how is your life flowing?
Reiki Principles.
The 5 Reiki Principles are in your Reiki One Manual.
Just for today, do not be angry
Just for today, do not worry
Just for today, be grateful
Just for today, work hard
Just for today, be kind to others.
Just for today, do not worry
Just for today, be grateful
Just for today, work hard
Just for today, be kind to others.
Dr Mikao Usui believed that in order for anyone to practice Reiki
and transfer healing energy to others, they must have first taken
responsibility for their own health and well being. He developed five
principles which he taught to his students as strategies to apply to
Daily practice helps weave them into the fabric of our daily life.
Let's look at the first principle
Just for today, do not be angry.
Anger can be a destructive force; it hurts others as well as ourselves. Anger closes us off from love and compassion.
Try to detach yourself from situations you feel are engendering any feelings of anger; do not just suppress the feeling for it to return another time. Anger will create a leak of the vital energy force from our systems. Constantly remind yourself that anger is not your real nature and as such it will pass, t acknowledge it, witness it and then let it go .
Remember the opposite of anger is calmness.
It is easy to say 'do not be angry' but what do we do when anger arises ?
is a daily practice to assist...and remember that with regular self
treatment/sessions the old anger patterns begin to dissolve.
Loving Kindness Meditation.
Place your hands on your heart..say 'Reiki on'
Relax and breathe into your heart.
Notice a tiny flame of loving kindness in your gentle heart.
Let each breath empower that flame.
Feel your heart soften,expand,open.
Allow yourself to feel loving kindness for yourself.
Reflect upon your basic goodness, your desire to love and be loved.
See yourself as a little child whose basic wish and right is to be happy and at peace.
Imagine enfolding this child in a tender embrace and say slowly to yourself this blessing prayer.
Relax and breathe into your heart.
Notice a tiny flame of loving kindness in your gentle heart.
Let each breath empower that flame.
Feel your heart soften,expand,open.
Allow yourself to feel loving kindness for yourself.
Reflect upon your basic goodness, your desire to love and be loved.
See yourself as a little child whose basic wish and right is to be happy and at peace.
Imagine enfolding this child in a tender embrace and say slowly to yourself this blessing prayer.
May I dwell in the heart
May I be free from suffering
May I be healed
May I know my wholeness
May I be happy and at peace.
May I be free from suffering
May I be healed
May I know my wholeness
May I be happy and at peace.
Sit with this for a few moments
Visualise love and blessings pouring into the image of yourself as a child.
Visualise love and blessings pouring into the image of yourself as a child.
Forthcoming Events
Reiki One Training.
31st May
Zannie Rose
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