Sunday, March 19, 2017



We follow the I-thought to the source.
We trace the I-thought to the source. 

You've heard me say this many times,
but I never really discuss the source with you too much.

When I speak of the source, the source of energy within us,
is our spiritual heart, not the physical heart, the spiritual heart.

The spiritual heart is not a chakra.
It has absolutely nothing to do with chakras. 

The spiritual heart is on the right side of your chest,
two digits from the center.

 This is the source of universal power.
We can compare it to the source of the universe. 

There is a central source that maintains and sustains
the whole universe. 

I spoke of this previously. 

The central source makes our sun look like a particle of dust,
comparatively speaking. 

The central sun is so tremendous,
that you cannot even describe it. It's mind boggling. 

If it makes our sun look like a speck of dust,
you can imagine how big this source must be.

Now not to go into many details, but just briefly to remind you
of what's going on in this apparent universe,
all of the galaxies, the entire cosmology,
revolves around the central source, all of the solar systems. 

So when you take our solar system, our sun and all its planets revolve around the central source.
It takes approximately 24,000 years
for the earth to revolve around the source.
12,000 years are descending, and 12,000 years are ascending.
In other words, the closer the earth, in the solar system,
comes to the central source, the more enlightenment comes
upon this earth. Man is at it's highest peak. 

It takes 12,000 years to get to this peak,
and then the descension ensues.
The earth starts moving away from the central source,
and the earth declines again to the dark ages.
It takes 12,000 years for this to happen.
It's a 24,000 year cycle.
We are now on the ascending scale. 

We're approximately 3,000 years into the ascending scale.

Now think of your heart center on the right side of your chest.
This is also the central source for you.
Remember your body is a microcosm of the macrocosm.
You are equivalent to the entire universe.

You're a replica of the universe. The body is another universe.
And as you voluntarily focus on the central source in your body,
on the right side of your chest, enlightenment ensues.
Similar to the whole universe revolving around the central source, it's all cosmology, ascending toward the age of enlightenment. 

You as an individual ascend towards self-realization,
as you focus on the central source
which is on the right side of your chest. 

Now the idea is, for all of your beliefs, all of your thoughts,
all of your ideas to go back into the central source in your heart. 

Everything should return to the heart center.

You have to become clear, no thoughts, no ideas, no opinions,
no beliefs, no karmic leftovers, no samskaras. 

All of these have to return to the central source.

~Robert Adams - T.182 -The Heart Center -6th September, 1992

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