Saturday, July 04, 2015

what is Ho'oponopono ?

Ho'oponopono comes from an old Hawaiian tradition. Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian word meaning 'make right' and it is a simple yet profound way of making things right in our lives.

Originally it was used in family situations where there was disharmony among family members A mediator would be invited and Ho'oponopono would be used to make things right between them.

In the 1980's Morrnah Simeona created an updated version that can be used individually for our own healing and personal development.

This is called 'Self-Identity Through Ho'oponopono' .

With Ho'oponopono, we can dissolve the layers around our personality and reveal our true selves, making right things that are wrong in our life as we do so.

Each and every time we practice Ho'oponopono, we are encouraged to take one hundred per cent responsibility for everything in our lives, both 'good' and 'bad'  .

If we see someone who is suffering , then we have brought that person into our life and we are responsible for them being there. We are not actually responsible for that person or for their suffering, but we are responsible for them being in our present moment.

Whenever we are suffering ourselves, in any way , then we are responsible for that. If we are happy, we are responsible for that.

book remote session

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