Thursday, December 22, 2016

Scorch those thoughts

The question I pose to myself: "Could I drop the thinkingness and Decide to be Imperturbable?"

"The only obstacles to immediate full realization here and now are the thoughts, everyone of which is limited.
 Eliminate those thoughts and you'll see this infinite Being that you always were and are and always will be. 
The difficulty is the past habit- patterns of thought, the unconscious constant turning and churning of thought in a mechanism we have set up that we call the unconscious mind. 

The unconscious thoughts are simply our thoughts now that we do not look at, and so we call them unconscious.
 This is the enemy we set up. 
To lessen these unconscious thoughts, we first make them conscious.
 When we make them conscious, then we may let go of them and they are gone forever. 
This quiets the unconscious mind.
 Now, the more we eliminate the thoughts, the more obvious our real Self becomes. 
 The more obvious our real Self becomes, the more we are able to scorch the remaining thoughts, until the mind is totally quieted." ~
Lester Levenson

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