are able to divine for
great personal gain, and the gain of others, with magpie as a totem or a spirit
- Magpie teaches us to take
joy in the process of change, to recognise that it is not a laboursome event,
but something to look forward to as it will very likely bring a new and exciting
nourishment to our spirits, that we would not have had without the change. Let go of the old! Bring in the new! Cries magpie.
- Magpie is an excellent
muse for those who are creative with words. In addition to this,
- with its complex language
of body and vocalisations - represents the significance of voice. It is time to
understand the impact of your voice and your speech upon others, and the impact
of other people's speech, tone and words on yourself.
- Magpie is a greatly
magical creature, and tends to confer spiritual protection upon you once it
enters your life.
Those with magpie medicine tend to teach people life and
spirit truths in the way they live their lives, and in the council they give
through words and writing. Magpie people tend to write down their wisdom, or say
it eloquently. They don't often specifically desire to lead intensely spiritual
or solitary lives, because family, children and friends are such a high
Like all animal helpers, this animal will only appear when
right and appropriate, and cannot be forced to visit you, commune with you, or
share messages with you. Remember that you will find methods of contact
suggested here are not the 'be all and end all' when it comes to contacting the
magpie, and you will find methods here or elsewhere that are far more suitable
for yourself. I'm not aware of any particular methods which are less likely to
make magpie visit. Invocations, chants, singing, drumming, flute, sticks,
dancing etc. are all successful methods. Use of all the elements (with less
success given to the element of water) are also ways one can contact the magpie.
Magpie will often come to anyone who summons it, but if we aren't ready for the
lessons, we may simply misinterpret their wisdom, or miss it entirely
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
12 Essential Programmes
We all have 12 essential programmes that are present at birth
These programmes are part of the etheric soul matter that is anchored in our central column
These twelve essential programmes are governed by the Higher Self and help you to run the entire human body system with ease and grace,when they are fully functioning
Often these programmes get corrupted or deleted due to life experiences and this inhibits our ability to live, feel and experience life from our Higher Self.
The twelve programmes are:
Body Maintenance and Orientation
This is one of the more important of all the programmes. It helps you to know your body intimately .
This programme supports your knowing of what is right and of the highest good for your body at any given moment.
It is designed to educate you on the human body system and what maintenance is required.
You will know more clearly what specific supplements or healing modalities are best suited to your needs.
You will also become friends with your body.
This programme helps you to communicate in a wide variety of ways what you feel, eloquently & almost effortlessly in more situations.
Intuition & Divine Guidance
This programme connects your access to intuition and divine guidance, thus minimizing confusion
and enhancing clarity.
Magical Skills & Creativity
This programme awakens your memory and ability to access creative and magical soul gifts you acquired throughout your soul's journey. These may include artistic talent, healing abilities, animal communication,divination,prophecy, teaching talents & more.
Once it is running smoothly, this programme enhances your capacity to more consciously access and manifets these gifts. It may help you to learn new techniques more quickly
Soul Contract and Divine Plan
This programme activates your memory of why you are here and what part you agreed to play in the ascension process of earth.
Personal Database
This programme organizes, files, categorizes and prioritizes all of your thoughts, words and actions into a cohesive and accessible format. It helps clear memory lapses and any problems with data downloading. It catalogues all external data and allows you quicker, easier reference to everything. It takes energy packages which are being downloaded from the etheric realms and interprets, organises and releases them to you when the time is right.
Upgrades, Corrections & Automatic Override
This programme facilitates your ability to automatically make adjustments and correct imbalances in your mental, emotional and physical energy bodies.
Protection and Filter System Scanner
This full system programme scans all of the input you receive throughout the day and catches and deletes all incoming and outgoing energies which are limiting, negative or fear-based. This includes all judgement thoughts or feelings.
Planetary Orientation
This programme downloads to you on a moment-by-moment basis everything that you need to be aware of that is going on with the planet.
This programme assists you in understanding the nature and flow of energy and how it relates to the material world.
It enhances and boosts your abilities to magnetize things, events and synchronicities on the earth plane.
Dream Recall
When this programme is installed and running, you will be able to remember and recapture your dreams each morning by just saying "Dream Recall." It works well if you are keeping a dream journal and doing regualr work with your dreams
Akashic Records
This programme connects you with the planetary and universal libraries and records.
More Info:~
Probably the three highest priority programmes are the protection and filter system scanner, personal database and the body maintenance and orientation programme.
When you receive an upgrade on one of these programmes, I use my intuitive abilty , inner sight and souls's guidance to connect with your soul and discover if there are any programmes that need to be deleted as they are no longer necessary or essential to the highest level functioning for each programme
Then I check with your soul to see if the programme is installed or has been deleted from your energy field.
Once has been deleted, I download and install one from the Divine Blueprints.
If it is functioning, I ask at what level is it functioning and then upgrade it to 100%.
These programmes are part of the etheric soul matter that is anchored in our central column
These twelve essential programmes are governed by the Higher Self and help you to run the entire human body system with ease and grace,when they are fully functioning
Often these programmes get corrupted or deleted due to life experiences and this inhibits our ability to live, feel and experience life from our Higher Self.
The twelve programmes are:
Body Maintenance and Orientation
This is one of the more important of all the programmes. It helps you to know your body intimately .
This programme supports your knowing of what is right and of the highest good for your body at any given moment.
It is designed to educate you on the human body system and what maintenance is required.
You will know more clearly what specific supplements or healing modalities are best suited to your needs.
You will also become friends with your body.
This programme helps you to communicate in a wide variety of ways what you feel, eloquently & almost effortlessly in more situations.
Intuition & Divine Guidance
This programme connects your access to intuition and divine guidance, thus minimizing confusion
and enhancing clarity.
Magical Skills & Creativity
This programme awakens your memory and ability to access creative and magical soul gifts you acquired throughout your soul's journey. These may include artistic talent, healing abilities, animal communication,divination,prophecy, teaching talents & more.
Once it is running smoothly, this programme enhances your capacity to more consciously access and manifets these gifts. It may help you to learn new techniques more quickly
Soul Contract and Divine Plan
This programme activates your memory of why you are here and what part you agreed to play in the ascension process of earth.
Personal Database
This programme organizes, files, categorizes and prioritizes all of your thoughts, words and actions into a cohesive and accessible format. It helps clear memory lapses and any problems with data downloading. It catalogues all external data and allows you quicker, easier reference to everything. It takes energy packages which are being downloaded from the etheric realms and interprets, organises and releases them to you when the time is right.
Upgrades, Corrections & Automatic Override
This programme facilitates your ability to automatically make adjustments and correct imbalances in your mental, emotional and physical energy bodies.
Protection and Filter System Scanner
This full system programme scans all of the input you receive throughout the day and catches and deletes all incoming and outgoing energies which are limiting, negative or fear-based. This includes all judgement thoughts or feelings.
Planetary Orientation
This programme downloads to you on a moment-by-moment basis everything that you need to be aware of that is going on with the planet.
This programme assists you in understanding the nature and flow of energy and how it relates to the material world.
It enhances and boosts your abilities to magnetize things, events and synchronicities on the earth plane.
Dream Recall
When this programme is installed and running, you will be able to remember and recapture your dreams each morning by just saying "Dream Recall." It works well if you are keeping a dream journal and doing regualr work with your dreams
Akashic Records
This programme connects you with the planetary and universal libraries and records.
More Info:~
Probably the three highest priority programmes are the protection and filter system scanner, personal database and the body maintenance and orientation programme.
When you receive an upgrade on one of these programmes, I use my intuitive abilty , inner sight and souls's guidance to connect with your soul and discover if there are any programmes that need to be deleted as they are no longer necessary or essential to the highest level functioning for each programme
Then I check with your soul to see if the programme is installed or has been deleted from your energy field.
Once has been deleted, I download and install one from the Divine Blueprints.
If it is functioning, I ask at what level is it functioning and then upgrade it to 100%.
What are the Akashic Records?
The term Akasha comes from the Sanskrit language . It means "hidden library". This hidden hall of records can be explored by diving into the subconscious mind in deep states of meditation. Everyone can learn the skill of meditation.
The information you'll find in an Akashic Reading is a glimpse into your Soul's path and destiny. You could have access to this information because you are each intimately connected to the Universe, yet sometimes the mind becomes very busy and blocks the connection to this infinite internal database.
That's why I offer all these Upgrades!
( -12 Spiritual Upgrades)
The Akasha is a subatomic energy field of quantum particles and waves of information which are found within everything and everyone in this Universe. It is the informational highway that connects all people and things.
The Akashic Field of energy is found within each situation you are in. Just stop and look within the experience. Go through and beneath your emotions and thoughts.
Notice this consciousness that is here. We are all gently woven into the Universal web of consciousness, this is the doorway into the Akasha. When we tap into and open this subconscious connection, we can pull up specific information about any soul's journey, in any place or time in history.
Like most things, practice reaps rich rewards.
The Akasha exists at the subconscious level - the state of awareness just before you wake up in the morning or just as you notice you're falling asleep. Only through a deep state of meditation can one bridge the gap and read what's in this massive informational databank without losing consciousness and falling asleep. When you choose step beyond your normal chattering mind and into the silence, you begin can hear, see and feel this information .
( -12 Spiritual Upgrades)
The information you'll find in an Akashic Reading is a glimpse into your Soul's path and destiny. You could have access to this information because you are each intimately connected to the Universe, yet sometimes the mind becomes very busy and blocks the connection to this infinite internal database.
That's why I offer all these Upgrades!
( -12 Spiritual Upgrades)
The Akasha is a subatomic energy field of quantum particles and waves of information which are found within everything and everyone in this Universe. It is the informational highway that connects all people and things.
The Akashic Field of energy is found within each situation you are in. Just stop and look within the experience. Go through and beneath your emotions and thoughts.
Notice this consciousness that is here. We are all gently woven into the Universal web of consciousness, this is the doorway into the Akasha. When we tap into and open this subconscious connection, we can pull up specific information about any soul's journey, in any place or time in history.
Like most things, practice reaps rich rewards.
The Akasha exists at the subconscious level - the state of awareness just before you wake up in the morning or just as you notice you're falling asleep. Only through a deep state of meditation can one bridge the gap and read what's in this massive informational databank without losing consciousness and falling asleep. When you choose step beyond your normal chattering mind and into the silence, you begin can hear, see and feel this information .
( -12 Spiritual Upgrades)
Akashic Records
When I do a DNA Activation session with someone, I begin with cleasning the auric field, balancing the chakras, then removing old vows, oaths contacts etc from the Akashic Records. I am able to witness this as it is happening. I often see tiny scrolls being removed from many levels of the energy bodies.
Do contact if you would like to arrange to have a remote clearing sessionth done separately.
I feel very blessed to be able to visit the Akashic Records on my own behalf too. It is a skill woth developing.
The secret to tapping into the ancient Akashic Records is by developing your ability to go into an extremely deep and meditative mindset.
Through consistent meditation you w learn to quiet your mind and access your personal Akashic Records through sight, hearing or a "knowingness" . Finding your personal Akashic Records is similar to tuning your radio to a particular channel or frequency.
Your soul sends out a signature frequency that you can feel is you, and then the data starts being transmitted from your Akashic Record into your awareness.
There is an alignment feeling you will experience inside when you are tuned into your personal Akashic Record. The enlightening information you'll receive from your Akasha often comes randomly and when you least expect it. The information and insights simply happen when the body and mind are open, centred and focused on what you most need to know. Each meditation journey will reveal more information than before.
The experience of your Akashic Records could even reveal a personal vision of your most enlightened future self, or events from the past that you may need help releasing.
Are your ready for an Akashic Records Upgrade?
Arrange it today with Zannie Rose
Akashic Records Programme Upgrade
Do contact if you would like to arrange to have a remote clearing sessionth done separately.
I feel very blessed to be able to visit the Akashic Records on my own behalf too. It is a skill woth developing.
The secret to tapping into the ancient Akashic Records is by developing your ability to go into an extremely deep and meditative mindset.
Through consistent meditation you w learn to quiet your mind and access your personal Akashic Records through sight, hearing or a "knowingness" . Finding your personal Akashic Records is similar to tuning your radio to a particular channel or frequency.
Your soul sends out a signature frequency that you can feel is you, and then the data starts being transmitted from your Akashic Record into your awareness.
There is an alignment feeling you will experience inside when you are tuned into your personal Akashic Record. The enlightening information you'll receive from your Akasha often comes randomly and when you least expect it. The information and insights simply happen when the body and mind are open, centred and focused on what you most need to know. Each meditation journey will reveal more information than before.
The experience of your Akashic Records could even reveal a personal vision of your most enlightened future self, or events from the past that you may need help releasing.
Are your ready for an Akashic Records Upgrade?
Arrange it today with Zannie Rose
Akashic Records Programme Upgrade
akashic records,
auric clearing,
DNA Activation
Saturday, April 07, 2012
The Secrets to Enlightening your Life
The Secrets to Enlightening your Life
Written by Jafree Ozwald
"The mind covers up reality without knowing it. To know the nature of the mind, you need intelligence,
the capacity to look at the mind in silent and dispassionate awareness." ~
Every experience that life brings you is a gift to enlighten the path in front of you. No matter how negative the experience is, you can always find some way to make a nourishing lemonade out of those sour lemons.
You have the alchemist power within you to transform the worst demons you meet on the road into angels with wings sent from heaven. All you need is a simple shift in your perception. By knowing what is true and what is just a thought flying through your mind you can become free from potential future suffering.
The way you see the world determines everything. Who you are being is shaped by that which you see. Someone who can only sees the good in others can only feel good inside themselves. We automatically feel what we are focusing on.
If you could train your mind to think only positive thoughts about your present predicament, then only positive feelings would be experienced by you. Your inner world is a reflection of what you place your attention upon.
The mind functions much like a movie projector, continuously playing movies, displaying images from the past and future onto the blank screen of consciousness.
Naturally we are entertained by certain scenes that engage us emotionally, getting sucked into the drama and pulled into the story. This is where problems are created. When you start believing your inner movie is real.
If you become stressed, uptight or overwhelmed with life, start asking yourself this simple question, "What is reality and what is my imagination?"
When you know the difference between these opposite worlds, and discover a world which was not born from your imagination, you'll uncover the greatest secret to creating the happiest life you can imagine. Total freedom from your mind. This is the first step towards total transformation, the second step is finding peace with every movie that is still re-playing itself within you.
"God is there only if you surrender. Surrender makes anything God. Surrender gives
you the eyes, and everything that is brought to these eyes becomes Divine." ~Osho
One of the most powerful life transforming practical secrets for enlightening your life comes in six magical words. Practice Being Responsible For Your Pain. Once you take ownership of the emotional sabotaging energy inside you, you can step through it and create something brand new. You are the adult here who is the authority of every unwanted feeling inside you.
Nobody can make you feel anything that you won't allow yourself to feel anymore. Believe it or not, you are the boss of your life! You always have the choice to decide how you want to feel.
If you're constantly saying to someone, "You made me feel xyz" you are giving away your power and creative manifesting ability.
By proclaiming to the Universe that another person can control how you feel, you have to play the powerless victim role in your life. Its usually the snake-like escape artist inside who avoids their pain and continuously blames other for how they are feeling inside.
When you take ownership of the pain inside you, a new movie has to start playing that is about healing.
When you can be responsible for every feeling, thought and experience that life brings to you, you instantly regain the power to transform your life. You can shape shift your entire perception of reality to be however you wish it to be! You can be at peace with everyone you meet. You can choose to love and accept others just as they are. You become the still silent witness who is at peace in the eye of the storm.
Our only true power exists in our attitude and approach to life. How are you choosing to play with the cards you've been dealt? Are you appreciating your circumstances as a empowering blessing, or playing an angry-victim role?
You can run from your life and pretend to be a mouse, or you can face it and move towards it like a lion. Only when you truly face your life do you start summoning every gift, energy and inspiration inside you to conquer the obstacles ahead. Facing our pain is how we all grow and evolve as human beings.
"Life is only an opportunity to grow, to be in bloom." ~Osho
Right now, you are entering the most exciting time in your life! Yes, the future in front of you is bright, perfect and flawless! Are you willing to shift your perception of life and truly see this? Your happiness or unhappiness today is based on your perception of tomorrow.
What you decide to think about your future determines how your feel about yourself right now. Choose to see yourself waking up to a lighter, freer, happier you! Be responsible for healing the pain inside you. Respond to every situation with love, patience and ease.
I find that the most beautiful aspect and saving grace about being human is that change is inevitable. The greatest sinner one day will suddenly do something saintly, and the biggest saint will take on the heaviest sin. Nobody is forever stuck in any one way of being. We are constantly changing and evolving towards our highest most enlightened self. Some will take a slower path than others, yet you are always on the right path, no matter how wrong your mind thinks it is.
Our souls mission here is much bigger than you can imagine.
No thoughts can sum up the totality of your soul's existence. You are always much more amazing than any opinion anyone has of you. How can we box up an infinite soul with magical manifesting abilities and say this person has these certain qualities all the time.
People are born to change, and they will surprise you when you can give them the love, space and time to respond differently. Everyone has the potential inside them to become as quiet, peaceful and enlightened as a Buddha.
My invitation for you this week is to meditate on knowing that the Universe and all its beings are here as facilitators in your enlightenment process. Use every message, action and person you encounter as fuel on your path towards enlightenment.
Stop blaming others for your pain and start appreciating them for teaching you what it takes to wake up. Yes, everyone is here to help you discover that bliss is the very nature and essence of who you are. Accept the people in your life as your top spiritual guides who are in disguise. They were trained to help you reveal a deeper understanding of who you are. Make it a resolution to entertain this awakening perspective and enlightenment will find you.
"Love says "I am everything". Wisdom says "I am nothing". Between the two, my life flows." ~ Nisargadatta
Learn how to naturally increase your ability to attract the life of your dreams!
Written by Jafree Ozwald
"The mind covers up reality without knowing it. To know the nature of the mind, you need intelligence,
the capacity to look at the mind in silent and dispassionate awareness." ~
Every experience that life brings you is a gift to enlighten the path in front of you. No matter how negative the experience is, you can always find some way to make a nourishing lemonade out of those sour lemons.
You have the alchemist power within you to transform the worst demons you meet on the road into angels with wings sent from heaven. All you need is a simple shift in your perception. By knowing what is true and what is just a thought flying through your mind you can become free from potential future suffering.
The way you see the world determines everything. Who you are being is shaped by that which you see. Someone who can only sees the good in others can only feel good inside themselves. We automatically feel what we are focusing on.
If you could train your mind to think only positive thoughts about your present predicament, then only positive feelings would be experienced by you. Your inner world is a reflection of what you place your attention upon.
The mind functions much like a movie projector, continuously playing movies, displaying images from the past and future onto the blank screen of consciousness.
Naturally we are entertained by certain scenes that engage us emotionally, getting sucked into the drama and pulled into the story. This is where problems are created. When you start believing your inner movie is real.
If you become stressed, uptight or overwhelmed with life, start asking yourself this simple question, "What is reality and what is my imagination?"
When you know the difference between these opposite worlds, and discover a world which was not born from your imagination, you'll uncover the greatest secret to creating the happiest life you can imagine. Total freedom from your mind. This is the first step towards total transformation, the second step is finding peace with every movie that is still re-playing itself within you.
"God is there only if you surrender. Surrender makes anything God. Surrender gives
you the eyes, and everything that is brought to these eyes becomes Divine." ~Osho
One of the most powerful life transforming practical secrets for enlightening your life comes in six magical words. Practice Being Responsible For Your Pain. Once you take ownership of the emotional sabotaging energy inside you, you can step through it and create something brand new. You are the adult here who is the authority of every unwanted feeling inside you.
Nobody can make you feel anything that you won't allow yourself to feel anymore. Believe it or not, you are the boss of your life! You always have the choice to decide how you want to feel.
If you're constantly saying to someone, "You made me feel xyz" you are giving away your power and creative manifesting ability.
By proclaiming to the Universe that another person can control how you feel, you have to play the powerless victim role in your life. Its usually the snake-like escape artist inside who avoids their pain and continuously blames other for how they are feeling inside.
When you take ownership of the pain inside you, a new movie has to start playing that is about healing.
When you can be responsible for every feeling, thought and experience that life brings to you, you instantly regain the power to transform your life. You can shape shift your entire perception of reality to be however you wish it to be! You can be at peace with everyone you meet. You can choose to love and accept others just as they are. You become the still silent witness who is at peace in the eye of the storm.
Our only true power exists in our attitude and approach to life. How are you choosing to play with the cards you've been dealt? Are you appreciating your circumstances as a empowering blessing, or playing an angry-victim role?
You can run from your life and pretend to be a mouse, or you can face it and move towards it like a lion. Only when you truly face your life do you start summoning every gift, energy and inspiration inside you to conquer the obstacles ahead. Facing our pain is how we all grow and evolve as human beings.
"Life is only an opportunity to grow, to be in bloom." ~Osho
Right now, you are entering the most exciting time in your life! Yes, the future in front of you is bright, perfect and flawless! Are you willing to shift your perception of life and truly see this? Your happiness or unhappiness today is based on your perception of tomorrow.
What you decide to think about your future determines how your feel about yourself right now. Choose to see yourself waking up to a lighter, freer, happier you! Be responsible for healing the pain inside you. Respond to every situation with love, patience and ease.
I find that the most beautiful aspect and saving grace about being human is that change is inevitable. The greatest sinner one day will suddenly do something saintly, and the biggest saint will take on the heaviest sin. Nobody is forever stuck in any one way of being. We are constantly changing and evolving towards our highest most enlightened self. Some will take a slower path than others, yet you are always on the right path, no matter how wrong your mind thinks it is.
Our souls mission here is much bigger than you can imagine.
No thoughts can sum up the totality of your soul's existence. You are always much more amazing than any opinion anyone has of you. How can we box up an infinite soul with magical manifesting abilities and say this person has these certain qualities all the time.
People are born to change, and they will surprise you when you can give them the love, space and time to respond differently. Everyone has the potential inside them to become as quiet, peaceful and enlightened as a Buddha.
My invitation for you this week is to meditate on knowing that the Universe and all its beings are here as facilitators in your enlightenment process. Use every message, action and person you encounter as fuel on your path towards enlightenment.
Stop blaming others for your pain and start appreciating them for teaching you what it takes to wake up. Yes, everyone is here to help you discover that bliss is the very nature and essence of who you are. Accept the people in your life as your top spiritual guides who are in disguise. They were trained to help you reveal a deeper understanding of who you are. Make it a resolution to entertain this awakening perspective and enlightenment will find you.
"Love says "I am everything". Wisdom says "I am nothing". Between the two, my life flows." ~ Nisargadatta
Learn how to naturally increase your ability to attract the life of your dreams!
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Power of Colour Breathing in Interesting Times
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power
Margaret Strortz
This quote is something for us to ponder upon as we deal with the enormous changes going on all around us and all around the globe.
Companies are collapsing, household names disappearing almost overnight. Families made homeless and businesses going bankrupt, with repercussions being felt countrywide. The media is full of doom and gloom reports and at times it can be a challenge to maintain a sense of balance in it all, let alone access feelings of optimism and hope.
Many newspapers and magazines are comparing the current economic situation with the Great Depression, which doesn"t help matters either, does it? With the best will in the world, it can sometimes be a challenge to deal with it all, especially if you or your partner have lost your job, or there are talks of job cuts in your company.
All of this may be triggering family patterns or stirring inherited generational patterns held in the energy centre at the base of your spine. It is possible to use colour breathing to help to cleanse, balance and activate this energy centre, or chakra. This will help you begin to feel safer and more secure in your everyday life.
Here is what you can do.
Take some time out, in a quiet area where you will not be disturbed for about 10 minutes.
Close you eyes and breathe in and out a few times, filling your lungs as fully as you can, and exhaling as completely as you can each time.
This helps you relax and come into a sense of centre.
Once you feel more at ease you begin to focus on your base chakra, which is in the area of the base of your spine.
Allow an image to emerge so that you can get a sense of what condition this chakra is in.
Is the image bright or dull, clear or murky, grungy or clean, cluttered or smart, ragged or smooth?
Just notice what you notice, and allow it to be just as it is.
Let yourself notice how secure or insecure your feel, then let yourself notice how safe or unsafe you feel right now.
Next, hold your hands out, palm upwards and imagine a glowing red ball of red light in the palms of your hands and breathe this red light in through your nose and imagine it is flowing down into the base chakra .
On the inhale allow it to energise this energy centre and on the exhale breathe out all of the energy that is no longer beneficial.
When your first do this colour breathing, you can experiment with 7 cycles, gradually adding to the number of cycles until you reach 28.
At the end of the colour breathing, notice how much safer and secure you feel in the world, and how it seems easier to go and deal with the practical challenges.
During the day you could also affirm: I allow myself to feel more safe and secure each day.
Author Bio :
Zannie Rose, catalyst for your personal growth and spiritual development offers energy healing and balancing to enable you to remove blocks and feel more empowered. ::~1:1 or by telephone
The better it gets the better it gets.
Margaret Strortz
This quote is something for us to ponder upon as we deal with the enormous changes going on all around us and all around the globe.
Companies are collapsing, household names disappearing almost overnight. Families made homeless and businesses going bankrupt, with repercussions being felt countrywide. The media is full of doom and gloom reports and at times it can be a challenge to maintain a sense of balance in it all, let alone access feelings of optimism and hope.
Many newspapers and magazines are comparing the current economic situation with the Great Depression, which doesn"t help matters either, does it? With the best will in the world, it can sometimes be a challenge to deal with it all, especially if you or your partner have lost your job, or there are talks of job cuts in your company.
All of this may be triggering family patterns or stirring inherited generational patterns held in the energy centre at the base of your spine. It is possible to use colour breathing to help to cleanse, balance and activate this energy centre, or chakra. This will help you begin to feel safer and more secure in your everyday life.
Here is what you can do.
Take some time out, in a quiet area where you will not be disturbed for about 10 minutes.
Close you eyes and breathe in and out a few times, filling your lungs as fully as you can, and exhaling as completely as you can each time.
This helps you relax and come into a sense of centre.
Once you feel more at ease you begin to focus on your base chakra, which is in the area of the base of your spine.
Allow an image to emerge so that you can get a sense of what condition this chakra is in.
Is the image bright or dull, clear or murky, grungy or clean, cluttered or smart, ragged or smooth?
Just notice what you notice, and allow it to be just as it is.
Let yourself notice how secure or insecure your feel, then let yourself notice how safe or unsafe you feel right now.
Next, hold your hands out, palm upwards and imagine a glowing red ball of red light in the palms of your hands and breathe this red light in through your nose and imagine it is flowing down into the base chakra .
On the inhale allow it to energise this energy centre and on the exhale breathe out all of the energy that is no longer beneficial.
When your first do this colour breathing, you can experiment with 7 cycles, gradually adding to the number of cycles until you reach 28.
At the end of the colour breathing, notice how much safer and secure you feel in the world, and how it seems easier to go and deal with the practical challenges.
During the day you could also affirm: I allow myself to feel more safe and secure each day.
Author Bio :
Zannie Rose, catalyst for your personal growth and spiritual development offers energy healing and balancing to enable you to remove blocks and feel more empowered. ::~1:1 or by telephone
The better it gets the better it gets.
Friday, March 30, 2012
what causes tiredness?
Over time, the energy of our home can grow stale and tired. Personal exhaustion can creep in when yin chi begins to accumulate. To prevent or overcome this, and the asociated weakness and lethargy, it is important that the chi is revitalised.
Tired energy is usually caused by clutter, spiritual,mental,emotional or physical. Is it therefore time for you to have a good clear out, a good sort out all round? The dejunking process will really revitalise you, as you brush away unhelpful energy , shrug off outdated attitudes and unproductive thoughts and give new energy the opportunity to come into your home and your life..
Chi can be seen as the cosmic breath of the universe that breathes life into all things and if we begin to look at spatial and human energy with new eyes and see things in new ways we can easily cleanse, balance and harmonise our living spaces.
Take a moment right now to consciously focus on the apparenly invisible energy all round you and with in you. What do you notice?
With intention and time, it will be more possible to sense the flow and movement of chi, and to discern differences in the quality of chi in places and around different people, animals, flowers etc.
I will be adding chi tips to the blog...and I can also do remote sessions for chi clearing and balancing as well as deep clearing for you and your home.
Tired energy is usually caused by clutter, spiritual,mental,emotional or physical. Is it therefore time for you to have a good clear out, a good sort out all round? The dejunking process will really revitalise you, as you brush away unhelpful energy , shrug off outdated attitudes and unproductive thoughts and give new energy the opportunity to come into your home and your life..
Chi can be seen as the cosmic breath of the universe that breathes life into all things and if we begin to look at spatial and human energy with new eyes and see things in new ways we can easily cleanse, balance and harmonise our living spaces.
Take a moment right now to consciously focus on the apparenly invisible energy all round you and with in you. What do you notice?
With intention and time, it will be more possible to sense the flow and movement of chi, and to discern differences in the quality of chi in places and around different people, animals, flowers etc.
I will be adding chi tips to the blog...and I can also do remote sessions for chi clearing and balancing as well as deep clearing for you and your home.
We all have the ability to develop our sensitivity to energy. The divinely charged spirit that gives life to us all is often called Chi. We can perceive it as that intangible life force that moulds our emotions, influences our moods , sustains our inner and outer strength, and nourishes our very being.
If we were to move in to a brand new home as the first occupants, the energy of the home could feel vital and full of vibrancy. A lively life force energy in the home means it is dominated by yang energy, which is a contribution to the positivity and happiness of the inhabitants.
If we were to move in to a brand new home as the first occupants, the energy of the home could feel vital and full of vibrancy. A lively life force energy in the home means it is dominated by yang energy, which is a contribution to the positivity and happiness of the inhabitants.
Spiritual & Psychic De-Cluttering
Is today the day to make a conscious choice to regularly cleanse and clear all aspects of your life of the physical, mental and energetic debris that builds up over time?
It would be a really good choice to make so that you can build and maintain the energy of you and your home .
Many traditions all round the world have a variety of techniques to cleanse, purify and re-vitalise the personal aura and the home.
Re-vitalising your life and your home can be fun and joyous and can open up pathways that you may not have been aware of before.
Remember, everything is energy and the lighter and cleaner the energy is that surrounds you, the more expansive you and your life can be.
I trust you will enjoy this series of tips and ideas to declutter your home and upgrade your energy.
I am also able to support you with remote energy clearing and to give you personally tailored techniques to use that I am shown during a remote clearing session
It would be a really good choice to make so that you can build and maintain the energy of you and your home .
Many traditions all round the world have a variety of techniques to cleanse, purify and re-vitalise the personal aura and the home.
Re-vitalising your life and your home can be fun and joyous and can open up pathways that you may not have been aware of before.
Remember, everything is energy and the lighter and cleaner the energy is that surrounds you, the more expansive you and your life can be.
I trust you will enjoy this series of tips and ideas to declutter your home and upgrade your energy.
I am also able to support you with remote energy clearing and to give you personally tailored techniques to use that I am shown during a remote clearing session
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Benefits of Zpoint for Well Being
ZPoint is an energy therapy and spiritual technology that is very effective in both easily releasing and transforming any unwelcome and unhelpful energy that shows up in our system as our limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging patterns, stress and bodily aches and pains .
Step one
You choose and instal your cue word and the Healing Programme
Step Two
We move into using that cue word to dissolve old thoughts, feelings, emotions, points of view etc that have been blocking your dream life and/or business
In the Dhammapada , one of the earliest Buddhist texts the Buddha says:
''We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you
As the wheel follow the ox that draws the cart.
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind
And happiness will follow you
As your shadow is unshakable''
ZPoint works to release and transform negative patterns , both mental and emotional and it can be seen as a completely intentional therapy; it does not require tapping on meridian points . like EFT does, nor is being specific crucial to getting the kind of results you have been wanting and hoping for in your life
ZPoint works better when we focus on a feeling ,with a gentle intention ,rather than holding a focus on the details of an issue.
The ZPoint Process begins by instaling a healing programme , done by reading or hearing a short paragraph that gives instructions to the subconscious mind to instal a chosen Cue Word
This takes place in the first session, after you have become clear on what you would like to have happen next.
The healing programme, once installed, means that you then have a cue word, chosen by you , that can be used for the rest of your life . It does not need to be changed for each issueDuring a 1;1 or telephone or Skype session your cue word is directed at the subconscious mind, briefly focusing on an unwanted feeling or emotion related to an experience or belief and a cue word to activate the program by repeating it silently to yourself like a mantra to release deeper and deeper layers of an issue.
The results from one ZPoint session can be life transforming.
You can easily learn how to use this process for yourself in between appointments
ZPoint creator Grant Connolly explains that 10-15 minutes of ZPoint can bring the mind and body into the same state as an hour’s worth of meditation.
It’s that deep a process and one of the reasons why it is so relaxing.
ZPoint is certainly an effective, immediate and non-invasive solution for many life challenges.
How can something that seems so simple work that well?
ZPoint is a way of gently persuading the subconscious mind to work with the conscious mind rather than against it.
By focusing our attention on a life challenge and repeating our cue word we are letting our subconscious know what we want retrieved and transformed
In this way we are consciously and subconsciously co-operating in a systematic and friendly way,
Our subconscious is willing to help and knows it’s being appreciated for knowing exactly where the issue is in our energy system.
Being guided through ZPoint is very empowering and you will have an opportunity to learn how to use your cue word for yourself
You’ll experience results and you will forever be empowered to transform your subconscious limits into conscious choices and successes
book a session
Step one
You choose and instal your cue word and the Healing Programme
Step Two
We move into using that cue word to dissolve old thoughts, feelings, emotions, points of view etc that have been blocking your dream life and/or business
In the Dhammapada , one of the earliest Buddhist texts the Buddha says:
''We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you
As the wheel follow the ox that draws the cart.
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind
And happiness will follow you
As your shadow is unshakable''
ZPoint works to release and transform negative patterns , both mental and emotional and it can be seen as a completely intentional therapy; it does not require tapping on meridian points . like EFT does, nor is being specific crucial to getting the kind of results you have been wanting and hoping for in your life
ZPoint works better when we focus on a feeling ,with a gentle intention ,rather than holding a focus on the details of an issue.
The ZPoint Process begins by instaling a healing programme , done by reading or hearing a short paragraph that gives instructions to the subconscious mind to instal a chosen Cue Word
This takes place in the first session, after you have become clear on what you would like to have happen next.
The healing programme, once installed, means that you then have a cue word, chosen by you , that can be used for the rest of your life . It does not need to be changed for each issueDuring a 1;1 or telephone or Skype session your cue word is directed at the subconscious mind, briefly focusing on an unwanted feeling or emotion related to an experience or belief and a cue word to activate the program by repeating it silently to yourself like a mantra to release deeper and deeper layers of an issue.
The results from one ZPoint session can be life transforming.
You can easily learn how to use this process for yourself in between appointments
ZPoint creator Grant Connolly explains that 10-15 minutes of ZPoint can bring the mind and body into the same state as an hour’s worth of meditation.
It’s that deep a process and one of the reasons why it is so relaxing.
ZPoint is certainly an effective, immediate and non-invasive solution for many life challenges.
How can something that seems so simple work that well?
ZPoint is a way of gently persuading the subconscious mind to work with the conscious mind rather than against it.
By focusing our attention on a life challenge and repeating our cue word we are letting our subconscious know what we want retrieved and transformed
In this way we are consciously and subconsciously co-operating in a systematic and friendly way,
Our subconscious is willing to help and knows it’s being appreciated for knowing exactly where the issue is in our energy system.
Being guided through ZPoint is very empowering and you will have an opportunity to learn how to use your cue word for yourself
You’ll experience results and you will forever be empowered to transform your subconscious limits into conscious choices and successes
book a session
Durga -Divine Mother
A few years ago I received a gift of a framed picture of Durga riding on a tiger. I have a strong affinity with tigers, so was delighted to receive this.
Goddess Durga represents the power of the Supreme Being that maintains moral order and righteousness in the creation. The Sanskrit word Durga means a fort or a place that is protected and difficult to reach. Durga, also called Divine Mother, protects humanity from evil and misery by destroying 'evil' forces such as selfishness, jealousy, prejudice, hatred, anger & negative ego.
Goddess Durga has many names, such as Parvati, Ambika, and Kali In the form of Parvati, She is known as the divine spouse of Lord Shiva and is the mother of Ganesha Karttikeya Jyoti. There are many temples dedicated to Durga's worship in India.
Goddess Durga is shown in a female form, wearing red clothes. She has eighteen arms, carrying many objects in Her hands. The red colour symbolises action and the red clothes signify that She is always busy destroying evil and protecting humanity from pain and suffering caused by evil forces.
Following is the symbolism associated with Goddess Durga:
A tiger symbolizes unlimited power. Durga riding a tiger indicates that She possesses unlimited power and uses it to protect virtue and destroy evil. The eighteen arms of Durga signify that She possesses combined power of the nine incarnations of Lord Vishnu that have appeared on the earth at different times in the past. The tenth incarnation, the Kalkin (, is still to come. Thus, Goddess Durga represents a united front of all Divine forces against the negative forces of evil and wickedness.
The sound that emanates from a conch is the sound of the sacred syllable AUM, which is said to be the sound of creation. A conch in one of the Goddess's hands signifies the ultimate victory of virtue over evil and righteousness over unrighteousness.
Other weapons in the hands of Durga such as a mace, sword, disc, arrow, and trident convey the idea that one weapon cannot destroy all different kinds of enemies. Different weapons must be used to fight enemies depending upon the circumstances. For example, selfishness must be destroyed by detachment, jealousy by desirelessness, prejudice by self-knowledge, and ego by discrimination.
Better poilsh my picture then !
Goddess Durga represents the power of the Supreme Being that maintains moral order and righteousness in the creation. The Sanskrit word Durga means a fort or a place that is protected and difficult to reach. Durga, also called Divine Mother, protects humanity from evil and misery by destroying 'evil' forces such as selfishness, jealousy, prejudice, hatred, anger & negative ego.
Goddess Durga has many names, such as Parvati, Ambika, and Kali In the form of Parvati, She is known as the divine spouse of Lord Shiva and is the mother of Ganesha Karttikeya Jyoti. There are many temples dedicated to Durga's worship in India.
Goddess Durga is shown in a female form, wearing red clothes. She has eighteen arms, carrying many objects in Her hands. The red colour symbolises action and the red clothes signify that She is always busy destroying evil and protecting humanity from pain and suffering caused by evil forces.
Following is the symbolism associated with Goddess Durga:
A tiger symbolizes unlimited power. Durga riding a tiger indicates that She possesses unlimited power and uses it to protect virtue and destroy evil. The eighteen arms of Durga signify that She possesses combined power of the nine incarnations of Lord Vishnu that have appeared on the earth at different times in the past. The tenth incarnation, the Kalkin (, is still to come. Thus, Goddess Durga represents a united front of all Divine forces against the negative forces of evil and wickedness.
The sound that emanates from a conch is the sound of the sacred syllable AUM, which is said to be the sound of creation. A conch in one of the Goddess's hands signifies the ultimate victory of virtue over evil and righteousness over unrighteousness.
Other weapons in the hands of Durga such as a mace, sword, disc, arrow, and trident convey the idea that one weapon cannot destroy all different kinds of enemies. Different weapons must be used to fight enemies depending upon the circumstances. For example, selfishness must be destroyed by detachment, jealousy by desirelessness, prejudice by self-knowledge, and ego by discrimination.
Better poilsh my picture then !
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Violet Flame
I love to work with the Violet Flame. I call upon it daily. I bought a book about it some years ago, and lent it to a friend who loved it so much that I said she could keep it. Haven'y seen her in many years..I do hope she is still playing with the Violet Flame as it truly is an amazing and practical tool for the transmutation of all misqualified energies . That is quite a helpful property to have in these challenging times.
The use of the Violet Flame in your life has the potential be transformational. It has the ability to rebalance you, and support you in being able to more easily release old emotional and thought patterns.
It can upgrade and enhance both personal and business relationships .
The Violet Flame is for you if you wish to accelerate your spiritual growth. When you use the Violet Flame, use it on yourself first as we are transforming the world from the inside out with this powerful energy
The man responsible for bringing the awareness of the Violet Flame to humanity is Saint Germain. He is helping govern planet Earth from the inner planes
He is the authority on the Violet Ray – the purifying, cleansing power that is helping raise the Earth into its Golden Age.
It is with his help and theAngels of the Violet Flame that we can have a profound and transmutative effect on ourselves and the world
With the Violet Flame, negative and lower energies can be released or dissolved with regular invocation of the Violet Fire
It is an wonderul, powerful yet gentle tool for self transformation as well as to help release the world from the negativity that appears to be. It could work miracles in your life if you work with it, and allow those miracles to unfold.
The Violet flame is a unique spiritual energy that can help you in all areas of your life.
It can :~
enhance the ability to deal with and dissolve emotional and physical problems,
improve your relationships,
help you to grow spiritually and make life easier.
The colour violet has long been associated with spirituality. Having the highest frequency in the visible spectrum, violet is at the point of transition to the next octave of light.
To the ancients, this transcendental colour was a spiritual rather than a physical phenomenon.
Saints and adepts throughout the ages have known how to use the violet flame, but it was only released to the public earlier last century by Ascended Master Saint Germain.. What wonderful experiences might we have if we play with the Violet Flame every day?
The use of the Violet Flame in your life has the potential be transformational. It has the ability to rebalance you, and support you in being able to more easily release old emotional and thought patterns.
It can upgrade and enhance both personal and business relationships .
The Violet Flame is for you if you wish to accelerate your spiritual growth. When you use the Violet Flame, use it on yourself first as we are transforming the world from the inside out with this powerful energy
The man responsible for bringing the awareness of the Violet Flame to humanity is Saint Germain. He is helping govern planet Earth from the inner planes
He is the authority on the Violet Ray – the purifying, cleansing power that is helping raise the Earth into its Golden Age.
It is with his help and theAngels of the Violet Flame that we can have a profound and transmutative effect on ourselves and the world
With the Violet Flame, negative and lower energies can be released or dissolved with regular invocation of the Violet Fire
It is an wonderul, powerful yet gentle tool for self transformation as well as to help release the world from the negativity that appears to be. It could work miracles in your life if you work with it, and allow those miracles to unfold.
The Violet flame is a unique spiritual energy that can help you in all areas of your life.
It can :~
enhance the ability to deal with and dissolve emotional and physical problems,
improve your relationships,
help you to grow spiritually and make life easier.
The colour violet has long been associated with spirituality. Having the highest frequency in the visible spectrum, violet is at the point of transition to the next octave of light.
To the ancients, this transcendental colour was a spiritual rather than a physical phenomenon.
Saints and adepts throughout the ages have known how to use the violet flame, but it was only released to the public earlier last century by Ascended Master Saint Germain.. What wonderful experiences might we have if we play with the Violet Flame every day?
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