Saturday, July 29, 2017

just say Thank You. -Mooji

Sometimes I would share, that if your head feels tired, all this feelings, I would say to people, just find a quiet place, maybe your room, and just say Thank You. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. 

Maybe at the time you start you cannot say what you are thankful for,
because maybe you don't feel thankful for anything.
But you start saying Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

Try to mean it, just say Thank You,

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

And gradually, unexpectedly, most wonderful thing is going to happen, it washes off all this burdens from you, all this heaviness,
it is like a light comes inside your heart again
and you begin to see so many things you can say Thank You for.
Even for the senses, for the mind.
Thank You even for my troubles, because they bring me to you.
Thank You for good things, bad things.

Thank You for the ability to discern.
Thank You for the ability to experience,
to have the sense of knowing.
Thank You for the power to forgive or appreciate.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You life.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
Thank You for allowing me to say Thank You,
just like this, you don´t need to name anything,
just keep saying Thank You.

The vibration of that is very transformative,
it really deconstructs a lot of this tensions
that are really the outcome of too much negative thinking. 

This Thank You reduce everything to neutrality,
and leave such a pure feeling inside your heart.

And if you have anything against anybody
say Thank You to them in your heart.

Thank You, Thank You, Bless You, Bless You.
Thank You, help me to see the good in you that I overlook.

Because if you could really genuinely look
into the heart of each and every person,
you could not resist loving them,
not the person, the person is another kind of strangeness.

It is very difficult to love the person,
it is very difficult to love from your person.
Thank You.

~ Sri Mooji
Monte Sahaja Silent Retreat 2017
24 July 2017
Image may contain: 1 person, closeup

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