You abide in the I.
You always abide in the I
until the I becomes transformed into the Self.
In the beginning remember abiding in the I
is abiding in the ego, in the mind.
As you continue to abide in the I, the I becomes the real I,
which is the Self.
Because there is only one I, not two and you are that.
So abiding in the I is following the I thread to the source
and the source is I-am.
The I-am is another name for absolute reality or consciousness
or bliss. I-am, consciousness as I mentioned before
in previous meetings is self-contained.
It only knows itself.
It does not produce this world.
It does not produce the ego or the mind.
The ego, the mind, the world, the universe,
God is non-existent to the Self.
As long as you believe you are the body-mind, the world,
the ego, everything else appears real to you.
And then you also believe that consciousness creates these things.
Why would consciousness create it?
It has no reason to.
Remember it's like you have been hypnotized.
That's why you believe you are a body and
that's why you believe you live in a world of many bodies.
Robert Adams - T.45 - Following The ‘I’ - February 17, 1991
Friday, March 31, 2017
You have to sincerely want to awaken.
You have to sincerely want to awaken.
And I kid you not, to awaken is simple.
You just have to give up everything mentally.
That’s all.
And consider the fact that everything is consciousness.
No thing is as it appears.
This includes yourself.
And I kid you not, to awaken is simple.
You just have to give up everything mentally.
That’s all.
And consider the fact that everything is consciousness.
No thing is as it appears.
This includes yourself.
-- Robert Adams
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
There Is No Birth
You have no idea what anything is, but I tell you again,
everything is unborn.
Nothing actually exists and the only explanation is, it's like a dream.
When you have a dream, do you give birth to everything?
The dream just begins, with everything as it appears.
You do not go to a beginning, or to an end.
The dream just starts from nothing and it goes on until you awaken.
everything is unborn.
Nothing actually exists and the only explanation is, it's like a dream.
When you have a dream, do you give birth to everything?
The dream just begins, with everything as it appears.
You do not go to a beginning, or to an end.
The dream just starts from nothing and it goes on until you awaken.
The waking state is called the mortal dream.
We're dreaming the mortal dream.
All of the things that you are interested in, all of your fears,
all of your frustrations, goods and bads,
all of your happy and sads, it's all a dream.
And the more you get attached to it, the more human you become.
It's like getting attached to a dream and
never waking up and you keep living the dream.
Consequently, you create your own reincarnation
because you are attached to person, place and thing.
And this pulls you back into a body, over and over and over again
until you learn to let go, until you start practicing, emptiness.
~Robert Adams - T.2 There Is No Birth! - 12th August, 1990
We're dreaming the mortal dream.
All of the things that you are interested in, all of your fears,
all of your frustrations, goods and bads,
all of your happy and sads, it's all a dream.
And the more you get attached to it, the more human you become.
It's like getting attached to a dream and
never waking up and you keep living the dream.
Consequently, you create your own reincarnation
because you are attached to person, place and thing.
And this pulls you back into a body, over and over and over again
until you learn to let go, until you start practicing, emptiness.
~Robert Adams - T.2 There Is No Birth! - 12th August, 1990
Don’t insist on trying to clarify what happened in the past.
The minute you identify with your mind, with thoughts, with emotions,
with whatever is arising in the space of pure awareness,
it is as though you open a door for bad company.
When there is an earthquake under the ocean, lots of bubbles are coming up.
They flow up to the surface then they pop and are gone.
Don’t watch the bubbles and say, 'Oh no! That’s a big bubble!'
Don’t become invested or involved with what is coming up, burping up.
You are detoxing. You just be at the burping place.
Don’t be at the dustbin place.
Don’t be picking things up, examining them and putting them in the bag.
You just vomit. You just burp now. Don’t go into the story of burping.
with whatever is arising in the space of pure awareness,
it is as though you open a door for bad company.
When there is an earthquake under the ocean, lots of bubbles are coming up.
They flow up to the surface then they pop and are gone.
Don’t watch the bubbles and say, 'Oh no! That’s a big bubble!'
Don’t become invested or involved with what is coming up, burping up.
You are detoxing. You just be at the burping place.
Don’t be at the dustbin place.
Don’t be picking things up, examining them and putting them in the bag.
You just vomit. You just burp now. Don’t go into the story of burping.
This tendency to examine everything, 'Oh when I was a child…'
is almost justifying why the old ghosts are staying.
Don’t insist on trying to clarify what happened in the past.
For now, just burp. Don’t analyse.
When you vomit something out, when you look at it,
you can’t remember that you ate that type of thing at all!
You always find there’s some carrots in the mix.
The mind is always wanting to analyse,
but what I am saying is that at this moment—don’t do that.
Grace is taking all these things out.
Trust where you are, and that Grace is with you.
is almost justifying why the old ghosts are staying.
Don’t insist on trying to clarify what happened in the past.
For now, just burp. Don’t analyse.
When you vomit something out, when you look at it,
you can’t remember that you ate that type of thing at all!
You always find there’s some carrots in the mix.
The mind is always wanting to analyse,
but what I am saying is that at this moment—don’t do that.
Grace is taking all these things out.
Trust where you are, and that Grace is with you.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
there is nobody to be outraged at.
When you hear about the bank robber, hear about the murderer,
you hear about man's inhumanity to man
you want to become outraged,
but as long as you're studying Advaita and
you're coming on this path, you will have to understand that
there is nobody to be outraged at.
There is nothing to be outraged at.
It's all yourself.
There is only one Self and that Self is you.
You are that Self.
Out of you emanates everybody and everything.
So you're becoming outrageous to yourself.
This strikes me to be very funny when I see people
being angry at people, hurting people, hurting themselves.
It comes back to you.
It comes back in different ways, strange ways,
but it always comes back to you.
Then you say, "Well you mean I'm supposed to be a doormat
and let people walk all over me?"
On the contrary, that will never happen to you
if you're in the right consciousness.
If you're in the right consciousness
people will not walk all over you at all.
People will leave you alone.
When you understand that you are the one Self, who can hurt you?
But think of the ways you get mixed up in this world
by believing situations are real.
Think of your life just today since you got out of bed.
How many things turned you on, to anger, to hatred, to disharmony?
It's your fault, it's always your fault.
~Robert Adams - T. 222 :Uncreate The Universe!
7th February, 1993
you hear about man's inhumanity to man
you want to become outraged,
but as long as you're studying Advaita and
you're coming on this path, you will have to understand that
there is nobody to be outraged at.
There is nothing to be outraged at.
It's all yourself.
There is only one Self and that Self is you.
You are that Self.
Out of you emanates everybody and everything.
So you're becoming outrageous to yourself.
This strikes me to be very funny when I see people
being angry at people, hurting people, hurting themselves.
It comes back to you.
It comes back in different ways, strange ways,
but it always comes back to you.
Then you say, "Well you mean I'm supposed to be a doormat
and let people walk all over me?"
On the contrary, that will never happen to you
if you're in the right consciousness.
If you're in the right consciousness
people will not walk all over you at all.
People will leave you alone.
When you understand that you are the one Self, who can hurt you?
But think of the ways you get mixed up in this world
by believing situations are real.
Think of your life just today since you got out of bed.
How many things turned you on, to anger, to hatred, to disharmony?
It's your fault, it's always your fault.
~Robert Adams - T. 222 :Uncreate The Universe!
7th February, 1993
Thursday, March 23, 2017
go directly for the ultimate search within.
Q: How can a speck like me create the vast universe?
M: When you are infected with the 'I-am-the-body' virus; a whole
universe springs into being.
But when you have had enough of it, you cherish some fanciful ideas about liberation and pursue lines of action totally futile.
You concentrate, you meditate, you torture your mind and body, you do all sorts of unnecessary things, but you miss the essential which is the elimination of the person.
Q: In the beginning we may have to pray and meditate for some time before we are ready for self-enquiry.
M: If you believe so, go on. To me, all delay is a waste of time.
You can skip all the preparation and go directly for the ultimate search within.
Of all the Yogas it is the simplest and the shortest.
I AM THAT, 257.
But when you have had enough of it, you cherish some fanciful ideas about liberation and pursue lines of action totally futile.
You concentrate, you meditate, you torture your mind and body, you do all sorts of unnecessary things, but you miss the essential which is the elimination of the person.
Q: In the beginning we may have to pray and meditate for some time before we are ready for self-enquiry.
M: If you believe so, go on. To me, all delay is a waste of time.
You can skip all the preparation and go directly for the ultimate search within.
Of all the Yogas it is the simplest and the shortest.
I AM THAT, 257.
You are originally Buddha.
Take a good look at yourself.
You are already saved.
You are originally Buddha.
You are overflowing with happiness and glory.
To talk of paradise or heaven is to be talking in your sleep.
Take a good look at yourself.
Transcend time and space, and you'll see that you are eternal, you are infinite.
Should the universe collapse and disappear, you would still be immovable.
You are all forms and all formlessness in the universe, the universe itself.
You are the twinkling stars and the dancing butterflies-you are everything.
You are already saved.
You are originally Buddha.
You are overflowing with happiness and glory.
To talk of paradise or heaven is to be talking in your sleep.
Take a good look at yourself.
Transcend time and space, and you'll see that you are eternal, you are infinite.
Should the universe collapse and disappear, you would still be immovable.
You are all forms and all formlessness in the universe, the universe itself.
You are the twinkling stars and the dancing butterflies-you are everything.
Take a good look at yourself.
All truths are within you.
To look for truth outside yourself is to search for water outside of the ocean.
Take a good look at yourself.
There is no death in eternity, but those who don't know themselves worry about death.
They fret about it, and they dread it.
Ven.Tong Songchol (1912~1993), one of the great Zen masters in the last century was also called the Living Buddha of Korea.
All truths are within you.
To look for truth outside yourself is to search for water outside of the ocean.
Take a good look at yourself.
There is no death in eternity, but those who don't know themselves worry about death.
They fret about it, and they dread it.
Ven.Tong Songchol (1912~1993), one of the great Zen masters in the last century was also called the Living Buddha of Korea.
You have to realize that there is a divine intelligence
You have to realize that there is a divine intelligence
of infinite goodness, the power that knows the way.
If you would but surrender to this power.
If you would let go and let God so-to-speak
by totally surrendering to this power that knows the way
you will be carried forth in a stream of blessedness
to your highest good.
This is true.
of infinite goodness, the power that knows the way.
If you would but surrender to this power.
If you would let go and let God so-to-speak
by totally surrendering to this power that knows the way
you will be carried forth in a stream of blessedness
to your highest good.
This is true.
But if you're always condemning, judging, reacting
and you keep finding things wrong everyday of your life
and what you're really doing in your brain and your mind
and your subconscious is you're saying,
"This is what I want. I want more of this."
If you didn't want more of something you wouldn't think about it.
You wouldn't feel hurt by it.
You wouldn't allow yourself to fall into the trap of cynicism, depression, animosity or any kind of negativity.
You'll be above this, beyond this.
But if you're allowing yourself to fall into the trap,
you have to give up total mind, body and soul
to the infinite intelligence that takes care of this universe.
You can call this intelligence God, absolute reality, divine wisdom.
It makes no difference what you call it.
You must surrender to it, totally, completely.
Of course in the ultimate truth none of this exists.
In the ultimate truth I've been speaking nonsense to you.
For the ultimate truth is silence.
Total silence and total annihilation
of your thoughts and mind and body.
But as I said before we have to be true to ourselves
and see where we are on the path.
We may say, "We're on the path of Jnana Marga," if you like
and it's up to each one of us to remove all of these thoughts, emotions, feelings, negativity, depressions
that haunt us once in a while.
It's up to each one of us to get rid of ourselves,
to annihilate yourself.
To get rid of your little self totally, completely.
To get yourself out of the way
and to allow the divine circus to function.
-Robert Adams -T. 193 - Infinite Intelligence - 22nd October, 1992
and you keep finding things wrong everyday of your life
and what you're really doing in your brain and your mind
and your subconscious is you're saying,
"This is what I want. I want more of this."
If you didn't want more of something you wouldn't think about it.
You wouldn't feel hurt by it.
You wouldn't allow yourself to fall into the trap of cynicism, depression, animosity or any kind of negativity.
You'll be above this, beyond this.
But if you're allowing yourself to fall into the trap,
you have to give up total mind, body and soul
to the infinite intelligence that takes care of this universe.
You can call this intelligence God, absolute reality, divine wisdom.
It makes no difference what you call it.
You must surrender to it, totally, completely.
Of course in the ultimate truth none of this exists.
In the ultimate truth I've been speaking nonsense to you.
For the ultimate truth is silence.
Total silence and total annihilation
of your thoughts and mind and body.
But as I said before we have to be true to ourselves
and see where we are on the path.
We may say, "We're on the path of Jnana Marga," if you like
and it's up to each one of us to remove all of these thoughts, emotions, feelings, negativity, depressions
that haunt us once in a while.
It's up to each one of us to get rid of ourselves,
to annihilate yourself.
To get rid of your little self totally, completely.
To get yourself out of the way
and to allow the divine circus to function.
-Robert Adams -T. 193 - Infinite Intelligence - 22nd October, 1992
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
You are the power.
All of us sitting in this room are
at a different stage of consciousness.
Some of us are more advanced than others but that doesn't matter.
What matters is what you're doing with your life.
Noone in this room should believe that the world
has any power over you whatsoever.
You are the power.
If you feel the world or some situation has power over you
is because you have given it the power.
Where else would it come from.
The world the universe by itself is passive, neither good nor bad.
It is you that makes it what it is.
at a different stage of consciousness.
Some of us are more advanced than others but that doesn't matter.
What matters is what you're doing with your life.
Noone in this room should believe that the world
has any power over you whatsoever.
You are the power.
If you feel the world or some situation has power over you
is because you have given it the power.
Where else would it come from.
The world the universe by itself is passive, neither good nor bad.
It is you that makes it what it is.
This is the reason why every one of us here
look at the world differently.
We live in the same world but we see it differently.
We're are seeing ourselves of course.
We are seeing what we are.
What else can you see.
There are no sinners. There is no evil.
Everyone is a child of God, so-to-speak.
When you realize you are God's child in God's infinite goodness
and love, as you work on that you will find soon that you are God.
You are the infinite goodness and love. It is you.
But you have to work from where you're coming from.
If you have to pray, pray.
If you have to meditate, meditate.
If you have to do a mantra, do a mantra.
Do whatever you have to do to raise your consciousness.
Never say, "I can't do anything else. I've done all I can. I'm stuck."
That's a lie. Noone is ever stuck.
For we live in a universe of flux, change, nothing is solid.
So how can you be stuck.
Everything is continuously moving, moving, moving, moving.
You cannot be stuck anywhere or anytime.
Do you see how you train your mind?
You train your mind to stuck some place.
You can't go any further and you believe it.
So to you you appear stuck. There is no such thing. All is well.
You are a very unique being.
You are unique because you have within you fantastic power.
After all you created this illusion. You created this maya.
It came out of you.
Your shakti is doing this.
The power that you have has created all of these things.
If you wish to uncreate everything
you have to put yourself in reverse.
Just like a car and go back to the source.
When you return to the source you will find that
you were never a human being,
there never was a world,
there never was bondage or liberation,
there never was a God separate from your Self and you are free. Peace.
-Robert Adams -T. 193 - Infinite Intelligence - 22nd October, 1992
look at the world differently.
We live in the same world but we see it differently.
We're are seeing ourselves of course.
We are seeing what we are.
What else can you see.
There are no sinners. There is no evil.
Everyone is a child of God, so-to-speak.
When you realize you are God's child in God's infinite goodness
and love, as you work on that you will find soon that you are God.
You are the infinite goodness and love. It is you.
But you have to work from where you're coming from.
If you have to pray, pray.
If you have to meditate, meditate.
If you have to do a mantra, do a mantra.
Do whatever you have to do to raise your consciousness.
Never say, "I can't do anything else. I've done all I can. I'm stuck."
That's a lie. Noone is ever stuck.
For we live in a universe of flux, change, nothing is solid.
So how can you be stuck.
Everything is continuously moving, moving, moving, moving.
You cannot be stuck anywhere or anytime.
Do you see how you train your mind?
You train your mind to stuck some place.
You can't go any further and you believe it.
So to you you appear stuck. There is no such thing. All is well.
You are a very unique being.
You are unique because you have within you fantastic power.
After all you created this illusion. You created this maya.
It came out of you.
Your shakti is doing this.
The power that you have has created all of these things.
If you wish to uncreate everything
you have to put yourself in reverse.
Just like a car and go back to the source.
When you return to the source you will find that
you were never a human being,
there never was a world,
there never was bondage or liberation,
there never was a God separate from your Self and you are free. Peace.
-Robert Adams -T. 193 - Infinite Intelligence - 22nd October, 1992
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
The presence of Divinity as Self is effortless.
» Awareness is a quality of consciousness itself that is not encumbered by having to "do" anything.
It just "is" and by virtue of its innate capacity, apprehends essence directly.
The presence of Divinity as Self is effortless. «
The original is from
"Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality",
Chapter 7 p. 131
Additional Context
» With refusal to project values, all becomes of equal value by virtue of its existence and the emergence of Creation by which form is an expression of innate formlessness of Oneness.
Perception focuses on linear uniqueness and differences and therefore on separation.
The Self is all-inclusive.
The ego, by projection of presumptive value, sees beauty only selectively and bases it on the linearity subserved by expectations of aesthetics.
Without editing, the intrinsic beauty of all that exists radiates forth as an innate quality of existence itself.
In ordinary life, this observation tends to become obscured due to the sheer overwhelming quantity of stimuli.
One purpose of art is to select almost any particular subject for focus and put it on ‘stop’ so its innate beauty and perfection as an expression of ‘what it is’ stand forth.
This process reveals the presence of essence behind form.
Love has this characteristic as well, and the familiar becomes imbued with value because its inner worth has already been ascertained.
By this process, familiar things become ‘dear’ and treasured, even if only a favorite pair of old slippers.
To the Self, everything becomes endeared, not because it is ‘mine’, but because it ‘is’.
Q: The method described is tantamount to eclipsing and precluding the ‘experiencer’ edge of the ego as the predominant focus of interest and psychic energy.
A: Its function can be bypassed, and therefore its editing process is no longer valued.
What is devalued tends to disappear.
►Awareness is a quality of consciousness itself that is not encumbered by having to ‘do’ anything.
It just ‘is’ and by virtue of its innate capacity, apprehends essence directly. The Presence of Divinity as Self is effortless.◄
It ‘knows’ as a quality of identity so there is no necessity to process a relationship between a ‘this’ and a ‘that’, or an ‘I’ and an ‘it’.
The Reality that is revealed by relinquishment of identification with the experiencer/processor edge of the ego cannot be easily described in words.
The subjective awareness of existence is an unedited a priori primary knowingness beyond languaging.
Its Source is the Self and not, as the ego believes it to be, the experiencer aspect of the self.
Q: Then there really is no ‘razor’ or ‘edge’.
A: That analogy has pragmatic value until it is no longer serviceable or useful.
It is like having a boat to cross a stream for a transition, but it serves no further function.
That is common to all spiritual practices and techniques.
In the Presence of Divinity, there is no point to spiritual practices anymore than there would be to using the oars once the other shore has been reached.
Like all denotative terms, the ‘edge’ disappears into the nonlinearity of the Oneness of the Self/Divinity.
There is no personal self that witnesses the Ultimate Reality because the Knower and the Known dissolve into Identity. « -
From "Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality", Chapter 7 pp. 130-132
Related Teachings
» The substrate of the existence of All That Is in this moment is Silence.
The source of our existence is Silence.
The rug is Silent. This [the wall] is Silent.
Out of that innate silence - as you expand context - you begin to own the Silence as your Self, and that which is interfering with the Silence is the not-Self.
The sound becomes the content.
It's only because of the Silence that you can hear any sound.
You begin to identify with the Silence as that what you are.
It comes on profoundly: the knowingness that the Silence is one's own existence beyond all time.
That which I am existed prior to this universe and will be here long after this universe expires.
Because universes come and go like the dreams of Indra [from Hindu mythology].
The illusion of it all comes and goes.
And creating and unfolding universes is how I enjoy myself. [Doc laughs.]
That's my prerogative.
I choose to do that.
When you choose it you're not at the effect of it.
So you choose to experience existence as you experience it.
In so doing you let go resisting it, and as you let go resisting it, you dissolve it.
And you go back into that which you are, prior to this existence.
And that is the meaning of the Silence.
To be that which you are now, you have to be the whole universe, because it's all part of the whole picture.
So Indra's dream is: on the out-breath creation arises and on the in-breath it disappears. You've done it for millennia:
All that is remembering who you are.
That's your oneness with the Creator. « -
Paraphrased from August 2002 Lecture: “Advaita: The Way to God through Mind”
»Let's say:
"Glory to Thee, O Lord.
★All Glory be to Thee, O Lord.★"
There is nothing to think about that, is there?
A contemplative lifestyle is a very yin way; it's like your life becomes a ‘mudra’ by which your supplication - the Lord - automatically responds.
"Thee O Lord" - you don't have to worry if God is listening.
"To Thee O Lord" - God hears [kinesiologically tested as true.]
"To You O God" - God is not obligated [kinesiologically tested as true.]
He is not involved, you see.
You are talking to yourself. "To Thee O Lord" indicates devotion. [...]
"Those who are devoted to Me are mine."
That's enough to contemplate on for the next couple of years.
If you just contemplate that knowingness and just hold it, you eventually reach a state of extreme joy.
When Divinity reveals its essence one goes into a state of wonderment. « - Paraphrased from October 21 2006 Lecture: “Spiritual Practice and Daily Life”
Sunday, March 19, 2017
What you call your life is but a split second in eternity
Life appears to be very short on this earth plane.
What you call your life is but a split second in eternity.
What you call your life is but a split second in eternity.
In other words you're here today and gone tomorrow.
This is how it seems.
But again what is here today and what is gone tomorrow?
That which never existed to begin with.
That is here today and gone tomorrow.
Because in truth there are no tomorrows and there's no today.
There is nothing.
How can there be anything wrong in nothing?
I know some of you do not believe you're nothing.
You think you're something.
But if you're able to really see your body what it really is, it'll be all space.
Your body is made out of space
with a little dust spinning around some place.
You're made out of nothing.
But you don't believe me do you,
you think you're something but you're nothing,
zero, nada, emptiness.
~Robert Adams - T. 238 Stop Fighting! - 12th April, 1993
You have space and time to be your Self.
Recognise the serenity of your own inner Being.
Let your attention be one with it.
Feel its vibration.
Do not create any image about this.
Allow the space and the sense of emptiness simply to be.
There is no better place to be than where you are right now.
In this instant, there is nothing to do or undo.
Nothing to change.
Nothing to fix.
Nothing to heal.
Nothing to become.
There is a natural sense of satisfaction or completeness.
Take full rest in your Self.
The world is not waiting for your next move.
You have space and time to be your Self.
Let your attention be one with it.
Feel its vibration.
Do not create any image about this.
Allow the space and the sense of emptiness simply to be.
There is no better place to be than where you are right now.
In this instant, there is nothing to do or undo.
Nothing to change.
Nothing to fix.
Nothing to heal.
Nothing to become.
There is a natural sense of satisfaction or completeness.
Take full rest in your Self.
The world is not waiting for your next move.
You have space and time to be your Self.

We follow the I-thought to the source.
We trace the I-thought to the source.
You've heard me say this many times,
but I never really discuss the source with you too much.
When I speak of the source, the source of energy within us,
is our spiritual heart, not the physical heart, the spiritual heart.
The spiritual heart is not a chakra.
It has absolutely nothing to do with chakras.
The spiritual heart is on the right side of your chest,
two digits from the center.
This is the source of universal power.
We can compare it to the source of the universe.
There is a central source that maintains and sustains
the whole universe.
I spoke of this previously.
The central source makes our sun look like a particle of dust,
comparatively speaking.
The central sun is so tremendous,
that you cannot even describe it. It's mind boggling.
If it makes our sun look like a speck of dust,
you can imagine how big this source must be.
Now not to go into many details, but just briefly to remind you
of what's going on in this apparent universe,
all of the galaxies, the entire cosmology,
revolves around the central source, all of the solar systems.
So when you take our solar system, our sun and all its planets revolve around the central source.
It takes approximately 24,000 years
for the earth to revolve around the source.
12,000 years are descending, and 12,000 years are ascending.
In other words, the closer the earth, in the solar system,
comes to the central source, the more enlightenment comes
upon this earth. Man is at it's highest peak.
It takes 12,000 years to get to this peak,
and then the descension ensues.
The earth starts moving away from the central source,
and the earth declines again to the dark ages.
It takes 12,000 years for this to happen.
It's a 24,000 year cycle.
We are now on the ascending scale.
We're approximately 3,000 years into the ascending scale.
Now think of your heart center on the right side of your chest.
This is also the central source for you.
Remember your body is a microcosm of the macrocosm.
You are equivalent to the entire universe.
You're a replica of the universe. The body is another universe.
And as you voluntarily focus on the central source in your body,
on the right side of your chest, enlightenment ensues.
Similar to the whole universe revolving around the central source, it's all cosmology, ascending toward the age of enlightenment.
You as an individual ascend towards self-realization,
as you focus on the central source
which is on the right side of your chest.
Now the idea is, for all of your beliefs, all of your thoughts,
all of your ideas to go back into the central source in your heart.
Everything should return to the heart center.
You have to become clear, no thoughts, no ideas, no opinions,
no beliefs, no karmic leftovers, no samskaras.
All of these have to return to the central source.
~Robert Adams - T.182 -The Heart Center -6th September, 1992
We follow the I-thought to the source.
We trace the I-thought to the source.
You've heard me say this many times,
but I never really discuss the source with you too much.
When I speak of the source, the source of energy within us,
is our spiritual heart, not the physical heart, the spiritual heart.
The spiritual heart is not a chakra.
It has absolutely nothing to do with chakras.
The spiritual heart is on the right side of your chest,
two digits from the center.
This is the source of universal power.
We can compare it to the source of the universe.
There is a central source that maintains and sustains
the whole universe.
I spoke of this previously.
The central source makes our sun look like a particle of dust,
comparatively speaking.
The central sun is so tremendous,
that you cannot even describe it. It's mind boggling.
If it makes our sun look like a speck of dust,
you can imagine how big this source must be.
Now not to go into many details, but just briefly to remind you
of what's going on in this apparent universe,
all of the galaxies, the entire cosmology,
revolves around the central source, all of the solar systems.
So when you take our solar system, our sun and all its planets revolve around the central source.
It takes approximately 24,000 years
for the earth to revolve around the source.
12,000 years are descending, and 12,000 years are ascending.
In other words, the closer the earth, in the solar system,
comes to the central source, the more enlightenment comes
upon this earth. Man is at it's highest peak.
It takes 12,000 years to get to this peak,
and then the descension ensues.
The earth starts moving away from the central source,
and the earth declines again to the dark ages.
It takes 12,000 years for this to happen.
It's a 24,000 year cycle.
We are now on the ascending scale.
We're approximately 3,000 years into the ascending scale.
Now think of your heart center on the right side of your chest.
This is also the central source for you.
Remember your body is a microcosm of the macrocosm.
You are equivalent to the entire universe.
You're a replica of the universe. The body is another universe.
And as you voluntarily focus on the central source in your body,
on the right side of your chest, enlightenment ensues.
Similar to the whole universe revolving around the central source, it's all cosmology, ascending toward the age of enlightenment.
You as an individual ascend towards self-realization,
as you focus on the central source
which is on the right side of your chest.
Now the idea is, for all of your beliefs, all of your thoughts,
all of your ideas to go back into the central source in your heart.
Everything should return to the heart center.
You have to become clear, no thoughts, no ideas, no opinions,
no beliefs, no karmic leftovers, no samskaras.
All of these have to return to the central source.
~Robert Adams - T.182 -The Heart Center -6th September, 1992
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Every experience you are destined to have you must go through.
Every experience you are destined to have
you must go through.
But with the Master’s Grace,
everything becomes light and smooth,
and a power stays with you everywhere you go.
Sometimes He goes ahead of you.
Sometimes you notice He is beside you.
Sometimes He moves inside you.
He never leaves you.
Every experience you are destined to have
you must go through.
But with the Master’s Grace,
everything becomes light and smooth,
and a power stays with you everywhere you go.
Sometimes He goes ahead of you.
Sometimes you notice He is beside you.
Sometimes He moves inside you.
He never leaves you.
~ Mooji
Thursday, March 16, 2017
- Does Karma Really Exist? -
Everyone is in their right place.
Everything is right with the universe and with your life.
Everything is right with the universe and with your life.
Whatever happens to you, whatever you go through good or bad
appears to be the karma that you have accumulated
through past incarnations, that is your experience today.
If you want to free yourself again you do not react to it.
You do not react to anything in this world.
You act spontaneously.
You observe things without reacting.
You watch, you look and you always go within.
Within is a haven and a refuge from maya, from ignorance.
It's beautiful when you can dive within yourself
and touch the emptiness, the truth, the reality.
and touch the emptiness, the truth, the reality.
Then the reality that you touch becomes the external world for you.
For what you see in the world today is simply your reality.
Whatever you observe, whatever you see is your reality,
your personal reality.
You therefore do not try to change the condition
you rather know the truth.
The truth is: All is well, everything is unfolding as it should.
As you dwell in this, the external world changes for you.
~Robert Adams - T.123 - Does Karma Really Exist? -
26th January, 1992
26th January, 1992

Your real nature is I-am.
Be still and know that I am God.
Your real nature is I-am.
Your real nature is I-am.
And the way you experience this I-am,
is by recognizing what I am not!
is by recognizing what I am not!
I-am not my experiences.
I-am not my problems.
I-am not the world.
I-am not the universe.
I-am not myself as I appear to be.
I-am not my problems.
I-am not the world.
I-am not the universe.
I-am not myself as I appear to be.
When everything is gotten out of the way,
the true Self will shine forth in all its glory and splendor.
There's really nothing to do, but be still.
There are no courses to take.
There's no school to go to.
There's no profound knowledge to learn.
There are no prayers you have to make.
There are no obligations whatsoever.
There's no school to go to.
There's no profound knowledge to learn.
There are no prayers you have to make.
There are no obligations whatsoever.
Simply quiet your mind.
Do not allow your mind to control you at all.
Do not think past your nose.
When you see the thoughts starting, catch yourself.
Ask yourself, "To whom do these thoughts come?"
They come to me.”
Hold on to the me with all your might and follow the me to its source.
Where did me come from?
They come to me.”
Hold on to the me with all your might and follow the me to its source.
Where did me come from?
How did me get here? What is the source of me?
As you get to the source of me, you will realize, "I am That!
I-am not my body or my mind or the experience.
I-am That I-am.
I have always been that I-am, nothing more nothing less."
Know your Self. Search for your Self.
-Robert Adams -T. 25 -Three Essential Questions Revisited -
18th November, 1990
18th November, 1990
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
The instruction means: ‘Look Within
Q. How can you say that the Heart is on the right when anatomists find it on the left?
A. It is not denied that the physical organ is on the left; quite correct. But the Heart of which I speak is on the right only. It is my experience. No authority is required.
Still you can find confirmation in the Sita Upanishad. There is a mantra in the latter saying so.
[Talk 4] The whole cosmos is combined in one pinhole in the Heart.
[Talk 263] A tiny hole in the Heart remains always closed and is opened by vichara (investigation into the Self).
The result is ‘I-I’ consciousness, the same as samadhi.
A. It is not denied that the physical organ is on the left; quite correct. But the Heart of which I speak is on the right only. It is my experience. No authority is required.
Still you can find confirmation in the Sita Upanishad. There is a mantra in the latter saying so.
[Talk 4] The whole cosmos is combined in one pinhole in the Heart.
[Talk 263] A tiny hole in the Heart remains always closed and is opened by vichara (investigation into the Self).
The result is ‘I-I’ consciousness, the same as samadhi.
Q. How can the all-immanent God reside in the Heart?
A. Do we not reside in one place? Do you not say you are in your body? Similarly, God is said to reside in the Heart.
The Heart is not a place. Some name is mentioned for the place of God because we think we are in the body.
This kind of instruction is meant for those who can appreciate only relative knowledge.
Being immanent everywhere, there is no place for God.
Because we think we are in the body, we also believe that we are born.
However, we do not think of the body, of God, or of method of realization in our deep slumber.
Yet in our waking state, we hold on to the body and think we are in it.
Paramatma is that from which the body is born, in which it lives and into which it resolves. We however think that we reside within the body. Hence such instruction is given. The instruction means: ‘Look Within’. [Talk 269]
- Conscious Immortality
A. Do we not reside in one place? Do you not say you are in your body? Similarly, God is said to reside in the Heart.
The Heart is not a place. Some name is mentioned for the place of God because we think we are in the body.
This kind of instruction is meant for those who can appreciate only relative knowledge.
Being immanent everywhere, there is no place for God.
Because we think we are in the body, we also believe that we are born.
However, we do not think of the body, of God, or of method of realization in our deep slumber.
Yet in our waking state, we hold on to the body and think we are in it.
Paramatma is that from which the body is born, in which it lives and into which it resolves. We however think that we reside within the body. Hence such instruction is given. The instruction means: ‘Look Within’. [Talk 269]
- Conscious Immortality
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Things are not supposed to be any way. Things just are.
Things are not supposed to be any way. Things just are.
They have no substance, they have no reality.
As you respond to conditions you are simply wasting your energy,
when you can be using that energy to uncover your Self,
to discover your own reality.
What are you doing with your life?
How do you spend your days?
The appearance is that your body is getting older and older,
and if you're still judging by appearances
you try to look younger and younger by putting creams on your face,
by exercising day and night, by buying the finest clothes.
It's like beating a dead horse.
The so-called body is not meant to last.
As soon as you were born you began to die.
Therefore find out.
Who was born? Who dies?
Who has experiences?
Who is going through this entire mess?
Who needs it? Who wants it?
Wake up!
~Robert Adams - T34: One Self, One Consciousness
Monday, March 13, 2017
Never dwell on a problem! Dwell only on God
---Never dwell on a problem! Dwell only on God -----
Do whatever is necessary to make your environment better
so you can have more time to work on yourself.
If something is disturbing you put an end to it once and for all.
If you hold on to those disturbances that happened fifty years ago, thirty years ago, twenty years ago, or even yesterday
this keeps you back from spiritual advancement.
For your mind is contemplating the foolishness
that you think is so important.
Somebody hit your car and drove away
and now you've got to pay for repairs.
What happened?
That's the way it is.
Do not dwell on this.
Do what has to be done and get it over with and continue.
Go forward.
Do whatever is necessary to make your environment better
so you can have more time to work on yourself.
If something is disturbing you put an end to it once and for all.
If you hold on to those disturbances that happened fifty years ago, thirty years ago, twenty years ago, or even yesterday
this keeps you back from spiritual advancement.
For your mind is contemplating the foolishness
that you think is so important.
Somebody hit your car and drove away
and now you've got to pay for repairs.
What happened?
That's the way it is.
Do not dwell on this.
Do what has to be done and get it over with and continue.
Go forward.
Never dwell on a problem!
It expands the problem in your mind and builds up your ego!
Dwell only on God.
How do you dwell on God?
By surrendering all your stuff to God.
Giving up all of the misery, all the attitudes,
all the anger, depression.
Give it all up to God!
God will chew it up and spit it out and you'll be free of it.
~Robert Adams - T.229 The Choice Is Yours - March 7, 1993
It expands the problem in your mind and builds up your ego!
Dwell only on God.
How do you dwell on God?
By surrendering all your stuff to God.
Giving up all of the misery, all the attitudes,
all the anger, depression.
Give it all up to God!
God will chew it up and spit it out and you'll be free of it.
~Robert Adams - T.229 The Choice Is Yours - March 7, 1993
Sunday, March 12, 2017
“Consciousness is the only power.”
"Now here is the paradox.
At the human level nothing really exists, yet at the same time things begin to work for you.
This is why this teaching is beyond words and thoughts.
Do not attempt to analyze these things as I talk to you.
Do not attempt to figure it out in any way.
Just let it happen. Reality, as consciousness, exists and you don't.
Yet when you say “Consciousness is the only power," something happens to your humanhood.
You become happy.
You couldn't care less if they dropped an atom bomb on your head.
You couldn't care less if the doctor did tell you you've got two weeks to live and you've got cancer or whatever.
Or you've been promoted to president of your company.
It's all the same.
You feel alive.
You're not alive as most people feel.
It's a universal aliveness.
You sort of feel that your cells, your atoms, are connected to the entire universe.
And you do know that all is well.
You feel wonderful.
This happens just by saying
“Consciousness is the only power.”
Sri Robert Adams Nov 7, 1991
At the human level nothing really exists, yet at the same time things begin to work for you.
This is why this teaching is beyond words and thoughts.
Do not attempt to analyze these things as I talk to you.
Do not attempt to figure it out in any way.
Just let it happen. Reality, as consciousness, exists and you don't.
Yet when you say “Consciousness is the only power," something happens to your humanhood.
You become happy.
You couldn't care less if they dropped an atom bomb on your head.
You couldn't care less if the doctor did tell you you've got two weeks to live and you've got cancer or whatever.
Or you've been promoted to president of your company.
It's all the same.
You feel alive.
You're not alive as most people feel.
It's a universal aliveness.
You sort of feel that your cells, your atoms, are connected to the entire universe.
And you do know that all is well.
You feel wonderful.
This happens just by saying
“Consciousness is the only power.”
Sri Robert Adams Nov 7, 1991
Thursday, March 09, 2017
The whole universe is a projection of the mind.
The four principles of Jnana Marga are:
The first principle
The whole universe is a projection of the mind.
Everything you see in this world,
everything that happens in your life is a projection of your mind.
It has no substance, no value.
You are the creation of the universe.
The whole universe is a projection of the mind.
Everything you see in this world,
everything that happens in your life is a projection of your mind.
It has no substance, no value.
You are the creation of the universe.
The second principle
We do not prevail.
There is no substance in back of your existence.
You didn't come from anything.
You were never born. You can never die.
You are no thing that you can ever imagine.
And your life as it appears does not exist.
We do not prevail.
There is no substance in back of your existence.
You didn't come from anything.
You were never born. You can never die.
You are no thing that you can ever imagine.
And your life as it appears does not exist.
The third principle
No thing that exists has an ego.
There is no ego to back anything up.
You have believed all of these years that you have an ego
and that you have to get rid of it.
There is no ego to be gotten rid of.
If there is no ego there is nothing to do.
There is nothing to fear and there is nothing to fight.
No thing that exists has an ego.
There is no ego to back anything up.
You have believed all of these years that you have an ego
and that you have to get rid of it.
There is no ego to be gotten rid of.
If there is no ego there is nothing to do.
There is nothing to fear and there is nothing to fight.
The fourth principle
The understanding what self-realization is not.
You can never understand realization.
But you can understand what it is not.
Everything that exists is not.
When everything is gotten rid of, realization appears by itself.
They're in the transcripts.
The understanding what self-realization is not.
You can never understand realization.
But you can understand what it is not.
Everything that exists is not.
When everything is gotten rid of, realization appears by itself.
They're in the transcripts.
-Robert Adams - T.98 -The Five Steps to Self Realization -
29th September, 1991
29th September, 1991
Don't try to forgive.
Forgiveness is not a 'doing'.
Simply accept that this moment is exactly the way it is right now.
And the past was the way it was.
Accept your non-acceptance in the present.
Forgive your inability to forgive.
Feel your breath, the sensations in your body, the life that burns brightly in you.
Everyone is doing their best, even when it seems like they are doing their worst.
Everyone is dreaming or having a nightmare, battling with pain you may never understand.
Don't try to forgive.
Forgiveness is not a 'doing'.
Simply accept that this moment is exactly the way it is right now.
And the past was the way it was.
Accept your non-acceptance in the present.
Forgive your inability to forgive.
Feel your breath, the sensations in your body, the life that burns brightly in you.
Everyone is doing their best, even when it seems like they are doing their worst.
Everyone is dreaming or having a nightmare, battling with pain you may never understand.
You don't have to condone their actions.
You may not be able to wake them up.
You don't have to like what happened.
Simply let go of the illusion
that it could have been any different.
You are different now, anyhow.
Don't focus on something
you have no control over.
The past is a distant land.
Bring your attention back to this moment,
Your source of true power.
Your place of connectedness.
Wake up from the dream
That anyone has any power
To take away your inner peace.
Drop the need to be right.
Embrace the need to be free.
Come out of the story of 'my life'.
Reclaim the moment.
Be here, in your new life.
Show up for this brand new day.
This is forgiveness.
- Jeff Foster
Wednesday, March 08, 2017
Creation appears to exist
There really is no appearance.
There appears to appear an appearance. But no appearance exists.
I always go back to the hypnosis, the mesmerism.
The water in the mirage appears real
but upon investigation it's not water at all, it's sand.
The sky appears blue, but if you investigate there is no sky
and there is no blue and so forth.
These things do not exist. That is the phenomena.
They appear to exist. Creation appears to exist.
Go back to the dream. Why does a dream come?
It comes out of your mind, it comes out of your imagination.
It's external to you that's how it appears.
A dream appears to be external to you.
The whole universe is involved. But where does it come from?
Out of your own mind.
There appears to appear an appearance. But no appearance exists.
I always go back to the hypnosis, the mesmerism.
The water in the mirage appears real
but upon investigation it's not water at all, it's sand.
The sky appears blue, but if you investigate there is no sky
and there is no blue and so forth.
These things do not exist. That is the phenomena.
They appear to exist. Creation appears to exist.
Go back to the dream. Why does a dream come?
It comes out of your mind, it comes out of your imagination.
It's external to you that's how it appears.
A dream appears to be external to you.
The whole universe is involved. But where does it come from?
Out of your own mind.
So all the rest, creation, God, people, places and things
come out of the mind. They don't really exist.
Everybody is dreaming the mortal dream.
It's just like when you have a dream, we're all in your dream.
Is it the same dream? All of us in this room are in your dream.
When you have a dream tonight, you are dreaming this dream
and so is everyone else.
But it appears as if everyone is having an individual dream.
And yet there is only one dream.
And when you awaken it will stop.
So do not take dreams seriously and do not take the world seriously.
Observe, be the witness, watch, do not react and be happy.
-Robert Adams - T.78 - What Is Brahman? - 4th July, 1991
come out of the mind. They don't really exist.
Everybody is dreaming the mortal dream.
It's just like when you have a dream, we're all in your dream.
Is it the same dream? All of us in this room are in your dream.
When you have a dream tonight, you are dreaming this dream
and so is everyone else.
But it appears as if everyone is having an individual dream.
And yet there is only one dream.
And when you awaken it will stop.
So do not take dreams seriously and do not take the world seriously.
Observe, be the witness, watch, do not react and be happy.
-Robert Adams - T.78 - What Is Brahman? - 4th July, 1991
The world is a phenomena that belongs to a dream.
The world is not your friend.
The world is a phenomena that belongs to a dream.
You've got to be mature enough to ask the question,
"To whom does this world belong? Who lives in the world?
Where did the world come from?"
and your answer to all the questions begins with I.
"I live in the world. I partake in the world. I see the world."
And we're back to I again.
You finally get the idea that the whole world is hanging on I.
The I has to be transcended.
You begin early in the morning, when you first wake up.
Before you become aware of I,
you notice that you are in a state of peace, of joy,
even if for only a few seconds.
I was not present. You are not aware of the world.
Catch yourself tomorrow morning.
It only happens in a flash, in a few seconds.
Yet all of a sudden the world becomes real for you.
I, has awakened. Where did it come from?
If you investigate you will see that your spiritual heart center
is on the right side of your chest, and the I has come
out of your chest, out of your spiritual heart, out of the source,
becoming more powerful as it emerges and goes into your brain.
Then you become aware of your body and you say, "I am alive."
Once you become aware of your body and your mind,
you become aware of the world, and then the universe.
Therefore the wise person catches the I before it goes any further.
In other words as the I emerges from your chest, you abide in the I.
To the extent that you can abide in the I, or focus on the I,
something phenomenal will begin to happen.
The I will reverse its course and begin to return to its source.
I will repeat this again.
To the average person the I begins to become stronger and stronger
when you wake up in the morning.
It emerges from your spiritual center and heads up your spine
to your brain, where you become cognizant of the world.
But for the spiritual aspirant who practices self-inquiry,
you begin to watch the I doing this. You abide in the I.
As you begin to abide in the I,
it will reverse its course and head back to the center.
When it heads back to the center, it will rest on the circumference
of the center. That is as far as you can go by yourself.
You will be in an effortless thought-free state.
You will be in the void, as it tells you in Buddhism.
Yet most Buddhists think the void is self-realization.
That's a mistake.
The void is when your I is resting on the circumference
of your heart center. When that happens you've come a long way.
You are a mature disciple.
Yet the Self has to pull the I inside the heart.
Then you become liberated.
This is very rarely done by the self or by yourself.
I'm speaking of the small self.
Only in a very few, will the I go directly into the heart center
and be extinguished.
That is why Sages are necessary. That is why satsang is necessary.
For the Sage, who may be a 1000 miles away from you,
as long as you have a direct line to the Sage mentally,
the Sage is omnipresent, all-pervading.
Therefore the Sage, and the Self, and the guru and God are one...
So that even if you are away from the proximity of the Sage,
if you have a close association with that particular Sage,
or that Sage is your guru, the Self, which is really the Sage,
will pull the I into the heart, and you will be liberated.
That's how it appears to work. The rest is up to you.
-Robert Adams - T.78 - What Is Brahman? - 4th July, 1991
The world is a phenomena that belongs to a dream.
You've got to be mature enough to ask the question,
"To whom does this world belong? Who lives in the world?
Where did the world come from?"
and your answer to all the questions begins with I.
"I live in the world. I partake in the world. I see the world."
And we're back to I again.
You finally get the idea that the whole world is hanging on I.
The I has to be transcended.
You begin early in the morning, when you first wake up.
Before you become aware of I,
you notice that you are in a state of peace, of joy,
even if for only a few seconds.
I was not present. You are not aware of the world.
Catch yourself tomorrow morning.
It only happens in a flash, in a few seconds.
Yet all of a sudden the world becomes real for you.
I, has awakened. Where did it come from?
If you investigate you will see that your spiritual heart center
is on the right side of your chest, and the I has come
out of your chest, out of your spiritual heart, out of the source,
becoming more powerful as it emerges and goes into your brain.
Then you become aware of your body and you say, "I am alive."
Once you become aware of your body and your mind,
you become aware of the world, and then the universe.
Therefore the wise person catches the I before it goes any further.
In other words as the I emerges from your chest, you abide in the I.
To the extent that you can abide in the I, or focus on the I,
something phenomenal will begin to happen.
The I will reverse its course and begin to return to its source.
I will repeat this again.
To the average person the I begins to become stronger and stronger
when you wake up in the morning.
It emerges from your spiritual center and heads up your spine
to your brain, where you become cognizant of the world.
But for the spiritual aspirant who practices self-inquiry,
you begin to watch the I doing this. You abide in the I.
As you begin to abide in the I,
it will reverse its course and head back to the center.
When it heads back to the center, it will rest on the circumference
of the center. That is as far as you can go by yourself.
You will be in an effortless thought-free state.
You will be in the void, as it tells you in Buddhism.
Yet most Buddhists think the void is self-realization.
That's a mistake.
The void is when your I is resting on the circumference
of your heart center. When that happens you've come a long way.
You are a mature disciple.
Yet the Self has to pull the I inside the heart.
Then you become liberated.
This is very rarely done by the self or by yourself.
I'm speaking of the small self.
Only in a very few, will the I go directly into the heart center
and be extinguished.
That is why Sages are necessary. That is why satsang is necessary.
For the Sage, who may be a 1000 miles away from you,
as long as you have a direct line to the Sage mentally,
the Sage is omnipresent, all-pervading.
Therefore the Sage, and the Self, and the guru and God are one...
So that even if you are away from the proximity of the Sage,
if you have a close association with that particular Sage,
or that Sage is your guru, the Self, which is really the Sage,
will pull the I into the heart, and you will be liberated.
That's how it appears to work. The rest is up to you.
-Robert Adams - T.78 - What Is Brahman? - 4th July, 1991
Tuesday, March 07, 2017
Say, "Brahman", to yourself, nothing else.
Close your eyes.
Drop everything.
Say, "Brahman", to yourself, nothing else.
Wait a few seconds and say it again,
Wait a few seconds and say it again,
Drop everything.
Say, "Brahman", to yourself, nothing else.
Wait a few seconds and say it again,
Wait a few seconds and say it again,
Feel how happy you are becoming,
just by uttering the name "Brahman".
What joy you are beginning to feel.
You feel uplifted.
Your so-called problems vanish without a trace,
for they never existed to begin with.
-Robert Adams
just by uttering the name "Brahman".
What joy you are beginning to feel.
You feel uplifted.
Your so-called problems vanish without a trace,
for they never existed to begin with.
-Robert Adams
Thursday, March 02, 2017
No thing is solid in this universe.
No thing is solid in this universe.
It is all vibrations, and the deeper you go into the vibrations,
the quieter it becomes, until there's total nothingness.
The total nothingness is that substratum called consciousness,
of which most of us know nothing about, for we cannot explain it, we cannot demonstrate it, we cannot know it,
as long as our mind focuses on the 'I-thought' and the personal self.
It is all vibrations, and the deeper you go into the vibrations,
the quieter it becomes, until there's total nothingness.
The total nothingness is that substratum called consciousness,
of which most of us know nothing about, for we cannot explain it, we cannot demonstrate it, we cannot know it,
as long as our mind focuses on the 'I-thought' and the personal self.
Therefore, Sages have admonished that we awaken,
that we simply awaken.
Yet most intelligent people cannot accept that.
They believe in their senses.
So the Sage has to invent a method, a way of awakening,
and this is called sadhana, your spiritual practices.
You learn to sit and meditate on an object.
It makes you one-pointed.
It causes you to concentrate.
You are given a mantra.
These are only games, yet some people have to do these things.
~Robert Adams - T. 94 The Cosmic Joke – September 15, 1991
that we simply awaken.
Yet most intelligent people cannot accept that.
They believe in their senses.
So the Sage has to invent a method, a way of awakening,
and this is called sadhana, your spiritual practices.
You learn to sit and meditate on an object.
It makes you one-pointed.
It causes you to concentrate.
You are given a mantra.
These are only games, yet some people have to do these things.
~Robert Adams - T. 94 The Cosmic Joke – September 15, 1991
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