Thursday, September 07, 2017

Your mind is a bunch of waves.

Robert Adams: The Collected Works
Transcript 1
You Must Have Your Own Experience
3rd August, 1990
Pages 26/27

R: What we use here sometimes which is a very good beginning is the I-am meditation. You relax your body and you inhale and you say, "I," and you exhale and you say, "am, I-am."
 You can do this while you're waking, while you're walking, while you're washing dishes, while you're resting.
 What it does is it makes your mind one pointed, so it'll stop thinking. 
In other words, you use whatever method you have to, to still your mind. 

The whole secret is to quiet your mind. To keep it from thinking. To keep it from being active. 
Your mind is a bunch of waves.
 You want to stop the waves and you want your mind to become still and the fastest way to do that is by self-inquiry or by observing your thoughts, watching your thoughts, becoming the witness to your thoughts.

SS: I was in a group for ages, are you familiar with Maurice Nicoll? (R: No.) He wrote, Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. He talked about doing self-observation. I thought it was too intellectual, too much trying. 
They say, "What am I observ ing?" "I'm observing anger," and they would bring up, what is the opposite of anger, and then they would say what would be the feature of consciousness. But I felt that was a whole... (R: It's a whole procedure.) ...procedure just like any other school or clinic and I thought I couldn't do that any- more. (R: Whatever you think you need.) I have a question about illness. (R: Okay) Are personal questions appropriate?

 (R: Sure.) This one I call I, in November of ‘88 became ill, became very tired, went to the doctor, it was after some treatment. They can't do anything for me, he called it "chronic fatigue syndrome, S. T. 
R. I.” So somebody suggested to me to go to a naturopathic doctor. I feel that I felt myself trying to do those things and it came to me that as long as I am seek ing health, I will always have an illness. And when I no longer care that there is a state of health or there is a state of illness, that's the place where I want to be. (R: You're on the right track.) There is no teacher that earnest and you know what you're to do now and that's all there is.

R: Whatever your karma is, is going to happen, no matter what you do. So why concern yourself?

(SS: Yet do I ignore the body?)

 See whatever you're going to do, you will not be able to stop.

SS: I know, I find that. I write down, I say, "Why do I allow myself," I observe myself, look I went here, I went here, I went to this person, I asked this person, I see what I'm doing why do I allow it? When I can be here in this peaceful state sitting in my rocker looking out at the trees or whatever and yet I do that, but each time I do it, I feel like I'm learning a little bit.

R: The way to see it is like this. 
Let your body do whatever it has to do. 
Do not think about it too much.
 Do not identify with it.
 Do not attach yourself to it. 
Everything was preordained before you came into existence. 

(SA: But still there has to be a rational process?)

 It will take care of itself. The apples grow, the grass grows, the sun shines, there's warmth to make human life exist, there is a power that takes care of everything and it has nothing to do with our thoughts.

SA: Okay, now let me throw this back at you. I know you made a move recently, to move your apartment. You didn't tell me this I think it was Dana who told me this. As she was saying you moved into a better apartment and there were various advantages. Obviously some form of thinking went into this, you just didn't decide you were going to move into an apartment. So...

R: On the contrary, it just happened.
(SA: You didn't think about it?) 
No, it became available, I just did it.

SB: But wouldn't it be intelligent to find out the needs of the body and then supply those needs and then just forget it.

R: If that's your Karma, I'll give an example: At one of my experiences in India, I was with a yogi called Nimkarali Baba. And one day a bunch of us, and one of the people there was Ram Dass, you remember Ram Dass he was there too. We were sitting in front of him, when an old lady came up to him and spoke in Hindi, whatever language they were talking I forgot. 
And what she said was that her husband was dying, "Would you please come and save him, because only you can come and save him.” And Nimkarali Baba looked at me and said, "Should I go?" and I said, "yes go, let's all go." 
So we walked about two miles to a little shack and the husband was lying on the cot dying of some kind of disease. And he looked at him and all of a sudden the candles began to flicker. So he turned around and ran out the house (Robert laughs) and started to run back to the ashram and we all followed him. And we said when we finally stopped we said, "Baba what happened? Why did you leave?" and he said, "Ah, God wants him to die," and he died.

The point is this: your life, your health or your sickness, your riches or your poverty has all been preordained by the law of Karma.
 And whatever you're going to go through, you're going to go through. If you're supposed to become a health fanatic and watch your health and eat the right things all the time, you will do that and if you're not supposed to, you won't. 
If you're supposed to take the middle path you will do that.
 Everything is ordained, planned before time.

The only freedom we've got is to not identify with the process, even though your body's going through it.
 Do not attach yourself to what your body's going through.
 Keep your mind above it, keep your head in heaven and your feet on the ground. So we have no choice in the matter. 
Whatever is going to happen will happen. So if we have to do all kinds of things and we find ourselves running from one doctor to another doctor and so forth, do not attach yourself to that but do it anyway because you can't help it.


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