Monday, May 25, 2015

Presume that the world's actual "purpose" is perfect and fully known only by God

Q: What is the most serviceable presumptive view of the world for a spiritual student/devotee/seeker?

A: Presume that the world's actual "purpose" is perfect and fully known only by God. 
See it as neutral overall, but with the benefit that it provides optimal opportunity for spiritual growth and the evolution of consciousness.
 It is a school for enlightenment and the revelation of Divinity, whereby consciousness/awareness reawakens to its source. Thus, to pursue enlightenment in and of itself serves the world and God.
From: “Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality”, Chapter 10: Spirituality and the World, p. 168
Q: Would the overall consequences of intense inner spiritual focus tend to result in detachment and noninvolvement in the world?

A: As a general trend, that is characteristic. As the ego’s dominance of perception recedes, so does the appearance of the world and the mind’s interpretations.
 Decisions are based on projected perceptions. Thus, the mind perceives endless illusions, including classifications based on judgments. 
Those that are interpreted as ‘good’ options are attractive to choice and agreement. Thus, all perceptions reflect content.
Patterns of conduct result from belief systems consequent to prevailing social/educational systems that are both explicit and implicit. Thus, ‘duty calls’ in both overt and subtle expressions. 

To adopt the pathway of devotional nonduality recontextualizes the obligation to the pursuit of Truth rather than worldly involvement and action. How best to serve the world is concordant with comprehension.

Q: What is the most serviceable presumptive view of the world for a spiritual student/devotee/seeker?
A: Presume that the world’s actual ‘purpose’ is perfect and fully known only by God. See it as neutral overall but with the benefit that it provides optimal opportunity for spiritual growth and the evolution of consciousness. It is a school for enlightenment and the revelation of Divinity whereby consciousness/awareness reawakens to its Source. Thus, to pursue enlightenment in and of itself serves the world and God.

Q: But what about war?

A: This is a favorite question of spiritual students. War is the consequence of falsity, just as peace is the consequence of Truth. War has prevailed during ninety-three percent of human history. It is endemic to the ego. To be ‘anti-war’ is also an ego position that presumes omniscience. Therefore, it is more advanced to surrender the world and its wars to God. 

To 'hate war’ is merely another expression of hate, is it not? Better to love peace and come to nonjudgmental compassion for the world’s wars and its karmically influenced participants. Would the protester rob fellow-suffering humans of the opportunity to undo negative karma and reach salvation? 

Suffering and death are the consequences of the ego and its positionalities and perceptions. 

To best serve the world, seek Enlightenment and transcend illusions rather than contribute to them. Omniscience is a quality of Divinity, not of human perception. Watch that the spiritual ego does not become politicized. ‘

Do-gooderism’ is a trap for the naive and unwary.
 Be ‘pro’ God’s will and Divine providence for the world and humanity. How best to ‘serve the highest good’ is concordant with the prevailing level of consciousness of the observer. There is no single answer for everyone.
From: “Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality”, Chapter 10: Spirituality and the World, pp. 167–169

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