Sunday, May 31, 2015

Reiki News June 2015

Hi Folks

here's to a long and glorious summer.

Have you been doing the practice from the last newsletter?
What do you notice?

Let's look at the 2nd Reiki Principle this month

Just for today, do not worry.

Worry, like anger will also create another great vital energy leak. While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with perceived future events and happenings.

Although worry is not always a negative phenomenon, we should all disregard thoughts of future events and circumstances over which we have no ultimate control.

One  source of worry is fear of change, one thing we do not always have complete control over. Just for today, be grateful.

We should all try to be grateful and show appreciation for the many blessings that can fill our lives, especially when times are difficult. If we can be grateful we can eliminate worry.

If we live in a state of gratitude, appreciating and giving thanks for the many blessings of life we can help transform negative attitudes and thoughts into positive ones.

When we are grateful for all that we have received, and when we believe that we will continue to receive these things then we will attract abundance.

Self Treatment helps greatly to dissolve the habit of worry.
Here is a reminder of its value  for those in the group who are attuned to Reiki , and an encouragement to have your Reiki 1 attunement if you have been thinking about it

Reiki self treatment is a simple yet powerful practice of self nurturing.

Loving Kindness Meditation.

This is a development of the practice I shared last month.
A times we may worry about others.

Here is something we can do instead.

Place your hands on your heart.
Say Reiki on (if you have been attuned).This practice works very well even if you have not been attuned)

Call to mind someone you care deeply about- maybe someone you are worried about.
Reflect upon their goodness, your love for them,your wishes for them to receive abundant blessings.
See his/her face in front of you.
Imagine holding this face tenderly ,look into their eyes, say from your heart to theirs.

May you dwell in the heart
May  you be free from suffering
May you be healed
May you know my wholeness
May you be happy and at peace. 

Reiki 1 - June 21st

Reiki 2 -June 28th

Reiki and young people.
When you have a Reiki treatment or Attunement in June, you are invited to nominate a young person - 13-19 years old, for a no cost Reiki session



Friday, May 29, 2015

Stand here and be flooded with joy

All this talk of purity and impurity
These are just opinions. Beyond them
Are the miraculous energies of creation.

Rays of light from a trillion suns
illumine the altar of your sky.
Rolling blue-green oceans
Sanctify the air you breathe.
In this moment, you are inhaling their blessing.
Who are you to call any of this pure or impure?

Find the center around which everything revolves--
Stand here and be flooded with joy.

 The Radiance Sutras

Monday, May 25, 2015

Presume that the world's actual "purpose" is perfect and fully known only by God

Q: What is the most serviceable presumptive view of the world for a spiritual student/devotee/seeker?

A: Presume that the world's actual "purpose" is perfect and fully known only by God. 
See it as neutral overall, but with the benefit that it provides optimal opportunity for spiritual growth and the evolution of consciousness.
 It is a school for enlightenment and the revelation of Divinity, whereby consciousness/awareness reawakens to its source. Thus, to pursue enlightenment in and of itself serves the world and God.
From: “Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality”, Chapter 10: Spirituality and the World, p. 168
Q: Would the overall consequences of intense inner spiritual focus tend to result in detachment and noninvolvement in the world?

A: As a general trend, that is characteristic. As the ego’s dominance of perception recedes, so does the appearance of the world and the mind’s interpretations.
 Decisions are based on projected perceptions. Thus, the mind perceives endless illusions, including classifications based on judgments. 
Those that are interpreted as ‘good’ options are attractive to choice and agreement. Thus, all perceptions reflect content.
Patterns of conduct result from belief systems consequent to prevailing social/educational systems that are both explicit and implicit. Thus, ‘duty calls’ in both overt and subtle expressions. 

To adopt the pathway of devotional nonduality recontextualizes the obligation to the pursuit of Truth rather than worldly involvement and action. How best to serve the world is concordant with comprehension.

Q: What is the most serviceable presumptive view of the world for a spiritual student/devotee/seeker?
A: Presume that the world’s actual ‘purpose’ is perfect and fully known only by God. See it as neutral overall but with the benefit that it provides optimal opportunity for spiritual growth and the evolution of consciousness. It is a school for enlightenment and the revelation of Divinity whereby consciousness/awareness reawakens to its Source. Thus, to pursue enlightenment in and of itself serves the world and God.

Q: But what about war?

A: This is a favorite question of spiritual students. War is the consequence of falsity, just as peace is the consequence of Truth. War has prevailed during ninety-three percent of human history. It is endemic to the ego. To be ‘anti-war’ is also an ego position that presumes omniscience. Therefore, it is more advanced to surrender the world and its wars to God. 

To 'hate war’ is merely another expression of hate, is it not? Better to love peace and come to nonjudgmental compassion for the world’s wars and its karmically influenced participants. Would the protester rob fellow-suffering humans of the opportunity to undo negative karma and reach salvation? 

Suffering and death are the consequences of the ego and its positionalities and perceptions. 

To best serve the world, seek Enlightenment and transcend illusions rather than contribute to them. Omniscience is a quality of Divinity, not of human perception. Watch that the spiritual ego does not become politicized. ‘

Do-gooderism’ is a trap for the naive and unwary.
 Be ‘pro’ God’s will and Divine providence for the world and humanity. How best to ‘serve the highest good’ is concordant with the prevailing level of consciousness of the observer. There is no single answer for everyone.
From: “Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality”, Chapter 10: Spirituality and the World, pp. 167–169

Friday, May 15, 2015

before the real self can be found

I am neither the perceived,
nor the perceiver and
not even the perceiving,
but that which makes all this possible.
Only in complete self-negation is there a chance
to discover our real being.
The false self must be abandoned
before the real self can be found.

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

A way of Life

Spiritual development is not an accomplishment but a way of life. It is an orientation that brings its own rewards, and what is important is the direction of one’s motives. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Spiritual Merit

To merely hear a great teaching is itself the consequence of spiritual merit. To act on it is of even greater benefit. -
David Hawkins

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How to let all the burden on your heart disappears

"The moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of love - everything disappears. One starts living with a very light weight or almost no weight. So weightless one becomes, one can fly in the open sky." ~Osho 

Mastering the Great Mystery of Life

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match that frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." ~Albert Einstein

The Universe we live in is more intelligent than the mind can comprehend. There are many hidden dimensions to everything and everyone within it. 

 We truly exist in the most fascinating, multi-dimensional, and infinitely mysterious field of conscious intelligent energy. This divine harmonic matrix is vibrating with life all around us. It is inside us and is constantly connecting with our every breath, thought, emotion and heart beat.

Just look all around you. Everything is constantly exploding in an orgasm of wild unabandoned creativity. Right now, millions of flowers are blossoming giving birth to the most amazing sights and scents. Amazing sacred geometric crystals are forming perfect patterns beneath the earth's crust, while millions of animals, birds, insects and humans are having intercourse in the most interesting positions. This is just the tiny tip of the iceberg as to all the wild, mysterious and beautiful things happening on this planet right now.  

If you observe nature long enough, you'll see everything is always changing, including you. They say that we cannot step into the same river twice, and by the time we've stepped in it once, everything (including ourselves) is already completely different. 

This means you cannot have the exact same sequence of thought patterns and feelings that you had last month or last year. Our mind and emotional intelligence is continuously growing, evolving and changing. We were born highly intelligent beings who were meant outgrow the small trousers we once wore in 2nd grade, and truly we wouldn't really want to try putting them on again.

If you take a microscope and look into the DNA inside every cell in your body, you see that they all contain a sacred imprint that is unique to you.  In each quantum particle of your DNA is this wild and uncharted magnificent intelligent mystery within it. This mysterious intelligence is embedded within the foundation of your blood, bones and brain.  You cannot escape from it, no matter how hard you try.

What's interesting  is that the mind tends to take for granted this sacred mystery everyday. The mind has this tendency to create habits, fall into these little comfort zones of thought safe emotional thought patterns. It finds ideas which label life, placing ourselves and others into tiny compartmentalized little thought boxes so we can feel more secure, self-assured, somewhat organized standing the face of this wild uncharted infinite mystery that's surrounding us in all directions. 

The moment we put anything in this divine existence into a thought box, we forget all about enjoying a state of devotion and worship to the divine mystery. The instant we forget about the great mystery of life, we initiate the suffering process.

 Every experience of life there after becomes a challenge, as we live from the head and not from the heart. The mind is a master at continuously getting lost in believing all it's inner thought structures are real. When our intellect holds tight onto fixed beliefs, it thinks life will feel more manageable, giving the illusion of control, and the sensation that we are becoming wiser.  Yet this hard coded know-it-all mindset demolishes our childlike curiosity and abolishes any form of reverence for this deeply sacred divine mystery. 

"Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when s/he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity." ~Albert Einstein

One of the greatest mysteries  in life is the human psyche. The human psyche is the accumulation of other people's thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions that we've adopted and inherited as our own.  All these beliefs form the entire experience of ourselves, other people, this world, and our entire reality. The way we think, how we think, why we think this way and not that way is the core network of our psyche, and makes us behave more like predictable machines than alive cosmic organisms. 

The human psyche however has a magical side to it, in that whatever we accept as the truth becomes what we actually manifest physically into our lives. This may be one of the most awesome mysteries mankind has to explore. Our foundational belief structure is so powerful, pervasive and penetrating, that it always manifests itself in every single possible outcome and experience we have.

The Universe always supports whatever you believe. If deep down you believe you are not a lovable person, the Universe will constantly manifest for you the most challenging people, negative situations and experiences that support this belief inside. If you truly believe you are lovable, the Universe will slather your life with sweet loving beings, devoted to caring about you, honoring you and caring for your needs in the most intimate vulnerable ways. The intelligent Universal energy simply follows thought. Whatever you believe about you, is where the energy flows and manifests into the entire show all around you.

In this highly technological age, people tend to believe science easier than religion. If you can prove God is real in a lab, then it must be true. What's fascinating about this time frame in our lives is that the quantum physicists of this world have ventured so deep into particles, that they have had to merge their scientific understanding within a spiritual context. Their practical Newtonian vocabulary doesn't have the words to explain the outrageous results they are finding. They are having to use more spiritual words and concepts to bridge the understanding of these hard coded scientific results.

For example, they have taken a two quantum particles that were spinning around each other and found a way to separate them by many a few kilometers in distance. Later, they spun one of the particles counter-clockwise, and noticed that instantly the other particle that was kilometers away would also change spinning in this new direction.  This study has been done many times with the same results, so they've concluded there exists some form of spiritual intelligence that is communicating between all quantum particles in this Universe, no matter what physical distance is between them.

Years ago quantum physicists also proved in their labs that thoughts are actual physical measurable things. Scientists would observe a vacuum of space which had no particles in it, and they found that wherever the observers would place their attention, that was the place the particles would show up.  They concluded through other more advanced studies that when the mind cultivates the ability to direct thought in one specific direction for an extended period of time, the person can physically attract, magnetize, and soon manifest an actual physical thing into their field of existence. 

It has been the 21st century for a while now, and the understanding that we are the manifesting magicians of the quantum soup of highly intelligent energy all around us has become an actual science in the quantum physics and the spiritually enlightened communities. The relationship between the mystic and the scientist were separated 500 years ago, and now the pendulum is swinging back towards their reunification again. 

It is our inherent curious nature to want to put labels on things, people, ourselves and create a Universal law of attraction that will solve this great manifesting mystery of life. We think that if we have a more concrete global understanding of life, then we can relax and rest even deeper into our spiritual nature. Perhaps only a fool would believe that we need something external to let go and relax internally. Why would we need to feel inferior to being one with Mother Nature just so as to push away our insecurity and strive towards a need to feel superior? The human psyche as I mentioned, is the greatest mystery of them all.

"All that we have to do is to give up identifying with the body, with forms and limits, and then we shall know ourselves as the Infinite Self that we always are." ~ Ramana Maharshi

Maybe when science creates a machine to find the source of consciousness, then mankind will feel like a God. Yet, why take the long road? Why not just look inside your source of consciousness itself and discover real evidence of where consciousness comes from? Realize what consciousness is made of, and why it exists, and relax into the greatest innermost mystery of them all.  I have the feeling that in order for our world to solve these deep outrageous questions in the future, quantum physicists must merge completely with the metaphysical mindset, if modern science is to make any real progress. 

I'm guessing by now you're more interested in how your life can personally benefit from applying this enlightening path of understanding the great mystery. You want to know how understanding the metaphysical manifesting mystery can make your life easier, more abundant, healthy, loving, happy and financially free? In order for you to have access to manifesting anything and everything you desire in your life, you must first start with believing in one basic foundational understanding.

 Whatever we continuously focus our attention on grows, multiplies and manifests automatically in our lives with the help of this natural powerful magnetic manifesting intelligence that's inside everything.

With all this amazing manifesting power already inside us, it's quite ironic that more people are not accessing it. Many of us are stuck in jobs we don't like, relationships that we lose energy battling with everyday, and we are either having some sort of food, drug, alcohol, or sex addiction that is taking priority over any real deep spiritual devotion and exploration.

 The basic reason for all human suffering here is simple. The mind keeps focusing on what we don't want, and thus keeps manifesting more of the same.  New thoughts rarely have space to form, and after 70-80 years the human being has wasted all its precious energy on magnetizing on what it doesn't want, and doesn't have.

The only reason we are not always manifesting everything that we want, is because we cannot keep our mind focused long enough on feeling that they are receiving that one thing they truly desire to have. It's that simple.  Once we retrain the brain to stay focused, fiercely, deeply and resolutely focused, we will become the manifesting master of our world. When we practice meditation, we will one day attain mastery over our mind, and actually reach a state of physical mastery over our physical world.

"Right now the master is fast asleep. And the mind, the servant, is playing the role of master. And the servant is created by the outside world, it follows the outside world and its laws.
 Once your awareness becomes a flame, it burns up the whole slavery that the mind has created. There is no blissfulness more precious than freedom, than being a master of your own destiny." ~Osho

When it comes down to life/mind mastery within the great mystery, it is all about discovering the the source of pure awareness inside. This is that simple obvious awareness that is always watching, listening and experiencing everything in your life all the time.  It is the light behind the movie screen of your mind, responsible for projecting the entire picture onto everything that you feel, sense and see. It is responsible for shining the light on every single thought and feeling that you have about anything.  It's always the source of what you're experience is in every moment of your existence. 

We don't give awareness enough credit.  We rarely recognize that it's there, and hardly ever take the time to sit down with it and relax into the source of it. The reason we take awareness for granted is because it is ever present, always here now just like the air you're breathing.  Yet think about it, what if awareness wasn't present anymore?  What would happen to your life?  Who would you be without awareness? Who would exist if there were nobody to be aware of your existence anymore?

Sure these are some deep thoughts to contemplate, yet when we do take the time to explore them, something magical happens.  We start becoming more in touch with this divine state of awareness! Whatever we focus on, is what we experience more of, and eventually manifests into physical action and form. Whatever we meditate on results in who we are going to become tonight and tomorrow morning. As we become more aware of the infinite spiritual source of awareness inside, we become more connected with what's totally in charge of what we're magnetizing. We can see each thought fly by, and see exactly how each one is attracting, creating, and designing how our entire lives unfold and manifest.  

It is only when we become conscious of this perfect divine play manifesting inside us and all around us, that we stop fighting ourselves, each other, and beating our heads against our inner emotional prison walls. When we stop pushing up against life, and start appreciating that everything is an aspect of the great sacred mystery, we start resonating at a higher level of consciousness. We begin feeling more expansive when we wake up in the morning, and greet the day with a child-like curiosity, creativity and wonder. We do this because at the source of pure awareness its easy to realize there truly are no actual prisons in this infinite quantum field of intelligent energy. Prisons are are only limiting aspects of our highly creative imagination. 

"If you name me, you negate me." ~Kirkegard

I find that on a karmic level, every person has a unique inner emotional prison, and this is part of their unique soul's destiny. Every human came here to release the lie their soul was fed. They came to re-experience the feelings of being confused, rejected, abandoned, hated, suppressed, depressed and stuck in order to transcend them all. We needed to step harder on thorn hiding in our shoe, in order to stop hiking up this great mountain and remove it with love.
At some point everyday, we each run into some feeling of being stuck, blocked, or challenged by something or someone. 

 We feel limited, small, powerless or suppressed from our full expression. Every human mind already has the program installed to throw it self into some emotional dumpster repeatedly. There are many little thorns hiding in our shoes that we are unaware of. Thus, something terrible happens in the outer world, we get dumped by a lover and we end up trashing our self-esteem, our love for life, our feeling of being empowered, and falling into some treacherous feeling of being locked up in an emotional prison we cannot escape from. 

All of this thorny karma we carry may sound terribly depressing, yet it's good to remember that the Universe is more loving, mysterious and intelligent than we could ever imagine. There is a very beautiful yet unobvious reason why this divinely intelligent unconditionally loving Universe has set life up to throw each and every one of us through experiences of emotional pain, agony and suffering. The reason is so that we stop everything we are doing and become deeply inspired to evolve in a spiritual dimension. The spiritual path is the only way we can remove all our thorns and break out of our thick mental and emotional prisons. 

The only problem is that the mind tends to get lazy and wrapped up in old habit, and would never search for the keys to our spiritual freedom unless we felt deeply trapped, imprisoned or stuck. The mind loves to create these emotional "prison cells" in the brain, as each one provides new fuel to blast off into a new experience of creativity, growth, evolution, movement and eventually reach total liberation.  So we all have these wonderfully perfect prickly prisons constructed inside us. Each one is destined to create a deep yearning and desire to be free.  You can reject this idea, ignore it or accept it. Just notice what happens inside your body either way.

This search for freedom is as much our destiny as the prisons we've placed ourselves in. There are no real enemies in the world. There are only imaginary shadows.  The thorns in our shoes can be removed, once we realize that they are also created by our own imagination.  We must move beyond the mind, through the unconscious righteous mind that believes it is aware, yet is truly ignorant and not worshiping the great mystery 24 hours a day. It is this ignorance that is our only real enemy. The mind that is deeply stuck in thought, in ego, and will only strive to create something new when some form of horrific pain, fear or slavery begins bubbling up inside. 

Yes, the mind is imagining everything that you're experiencing right now. It is believing that your thoughts, beliefs and all your limitations are real. It is entertaining the feeling that being financially stuck is real, or that your relationships are never going to improve, or you'll always live in same house forever.  It has this idea that whatever challenging life experience you're having right now, just may be that way forever. The sensations of emotional imprisonment sure do feel real, yet when we step back from them, we see they are just a conglomeration of negative thoughts. When we step back from the mind with awareness, we can understand that we are the ones who have thrown ourselves into jail with our imagination. From this awareness then we can step out of jail just with using our sweet simple yet all powerful imagination. 

“One who knows the Self has nothing more to do, nor has he any more thoughts. From then on, the infinite power will carry out all further actions that may be necessary for him. ~ Ramana Maharshi

To acquire an out of jail pass, we must gift it to ourselves. We must accept that everything and everyone in life is a part of this deep sweet holographic infinite mystery.

 In this acceptance we stop feeling limited. We see how our imagination is co-creating everything, designing this entire thing we deem as reality. Then and only then can we understand what it takes to be free.  

By knowing what is creating thought, we stop believing in all of its fantasies. We realize that any potential feeling of slavery is a choice from here on out. We understand that we always have the free will and choice in how we wish to interact and engage with any thought that enters the mind, and can keep it like a winning lottery ticket, or toss it away like a used banana peel. 

My invitation right now for you is to not hold on to any beliefs that show up about yourself, others and this life. Choose the mystery over certainty, just because it is more exciting!  It's simply more interesting to not know, than to know. When you're living within the mystery 24 hours a day, you suddenly find yourself becoming spontaneous, free from hesitation, doubt and barely have any fear. It requires all the courage you have to keep choosing the mystery over the normal way of being human. Yet, you're much more likely experience your fears as some weird bubbling state of excitement than something you run from. You might even see your life as this wild passionate birthing of random desires to engage and disengage from.

 Ultimately, it is a mystery how long or short your life is going to last, so why not start embracing it now?  

When we embrace the mystery as a way of living life, the mysterious way keeps us truly alive. We start abiding in a state of wonder and deep curiosity about everything. We stop defining who we are, and start realizing that truly we are actually indefinable.  We start seeing amazing intelligent energy is here now, directly in front of your eyes. From this awareness we can enjoy the grand sacred of mystery that is always all around us, and this real enjoyment is mastery. By loving the mystery as it always is and will be, we awaken from our long slumber and become every amazing thing we were born to be

fab resources here 

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Wisdom Meditation

Wisdom Meditation

I take a deep, easy breath in.
I imagine myself growing calmer.
My mind is clear and alert.
I put down any burdens I have been carrying.
My shoulders feel lighter. I ask my higher self to join me.
It comes to me and showers me with love.

My heart center grows radiant with the love of my higher self.
Love flows out from my heart to everyone around me. My capacity for compassion and love for myself and others is growing.
My higher self stimulates my third eye, located in an area between my eyebrows.
I begin to see life through the loving, wise eyes of my higher self and soul.

My higher self sends energy down into my head center.
I blend my mind with the mind of my higher self simply by imagining that I am doing so.

The wisdom of my higher self flows into my mind and thoughts.
I link my heart center, my third eye, and my head center.
I awaken to my inner wisdom. I open to see through the eyes of wisdom.
I feel through the love of wisdom.
With this gift of wisdom I am aware of my truth.

I am my own authority. I know what is best for me and my life.
I go by the wisdom of my true self in how I live my life.I think of an area where I have turned my authority over to another.

I now follow and trust my own wisdom in this area.

As I look through the wise eyes of my higher self I open to see the larger picture of my life.

I trust that everything that happens is for my higher good, even if I don't always understand why at the time.

I pick a situation in my life to look at through the eyes of my higher self.

With this expanded vision, I am able to see some of the good that is coming out of this situation and the soul qualities this situation is developing in me.

I act from wisdom. I stop, take time to reflect, and reach upward to my higher self for direction.I know that what I create in this way comes from a wiser, higher part of myself and will bring me my higher good.As I blend my mind with the mind of my higher self, I know what is important in my life and what is not.

I focus my time and energy on the areas of my life where there is light and joy, and thus increase those experiences in my life. I am wise about where I put my time. I now put my time and energy into people and projects that are on my path.The activities I do contribute to my sense of well-being. I now bring something new into my life that adds to my self of well-being.I stop putting my energy and time into those things that are not on my path and that take away from my sense of aliveness.

I spend time with people with whom I feel loved, nurtured, and uplifted.
I live in a loving, supportive environment.
I radiate love to everyone. I am growing wiser everyday.

I am linked with the mind of my higher self, and the connection is growing stronger

Friday, May 01, 2015

Reiki News - May 2015

Hi Folks,

how is your life flowing?

Reiki Principles.

The 5 Reiki Principles are in your Reiki One Manual.

Just for today, do not be angry
Just for today, do not worry
Just for today, be grateful
Just for today, work hard
Just for today, be kind to others.

Dr Mikao Usui believed that in order for anyone to practice Reiki and transfer healing energy to others, they must have first taken responsibility for their own health and well being. He developed five principles which he taught to his students as strategies to apply to life.

Daily practice helps weave them into the fabric of our daily life.

Let's look at the first principle

Just for today, do not be angry.

Anger can be a  destructive force; it hurts others as well as ourselves. Anger closes us off from love and compassion.
Try to detach yourself from situations you feel are engendering any feelings of anger; do not just suppress the feeling for it to return another time. Anger will create a  leak of the vital energy force from our systems. Constantly remind yourself that anger is not your real nature and as such it will pass, t acknowledge it, witness it and then let it go .

Remember the opposite of anger is calmness.

It is easy to say 'do not be angry' but what do we do when anger arises ?
Here is a daily practice to assist...and remember that with regular self treatment/sessions the old anger patterns begin to dissolve.

Loving Kindness Meditation.

Place your hands on your heart..say 'Reiki on'
 Relax and breathe into your heart.
Notice a tiny flame of loving kindness in your gentle heart.
Let each breath empower that flame.
Feel your heart soften,expand,open.

Allow yourself to feel loving kindness for yourself.
Reflect upon your basic goodness, your desire to love and be loved.
See yourself as a little child whose basic wish and right is to be happy and at peace.
Imagine enfolding this child in a tender embrace and say slowly to yourself this blessing prayer.

May I dwell in the heart
May I be free from suffering
May I be healed
May I know my wholeness
May I be happy and at peace.

Sit with this for a few moments
Visualise love and blessings pouring into the image of yourself as a child.
Forthcoming Events

Reiki One Training.

31st  May

Reiki Two Training

June 28th

Reiki Blessings.

Zannie Rose