Stardust is for defusing ignorance of the Universal Life Cycle and our interconnectedness .
Stardust reminds us that we came from the stars and the stars come from us.
Stardust is produced in a supernova explosion during the cataclysmic end of a star's life.
Stardust is ejected into space by the force of the massive explosion, where it is mixed with other matter and forms new stars and planets.
Earth is rich in heavy elements from Stardust.
The iron in our blood and calcium in our bones were forged from Stardust.
We are made of Stardust and in time we return to Stardust.
Stardust reminds us we are all one.
Each of us sees a reflection of ourselves in the way we experience those around us.
Stardust reminds us to follow the Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have others do unto you - because in the end you are doing it to yourself
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