To pull your identification as a limited self out by the root, you must look at it in the most fundamental way.
This means you look beyond your usual concern with solving personal problems.
Looking at personal issues is like pulling just the top of the weeds out of your lawn: they pop right back up. You may have some relief from the trouble of the day, but the root is still there, totally untouched. But having experiences, even if they clear up problems or offer beautiful insights, is very different than finding the root of who you are. If you don't get to the root, you just get another weed.
And so we ask, "What is the root of this location called 'me'?"
You need to know the root of how it began, the genesis of it. There was a moment when that innocent, wordless fascination and love that is your essence moved from being innocently fascinated and in love with what is to identification with what is thought. Right in that movement from innocent fascination to identification, that is where freedom is lost.
You need to know the root of how it began, the genesis of it. There was a moment when that innocent, wordless fascination and love that is your essence moved from being innocently fascinated and in love with what is to identification with what is thought. Right in that movement from innocent fascination to identification, that is where freedom is lost.
It happened way back in the beginning of time, and it is also happening right now. Each moment there is innocence, the fascination with whatever is, just as it is. But then the mind shows up and says "mine." "That's mine. That's my thought. That's my problem." Or it might also say the opposite, that the thought or problem is "yours." Right at that point lies the genesis, the root, of all suffering and separation.
- Adyashanti, Emptiness Dancing
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