Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Like when you're sleeping.

As you breathe and you inhale, feel as if you're sucking in
the whole world, the whole universe,
and as you exhale, you're letting it out again.
This exercise makes you feel that the whole universe
comes from you, goes out and comes back.
Like when you're sleeping.
In deep sleep the universe is not here, the world is not here,
your body is not here.
As you awaken, everything is here.
Do this with your breathing.
You inhale, there's absolutely nothing.
The universe has gone back into yourself.
You exhale, and the universe is out there again, external to you.
There is only the one Self, and you are that.
You have no body.
You have no mind.
You are like boundless space.

Image may contain: mountain, sky, cloud, nature, outdoor and water The old you is beginning to disappear.
The old you is thousands of words, millions of thoughts,
reacting to everything that comes along.
This you no longer exists. You are fresh and new.
There is no longer any karma that can hurt you or
do anything to you,
no longer any samskaras that you have to experience. 

You have already crossed the ocean of samsara, and
you are already the Bodhisattva.
There's nothing you have to earn.
There's nothing you have to pray for.
There's no one you have to see.
There's absolutely nothing you have to do.
You are already free.

You are beyond freedom, beyond liberation,
beyond delusion, beyond ignorance.
You are neither wisdom nor ignorance.
There are no words for you whatsoever.
There's no description of what you are.
There's no one to say.

You are that pure awareness that has always been and
will always be.
There is absolutely nothing you have to do to earn it,
for you are awake from the dream.
Feel this freedom you've never felt before.
Feel the joy, the happiness, the love that you have become.
Feel the reality.

~Robert Adams - T. 167 - The Highest Teaching is Silence -
2nd July, 1992

There is not one who prays and one who listens.
The prayer and the listener are the same person.
There is no differentiation.
~Robert Adams - T.39 - Sitting in the Silence - 27th January, 1991

Again, if you were the witness of your dream at night,

Again, if you were the witness of your dream at night,
you would not try to improve yourself, improve your affairs.
You would not even react to anything. 

Because there's nothing to improve, because you're not that at all.
The dream is like the images on the chalkboard,
they can be erased and new images put on
and erased and new images put on. 

The dream is like bubbles in the ocean, the bubbles come,
the bubbles go, but the ocean remains the same.
The dream is like the water in the mirage. 

It doesn't exist but it seems real. And so it is with you.

You appear to be real. Everything appears to be real to you,
but it's not.

 And again I say, do not believe what I say.
Find out for yourself. Prove it to yourself.
The only way you can prove it to yourself,
is by practicing sadhana, spiritual disciplines. 

If you do nothing, you get nothing.
You just go through life like a leaf in the wind
and your life will end and you'll appear again somewhere else. 

Because you continue to dream.
In that dream there is reincarnation, there's karma, there's God.
There's all kinds of things happening in the dream.

But also remember, the dream came out of you originally
to begin with. It emanated from you,
where else would it come from? 

There's no one to cause the dream but you.
Who caused the dream that you dream at night? 

You may dream about God.
You may dream about karma and reincarnation.
You could dream that you're an angel.
You may dream that you go to heavenly planes.
You hear blissful music. 

What's causing this to happen? You! There's only you.
You are the cause of everything that takes place. Everything!

Again, to prove this you go into sleep,
into deep sleep and you don't dream,
there's no dream taking place. You're in dreamless sleep. 

The universe is gone, the world is gone, your body is gone,
God is gone, your troubles are gone, everything is gone!
This is why when you awaken,
you say, "I feel refreshed. I slept good."
Because you were without the world and its manifestation.

You must become the witness to this dream also, not the doer,
but the witness.

There's quite a difference.
The doer believes the body and the mind are real.
So they have to take action and make things happen,
get involved in the world. 

But the witness really just imagines that everything's okay,
even though they have not had a realization yet,
but they try to witness everything to the best of their ability.
They become the seer, the witness of all the happenings
on this earth. But there's no reaction. 

And if there's no reaction, the mind becomes weaker and
weaker and weaker, for it has nothing to do anymore.
Until the mind is slowly transcended
and you become free and liberated.

-Robert Adams - T.231 - Witness The Dream -14th March, 1993

I can only explain to you how the universe works,

When it's time to give up this body, to drop it,
you can't take anybody with you, nobody, no possessions, nothing. 

All the things you've been fighting for will have to be left behind.
All your beliefs, your politics,
everything will all have to be left behind.

So how fortunate you are to be able to hear these things.

Do not spend your life discussing politics or the world
or people or places. Save yourself! Save yourself!

I suppose this is another reason why we have Satsang,
so you can hear these things over and over again,
until it clicks and something happens.
You are the only one who can really save yourself. 

Take refuge in the Self. 

At the end of each day, go back to the day in retrospect,
and see how you reacted to situations.
This will give you a good idea of where you're coming from.
It's between you and yourself. 

See the kind of day that you had. "What affected you today,"
you say to yourself. Were you affected by life, life's vicissitudes?
Is your mind always thinking, thinking, thinking constantly and consistently about person, place and thing?
You have to be totally honest with yourself. It's your life.
You can do whatever you want with it.

I can only explain to you how the universe works,
what's going on and the experiences that I've had.
You must learn to love yourself just the way you are. 

If you really love yourself you will love others.
Whatever quality you have, that's what you see in others.
Remember, there's no machine that churns out
pieces of the universe. 

There's no God that's created this universe.
It's all coming from your own mind. It comes from yourself.
You are the one. You must think of these things
when you awaken in the morning. 

Do not get up and put on your clothes and go to work right away,
get involved in the TV and newspaper. It's your dream!
What are you doing with it? Are you lost in your dream?
Are you taking the world as being real and reacting accordingly? 

It's your choice.

-Robert Adams - T.231 - Witness The Dream -14th March, 1993

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

When you're in the silence.

When you're in the silence. When there is noone to judge.
No thoughts to fear. Noone to fight, in that second you are God.
Again when I say you are God, again it's a misnomer.
You can never be God, what you are right now. 
Because when I say you, you're thinking of the self,
this little self, your small self,
and when I say, "You are God!" 

You are believing you are God as a person.
This is impossible. No human being can ever be God.
But the you which is the absolute reality,
which is Brahman, which is sat-chit-ananda is God! 

So you have to get your body out of the way, so-to-speak.
You have to get yourself out of the way and allow God
to shine through as the Self, as nirvana, as sat-chit-ananda.
Think of yourself this way.
When you say, "I am the body," realize you made a mistake.
When you say, "The body is going through karma,"
realize you made a mistake. 

When you say, "The body suffers," realize you made a mistake.
When you say, "The body does its own thing,
separate from the Self," realize you made a mistake. 

There is nothing separate from the Self.
The Self alone is. The Self is Brahman, period! end!
There is nothing else. 

There is not a body that becomes Brahman,
from practicing spiritual disciplines for years and years and
years there will never be a body that becomes Brahman.
Therefore do not dwell on the body at all.
Always think of yourself as the Self,
as consciousness, as pure awareness.

When your mind wants to think of the body or someone else's body,
immediately put a stop to this by simply knowing there is no body. 

There is nobody to experience anything.
How happy you will feel when you can just understand this. 

You will feel such happiness, such joy, such bliss.
Just by understanding what I'm talking about.
For as soon as you take the mind off the body,
the mind becomes weak and starts to disintegrate. 

But if you keep your mind on the body or somebody else's body,
the body of the world, the body of the universe, it's all the body,
the same body — remember there is no difference between
your body and the universal body. It's all the same body. 

Because you think you are a body you think the universe is a body.
But there is no universe and there is no body,
it's all an hallucination.
This realization really brings you happiness,
total happiness, total bliss, total joy.

Just to understand and know this, know it with all your heart,
with all your soul, with all your being,
that you were never a body and you will never be a body.

-Robert Adams - T230: You Have Created Me Out Of Your Self -
11th March, 1993

Friday, February 10, 2017

►Spiritual progress ensues automatically from choosing goodwill,

►Spiritual progress ensues automatically from choosing goodwill, forgiveness, and lovingness as a way of being in the world at large rather than viewing it as a gain-seeking transaction.◄

From: “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment” (2006), Chapter 1: Shame: Despair, p. 41

From an overall understanding of the nature of consciousness, it can be seen that justice (karma) is automatic as a consequence of the interaction of the vibration of the soul within the overall infinite field of consciousness. 

The science of truth and consciousness calibration research confirm the scriptural passage, “Every hair on one’s head is counted” (numbered). 
All is known by the infinite field of Divinity by which justice therefore automatically prevails. 
Mankind’s fantasies are projections from the unconscious of an anthropomorphic god who is vengeful, jealous, wrathful, and the alleged ‘cause’ of disasters.
 However, it is obvious that natural disasters of greater proportion than have happened during the history of mankind occurred before man even existed and are, in fact, presumed to have been the condition that brought about the termination of the age of the dinosaur.

To summarize, as is commonly known, karma (spiritual fate) is the consequence of decisions of the will and determines spiritual destiny after physical death (the celestial levels, hells, purgatory, or the so-called inner astral planes [bardos]). 
Included also is the option of reincarnation in the human physical domain, which, by consciousness calibration research, can only be done by agreement with the individual will. 
Thus, all humans have, by agreement, chosen this pathway. 
In addition, consciousness research confirms that all persons are born under the most optimal conditions for spiritual evolution, no matter what the appearance seems to be.

Karma really means accountability, and, as cited in previous spiritual research, every entity is answerable to the universe.
 It is also well known that positive karma (good works, prayer, selfless service, benevolent acts, etc.) can compensate for and undo negative (‘bad’) karma.
 In this process, ‘merit’ accrues, which at times can even be drawn against in confronting vicissitudes. 
►Spiritual progress ensues automatically from choosing good will, forgiveness, and lovingness as a way of being in the world at large rather than viewing it as a gain-seeking transaction.◄

Working through one’s ‘karma’ includes not only this lifetime but historical, long-forgotten evolutionary aspects as well. 
Spiritual work may bring up repressed attitudes, thoughts, or beliefs from the personal unconscious, as well as aspects of the collective human unconscious that are energetically aligned analogously to the chakra system of the Jungian archetypes (e.g., the heart of the child, the spleen of the warrior, the naiveté of the adolescent, etc.).
Due to the nature of human development, even a mature, intelligent, fully-grown adult still has repressed or forgotten, but still functional, infantile and childish drives that operate out of awareness.
One of the most common is the out-of- awareness balance between the ‘good me’ and the ‘bad me.’ (This is the area of the split and compartmentalized Jekyll-and-Hyde personality disorders.)
The good/bad dichotomy may be the source of multiple psychological difficulties, of which projecting the ‘bad me’ onto others is the most common.

From: “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment” (2006), Chapter 1: Shame: Despair, pp. 41–42

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Feel the Reality

As you breathe and you inhale, feel as if you're sucking in
the whole world, the whole universe,
and as you exhale, you're letting it out again. 

This exercise makes you feel that the whole universe
comes from you, goes out and comes back. 

Like when you're sleeping.
In deep sleep the universe is not here, the world is not here,
your body is not here. 

As you awaken, everything is here. 

Do this with your breathing.
You inhale, there's absolutely nothing. 

The universe has gone back into yourself. 

You exhale, and the universe is out there again, external to you.

There is only the one Self, and you are that.
You have no body.
You have no mind.
You are like boundless space.

The old you is beginning to disappear.
The old you is thousands of words, millions of thoughts,
reacting to everything that comes along. 

This you no longer exists. You are fresh and new.
There is no longer any karma that can hurt you or
do anything to you,
no longer any samskaras that you have to experience. 

You have already crossed the ocean of samsara, and
you are already the Bodhisattva. 

There's nothing you have to earn.
There's nothing you have to pray for.
There's no one you have to see.
There's absolutely nothing you have to do. 

You are already free.
You are beyond freedom, beyond liberation,
beyond delusion, beyond ignorance.

You are neither wisdom nor ignorance.
There are no words for you whatsoever. 

There's no description of what you are.
There's no one to say.

You are that pure awareness that has always been and
will always be. 

There is absolutely nothing you have to do to earn it,
for you are awake from the dream.

Feel this freedom you've never felt before.
Feel the joy, the happiness, the love that you have become.
Feel the reality.

~Robert Adams - T. 167 - The Highest Teaching is Silence -
2nd July, 1992

Highest Teaching= Silence

There are certain principles we should always remember,
if we wish to be happy all the time.

The first one is, the highest teaching in the world is silence,
to be still. There is no higher teaching than this.

Silence is Brahman. Silence is grace. Silence is absolute reality.

I'm speaking of real silence, not just keeping quiet for a while. 

Real silence is when you go deep within and
you become totally oblivious to your surroundings.

The silence is another way of saying to keep your mind
stayed on God all the time.

God is the silence and you are that.
Feel the silence right now. You can feel it.
It's a thing of beauty.

You know when you're getting into the true silence,
you begin to become happier, and happier and happier
for no reason.

It makes no difference what's going on in the world.
The world is in one place and you're in another place.

In the deep silence you are identifying with the substratum
of creation. Always remember to go into the silence.

A Sage is always in the silence.

A Sage may be talking, listening, partaking of activities,
but to the Sage there's only silence.

~Robert Adams - T. 167 - The Highest Teaching is Silence -
2nd July, 1992