Which is you right now.
Right now you are the Self.
Right now you are everything you want to be.
Right this moment.
You say to yourself, "No, I'm just a dumb human being," then you are.
If that is what you want to call yourself.
But no matter what you say to yourself.
No matter what you do to yourself you can never change your real nature one iota.
You are Brahman, the absolute reality.
You are Brahman, the absolute reality.
No matter what you say, no matter what you do, no matter how you act.
You're still God.
But you are not God the way you feel yourself as a human being.
You are God as all-pervading, without your mind, without your thoughts.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with your life.
You are wonderful, wonderful, perfect!
Just the way you are.
Yet, some of you feel as if you practice for a year or two and now you feel stunted, you feel as if you cannot go any further.
Then stop the practice!
Do not force yourself to practice atma-vichara, self-inquiry.
Do not force yourself to do anything.
Stop, and be your self.
Just be your self.
Do not try to be anyone else, or anything else.
Just be your self the way you are.
When you can really be your self, then you will be the Self.
For there is only one Self.
There is not yourself and myself. T
here is the one Self.
Perfect! Absolute!
And you are that.
Robert Adams

Robert Adams

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