"Through intense
deep meditation you reach a state that is beyond thought, beyond change, beyond
imagination, beyond differences and duality. Once you can stay in that state for
a while and come out of it without losing any of it, then the inner divine love
will begin to pour through you. You will not see people as different, separate
individuals. You will see your own Self in everyone around you. Then the flow of
love from within you will be constant and unbroken." ~Swami
To slow your life
down do everything with more consciousness, grace, and ease. Move everywhere at
a speed where you truly can be relaxed inside your body. This will create a
spacious and timeless experience inside, which is the secret to raising your
vibration and manifesting anything you desire. It will help you to spiritually
wake up and realize that there is no finish line, and you are on an
endless journey that continues forever even after your body is gone. Slowing
down will also drop you deeper into your heart center, where you'll feel more
loved, become more loving, and experience the real richness of your life. This
depth allows you to taste the texture of what enlightenment is like. There is a
freedom here that is like nothing you've ever known before. It is beyond
anything you've ever comprehended. The more you can slow down everything you
do, you'll find that your every breath can feel close to
Now you may think
its impossible to bring your mind into complete silence because you've never
experienced anything like this before. It can feel daunting, even terrifying,
and you might notice yourself avoiding this exploration and suddenly get
distracted again and again with something that is more practical and important.
You also may feel unprepared and vulnerable, as if you were going to climb Mt.
Everest in your summer bathing suit with a small water bottle in your hand.
That is why I'm going to give you these essential secrets today. These 3 steps
below will act like your own personal high tech cozy helicopter which will drop
you off at the top of Everest in a warm protective suit and take you back home
immediately after.
"You need not
leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even
listen, simply wait. You need not even wait, just learn to become quiet, still
and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has
no other choice. It will roll in ecstasy at your feet." ~Franz
your Entire Body. For 5 minutes a day, at the same time and same spot,
sit comfortably in a chair (or lie on the floor) and release any tension in your
body from head to toe. Imagine your body is filling with sparkling golden
healing light that calms and releases ANY tension held inside. Find whatever
your most comfortable posture is where you can let go of your body. If you're
sitting, perhaps lean against a wall to keep your back vertical yet relaxed.
Pretend your spine is a gently balanced stack of golden coins. Let you hands
rest comfortably wherever they are and do
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
very very still. Do not move a muscle, yet do not try not to
move. Simply pretend you are a crystallized statue that just happens to breathe
on its own. The magic happens when all your attention is resting inside you,
and you are relaxing into the core of "you". If there is any efforting at all,
its about relaxing deeper, letting go of everything and becoming completely
unmoving. Yet you must let go of all efforting on all levels. The key is
simply to be very still and this will eventually allow your mind to relax.
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
Unfocused and Experience your Presence. When your mind wanders bring
it to focus on being unfocused and experiencing your own presence. Just
relax into experiencing your own soft sweet presence that you already are. Be
patient with your mind, it is very slippery and needs your total devotion and
love to find this freedom. Keep feeling the quality of "unfocusedness" inside,
while relaxing into your being and presence. Stay in the rich presence
experience for as long as you possibly can!
If you have been
using the mind to meditate, focusing on a mantra, or this or that, you are still
engaging the mind and perhaps not connecting with the enlightened presence of
absolute unbounded pure empty consciousness. This is the goldmine. So let go
of all your techniques, drop them because they are just heavy baggage. With
enough trust, patience, and surrender you will find the real gold. The secret
is what are you doing with your mind the other 16 hours of your day? When you
slow your entire life down the mind will soon stop all its mental chatter and
meditation becomes easy and effortless.
Whenever thoughts
arise throughout your day, just watch them. Don't follow them like a lost sheep
would, and don't try to get rid of them. Every thought is a new gift from the
Universe to unwrap and unravel. Just play the game of watch and release.
As soon as they come, let them go. Notice which thoughts you cannot release, or
don't want to let go of, and which ones keep getting caught in your net! Allow
your thoughts to be whatever they need to be, and then return to the practice of
being unfocused pure presence. This is your golden key to Nirvana.
Practice of being empty, quiet and free as much as possible. Absolute unbounded
joy and freedom is your natural state, yet it may take from 3 minutes to 3
months to find it, so just be patient because it is worth
Remember to use the cleaning tools daily.
You can also arrange for Zannie Rose to include you in her daily
cleaning practices.
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