And then you'll be given the power that you need, to handle it, to go through it, without thinking, without thoughts, without any commotion, without any noise.
These are the things you must work on.
Be that Self.
Never be frightened again by anything.
If I can make this perfectly clear to you.
Never allow anything in this world to ever frighten you.
Allow things to unfold as they may.
Remember you just watch and observe, hold on to the truth.
Happiness will come of its own accord.
When you hold on to the truth, when you do not react to life's conditions, person, place or thing, when you leave things alone and you stop fighting life, you're not giving up.
In the Western psychology, we're told that you never give up.
But in the highest teachings of the truth we learn that you have no rights.
What I'm saying to you, let go of everything.
In the Western psychology, we're told that you never give up.
We are taught to keep on fighting.
But I'm telling you there is nothing to fight, and the only thing you're giving up is your ego.
Western psychology has never gone beyond this.
Therefore they do not know of life beyond this.
Western psychology works in the presumption that you are a body and a mind, so naturally they tell you never give up, fight to the end. Stick up for your rights.
But in the highest teachings of the truth we learn that you have no rights.
You're giving up your body, your ego, your mind, and when this happens, you go beyond psychology.
Something happens that psychiatry, psychology are not aware of whatsoever.
And that is you rise to a higher dimension, where there is happiness, and peace, and compassion, and love, joy, that is naturally yours.
You begin to feel these things instead of the things you felt before.
Prior to this, when you were fighting life, when you were sticking up for your rights, when you were trying to get even, when you were working as an ego, you were never able to feel happiness or joy or peace.
Only sometimes, when you won, when you got your point across, when you won an argument, when you won a fight, when you sued someone and won, you felt happy for a while, but it didn't last long, and you have to go through it again and again.
But this is as far as the world goes.
It doesn't know anything else but this.
What I'm saying to you, let go of everything.
Do not hold on.
Stand naked before God, without any crutches, without anything to hold on to.
When you can do this, from this moment on you will begin to rise.
And you will become aware that you are not the body, or the mind, or the world, or the universe, but you are effortless choiceless pure awareness.
You are boundless space, infinite like the sky.
You have become everything, and everything has become you.
Work on yourself.
Robert Adams
Robert Adams
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