Sunday, December 05, 2021

What the mind reveals is an endless stream of options

One is not really ruled by the mind at all. 

What the mind reveals is an endless stream of options, all disguised as memories, fantasies, fears, concepts, etc. 

To get free of domination by the mind, it is only necessary to realize that its parade of subjects is merely an arbitrary cafeteria of selections wending their way across the screen of the mind.

One is not ‘forced’ to feel resentment by a negative memory, nor does one have to buy into a fearful thought about the future. 

These are only options. 

The mind is like a television set running its various channels for selection, and one does not have to follow any particular temptation of thought. 

One can fall into the temptation of feeling sorry for oneself, or angry, or worried. 

The secret attraction of all these options is that they offer an inner payoff or a secret satisfaction, which is the source of the attraction of the mind’s thoughts.

If these payoffs are refused, it will be discovered that, at all times, behind the thought screen, there is a silent, invisible, thought-free space of joy. 

This is an option that is always available but to be experienced, it has to be chosen above all other tempting options. 

The source of joy is always present, always available, and not dependent on circumstances. 

There are only two obstacles: (1) the ignorance that it is always available and present, and (2) valuing something other than peace and joy above that peace and joy because of the secret pleasure of the payoff.

The experience of the presence of God is available and within at all times, but awaits choice.

That choice is made only by surrendering everything other than peace and love to God. 

In return, the divinity of the Self reveals Itself as ever-present but not experienced because it has been ignored or forgotten, or one has chosen otherwise.”

Hawkins M.D. Ph.D., David R.. The Eye of the I from Which Nothing is Hidden (Kindle Locations 689-702). Veritas Publishing. Kindle Edition.

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