Tuesday, May 02, 2017

you think that all these objects you see in front of you are real.

You are looking for satisfaction in the outside world because
you think that all these objects you see in front of you are real.

They are not. 

The reality is the substratum in which they all appear. 

This is what you should be seeking, instead of looking
for external gods in different pilgrimage places.

An elephant is made out of wood. If we see it as wood, it is wood. But if we get caught up in the name and form, we will see only an elephant and forget that its underlying nature is wood.

All is your own Self. 
This form is different; that form is different.
This is more powerful; this is worse. 
These are all judgments you make when you see separate objects instead of
having the true vision that all is an undifferentiated oneness.

There may be different varieties of light bulbs, but the current
that activates and sustains them is the same.
 You must learn to
become one with this activating current, the unmanifest Self, and not get caught up in all the names and forms that appear in IT.

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