Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I can only explain to you how the universe works,

When it's time to give up this body, to drop it,
you can't take anybody with you, nobody, no possessions, nothing. 

All the things you've been fighting for will have to be left behind.
All your beliefs, your politics,
everything will all have to be left behind.

So how fortunate you are to be able to hear these things.

Do not spend your life discussing politics or the world
or people or places. Save yourself! Save yourself!

I suppose this is another reason why we have Satsang,
so you can hear these things over and over again,
until it clicks and something happens.
You are the only one who can really save yourself. 

Take refuge in the Self. 

At the end of each day, go back to the day in retrospect,
and see how you reacted to situations.
This will give you a good idea of where you're coming from.
It's between you and yourself. 

See the kind of day that you had. "What affected you today,"
you say to yourself. Were you affected by life, life's vicissitudes?
Is your mind always thinking, thinking, thinking constantly and consistently about person, place and thing?
You have to be totally honest with yourself. It's your life.
You can do whatever you want with it.

I can only explain to you how the universe works,
what's going on and the experiences that I've had.
You must learn to love yourself just the way you are. 

If you really love yourself you will love others.
Whatever quality you have, that's what you see in others.
Remember, there's no machine that churns out
pieces of the universe. 

There's no God that's created this universe.
It's all coming from your own mind. It comes from yourself.
You are the one. You must think of these things
when you awaken in the morning. 

Do not get up and put on your clothes and go to work right away,
get involved in the TV and newspaper. It's your dream!
What are you doing with it? Are you lost in your dream?
Are you taking the world as being real and reacting accordingly? 

It's your choice.

-Robert Adams - T.231 - Witness The Dream -14th March, 1993

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