What do you see?
As you look in this world what do you see?
You're seeing the result of your mind.
Your mind has been conditioned since you were born.
As you look in this world what do you see?
You're seeing the result of your mind.
Your mind has been conditioned since you were born.
Not only that, but you have a mind
that has been through many lives, so it appears.
You've had many existences and many worlds as a male, as a female,
and you're under the laws of karma.
Now I realize that some of you know that
karma doesn't exist, reincarnation doesn't exist.
That's easy to say but aren't you going through it?
How can you say it doesn't exist when you feel it nearly every day?
If you have been totally peaceful today,
if you have had total joy today, total bliss today,
total harmony today, then you can say there is no karma,
and there is no reincarnation, and there is no God,
and there is no universe and there is no body.
But you cannot say that when you are moved by the world.
You cannot say this when the world becomes meaningful to you.
You cannot say this when you forget these things
and you become enthralled by the world
because things are going your way.
As I have told you many times, if I wrote you a check
for $200,000.00 tonight, how many of you
would be back here next Sunday? (laughter)
I'd probably never see you again.
And also you will find that when you become totally bankrupt,
or your wife or your husband leaves you,
or your house burns down,
you immediately call me on the phone.
You come to satsang for you really want to get rid of your troubles,
your problems, your physical ailments.
That's what you really want.
Can you now see what I mean when I say,
"You shouldn't go around saying I am absolute reality,
and I am consciousness, and I am free, I am liberated,
and that the world doesn't exist, and karma doesn't exist,
and reincarnation doesn't exist?"
Yet it exists for you because you're going through it.
Do not allow your pride to get in the way.
This is the ego telling you these things.
You have to be totally honest with yourself.
You have to see where you're really coming form.
A Jnani has absolutely nothing to do with this world.
The world, the universe, becomes totally meaningless to a Sage.
It's not a put on.
It's not imagining that, "All is well," until some catastrophe hits you,
and then you get upset, become violent,
feel sorry for yourself, become depressed.
You have to see where you´re at, where you're coming from,
what you're really made of.
You can never know the truth, that there is no world,
there is no universe, there is no God,
as long as you believe the body suffers, mentally or physically.
-Robert Adams -T107 -The Invisible World
(The Five Prerequisites) 31st October, 1991
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