here's to a long and glorious summer.
Have you been doing the practice from the last newsletter?
What do you notice?
Let's look at the 2nd Reiki Principle this month
Worry, like anger will also create another great vital energy leak. While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with perceived future events and happenings.
Although worry is not always a negative phenomenon, we should all disregard thoughts of future events and circumstances over which we have no ultimate control.
One source of worry is fear of change, one thing we do not always have complete control over. Just for today, be grateful.
We should all try to be grateful and show appreciation for the many blessings that can fill our lives, especially when times are difficult. If we can be grateful we can eliminate worry.
If we live in a state of gratitude, appreciating and giving thanks for the many blessings of life we can help transform negative attitudes and thoughts into positive ones.
When we are grateful for all that we have received, and when we believe that we will continue to receive these things then we will attract abundance.
Self Treatment helps greatly to dissolve the habit of worry.
is a reminder of its value for those in the group who are attuned to
Reiki , and an encouragement to have your Reiki 1 attunement if you have
been thinking about it
Reiki self treatment is a simple yet powerful practice of self nurturing.
Loving Kindness Meditation.
This is a development of the practice I shared last month.
A times we may worry about others.
Here is something we can do instead.
Place your hands on your heart.
Say Reiki on (if you have been attuned).This practice works very well even if you have not been attuned)
Call to mind someone you care deeply about- maybe someone you are worried about.
Reflect upon their goodness, your love for them,your wishes for them to receive abundant blessings.
See his/her face in front of you.
Imagine holding this face tenderly ,look into their eyes, say from your heart to theirs.
May you dwell in the heart
May you be free from suffering
May you be healed
May you know my wholeness
May you be happy and at peace.
May you be free from suffering
May you be healed
May you know my wholeness
May you be happy and at peace.
Reiki 1 - June 21st
Reiki 2 -June 28th
Reiki and young people.When you have a Reiki treatment or Attunement in June, you are invited to nominate a young person - 13-19 years old, for a no cost Reiki session
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