Robert Adams
Excerpt from: Satsang
This second is Perfection
Excerpt from: Satsang
This second is Perfection
This second in which you now live is right, just the way it is.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with this second.
This second is perfection, pure awareness, ultimate reality.
But we do not live in the second.
We live in the past or in the future.
This is why the problems arise.
But in this very moment, this very second, all is well, extremely well.
You may be going through the most dastardly experiences in life, yet your mind dwells on these things, they get worse.
But if you draw in your mind to the moment, to the second, everything will stop, and you'll be in perfect peace.
Learn to live in the now.
There really is no past and there's no future.
There's only this moment, and in this moment all is well.
I know it appears sort of rough to some of you. You're thinking of what you have to do next week. You have to pay your bills, you have to go to the doctor, you have to get married, you have to get divorced. Your needs, your wants, your passions, all these things go through your mind all the time.
But if you would only learn to live in the now, in the moment, nothing is ever happening in the moment.
The moment is eternal peace, eternal love, joy, happiness.
Feel this. Feel the moment I'm referring to.
How beautiful.
When your mind begins to wander, creation begins for you.
You lose the moment, and the world begins for you.
According to your karma, your consciousness, your samskaras, you start creating this world, as soon as you begin to think.
Thoughts are not your friend.
They do not really belong to you.
Do you feel the perfect silence?
As you breathe and you inhale, feel as if you're sucking in the whole world, the whole universe, and as you exhale, you're letting it out again.
This exercise makes you feel that the whole universe comes from you, goes out and comes back.
Like when you're sleeping.
In deep sleep the universe is not here, the world is not here, your body is not here.
As you awaken, everything is here.
Do this with your breathing.
You inhale, there's absolutely nothing.
The universe has gone back into yourself.
You exhale, and the universe is out there again, external to you.
There is only the one Self, and you are that.
You have no body. You have no mind.
You are like boundless space.
The old you is beginning to disappear.
The old you is thousands of words, millions of thoughts, reacting to everything that comes along.
This you no longer exists.
You are fresh and new.
There is no longer any karma that can hurt you or do anything to you, no longer any samskaras that you have to experience.
You have already crossed the ocean of samsara, and you are already the Bodhisattva.
There's nothing you have to earn.
There's nothing you have to pray for.
There's no one you have to see.
There's absolutely nothing you have to do.
You are already free.
You are beyond freedom, beyond liberation, beyond delusion, beyond ignorance.
You are neither wisdom nor ignorance.
There are no words for you whatsoever.
There's no description of what you are.
There's no one to say.
You are that pure awareness that has always been and will always be.
There is absolutely nothing you have to do to earn it, for you are awake from the dream
. Feel this freedom you've never felt before.
Feel the joy, the happiness, the love that you have become.
Feel the reality.
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