Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Four Principles

How can we tell if we're on the path correctly? 
I gave four principles, which I really never do in the waking state. I never have a teaching. 
 But I was giving a teaching, so I'll share it with you. 
I explained four principles, where you know that you're close to self-realization.
 Of course, we're all self- realized already.

Principle number 1:
 You have a feeling, complete understanding that everything you see, everything in the universe, in the world, emanates from your mind. 
In other words, you feel this. You do not have to think about it, or try to bring it on. 
It comes by itself. It becomes a part of you. 
The realization that everything that you see, the universe, people, worms, insects, the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, your body, your mind, everything that appears, is a manifestation of your mind. 
You have to have that feeling, that deep understanding, without trying to.
So you ask yourself, "What do I think about all day long?" 
Of course, if you fear something, if you worry, if you believe something is wrong somewhere, if you think you're suffering from lack, or limitation, or sickness, anything, then you're out of it completely, because you're not understanding that all these things are simply a manifestation of your own mind. 
And if you worry about these things you become attached to false imagination. 
That's called false imagination. 
You've been attached to habit energy for many years, and all these attachments and beliefs come from habit energy.
It's like watching a TV show and becoming one of the characters, when you know that you're not even in the TV. 
But you believe you're one of the characters in the TV show. So it is with the world. Do not get involved. 
I don't mean you become passive.
 I mean your body does what it's supposed to do. Remember, your body came to this earth to do something. 
It will do something without your knowledge. It'll take care of itself. Don't worry. But do not identify your body with yourself. They're different. 
Your body is not yourself. And I'll prove this.

When you refer to your body what do you say? Don't you say "my body?" 
Who is this "my" you're referring to? You say "my finger,” "my eye.” 
Who are you referring to? You couldn't be talking about your body, because you’re saying it's my body, like you own it. 
 Who owns it? This proves to yourself that you're not your body. So do not identify yourself with the body and the world.

Therefore the first principle, to see how close you are to self-realization is: 
You are not feeling that you are identified with the world. 
You're separate. 
 And you're feeling happiness, because your natural state is pure happiness.
 Once you identify with worldly things, you spoil it. 
The happiness disappears, it dissipates. 
But when you're separate from worldly things happiness is automatic. 
Beautiful, pure happiness. It comes by itself. 
So that's the first principle.

Principle number 2 
 I explained to the bodhisattvas was this: You have to have a strong feeling, a deep realization, that you are unborn. 
You are not born, you do not experience a life, and you do not disappear, you do not die. 
You are not born, you have no life, and you do not die. You have to feel this, that you are of the unborn.
 Do you realize what this means? 
There is no cause for your existence. 
There is no cause for your suffering. 
 There is no cause for your problems.

Some of you still believe in cause and effect. 
This is true in the relative world, but in the world of reality there is no cause. 
Nothing has ever been made. 
Nothing has ever been created. 
There is no creation. I know it's hard to comprehend. How do I exist if I was not born, I have no life and I do not disappear in old age? 
You exist as I Am. 
You have always existed and you will always exist. 
You exist as pure intelligence, as absolute reality. 
That is your true nature. 
You exist as sat-chit-ananda.
 You exist as bliss consciousness, but you do exist. 
You exist as emptiness, as nirvana, but you do exist. 

So don't worry about being non-existent. 
But you do not exist as the body. 
You do not exist as person, place or thing.
 Do you feel that? 
If you have a strong feeling about that, then you're close to self- realization.

Principle number 3: 

You are aware and you have a deep understanding of the egolessness of all things; that everything has no ego. I'm not only speaking of sentient beings. 
I'm speaking of the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom. Nothing has an ego. 
There is no ego. 
And do you realize what this means?
 It means that everything is sacred. 
 Everything is God.
 Only when the ego comes, does God disappear, what we call "God.” 
Everything becomes God. 
You have reverence for everything.
 When there is no ego, you have reverence for everybody and everything.

So you have to be aware of the egolessness of all things. Animals have no ego, minerals have no ego, vegetables have no ego, and humans have no ego. 
There is no cause, so there cannot be an effect. 
There is only divine consciousness, and everything becomes divine consciousness. 
So if you look at your fellow man and animals and everything else as being egolessness, you will see them as yourself. Can't you see that?

It's the ego that causes separation. 
When I am full of ego, I become strong within myself.
 I become totally separate. 
So the more you like yourself as a person, the bigger your ego is. 
You say, "Well, I'm not supposed to like myself?” You're supposed to love yourself, but what self are we talking about? 
We're not talking about your body self, because that comes and goes. 
We're talking about your permanent self that has always been here. 
And your permanent self is me, is you, is the world, is the universe, is everything. 
That's your permanent self.
That's the only time that you can love your fellow human beings, when you have no ego. 
That's how you can tell where you're at, if you're close to self-realization. That's principle number three.

Principle number 4: 
You understand the Self Realization of Noble Wisdom. You have a deep conviction, a deep understanding, a deep feeling of what self-realization of noble wisdom really is. 

What is Self Realization of Noble Wisdom to you? 
You can never know by trying to find out what it is, because it's absolute reality. 
You can only know by finding out what it is not.

So you say, “It is not my body, it is not my mind, it is not my organs, it is not my thoughts, it is not my world, it is not my universe, it is not the animals, or the trees, or the moon, or the sun, or the stars, it is not any of those things.” 
When you've gone through everything and there's nothing left, that's what it is. Nothing. Emptiness. Nirvana. Ultimate oneness.
Robert Adams
Aug 19, 1990

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