Hummingbird -
The Aztecs of Mexico regarded the hummingbird as a warrior.
Despite the hummingbird's delicate appearance, it is a bold, quarrelsome bird who will readily attack any intruder that strays in,to its territory.
The hummingbird is a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible.
The hummingbird is all about making the effort and going the distance.
The hummingbird is tireless in its efforts to sustain itself over vast migratory paths. Its tiny body is designed for ultimate efficiency and,it taps into massive energy stores to maintain its high pace. This totem reminds us to explore the past and extract the sweetness from it. It can help you find joy and sweetness in any situation.
Grab joy as swiftly as you can.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Heron Symbolism
Native American tribes held the blue heron as a very good omen and they saw the heron as an expert fisher and hunter and sighting a heron before a hunt was a sign that the hunt would be a good one. Heron represents the Holy Spear, and the concept of spear magic.
Look at the imagery of spears and arrows, and start visualising aiming for your goals with spears to make sure you're 'on target'.
The holy spear, is also the messenger from the gods, and heron comes into our lives like an arrow from the gods, to make sure that we're on target too.
Heron's slow, deliberate manner produces a ceremonial aura and displays the harmonious natural flow of being ourselves.
Heron people prefer complete isolation...but are equally at ease in a crowd of peers.
Bittern,- Heed promises made
Egret - Provides safe passage to the soul world, peace bringer, self-confidence, wading rather than swimming, symbol of the Audubon Society
Great Blue Heron,-Assert your authority and strike while you can
Sunday, July 19, 2015
IKE: The world is what you think it is.
KALA: There are no limits.
MAKIA: Energy flows where attention goes.
MANAWA: Now is the moment of power.
ALOHA: To love is to be happy with.
MANA: All power comes from within.
PONO: Effectiveness is the measure of truth
IKE: The world is what you think it is.
KALA: There are no limits.
MAKIA: Energy flows where attention goes.
MANAWA: Now is the moment of power.
ALOHA: To love is to be happy with.
MANA: All power comes from within.
PONO: Effectiveness is the measure of truth
Friday, July 17, 2015
Affirmations for the best week yet
I choose to move forward today into a new , glorious experience. I know who I Am, and I let my life be a constant expression of the strengths that are my true nature. I release the splendour within me.
Entering into the stillness, I become quiet and listen to the inner voice. I am willing to be spacious Presence both for myself and for all those who ask to be heard by me. I listen.
I recognize that I am part of an infinite universe and that everything I need is always available to me. I open my mind to the possibility of having it and I declare now that it is so. Thank you, God.
I now choose to shine my light brightly and brilliantly. I now realise that my potential istruly unlimited. I accept this truth as the new basis for my life. I let go of smallness and I expand.
Becoming attuned to the truth of my oneness with Spirit, I see a difficulty that I am now experiencing as part of a healing process in my life. I trust this process and know that good is unfolding.
Today, I am open and responsive to the impulse toward ever-expanding greatness. Knowing that my higher consciousness gives rise to a new world, I accept the invitation of unlimited living.
Knowing that the energy of life is always available to me, I direct this energy in clear, conscious and specific ways. The universe supports the intentions I set and my targets are accomplished..
Book your telephone session today
DNA 12 Strand Activation Summer 2015
If you had 12 strands awake and alert as you become more open to and conscious of yourself as a co-creator, just imagine what your world could be like
What if every thought is important and potent
One of the many gifts of the year 2015 is the ability to glimpse into the possibility of what is to come, and then manifest it if you really desire enough.
The true pure essence of desire is as powerful as a a star being birthed or a mountain moved.
The energetic degree that you desire something is aligned mathematically and exponentially with your power to manifest it.
Each thought you have has its own consciousness. It is as consciousness within consciousness. Within each thought lives an electromagnetic field of possibilities.
These possibilities are magnetically drawn to other thoughts of like vibration. When enough thoughts form a link of likeness they then birth the desire into a physical reality.
Every thought has a vibrational pulse that magnetizes other similar thoughts. As they respond to the energetic call they begin to pulse and then connect with the image of desire inherent within each of them and create what they have agreed upon.
In other words all thoughts no matter what they are have the potential to manifest if you energetically believe them.
Belief then creates a vibrational wormhole allowing the thought to manifest.
It has just been recently proven that DNA has its own language very similar to the language of humans. In actually our language is believed to be based upon our inner DNA language.
What if every cell in your body listens to every word you speak and think and then creates from that dialogue.
Nothing is dismissed by your DNA as a casual thought . Everything is taken to heart and then into action.
Your DNA within all cell structures believes you are commander-in-chief, it sees you as a god and obeys your every word . There are no 'I am only kidding clauses' within the DNA structure. There is no censoring of the input for it responds to all thoughts and words.
As we learn to communicate with our inner universe on the way to creating our outer personal universe it is important to take time to slow down and go within. The meditative state of alpha is achieved simply by closing our eyes and looking within.
As we enter the internal dialogue with our DNA is then heard loud and clear with no outside buzz and confusion. As we move deeper into alpha communication with our cellular consciousness we find many pathways of insight available to us.
We stand within our Alpha temple looking at many golden arches of opportunity. As we enter into each doorway of insight we weigh the manifestation possibilities of the outcome.
Could this really happen?
Should this happen?
Will this really happen? The DNA says yes to all, but the humanness censors the experience by dousing it with doubt and logic.
To our DNA and cellular cousins everything and anything is possible. To us that is not logical as the self censors our deepest desires creating a mud puddle to splash in instead of an ocean to swim and play in.
When we are in a refined state of DNA communication we can travel to the past... the future.... . and other universes though microscopic magnetized wormholes. These are activated within the DNA structure when one is in a relaxed meditative responsive state of being.
We have the ability to transcend time and space and walk into a world that the ancients visited and taught about. In this internal world that is connected to all time and space we can see what is to come, we can heal the past and connect with our deepest truths in the now.
As we go within anything is possible. It is up to us to hold that precious essence of possibility as we reenter the everyday world, not tossing it out the window on the way back to beta consciousness. As you visit the vista of all time and internal space hold gently to the treasures you bring back.
These are DNA and Cellular truths you bring back. You are caretakers of what could be.... what was.... and what will be. Honour them as your most precious treasures. To your DNA and cell structure they are worlds that are waiting to be birthed.
Adapted from notes by G .MacBeth-Louthan
book your activation
What if every thought is important and potent
One of the many gifts of the year 2015 is the ability to glimpse into the possibility of what is to come, and then manifest it if you really desire enough.
The true pure essence of desire is as powerful as a a star being birthed or a mountain moved.
The energetic degree that you desire something is aligned mathematically and exponentially with your power to manifest it.
Each thought you have has its own consciousness. It is as consciousness within consciousness. Within each thought lives an electromagnetic field of possibilities.
These possibilities are magnetically drawn to other thoughts of like vibration. When enough thoughts form a link of likeness they then birth the desire into a physical reality.
Every thought has a vibrational pulse that magnetizes other similar thoughts. As they respond to the energetic call they begin to pulse and then connect with the image of desire inherent within each of them and create what they have agreed upon.
In other words all thoughts no matter what they are have the potential to manifest if you energetically believe them.
Belief then creates a vibrational wormhole allowing the thought to manifest.
It has just been recently proven that DNA has its own language very similar to the language of humans. In actually our language is believed to be based upon our inner DNA language.
What if every cell in your body listens to every word you speak and think and then creates from that dialogue.
Nothing is dismissed by your DNA as a casual thought . Everything is taken to heart and then into action.
Your DNA within all cell structures believes you are commander-in-chief, it sees you as a god and obeys your every word . There are no 'I am only kidding clauses' within the DNA structure. There is no censoring of the input for it responds to all thoughts and words.
As we learn to communicate with our inner universe on the way to creating our outer personal universe it is important to take time to slow down and go within. The meditative state of alpha is achieved simply by closing our eyes and looking within.
As we enter the internal dialogue with our DNA is then heard loud and clear with no outside buzz and confusion. As we move deeper into alpha communication with our cellular consciousness we find many pathways of insight available to us.
We stand within our Alpha temple looking at many golden arches of opportunity. As we enter into each doorway of insight we weigh the manifestation possibilities of the outcome.
Could this really happen?
Should this happen?
Will this really happen? The DNA says yes to all, but the humanness censors the experience by dousing it with doubt and logic.
To our DNA and cellular cousins everything and anything is possible. To us that is not logical as the self censors our deepest desires creating a mud puddle to splash in instead of an ocean to swim and play in.
When we are in a refined state of DNA communication we can travel to the past... the future.... . and other universes though microscopic magnetized wormholes. These are activated within the DNA structure when one is in a relaxed meditative responsive state of being.
We have the ability to transcend time and space and walk into a world that the ancients visited and taught about. In this internal world that is connected to all time and space we can see what is to come, we can heal the past and connect with our deepest truths in the now.
As we go within anything is possible. It is up to us to hold that precious essence of possibility as we reenter the everyday world, not tossing it out the window on the way back to beta consciousness. As you visit the vista of all time and internal space hold gently to the treasures you bring back.
These are DNA and Cellular truths you bring back. You are caretakers of what could be.... what was.... and what will be. Honour them as your most precious treasures. To your DNA and cell structure they are worlds that are waiting to be birthed.
Adapted from notes by G .MacBeth-Louthan
book your activation
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Trust Meditation
Meditation by Orin and DaBen
I affirm that I am now ready
to increase my trust
in the goodness of the universe.
I relax my body.
I bring relaxation into
my arms and shoulders.
I adjust my posture so that my
chest and back are comfortable.
I notice my legs and feet
and sit in a way that lets energy
flow throughout my body.
I increase my trust in my
ability to draw to myself
what I need and want
by remembering a time when
I trusted that something would come to me--
and it did.
I think of something I want
that I know is for my higher good.
I picture what having this will give me,
what quality of energy I will have
when this object or situation comes to me.
I make a picture of having this.
I now expect to have this or
something even better.
I believe in myself
and in my ability to create
what is good for me.
I affirm that the universe is abundant
and that I can have what I want.
I now affirm my trust in the goodness of:
My soul
The Universe
God/Goddess/All That Is
Fill in:________________
I trust that every thing comes
in the perfect time
and in the perfect way.
I trust that those things
that I do not get
are not for my higher good,
or do not serve me to have at this time.
I surrender to my soul and the universe,
and open to receive my higher good
in all of its many forms
and from its many sources.
I affirm that the universe is
always working perfectly through me
and for me.
My heart is open and
I trust myself and the universe
to create the life I want to live.
Monday, July 06, 2015
Gull symbolism
Spiritual messengers that demonstrate that a higher communication is taking place spiritually with the deities. Gulls also teaches releasing fear by showing that there are many perspectives to consider and it is time to change yours. Soar above your problems, watch how you behave and don't be a pest
Always a complicated story, body language reveals the truth, prefers water to wine, gets what it wants,by bullying
Spiritual messengers that demonstrate that a higher communication is taking place spiritually with the deities. Gulls also teaches releasing fear by showing that there are many perspectives to consider and it is time to change yours. Soar above your problems, watch how you behave and don't be a pest
Always a complicated story, body language reveals the truth, prefers water to wine, gets what it wants,by bullying
- The Seagull is a survivor and will survive under the worst conditions. It can go for long periods of time without food and will eat anything if they have to in order to survive. It represents stamina, perseverance, and cunning. But it can also be mischievous, selfish, and quarrelsome. The power of the Seagull can also get rid of negative powers, such as when thousands of grasshoppers ravaged the Midwest back in the 1930s and seagulls were sent by the Great Creator to purify the pestilence. A flock of Seagulls inland flying around in circles is a warning that a bad storm is coming
Sunday, July 05, 2015
Eagle power animal
A Sacred Messenger from Heaven and,the,Eye of the Sun.
The eagle lives in the spirit realm and it carries prayers to the Creator and returns with a vision. The eagle possesses healing spiritual power and their magical feathers assist medicine men and women in connecting with Spirit for healing. Eagles will mate on the wind and they symbolize the power of creation when released from the confines of the Earthly realm,with a lesson of staying grounded when soaring high.
,The eagle teaches that with limited vision we may not see the things that lie before us and how to look at life from a higher perspective.
A Sacred Messenger from Heaven and,the,Eye of the Sun.
The eagle lives in the spirit realm and it carries prayers to the Creator and returns with a vision. The eagle possesses healing spiritual power and their magical feathers assist medicine men and women in connecting with Spirit for healing. Eagles will mate on the wind and they symbolize the power of creation when released from the confines of the Earthly realm,with a lesson of staying grounded when soaring high.
,The eagle teaches that with limited vision we may not see the things that lie before us and how to look at life from a higher perspective.
Bald Eagle,-- Swiftness, strength, courage, wisdom, ability to see
hidden spiritual truths, rising above the material to see the spiritual,
connection to spirit guides and teachers
Golden Eagle,-- Understands the cycles of the Sun, clear vision, sees from the highest places, spiritual power of the Sun
Wedge-tailed Eagle,-- The Persecuted King. Upperworld Messenger. Pride. Transcending the Ego. Flight of the Spirit.
White-tailed Eagle -- A particularly sociable eagle, and this is reflected in the emotional support that he offers as a power animal. A powerful and agile hunter of fish, he can delve into the unconscious of his shaman companion to retrieve hidden images and influences with his sure and strong talons
book a remote session to discover your power animal
Golden Eagle,-- Understands the cycles of the Sun, clear vision, sees from the highest places, spiritual power of the Sun
Wedge-tailed Eagle,-- The Persecuted King. Upperworld Messenger. Pride. Transcending the Ego. Flight of the Spirit.
White-tailed Eagle -- A particularly sociable eagle, and this is reflected in the emotional support that he offers as a power animal. A powerful and agile hunter of fish, he can delve into the unconscious of his shaman companion to retrieve hidden images and influences with his sure and strong talons
book a remote session to discover your power animal
Saturday, July 04, 2015
what is Ho'oponopono ?
Ho'oponopono comes from
an old Hawaiian tradition. Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian word meaning
'make right' and it is a simple yet profound way of making things right
in our lives.
Originally it was used in family situations where there was disharmony among family members A mediator would be invited and Ho'oponopono would be used to make things right between them.
In the 1980's Morrnah Simeona created an updated version that can be used individually for our own healing and personal development.
This is called 'Self-Identity Through Ho'oponopono' .
With Ho'oponopono, we can dissolve the layers around our personality and reveal our true selves, making right things that are wrong in our life as we do so.
Each and every time we practice Ho'oponopono, we are encouraged to take one hundred per cent responsibility for everything in our lives, both 'good' and 'bad' .
If we see someone who is suffering , then we have brought that person into our life and we are responsible for them being there. We are not actually responsible for that person or for their suffering, but we are responsible for them being in our present moment.
Whenever we are suffering ourselves, in any way , then we are responsible for that. If we are happy, we are responsible for that.
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Originally it was used in family situations where there was disharmony among family members A mediator would be invited and Ho'oponopono would be used to make things right between them.
In the 1980's Morrnah Simeona created an updated version that can be used individually for our own healing and personal development.
This is called 'Self-Identity Through Ho'oponopono' .
With Ho'oponopono, we can dissolve the layers around our personality and reveal our true selves, making right things that are wrong in our life as we do so.
Each and every time we practice Ho'oponopono, we are encouraged to take one hundred per cent responsibility for everything in our lives, both 'good' and 'bad' .
If we see someone who is suffering , then we have brought that person into our life and we are responsible for them being there. We are not actually responsible for that person or for their suffering, but we are responsible for them being in our present moment.
Whenever we are suffering ourselves, in any way , then we are responsible for that. If we are happy, we are responsible for that.
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Stardust- ho'oponopono cleaning tool
Stardust is for defusing ignorance of the Universal Life Cycle and our interconnectedness .
Stardust reminds us that we came from the stars and the stars come from us.
Stardust is produced in a supernova explosion during the cataclysmic end of a star's life.
Stardust is ejected into space by the force of the massive explosion, where it is mixed with other matter and forms new stars and planets.
Earth is rich in heavy elements from Stardust.
The iron in our blood and calcium in our bones were forged from Stardust.
We are made of Stardust and in time we return to Stardust.
Stardust reminds us we are all one.
Each of us sees a reflection of ourselves in the way we experience those around us.
Stardust reminds us to follow the Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have others do unto you - because in the end you are doing it to yourself
what is shamanic healing then?
So what is shamanic healing then?
Is this something that can help me with today's problems?
There are also many contemporary practitioners of this ancient healing art.
Traditionally a shaman was someone who was able to communicate with the spirits and visit other realities with their own spirit allies. This is still the case in modern shamanism.You do not need to have a problem to benefit from a shamanic journey. You can book a session to develop and enhance your talents, abilities and capacities too
healing is one of the vast numbers of healing modalities available for
us to experience today. Like acupuncture, its roots are in the mists of
time and like acupuncture it works with unseen energy. Acupuncture is
usually associated with the East, while there have been shamanic healers
for thousands of years in tribal communities all around the world.
There are also many contemporary practitioners of this ancient healing art.
Traditionally a shaman was someone who was able to communicate with the spirits and visit other realities with their own spirit allies. This is still the case in modern shamanism.You do not need to have a problem to benefit from a shamanic journey. You can book a session to develop and enhance your talents, abilities and capacities too
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