Reflections from
‘Along the Path to Enlightenment’
‘Along the Path to Enlightenment’
►without belief in its appearance as defined by perception, the world we thought was real disappears.
When one chooses to be at one with the inner, ever-present potentiality of joy and peace, the world transforms into a humorous amusement park; and all the drama is seen to be just drama.◄
From: “The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing is Hidden” (2002), Chapter 4: The Basics, p. 49
By observation, it will become apparent that the only thing that seems to change is appearance.
The now stands still; the screen is permanent.
Although a movie script changes and a story unfolds, even then it can do so only within the precise instant of now.
'Nowness' is the primordial, overreaching, all-powerful, unchangeable, and absolute requirement to experiencing.
It is the essence of awareness of being and existence.
It is impossible to exist anywhere at all except in the drastic, radical reality of now.
This instant is all there is.
One's own consciousness as Self is the only Eye by which anything can be experienced or known.
The inner sense of reality is bestowed by the Self on the 'outer' surroundings, which is what makes them seem real.
The sense of realness is therefore a projection of consciousness by the self, originating from the Self.
One is therefore not the witness of a 'real' world; one is actually the source of its seeming reality.
The world is actually entertainment.
Like amusement, it is meant to be worn lightly.
Heaven is within and is revealed by awareness.
The world is merely an appearance.
Its melodrama is an artifice of the distorted sense of perception.
It leads one to think that the world is large, powerful, and permanent and that the Self is small, weak, and transitory; exactly the opposite is true.
►Without belief in its appearance as defined by perception, the world we thought was real disappears.
When one chooses to be at one with the inner, ever-present potentiality of joy and peace, the world transforms into a humorous amusement park and all the drama is seen to be just drama.◄
The option for truth, peace, and joy is always available, although seemingly buried behind an ignorance and nonawareness that results from having chosen other options as a habit of thought.
The inner truth reveals itself when all other options are refused by surrender to God.
The Human Condition As An ‘Altered State of Consciousness’
A fact or truth is not established by the fact of commonality, as history demonstrates profoundly.
Falsehood is most commonly the pervasive human experience.
One of the most significant discoveries in consciousness research is that what is commonly understood and accepted as ‘normal human experience’ in thought, behavior, and feeling is technically merely an altered state of consciousness that prevails in a limited stratum of society for a limited duration.
It is actually not man’s real state.
Man is so used to worry, fear, anxiety, remorse, guilt, conflict, and distress that they are accepted as normal life, with negative emotions, attitudes, and feelings.
Mankind (the patient) is advised to seek a therapist to ‘get in touch with their feelings’. Rather than ‘getting in touch’ with these fermentations of illusion, it would be more beneficial to liquidate them by uncovering their source as perception itself.
A truly ‘normal’ state of consciousness is one that is free of all negativity and instead filled with joy and love.
From: “The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing is Hidden” (2002), Chapter 4: The Basics, pp. 48–50
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