The Rishis of old have told us this.
Great Sages have taught this.
Great Sages have taught this.
Do not go after the beauty of the world for that only lasts for so long.
Find the beauty within yourself.
Find the truth within yourself that is forever.
The real beauty within yourself does not stop at death of the body.
It's a continuum, it's forever.
When you awaken you see the world
as a superimposition on yourself that comes and goes.
Think of yourself as a chalkboard and
someone is drawing all sorts of scenes on the chalkboard.
someone is drawing all sorts of scenes on the chalkboard.
Happy scenes, then they're erased.
Unhappy scenes, and they're erased.
And this continues over and over again.
But what happens to the chalkboard?
Nothing, it remains forever the same.
So it is with the Self.
The Self is absolute consciousness. Pure awareness.
Nirvana. Absolute reality.
You are that, it is you.
There is no coming and going, there is no change.
There is no coming and going, there is no change.
If you touch a semblance of this in your heart you will feel such joy
that you will search forever for the truth of your being and
then you will truly find happiness.
~Robert Adams - T.64 - Everyone Is Searching For Happiness -
26th May, 1991
26th May, 1991
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