Tuesday, March 21, 2017
The presence of Divinity as Self is effortless.
» Awareness is a quality of consciousness itself that is not encumbered by having to "do" anything.
It just "is" and by virtue of its innate capacity, apprehends essence directly.
The presence of Divinity as Self is effortless. «
The original is from
"Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality",
Chapter 7 p. 131
Additional Context
» With refusal to project values, all becomes of equal value by virtue of its existence and the emergence of Creation by which form is an expression of innate formlessness of Oneness.
Perception focuses on linear uniqueness and differences and therefore on separation.
The Self is all-inclusive.
The ego, by projection of presumptive value, sees beauty only selectively and bases it on the linearity subserved by expectations of aesthetics.
Without editing, the intrinsic beauty of all that exists radiates forth as an innate quality of existence itself.
In ordinary life, this observation tends to become obscured due to the sheer overwhelming quantity of stimuli.
One purpose of art is to select almost any particular subject for focus and put it on ‘stop’ so its innate beauty and perfection as an expression of ‘what it is’ stand forth.
This process reveals the presence of essence behind form.
Love has this characteristic as well, and the familiar becomes imbued with value because its inner worth has already been ascertained.
By this process, familiar things become ‘dear’ and treasured, even if only a favorite pair of old slippers.
To the Self, everything becomes endeared, not because it is ‘mine’, but because it ‘is’.
Q: The method described is tantamount to eclipsing and precluding the ‘experiencer’ edge of the ego as the predominant focus of interest and psychic energy.
A: Its function can be bypassed, and therefore its editing process is no longer valued.
What is devalued tends to disappear.
►Awareness is a quality of consciousness itself that is not encumbered by having to ‘do’ anything.
It just ‘is’ and by virtue of its innate capacity, apprehends essence directly. The Presence of Divinity as Self is effortless.◄
It ‘knows’ as a quality of identity so there is no necessity to process a relationship between a ‘this’ and a ‘that’, or an ‘I’ and an ‘it’.
The Reality that is revealed by relinquishment of identification with the experiencer/processor edge of the ego cannot be easily described in words.
The subjective awareness of existence is an unedited a priori primary knowingness beyond languaging.
Its Source is the Self and not, as the ego believes it to be, the experiencer aspect of the self.
Q: Then there really is no ‘razor’ or ‘edge’.
A: That analogy has pragmatic value until it is no longer serviceable or useful.
It is like having a boat to cross a stream for a transition, but it serves no further function.
That is common to all spiritual practices and techniques.
In the Presence of Divinity, there is no point to spiritual practices anymore than there would be to using the oars once the other shore has been reached.
Like all denotative terms, the ‘edge’ disappears into the nonlinearity of the Oneness of the Self/Divinity.
There is no personal self that witnesses the Ultimate Reality because the Knower and the Known dissolve into Identity. « -
From "Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality", Chapter 7 pp. 130-132
Related Teachings
» The substrate of the existence of All That Is in this moment is Silence.
The source of our existence is Silence.
The rug is Silent. This [the wall] is Silent.
Out of that innate silence - as you expand context - you begin to own the Silence as your Self, and that which is interfering with the Silence is the not-Self.
The sound becomes the content.
It's only because of the Silence that you can hear any sound.
You begin to identify with the Silence as that what you are.
It comes on profoundly: the knowingness that the Silence is one's own existence beyond all time.
That which I am existed prior to this universe and will be here long after this universe expires.
Because universes come and go like the dreams of Indra [from Hindu mythology].
The illusion of it all comes and goes.
And creating and unfolding universes is how I enjoy myself. [Doc laughs.]
That's my prerogative.
I choose to do that.
When you choose it you're not at the effect of it.
So you choose to experience existence as you experience it.
In so doing you let go resisting it, and as you let go resisting it, you dissolve it.
And you go back into that which you are, prior to this existence.
And that is the meaning of the Silence.
To be that which you are now, you have to be the whole universe, because it's all part of the whole picture.
So Indra's dream is: on the out-breath creation arises and on the in-breath it disappears. You've done it for millennia:
All that is remembering who you are.
That's your oneness with the Creator. « -
Paraphrased from August 2002 Lecture: “Advaita: The Way to God through Mind”
»Let's say:
"Glory to Thee, O Lord.
★All Glory be to Thee, O Lord.★"
There is nothing to think about that, is there?
A contemplative lifestyle is a very yin way; it's like your life becomes a ‘mudra’ by which your supplication - the Lord - automatically responds.
"Thee O Lord" - you don't have to worry if God is listening.
"To Thee O Lord" - God hears [kinesiologically tested as true.]
"To You O God" - God is not obligated [kinesiologically tested as true.]
He is not involved, you see.
You are talking to yourself. "To Thee O Lord" indicates devotion. [...]
"Those who are devoted to Me are mine."
That's enough to contemplate on for the next couple of years.
If you just contemplate that knowingness and just hold it, you eventually reach a state of extreme joy.
When Divinity reveals its essence one goes into a state of wonderment. « - Paraphrased from October 21 2006 Lecture: “Spiritual Practice and Daily Life”
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