Wednesday, May 31, 2017
It's so easy to become peaceful.
Robert Adams:
It's so easy to become peaceful.
It's so easy to become loving, blissful, happy.
You just have to reject all those thoughts that come to you —
all those thoughts, all those feelings, all the emotions.
Just reject them.
You reject them by not giving them power.
You give them power
every time you let them feel something inside of you.
When your thoughts take on a feeling nature
you give them power.
But when you refuse to take on that feeling nature,
the thoughts will disappear.
In other words,
you are the one that gives them power.
You are the one
that creates your condition, be it good or bad.
You are the one
who sees the world the way you see it.
See only yourself, see only reality.
See only emptiness.
It's really very simple to do this.
Just sit the way you're sitting now
and observe.
Do not analyze,
don't try to change your thoughts,
do not fight your thoughts,
just observe them, watch them, look at them,
and when you're ready
you can ask the question,
"To whom do these thoughts come?"
It's so easy to become peaceful.
It's so easy to become loving, blissful, happy.
You just have to reject all those thoughts that come to you —
all those thoughts, all those feelings, all the emotions.
Just reject them.
You reject them by not giving them power.
You give them power
every time you let them feel something inside of you.
When your thoughts take on a feeling nature
you give them power.
But when you refuse to take on that feeling nature,
the thoughts will disappear.
In other words,
you are the one that gives them power.
You are the one
that creates your condition, be it good or bad.
You are the one
who sees the world the way you see it.
See only yourself, see only reality.
See only emptiness.
It's really very simple to do this.
Just sit the way you're sitting now
and observe.
Do not analyze,
don't try to change your thoughts,
do not fight your thoughts,
just observe them, watch them, look at them,
and when you're ready
you can ask the question,
"To whom do these thoughts come?"
Friday, May 26, 2017
The Self exists just the way you are now.
What appears to be real does not really exist.
Only I-am exists. Self exists that's it.
The Self exists just the way you are now.
You are that.
What I'm trying to say is,
do not separate yourself from yourself.
It's really a mistake to say,
"Well I am not the Self because the Self is in me."
The Self is not in you, the Self is you!
You are that Self.
But for the sake of talking,
you want to place the Self some place so you say,
"It's in my heart."
When you look for it, it's in your heart.
In reality there's only the Self and you don't exist at all.
But when you talk about it, you place it some place.
~Robert Adams - T11: Two Ways To Self-Realization
Only I-am exists. Self exists that's it.
The Self exists just the way you are now.
You are that.
What I'm trying to say is,
do not separate yourself from yourself.
It's really a mistake to say,
"Well I am not the Self because the Self is in me."
The Self is not in you, the Self is you!
You are that Self.
But for the sake of talking,
you want to place the Self some place so you say,
"It's in my heart."
When you look for it, it's in your heart.
In reality there's only the Self and you don't exist at all.
But when you talk about it, you place it some place.
~Robert Adams - T11: Two Ways To Self-Realization
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Just be.
You must forget the thought that you are the body and be only the knowledge 'I am', which has no form, no name.
Just be.
When you stabilize in that beingness it will give all the knowledge and all the secrets to you, and when the secrets are given to you, you transcend the beingness, and you, the Absolute, will know that you are also not the consciousness.
Having gained all this knowledge, having understood what is what, a kind of quietude prevails, a tranquility.
Beingness is transcended, but beingness is available.
Just be.
When you stabilize in that beingness it will give all the knowledge and all the secrets to you, and when the secrets are given to you, you transcend the beingness, and you, the Absolute, will know that you are also not the consciousness.
Having gained all this knowledge, having understood what is what, a kind of quietude prevails, a tranquility.
Beingness is transcended, but beingness is available.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj, I AM THAT
Become What You’ve Always Been
There are many people who still believe that
when you become enlightened
you have to give up your entire lifestyle.
I use the term enlightened loosely.
Nobody ever becomes enlightened.
What you do is you sort of wake up to your natural state.
That's not really true because there is really no state to wake up to.
You just become what you've always been.
~Robert Adams -T.219 - Become What You’ve Always Been -
24th January,1993
when you become enlightened
you have to give up your entire lifestyle.
I use the term enlightened loosely.
Nobody ever becomes enlightened.
What you do is you sort of wake up to your natural state.
That's not really true because there is really no state to wake up to.
You just become what you've always been.
~Robert Adams -T.219 - Become What You’ve Always Been -
24th January,1993

Sunday, May 21, 2017
Let us practice the I-am meditation.
This is the reason why the smart person, the wise person begins to
pursue spiritual life even when things are going well. They do not wait
until something goes wrong.
They start to feel that life is more meaningful then they can ever imagine and when they start to search within themselves. All the answers are within themselves. Not without, not in the world for remember the world is not real as it appears. So when you search for something in the world it'll fool you. You want to search for reality. How do we do this? How to search for reality?
We begin to search for reality by keeping quiet. By becoming still. By quieting the mind. By making our life simple. By not getting involved in too many things in this world. We begin to slow down our activities. So we have more time to be with ourselves. We look for moments of solitude. When the TV isn't playing, when the radio isn't playing, when the phone is not ringing, we're not talking to friends or neighbors you enjoy those mo- ments more and more and more and you fond happiness in those moments. Real happi- ness. Happiness that comes from within, from reality. Not the happiness that is fleeting that is here today and gone tomorrow. But true happiness, it is everlasting. Unalloyed happiness which never changes.
Because we can begin to search for these things something in us, you can call it God's grace may lead you to the right book or to the right teacher or to the right environ- ment where we will be able to go further. Where we get to the point where nothing can disturb us any longer. Whether there is conflict in the family, problems at work, cataclysms in the world, we no longer react to these things. We just watch and we leave them alone.
You acquire a feeling of invincibility you're invincible. A feeling of being alive forever and ever and nothing can ever hurt you or destroy you. You've always been, you'll always be. You sort of feel this. And from then on you're always happy and peaceful and nothing can ever bother you again. You have done this to yourself. Nobody can do it for you.
I have summarized the whole thing for you but actually you go through many experiences before you get to that state. You go through many doubts apprehensions, suspicions. Many times in spiritual life you want to chuck the whole thing out, you want to throw it away. You feel it's not working for you. You think it's a lie it doesn't exist there is no spiritual life, everyones gone through this stage. It's called the dark night of the soul. When you feel like committing suicide. You feel so terrible. All the dark forces attack you from all directions. And you want to chuck it all out, throw it all away, forget about it. But as you hold on to something within in reality, a spark of light the darkness will ultimately leave you and again you will find peace. Again you will find harmony. And again some- thing may happen to you. You may develop cancer, AIDS. You may have to go into bankruptcy. So again you say to yourself, "If this is what spiritual life is all about I don't want it at all. I don't need this." You say this because you do not know what is happening.
In order for you to grow and become your real self all of the stuff that has been inside of you has to be totally transcended. All the stuff that is in us and we have alot of stuff in us. There is stuff completely to the top. There is stuff of images, beliefs, concepts, dogma, fears doubts, suspicions this is our stuffing. In order to empty yourself it may appear that you're getting worse. The fears multiply themselves. The doubts become more terrible than they've ever been before. This is the change that is coming into your life.
In other words if you want self-realization you've got to get rid of everything. Everything that you've been holding onto.
Everything that you've been holding onto, everything. I mean give it up mentally. If things happen physically you just don't react to it.
But mentally you give up all the stuff that has been bothering you for all these years.
You surrender everything to God. Empty yourself out completely, totally. Again you do this by not reacting to anything. Not allowing the world to get to you, show you anything. You keep holding on and holding on. Holding on to nothing.
Becoming nothing more and more. No longer worrying.
Then all of a sudden you see a light inside of you. The light brings you untold happiness and peace. The light grows steadily. The lights in your heart. The light of a thousand suns. To give everything up to this light. You're no longer afraid. You are free.
Many of you can feel this freedom now. How wonderful it feels. Another name for this freedom is stillness, quietness, silence.
As long as the mind is active and you're think- ing and thinking you can never understand the deep silence of freedom. But you learn not to think. Not to analyze anything or to figure anything out. You are perfect just the way you are. You are no longer alone. You begin to feel the whole universe emanating out of you. Creation emanates out of your mind. All the creation that you see comes out of your self. Yo have discovered that you are the creator. You are the self, the absolute reality, nirvana, the absolute oneness. Nothing else can exist for you.
All is well. There are no mistakes. The world is Brahman and has always been self. You are that!
There never was a world and you. The universe the world is inside of you. You are all-pervading, absolute reality, everywhere present. You are I-am. I-am-that-I-am.
Let us practice the I-am meditation.
Close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath.
Become aware of your respiration.
Become the witness to your breath.
Breath naturally and normally.
Ask yourself, "Who is this witness? Who observes the breath?" And the answer comes, "I am." WIth your respiration inhale and say, "I," exhale say, "am." In- hale and say, "I," exhale and say, "am."
With every breath, with every I-am feel yourself going deeper and deeper within.
Allow your body to dissolve completely where only I-am exists and nothing else.
Sri Robert Adams tr 192 10-18-92
They start to feel that life is more meaningful then they can ever imagine and when they start to search within themselves. All the answers are within themselves. Not without, not in the world for remember the world is not real as it appears. So when you search for something in the world it'll fool you. You want to search for reality. How do we do this? How to search for reality?
We begin to search for reality by keeping quiet. By becoming still. By quieting the mind. By making our life simple. By not getting involved in too many things in this world. We begin to slow down our activities. So we have more time to be with ourselves. We look for moments of solitude. When the TV isn't playing, when the radio isn't playing, when the phone is not ringing, we're not talking to friends or neighbors you enjoy those mo- ments more and more and more and you fond happiness in those moments. Real happi- ness. Happiness that comes from within, from reality. Not the happiness that is fleeting that is here today and gone tomorrow. But true happiness, it is everlasting. Unalloyed happiness which never changes.
Because we can begin to search for these things something in us, you can call it God's grace may lead you to the right book or to the right teacher or to the right environ- ment where we will be able to go further. Where we get to the point where nothing can disturb us any longer. Whether there is conflict in the family, problems at work, cataclysms in the world, we no longer react to these things. We just watch and we leave them alone.
You acquire a feeling of invincibility you're invincible. A feeling of being alive forever and ever and nothing can ever hurt you or destroy you. You've always been, you'll always be. You sort of feel this. And from then on you're always happy and peaceful and nothing can ever bother you again. You have done this to yourself. Nobody can do it for you.
I have summarized the whole thing for you but actually you go through many experiences before you get to that state. You go through many doubts apprehensions, suspicions. Many times in spiritual life you want to chuck the whole thing out, you want to throw it away. You feel it's not working for you. You think it's a lie it doesn't exist there is no spiritual life, everyones gone through this stage. It's called the dark night of the soul. When you feel like committing suicide. You feel so terrible. All the dark forces attack you from all directions. And you want to chuck it all out, throw it all away, forget about it. But as you hold on to something within in reality, a spark of light the darkness will ultimately leave you and again you will find peace. Again you will find harmony. And again some- thing may happen to you. You may develop cancer, AIDS. You may have to go into bankruptcy. So again you say to yourself, "If this is what spiritual life is all about I don't want it at all. I don't need this." You say this because you do not know what is happening.
In order for you to grow and become your real self all of the stuff that has been inside of you has to be totally transcended. All the stuff that is in us and we have alot of stuff in us. There is stuff completely to the top. There is stuff of images, beliefs, concepts, dogma, fears doubts, suspicions this is our stuffing. In order to empty yourself it may appear that you're getting worse. The fears multiply themselves. The doubts become more terrible than they've ever been before. This is the change that is coming into your life.
In other words if you want self-realization you've got to get rid of everything. Everything that you've been holding onto.
Everything that you've been holding onto, everything. I mean give it up mentally. If things happen physically you just don't react to it.
But mentally you give up all the stuff that has been bothering you for all these years.
You surrender everything to God. Empty yourself out completely, totally. Again you do this by not reacting to anything. Not allowing the world to get to you, show you anything. You keep holding on and holding on. Holding on to nothing.
Becoming nothing more and more. No longer worrying.
Then all of a sudden you see a light inside of you. The light brings you untold happiness and peace. The light grows steadily. The lights in your heart. The light of a thousand suns. To give everything up to this light. You're no longer afraid. You are free.
Many of you can feel this freedom now. How wonderful it feels. Another name for this freedom is stillness, quietness, silence.
As long as the mind is active and you're think- ing and thinking you can never understand the deep silence of freedom. But you learn not to think. Not to analyze anything or to figure anything out. You are perfect just the way you are. You are no longer alone. You begin to feel the whole universe emanating out of you. Creation emanates out of your mind. All the creation that you see comes out of your self. Yo have discovered that you are the creator. You are the self, the absolute reality, nirvana, the absolute oneness. Nothing else can exist for you.
All is well. There are no mistakes. The world is Brahman and has always been self. You are that!
There never was a world and you. The universe the world is inside of you. You are all-pervading, absolute reality, everywhere present. You are I-am. I-am-that-I-am.
Let us practice the I-am meditation.
Close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath.
Become aware of your respiration.
Become the witness to your breath.
Breath naturally and normally.
Ask yourself, "Who is this witness? Who observes the breath?" And the answer comes, "I am." WIth your respiration inhale and say, "I," exhale say, "am." In- hale and say, "I," exhale and say, "am."
With every breath, with every I-am feel yourself going deeper and deeper within.
Allow your body to dissolve completely where only I-am exists and nothing else.
Sri Robert Adams tr 192 10-18-92
Friday, May 19, 2017
Q. What are the hindrances to the realization of Reality?
A. Memory, chiefly, habits of thought and accumulated tendencies.
Q. What are the hindrances to the realization of Reality?
A. Memory, chiefly, habits of thought and accumulated tendencies.
Q. How to get rid of these hindrances?
A. Find out the Self through meditation in this manner. Trace every thought back to its origin which is the mind; never allow thought to go on, if it does, it will be unending; take it back to its source which is mind, and they (thoughts and mind) will die of inaction, for the mind only exists by thought, take away thought and there is no mind.
As each doubt and depression arises ask yourself, “Who is it that doubts? Who is it that is depressed?” Tear everything away until there is nothing but the source left. Live only in the present.
Conscious Immortality (Kindle-Positionen1087-1093
A. Find out the Self through meditation in this manner. Trace every thought back to its origin which is the mind; never allow thought to go on, if it does, it will be unending; take it back to its source which is mind, and they (thoughts and mind) will die of inaction, for the mind only exists by thought, take away thought and there is no mind.
As each doubt and depression arises ask yourself, “Who is it that doubts? Who is it that is depressed?” Tear everything away until there is nothing but the source left. Live only in the present.
Conscious Immortality (Kindle-Positionen1087-1093
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Live in the moment.
I therefore say to you, "It makes no difference what is going on
in your life at the present time, drop it. Leave it alone.
in your life at the present time, drop it. Leave it alone.
Live in the moment.
Be spontaneous. Forget about yesterday.
Forget about the way you were brought up,
what happened to you, who hurt you. That's the past.
Surrender it totally, completely.
Do not concern yourself with the future.
For the substratum of all existence is divine harmony.
There is nothing but good, happiness and love.
That's awaiting you. In order to experience it you have to see it."
The question I ask you is, "What do you see right now?"
Do you see yourself as a miserable sickly person?
As an old person? As a person with problems?
Why do you see that? Because that's how it appears?
Doesn't water appear in the mirage? But the water's not real.
Doesn't the rope appear as a snake? The snake is not real.
Doesn't the sky appear as blue?
And yet there is no sky and there is no blue.
In the same way, whatever appears to be going on
in your own life is only for a time. It appears to exist.
It's like watching a movie. You identify with the movie,
it has a beginning, a middle and an end and that's it.
But while the movie was going on you identified with it.
You didn't think of anything else.
Now you are identifying with the movie called your life.
You appear separate.
You appear as if you're involved in this and involved in that.
But I say to you that you are already free.
You are already bright and shining.
You are already absolute reality. Pure awareness.
That is your nature.
Why do you want to cause so many problems for yourself?
By continuing to think and imagine that things have to be
this way and things have to be that way.
And you have preconceived ideas of the way
that you're supposed to live or the way you think
you're supposed to live.
So you set up goals and then you try to reach the goals.
And as many of you know when you do reach the goals
they are really never what you really expected.
So you set up new goals. It never ends.
And because you're so involved in setting up goals
the Lord of karma makes it easier for you.
He let's you continue in another body.
You are therefore born into a family with goals
and they've got goals for you.
And the goals never stop, it's unending.
Until you're ready to say, "Wait a minute! Who needs this?
What is it going to lead to?"
A semblance of wisdom begins to make you understand that
I have been searching for the wrong things.
For everything in this world is subject to the law of change.
Nothing is permanent including this world.
You begin to turn within.
You begin to realize the happiness that dwells in your heart.
You begin to talk less, to think less, to complain less,
to criticize less. You begin to leave everyone alone.
To leave the world alone.
When you see a situation that is not pleasing to your mind
you re-evaluate it and you understand where it's coming from and what it is.
You become peaceful, harmonious.
It is only then that you can begin working on yourself really.
And practicing vichara, inquiry.
But as long as you're filled with hours and times
and you're always thinking about your body or your affairs,
it's best if you surrender these things.
Give them all to God, give up everything.
Get rid of your needs, your wants.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
You are greater than you think.
Do not think past your nose.
The world will come, the world will go.
But reality has always been where the world appears to be
and you are that.
-Robert Adams - T66: Freewill And Predetermination
The whole universe is the ashram of God.
Your attitude, your heart, transforms the world into an ashram.
The whole universe is the ashram of God.
You must become the presence that makes an ashram holy.
But you are also That which is aware of presence itself.
You will not find many who will help you come to that profound realisation.
When you are in the position to be observing consciousness, observing presence,
you are in the state of the Unborn.
You are in the place of Unborn Awareness.
There are no biographies, no autobiographies there.
There are no religions there.
There are no dharmas there. There are no karmas there.
‘There’ is not there.
There is Here, Now and Always.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Turn to the source, the source of all existence.
To remove problems from your life,
to get rid of unhappy situations,
to remove fears frustrations, you do exactly the same thing.
You do not try to change a condition
by working on the level of conditions.
Do not try to change bad for good, evil for happiness,
for you're working at an ego level.
Rather turn away from both terms.
Let go of both situations,
the good and the bad, the happy and the sad.
Turn from it.
Turn to the source, the source of all existence.
And you will find that the situations resolve themselves.
For the source is total harmony, total peace and total love.
The source is God, consciousness, pure awareness.
to get rid of unhappy situations,
to remove fears frustrations, you do exactly the same thing.
You do not try to change a condition
by working on the level of conditions.
Do not try to change bad for good, evil for happiness,
for you're working at an ego level.
Rather turn away from both terms.
Let go of both situations,
the good and the bad, the happy and the sad.
Turn from it.
Turn to the source, the source of all existence.
And you will find that the situations resolve themselves.
For the source is total harmony, total peace and total love.
The source is God, consciousness, pure awareness.
This is what you've always been but somehow you got lost
in the shuffle, and you think you're a human being.
You think you're limited to your body.
You've been brought up this way with that kind of thinking.
Your schools, your churches, your environment,
your parents have emphasized the fact that you're limited.
You can only go so far.
But I say to you, you're totally unlimited,
you have no circumference anywhere.
You are space. Space is maintained by consciousness.
You are really all over the place.
You're falling apart.
The atoms that you're made out of are not permanent.
You turn this way and you turn that way, you go in all directions
and there is big spaces between the atoms.
Just like everything else in this world.
You're simply a part of all things.
All things are a part of you.
You are wonderful, made in the image of God, but what God?
The God that you created in your mind.
So if your God is a good God then you think of yourself
as a good person.
If your God is a santa clause God who lives in the sky,
with a long beard that you pray for things to give you things,
the anthropomorphic type of a God saying,
"God I need this, I want this.
Please let me have this," whatever God you believe in
you become. You become the God that you worship.
Or should you worship a God at all?
If you believe that you're an ego or a human being
that is blown around like a leaf, then you should worship a God.
For you have to turn to someone, you have to turn somewhere.
But if you realize that God is within yourself,
if you understand that you are the God that you've been worshipping
all these years, it's a whole new ball game.
For you stop worshipping and you start meditating.
By meditating I mean you keep still. You become quiet.
You no longer need use words.
As the mind becomes quiescent, as the thoughts subside,
the divine harmony which has always been appears
to awaken within you.
You become radiantly happy for no reason.
You become totally peaceful for no reason.
You gravitate to the place that you're supposed to be.
The right people come into your life
who are supposed to be in your life.
Everything happens by itself. You need not do anything.
-Robert Adams - T.221 - Robert Are You Really A Jnani? -
31st January, 1993
in the shuffle, and you think you're a human being.
You think you're limited to your body.
You've been brought up this way with that kind of thinking.
Your schools, your churches, your environment,
your parents have emphasized the fact that you're limited.
You can only go so far.
But I say to you, you're totally unlimited,
you have no circumference anywhere.
You are space. Space is maintained by consciousness.
You are really all over the place.
You're falling apart.
The atoms that you're made out of are not permanent.
You turn this way and you turn that way, you go in all directions
and there is big spaces between the atoms.
Just like everything else in this world.
You're simply a part of all things.
All things are a part of you.
You are wonderful, made in the image of God, but what God?
The God that you created in your mind.
So if your God is a good God then you think of yourself
as a good person.
If your God is a santa clause God who lives in the sky,
with a long beard that you pray for things to give you things,
the anthropomorphic type of a God saying,
"God I need this, I want this.
Please let me have this," whatever God you believe in
you become. You become the God that you worship.
Or should you worship a God at all?
If you believe that you're an ego or a human being
that is blown around like a leaf, then you should worship a God.
For you have to turn to someone, you have to turn somewhere.
But if you realize that God is within yourself,
if you understand that you are the God that you've been worshipping
all these years, it's a whole new ball game.
For you stop worshipping and you start meditating.
By meditating I mean you keep still. You become quiet.
You no longer need use words.
As the mind becomes quiescent, as the thoughts subside,
the divine harmony which has always been appears
to awaken within you.
You become radiantly happy for no reason.
You become totally peaceful for no reason.
You gravitate to the place that you're supposed to be.
The right people come into your life
who are supposed to be in your life.
Everything happens by itself. You need not do anything.
-Robert Adams - T.221 - Robert Are You Really A Jnani? -
31st January, 1993
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Mother said that there are two basic methods of meditation:
One is to concentrate on the breath observing each inhalation and exhalation.
Then, when the mind has become stilled in this manner, one should
practice vichara, inquiring "Who am I?" until the true Self is revealed.
She said that in this way one becomes a light unto oneself.
The second way is to think of one's mantra (or any name of
God) with each inhalation and exhalation, feeling that both the Name and the Breath are none other than God Himself —the very breath of life— thus becoming fully absorbed in this devotional awareness.
The first way is one of jnana and the second of bhakti.
Again She told me to think of the Pranava [Om] as much as
She said: "It must become so automatic that you cannot
breathe without remembering it.
Do your personal mantra when you sit for meditation and the rest of the time the Pranava".
- Death Must Die
She said that in this way one becomes a light unto oneself.
The second way is to think of one's mantra (or any name of
God) with each inhalation and exhalation, feeling that both the Name and the Breath are none other than God Himself —the very breath of life— thus becoming fully absorbed in this devotional awareness.
The first way is one of jnana and the second of bhakti.
Again She told me to think of the Pranava [Om] as much as
She said: "It must become so automatic that you cannot
breathe without remembering it.
Do your personal mantra when you sit for meditation and the rest of the time the Pranava".
- Death Must Die
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Just watch, look, observe, quiet the mind.
A Jnani has absolutely nothing to do with this world.
The world, the universe, becomes totally meaningless to a Sage.
It's not a put on. It's not imagining that, "All is well,"
until some catastrophe hits you, and then you get upset,
become violent, feel sorry for yourself, become depressed.
You have to see where your at, where you're coming from,
what you're really made of.
You can never know the truth, that there is no world,
there is no universe, there is no God,
as long as you believe the body suffers, mentally or physically.
Have you suffered mentally or physically today?
If you really want to get on the band wagon,
(here goes these cliches again, get on the band wagon)
if you really want to become a part of those few people in this world
that have transcended the world, you have to do what they did.
The five prerequisites:
The first prerequisite:
Shut up. Be quiet. Stop debating. Stop arguing.
Stop trying to prove a point.
Even if someone knows something that you don't,
whether they share it with you or not, makes no difference,
for you have to come up with your own truth.
There's really no one in this universe
that can hand you realization on a silver platter.
Number two:
You have to let go.
You have to let go so completely that it becomes scary.
You have to totally let go mentally.
You have to stop depending on person, place or thing
for your self-worth.
You have to start depending on the infinite invisible,
on what you cannot see, taste, touch, or smell or feel.
Number three:
You must look at the world but never react to anything.
You must watch your feelings and your emotions, observe them,
and as they come into contact with you,
you must become the witness,
realizing that you are not those emotions.
You are not your bad temper. You are not the depression.
You are nothing that goes on in this world.
Number four:
You must develop a tremendous humility, a stupendous humility.
This is more important than anything else.
If someone tells you something that you don't like to hear
you do not become upset. You do not hold it in.
You let it go through you and it dissipates,
for it has no energy except the energy you give it.
You are responsible to yourself.
If you fool yourself, you're just going to get disgusted in the end
and give up all spiritual life, for you'll say you've gotten nowhere,
nothing has happened, it doesn't work.
It doesn't exist.
I suppose this is the reason I am with you.
To tell you, "Yes, there is an invisible realm of perfection
beyond this world, interpenetrating this world,
that makes this world look like kindergarten."
Yet you must be able to see it yourself.
Number five:
You have to want it so much that you don't want it.
You have to have such a strong desire to be free
that all desire stops.
When all desire stops there is a quietness, a stillness,
that takes place within you.
It is only when this stillness, this quietness comes,
when you're able to see clearly, not with your physical eyes,
but with your spiritual eye, not with your little I,
not with the I-thought, but with the I-am.
And you will see in all directions.
You will see up, you will see down, you will see sideways,
you will see backwards.
The only thing you will see is total perfection
which is another name for pure awareness.
You have to take this thing seriously
and you're not to be serious about this thing at all.
You have to reject everything
yet you also have to accept everything.
You have to surrender and you have to realize that you are the Self.
There is something inside of you that knows how to do all this.
You can help by becoming quiet, by becoming still,
by not making a lot of noise, not making a big commotion.
Let the world do what it will, yet you become silent and peaceful,
compassionate, have humility.
Just watch, look, observe, quiet the mind.
Be still and know that I am God.
-Robert Adams - T.107 -The Invisible World -
(The Five Prerequisites) - 31st October, 1991
The world, the universe, becomes totally meaningless to a Sage.
It's not a put on. It's not imagining that, "All is well,"
until some catastrophe hits you, and then you get upset,
become violent, feel sorry for yourself, become depressed.
You have to see where your at, where you're coming from,
what you're really made of.
You can never know the truth, that there is no world,
there is no universe, there is no God,
as long as you believe the body suffers, mentally or physically.
Have you suffered mentally or physically today?
If you really want to get on the band wagon,
(here goes these cliches again, get on the band wagon)
if you really want to become a part of those few people in this world
that have transcended the world, you have to do what they did.
The five prerequisites:
The first prerequisite:
Shut up. Be quiet. Stop debating. Stop arguing.
Stop trying to prove a point.
Even if someone knows something that you don't,
whether they share it with you or not, makes no difference,
for you have to come up with your own truth.
There's really no one in this universe
that can hand you realization on a silver platter.
Number two:
You have to let go.
You have to let go so completely that it becomes scary.
You have to totally let go mentally.
You have to stop depending on person, place or thing
for your self-worth.
You have to start depending on the infinite invisible,
on what you cannot see, taste, touch, or smell or feel.
Number three:
You must look at the world but never react to anything.
You must watch your feelings and your emotions, observe them,
and as they come into contact with you,
you must become the witness,
realizing that you are not those emotions.
You are not your bad temper. You are not the depression.
You are nothing that goes on in this world.
Number four:
You must develop a tremendous humility, a stupendous humility.
This is more important than anything else.
If someone tells you something that you don't like to hear
you do not become upset. You do not hold it in.
You let it go through you and it dissipates,
for it has no energy except the energy you give it.
You are responsible to yourself.
If you fool yourself, you're just going to get disgusted in the end
and give up all spiritual life, for you'll say you've gotten nowhere,
nothing has happened, it doesn't work.
It doesn't exist.
I suppose this is the reason I am with you.
To tell you, "Yes, there is an invisible realm of perfection
beyond this world, interpenetrating this world,
that makes this world look like kindergarten."
Yet you must be able to see it yourself.
Number five:
You have to want it so much that you don't want it.
You have to have such a strong desire to be free
that all desire stops.
When all desire stops there is a quietness, a stillness,
that takes place within you.
It is only when this stillness, this quietness comes,
when you're able to see clearly, not with your physical eyes,
but with your spiritual eye, not with your little I,
not with the I-thought, but with the I-am.
And you will see in all directions.
You will see up, you will see down, you will see sideways,
you will see backwards.
The only thing you will see is total perfection
which is another name for pure awareness.
You have to take this thing seriously
and you're not to be serious about this thing at all.
You have to reject everything
yet you also have to accept everything.
You have to surrender and you have to realize that you are the Self.
There is something inside of you that knows how to do all this.
You can help by becoming quiet, by becoming still,
by not making a lot of noise, not making a big commotion.
Let the world do what it will, yet you become silent and peaceful,
compassionate, have humility.
Just watch, look, observe, quiet the mind.
Be still and know that I am God.
-Robert Adams - T.107 -The Invisible World -
(The Five Prerequisites) - 31st October, 1991
Friday, May 12, 2017
The work is to empty yourself out
Your human mind and your human thoughts
are only here to destroy you; they are not your friends.
No thought is your friend, not even a good thought.
Some of you still believe you have to hang onto good thoughts.
Good thoughts are lies just like bad thoughts.
In order to have a good thought
you have to know about bad thoughts
otherwise why would you want to hang onto a good thought?
You want to replace it and hold it, instead of a bad thought.
All thoughts are lies.
There has to be no thought whatsoever.
No thinking allowed.
are only here to destroy you; they are not your friends.
No thought is your friend, not even a good thought.
Some of you still believe you have to hang onto good thoughts.
Good thoughts are lies just like bad thoughts.
In order to have a good thought
you have to know about bad thoughts
otherwise why would you want to hang onto a good thought?
You want to replace it and hold it, instead of a bad thought.
All thoughts are lies.
There has to be no thought whatsoever.
No thinking allowed.
Anyway, you can't be full of your nonsensical thinking and ideas
and expect to become self-realized, expect to awaken,
expect to become free.
There is work you have to do.
The work is to empty yourself out, totally and completely.
When you empty yourself out, you will be free.
There is nothing for you to fill up because reality is already there.
-Robert Adams - T.120 - Who Believes in Karma & Reincarnation?
12th January, 1992
and expect to become self-realized, expect to awaken,
expect to become free.
There is work you have to do.
The work is to empty yourself out, totally and completely.
When you empty yourself out, you will be free.
There is nothing for you to fill up because reality is already there.
-Robert Adams - T.120 - Who Believes in Karma & Reincarnation?
12th January, 1992
what is music made of
Q. “What is the real experience of the body?”
Rupert Spira-
: Go to the experience of music; a wind instrument, like a flute. Imagine that before the flute player takes their flute, there’s just breath. Yes? Totally silent. It can’t be seen, it can’t be heard, it’s just no-form, empty, transparent, silent, nothing, no-thing. Yes? Then, you put the flute to your lips, and you do the same thing. You put some fingers down, and this silent, transparent substance appears as sound. What is the sound made of? Just the silent breath. The only substance there is the silent breath. And yet, the music somehow makes this silence hear-able.
But when we ask ‘what is the sound (in this case, the note, this music); what is it made of? The only stuff there…, (because in the flute, there is nothing. It’s just a hollow tube with some holes in it. The flute is not doing anything. It’s just modulating this transparent, silent breath.
But the only substance there.., the pre-modulated substance) is silence. But this silence contains within it the possibility of all sound. So, then, the music starts; and there’s a tremendous multiplicity and diversity of sounds. There’s music. Yes? But it’s all a modulation of this silent, transparent substance. But it’s colorful, and tremendously varied, and differentiated minutely. But it’s all the same stuff.
Now, let’s just transpose it through two stages. We’re going to go to the body via thinking. So take the experience of thought. First of all, just be without thought for a few moments.
Now just allow a thought to arise; any thought. It arises in you, yes?
Now, what substance is there present in you prior to the arising of the thought, out of which the arising thought is made? What is that substance?
We could call it the ‘unconditioned mind’. It’s before mind. Just as the silent breath is unmodulated, so now this, whatever thought arises from and is made out of, has not yet been conditioned, has not yet been shaped into a thought.
We could call it ‘the silent mind’ or Awareness is the obvious name. But all there is there, prior to the arising of thought, is this silent substance.
And the thought, in all its colorful multiplicity and diversity, however wonderful or awful the thoughts are, are only modulations of this thought-free substance.
Now, take the next step.
The body.
We know the body through sensation and perception.
We see it, we feel it, we touch it. Yeah? Let’s just call it perception and sensation.
Now, (this is a little artificial now, but) imagine being without perception and sensation. (You can’t quite do that). Now, rub your hands together. A new sensation appears. And in appears in you.
We are using the ‘I am nothing’ model now.
This sensation arises in ‘the sky of Awareness’, a new cloud-like sensation.
Now what is there, before the arising of the new cloud-like sensation; what is there in you out of which this cloud-like sensation arises?
This same unnamable, transparent, empty sky of awareness. The sensation that arises in it is in-potential in this emptiness; is a modulation of this emptiness.
Just like the music, before the music tells us anything, before the music tells us a story or a feeling, it announces its reality.
First and foremost it tells us about this transparent, silent breath.
In fact the entire piece of music is shining all the way through with the silent breath out of which it is made.
In the same way with the body, in all its various forms; before it tells us anything about a body or movement or action or a person or whatever, it tells us about this pre-sensation substance; this empty, unnamable, pre-sensation substance called our Self, or ‘I’ … (or pure object-less experiencing would be another way of putting it).
And that is present.
All the colorful multiplicity and diversity of experience, whether it’s the body, the mind, is a modulation of this transparent experiencing.
~ ~ ~
Rupert Spira-
: Go to the experience of music; a wind instrument, like a flute. Imagine that before the flute player takes their flute, there’s just breath. Yes? Totally silent. It can’t be seen, it can’t be heard, it’s just no-form, empty, transparent, silent, nothing, no-thing. Yes? Then, you put the flute to your lips, and you do the same thing. You put some fingers down, and this silent, transparent substance appears as sound. What is the sound made of? Just the silent breath. The only substance there is the silent breath. And yet, the music somehow makes this silence hear-able.
But when we ask ‘what is the sound (in this case, the note, this music); what is it made of? The only stuff there…, (because in the flute, there is nothing. It’s just a hollow tube with some holes in it. The flute is not doing anything. It’s just modulating this transparent, silent breath.
But the only substance there.., the pre-modulated substance) is silence. But this silence contains within it the possibility of all sound. So, then, the music starts; and there’s a tremendous multiplicity and diversity of sounds. There’s music. Yes? But it’s all a modulation of this silent, transparent substance. But it’s colorful, and tremendously varied, and differentiated minutely. But it’s all the same stuff.
Now, let’s just transpose it through two stages. We’re going to go to the body via thinking. So take the experience of thought. First of all, just be without thought for a few moments.
Now just allow a thought to arise; any thought. It arises in you, yes?
Now, what substance is there present in you prior to the arising of the thought, out of which the arising thought is made? What is that substance?
We could call it the ‘unconditioned mind’. It’s before mind. Just as the silent breath is unmodulated, so now this, whatever thought arises from and is made out of, has not yet been conditioned, has not yet been shaped into a thought.
We could call it ‘the silent mind’ or Awareness is the obvious name. But all there is there, prior to the arising of thought, is this silent substance.
And the thought, in all its colorful multiplicity and diversity, however wonderful or awful the thoughts are, are only modulations of this thought-free substance.
Now, take the next step.
The body.
We know the body through sensation and perception.
We see it, we feel it, we touch it. Yeah? Let’s just call it perception and sensation.
Now, (this is a little artificial now, but) imagine being without perception and sensation. (You can’t quite do that). Now, rub your hands together. A new sensation appears. And in appears in you.
We are using the ‘I am nothing’ model now.
This sensation arises in ‘the sky of Awareness’, a new cloud-like sensation.
Now what is there, before the arising of the new cloud-like sensation; what is there in you out of which this cloud-like sensation arises?
This same unnamable, transparent, empty sky of awareness. The sensation that arises in it is in-potential in this emptiness; is a modulation of this emptiness.
Just like the music, before the music tells us anything, before the music tells us a story or a feeling, it announces its reality.
First and foremost it tells us about this transparent, silent breath.
In fact the entire piece of music is shining all the way through with the silent breath out of which it is made.
In the same way with the body, in all its various forms; before it tells us anything about a body or movement or action or a person or whatever, it tells us about this pre-sensation substance; this empty, unnamable, pre-sensation substance called our Self, or ‘I’ … (or pure object-less experiencing would be another way of putting it).
And that is present.
All the colorful multiplicity and diversity of experience, whether it’s the body, the mind, is a modulation of this transparent experiencing.
~ ~ ~
Every time you say to yourself: "Who am I?"
Every time you say to yourself: "Who am I?"
you are moving a step ahead on the spiritual path.
That is all you have to do.
"Who am I?" and you will soon discover that the 'I' is not you.
The 'I' that you are referring to is not you, it's not anything.
It is merely a thought.
It has absolutely nothing to do with you.
When you think to yourself: "Who am I?"
you keep saying I-I to yourself and
the 'I' begins to separate from your body.
The 'I' begins to become a different type of entity whatsoever, the 'I' begins to disappear.
And you keep thinking about the 'I', following the 'I'.
You follow the 'I' to the heart.
Once the 'I' disappears you are totally free and liberated.
So it all begins with you.
You are the one.
You can either free yourself or put yourself in bondage
depending on what you're doing with your life.
you are moving a step ahead on the spiritual path.
That is all you have to do.
"Who am I?" and you will soon discover that the 'I' is not you.
The 'I' that you are referring to is not you, it's not anything.
It is merely a thought.
It has absolutely nothing to do with you.
When you think to yourself: "Who am I?"
you keep saying I-I to yourself and
the 'I' begins to separate from your body.
The 'I' begins to become a different type of entity whatsoever, the 'I' begins to disappear.
And you keep thinking about the 'I', following the 'I'.
You follow the 'I' to the heart.
Once the 'I' disappears you are totally free and liberated.
So it all begins with you.
You are the one.
You can either free yourself or put yourself in bondage
depending on what you're doing with your life.
~Robert Adams
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Don't be anxious about your future -- be quiet now and all will fall in place
M: If you just try to keep quiet, all will come -- the work, the strength for work, the right motive. Must you know everything beforehand?
Don't be anxious about your future -- be quiet now and all will fall in place.
The unexpected is bound to happen, while the anticipated may never come.
Don't tell me you cannot control
your nature.
your nature.
You need not control it. Throw it overboard.
Have no nature to fight, or to submit to.
No experience will hurt you, provided you don't make it into a habit.
Of the entire universe you are the subtle cause.
All is because you are.
Grasp this point firmly and deeply and dwell on it repeatedly.
To realize this as absolutely true,
is liberation.
is liberation.
Nisargadatta Maharaj, I AM THAT ch 53
The Self is always available
The Self is always available, is always here.
There never was a time when the Self was not.
There never was a time when the Self was not.
Do not make it complicated for yourself.
Simply return to what you were
by letting go of everything else.
Simply return to what you were
by letting go of everything else.
By not reacting to the world.
By diving deep within, into the heart center
where the true reality awaits you.
You are a divine being, a spiritual being.
You are not the body or the mind.
Know yourself, be yourself!
Awaken to the Self!
Forget about reincarnation.
Reincarnation is not for you.
It is for the deluded ones.
Reincarnation is not for you.
It is for the deluded ones.
You are free of all karma,
free of all samskaras,
free of playing games.
free of all samskaras,
free of playing games.
Feel your freedom.
All is Well.
~ Robert Adams

Monday, May 08, 2017
You have been around for millions of years.
You have been around for millions of years.
You've been around forever!
You have many experiences as other people.
You've had many experiences.
So why should this one worry you and bother you?
This is only another experience, that's all it is.
In universal time you're here today and gone tomorrow.
You're only here for a few seconds in universal time.
You did not come here to get involved in circumstances and predicaments.
You came here to find yourself, discover your real nature.
-- Robert Adams, T229: The Choice Is Yours
You've been around forever!
You have many experiences as other people.
You've had many experiences.
So why should this one worry you and bother you?
This is only another experience, that's all it is.
In universal time you're here today and gone tomorrow.
You're only here for a few seconds in universal time.
You did not come here to get involved in circumstances and predicaments.
You came here to find yourself, discover your real nature.
-- Robert Adams, T229: The Choice Is Yours
Saturday, May 06, 2017
What am I?
What am I?" - Rupert Spira (Whole video transcript)
What am I?
I am the one that sees whatever is seen.
But I am not made out of anything that is seen.
I am the one that hears whatever is heard.
But I am not made out of anything that is heard.
I am the one that feels or senses whatever is felt or sensed.
But I am not made out of anything that is felt or sensed.
I am the one that knows whatever is known
or experiences whatever is experienced.
But I am not made out of anything that is known or experienced.
I am the knowing element or the experiencing element
that runs throughout all experience.
But what is there in experience,
other than the knowing of it or the experiencing of it?
All that is known is the knowing of experience.
And I am that knowing.
All experience is a modulation of my knowing presence,
my Aware presence.
All that is known in experience is the knowing of it;
and I am that.
There is nothing other than that.
Nothing other than that is ever known.
Nothing other than this knowingness is ever known
and that is what I am.
Only myself is known.
And who is it that knows myself?
I am the one that knows.
Myself is known by myself alone.
All there is, is myself knowing and being myself.
All there is is this knowingness or Awareness.
And because there is nothing other than that,
nothing that is apart from that,
separate, distant or other than that,
there is only utter intimacy.
And this intimacy is Love.
All there is … is myself:
Being myself, knowing myself and loving myself.
Everything, all seeming things, is only that,
only myself,
only this knowingness,
which is all.
What am I?
I am the one that sees whatever is seen.
But I am not made out of anything that is seen.
I am the one that hears whatever is heard.
But I am not made out of anything that is heard.
I am the one that feels or senses whatever is felt or sensed.
But I am not made out of anything that is felt or sensed.
I am the one that knows whatever is known
or experiences whatever is experienced.
But I am not made out of anything that is known or experienced.
I am the knowing element or the experiencing element
that runs throughout all experience.
But what is there in experience,
other than the knowing of it or the experiencing of it?
All that is known is the knowing of experience.
And I am that knowing.
All experience is a modulation of my knowing presence,
my Aware presence.
All that is known in experience is the knowing of it;
and I am that.
There is nothing other than that.
Nothing other than that is ever known.
Nothing other than this knowingness is ever known
and that is what I am.
Only myself is known.
And who is it that knows myself?
I am the one that knows.
Myself is known by myself alone.
All there is, is myself knowing and being myself.
All there is is this knowingness or Awareness.
And because there is nothing other than that,
nothing that is apart from that,
separate, distant or other than that,
there is only utter intimacy.
And this intimacy is Love.
All there is … is myself:
Being myself, knowing myself and loving myself.
Everything, all seeming things, is only that,
only myself,
only this knowingness,
which is all.
Friday, May 05, 2017
Realization is a gift of God.
Realization is a gift of God.
It is God's grace that makes you totally and fully realized.
Everything else is just a coming close to God's grace.
It brings you close to God's grace.
All of your sadhanas, all of your practices that you do,
everything you've ever done was to bring you close to God's grace.
All of your practices are to release the mind,
to give up the mind, to make the mind quiescent.
Then you're close to God what we call God.
God's grace becomes part of your being
and you become totally free.
It is God's grace that makes you totally and fully realized.
Everything else is just a coming close to God's grace.
It brings you close to God's grace.
All of your sadhanas, all of your practices that you do,
everything you've ever done was to bring you close to God's grace.
All of your practices are to release the mind,
to give up the mind, to make the mind quiescent.
Then you're close to God what we call God.
God's grace becomes part of your being
and you become totally free.
Do not make your life complicated.
Do not make the teaching complicated.
The teaching is very simple it's for a child.
All you have to do is to look at the world with awe
and realize that the world is really God in expression.
Pray to the God within you say,
"God this is your world that I see.
This is your illusion.
This is your maya.
This is all you.
Even my body is you.
Even my mind is you, my thoughts are you.
You are all and I am that."
As you passionately learn to love God, as your Self,
you become free and grace flows
and you become the true Self.
That’s all you have to do.
-Robert Adams - T184: The Power That Knows The Way
Do not make the teaching complicated.
The teaching is very simple it's for a child.
All you have to do is to look at the world with awe
and realize that the world is really God in expression.
Pray to the God within you say,
"God this is your world that I see.
This is your illusion.
This is your maya.
This is all you.
Even my body is you.
Even my mind is you, my thoughts are you.
You are all and I am that."
As you passionately learn to love God, as your Self,
you become free and grace flows
and you become the true Self.
That’s all you have to do.
-Robert Adams - T184: The Power That Knows The Way
Go deep, deep inside the spiritual heart.
Your spiritual heart is on the right side of your chest.
Not your physical heart, not chakras, not kundalini.
There is a spiritual heart on the right side of the chest
that is equivalent to the source of the universe
which I mentioned the other day.
Not your physical heart, not chakras, not kundalini.
There is a spiritual heart on the right side of the chest
that is equivalent to the source of the universe
which I mentioned the other day.
There is a central source to this whole universe
and the whole universe spins around the central source.
This earth makes a twenty-four thousand years cycle.
Twelve thousand years of enlightenment,
twelve thousand years of going backwards into the dark ages.
But the point is the spiritual heart is equivalent to the source
of all creation and this is on the right side of your chest.
It is this that is the pure awareness, the absolute reality, the nirvana.
It is within you. It is within you all the time.
You really have to dive in it. Dive in it deeply.
Go deep, deep inside the spiritual heart.
-Robert Adams - T184: The Power That Knows The Way
and the whole universe spins around the central source.
This earth makes a twenty-four thousand years cycle.
Twelve thousand years of enlightenment,
twelve thousand years of going backwards into the dark ages.
But the point is the spiritual heart is equivalent to the source
of all creation and this is on the right side of your chest.
It is this that is the pure awareness, the absolute reality, the nirvana.
It is within you. It is within you all the time.
You really have to dive in it. Dive in it deeply.
Go deep, deep inside the spiritual heart.
-Robert Adams - T184: The Power That Knows The Way
Thursday, May 04, 2017
This world is a dream
Point number one:
This world is a dream, just like the dream I dream at night.
Everything in this world is karmic.
Nothing is real.
So I will never again allow this world to dictate to me what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad.
Point number two:
My nature is divine.
I am not the body nor this world nor have I got anything to do with this world or this body.
The body goes through its own karma, it takes care of itself, does whatever it's supposed to do.
It has absolutely nothing to do with me.
Point number three: Everything I observe in this world is myself, nothing else. I only see myself wherever I look. Whatever I'm involved in. I see myself and nothing else.
Point number four: In order to transcend this world and become totally free, I have to somehow awaken from this mortal dream.
And I can only do this by becoming non-judgmental, peaceful within myself, looking at this world like a moving picture, in all kinds of scenes in a movie.
I know I'm not affected by these things, by the things of this world or any other world.
Point number five: I-am the substratum of all existence.
I-am the screen in which the movie is being shown.
I-am the director and producer of the movie.
I-am also the actor. I play all of the parts.
Therefore I will never again become confused in the picture or the screen.
You should ponder these things every morning when you get out of bed, when you first wake up.
Become aware of this. Do not turn on the television and watch the news, or read the newspapers, because this will confound you and confuse you totally.
It's the same old thing always going on in this world, so we get involved in those things.
You profess to be a student of truth.
You want to become free and liberated in this life. Yet what are you doing about it.
You can't live the same old life and expect to be liberated. Changes have to be made within yourself.
And it is up to you to make these changes, nobody can do it for you. You have to do it yourself.
You have to see where the years have put you in this world. What your situation is, what you're going through, and transcend the whole thing. There is no other way.
The whole ball-game is yours. You have the freedom to accept your reality, by letting go of everything else, or you have the freedom to want everything else, and let go of reality.
This is the only freedom we've got.
Everything else is preordained, predestined.
So when anybody asked me, "Is everything predestined, preordained?" I say, "Yes and no."
For the average person it is.
The person who is walking around reacting to everything in life or is judgmental.
To that person everything is preordained.
But to the person who is truly working on themselves by not allowing conditions to upset them, situations to come upon them make them judgmental, that person is working for their freedom.
And little by little they chip away their karmic blocks, the samskaras, until they become totally free and liberated.
-- Robert Adams, T226: Whatever You See Is The Self
This world is a dream, just like the dream I dream at night.
Everything in this world is karmic.
Nothing is real.
So I will never again allow this world to dictate to me what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is bad.
Point number two:
My nature is divine.
I am not the body nor this world nor have I got anything to do with this world or this body.
The body goes through its own karma, it takes care of itself, does whatever it's supposed to do.
It has absolutely nothing to do with me.
Point number three: Everything I observe in this world is myself, nothing else. I only see myself wherever I look. Whatever I'm involved in. I see myself and nothing else.
Point number four: In order to transcend this world and become totally free, I have to somehow awaken from this mortal dream.
And I can only do this by becoming non-judgmental, peaceful within myself, looking at this world like a moving picture, in all kinds of scenes in a movie.
I know I'm not affected by these things, by the things of this world or any other world.
Point number five: I-am the substratum of all existence.
I-am the screen in which the movie is being shown.
I-am the director and producer of the movie.
I-am also the actor. I play all of the parts.
Therefore I will never again become confused in the picture or the screen.
You should ponder these things every morning when you get out of bed, when you first wake up.
Become aware of this. Do not turn on the television and watch the news, or read the newspapers, because this will confound you and confuse you totally.
It's the same old thing always going on in this world, so we get involved in those things.
You profess to be a student of truth.
You want to become free and liberated in this life. Yet what are you doing about it.
You can't live the same old life and expect to be liberated. Changes have to be made within yourself.
And it is up to you to make these changes, nobody can do it for you. You have to do it yourself.
You have to see where the years have put you in this world. What your situation is, what you're going through, and transcend the whole thing. There is no other way.
The whole ball-game is yours. You have the freedom to accept your reality, by letting go of everything else, or you have the freedom to want everything else, and let go of reality.
This is the only freedom we've got.
Everything else is preordained, predestined.
So when anybody asked me, "Is everything predestined, preordained?" I say, "Yes and no."
For the average person it is.
The person who is walking around reacting to everything in life or is judgmental.
To that person everything is preordained.
But to the person who is truly working on themselves by not allowing conditions to upset them, situations to come upon them make them judgmental, that person is working for their freedom.
And little by little they chip away their karmic blocks, the samskaras, until they become totally free and liberated.
-- Robert Adams, T226: Whatever You See Is The Self
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