Everything is consciousness, everything.
When you ask, "What is consciousness?"
there is no valid answer, so I remain silent.
Therefore you can say that consciousness is silence.
When you ask, "What is consciousness?"
there is no valid answer, so I remain silent.
Therefore you can say that consciousness is silence.
You have to become a living embodiment of consciousness.
The only way you can do that is by keeping still.
If you want to solve any problem in life do not try to solve it verbally.
Become quiet.
It is a known fact that people like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison,
and others, when they had a mathematical equation to solve,
they would sit in their rocking chair for hours in the silence and
everything would be revealed to them.
That's how Einstein came up with his theory of relativity,
if you read his life story. He used to spend hours sitting by himself
in the silence, and everything was revealed to him scientifically.
So it is with you.
If you want the answer to any problem, do not run to a psychiatrist,
or a lawyer, or even a doctor, but sit by yourself and listen.
Yourself has all the answers. Why?
For every atom of the universe is within you. You are that.
You are the entire universe.
You are the microcosm in the macrocosm.
Therefore all the answers in the universe must also be in you.
All of the solutions, all of the wisdom,
all of the happiness and bliss you've been searching for,
it's within you.
That's what Jesus meant when he said,
"I and my Father are one," and also,
"if you have seen me, you have seen the Father."
He wasn't talking about a person called the Father.
He was talking about a universal principal of harmony,
of bliss, of joy. He was speaking of consciousness.
It's within you. It is you. You are that. You have always been that.
It isn't far away. It's right where you are.
And as you sit in the silence, and think of these things,
you will begin to realize something very interesting.
You will begin to realize and understand,
"Well, if my body is consciousness, it cannot be a body,
for it cannot be both.
It cannot be consciousness and my body. So it’s duality."
So as you start to think about the word consciousness
in the silence, it is revealed to you that you have no body.
There is only consciousness. And it doesn't seem strange at all.
For when you begin to understand and fathom
what consciousness really is you will realize it is self-contained.
Consciousness knows only consciousness.
It doesn't know the universe. It doesn't know bodies.
It doesn't know problems. It doesn't know wars.
It doesn't know man's inhumanity to man.
It doesn't know anything you know.
It only knows itself as pure awareness.
And as you sit by yourself in the silence
this becomes perfectly clear.
And all of a sudden the realization comes to you,
"I have no problems.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the world.
There is nothing going on.
There is only consciousness."
-Robert Adam - T.40 - Only Consciousness Exists -
31st January, 1991

The only way you can do that is by keeping still.
If you want to solve any problem in life do not try to solve it verbally.
Become quiet.
It is a known fact that people like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison,
and others, when they had a mathematical equation to solve,
they would sit in their rocking chair for hours in the silence and
everything would be revealed to them.
That's how Einstein came up with his theory of relativity,
if you read his life story. He used to spend hours sitting by himself
in the silence, and everything was revealed to him scientifically.
So it is with you.
If you want the answer to any problem, do not run to a psychiatrist,
or a lawyer, or even a doctor, but sit by yourself and listen.
Yourself has all the answers. Why?
For every atom of the universe is within you. You are that.
You are the entire universe.
You are the microcosm in the macrocosm.
Therefore all the answers in the universe must also be in you.
All of the solutions, all of the wisdom,
all of the happiness and bliss you've been searching for,
it's within you.
That's what Jesus meant when he said,
"I and my Father are one," and also,
"if you have seen me, you have seen the Father."
He wasn't talking about a person called the Father.
He was talking about a universal principal of harmony,
of bliss, of joy. He was speaking of consciousness.
It's within you. It is you. You are that. You have always been that.
It isn't far away. It's right where you are.
And as you sit in the silence, and think of these things,
you will begin to realize something very interesting.
You will begin to realize and understand,
"Well, if my body is consciousness, it cannot be a body,
for it cannot be both.
It cannot be consciousness and my body. So it’s duality."
So as you start to think about the word consciousness
in the silence, it is revealed to you that you have no body.
There is only consciousness. And it doesn't seem strange at all.
For when you begin to understand and fathom
what consciousness really is you will realize it is self-contained.
Consciousness knows only consciousness.
It doesn't know the universe. It doesn't know bodies.
It doesn't know problems. It doesn't know wars.
It doesn't know man's inhumanity to man.
It doesn't know anything you know.
It only knows itself as pure awareness.
And as you sit by yourself in the silence
this becomes perfectly clear.
And all of a sudden the realization comes to you,
"I have no problems.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the world.
There is nothing going on.
There is only consciousness."
-Robert Adam - T.40 - Only Consciousness Exists -
31st January, 1991

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