Friday, May 05, 2017

Realization is a gift of God.

Realization is a gift of God.
It is God's grace that makes you totally and fully realized. 

Everything else is just a coming close to God's grace. 

It brings you close to God's grace. 

All of your sadhanas, all of your practices that you do,
everything you've ever done was to bring you close to God's grace. 

All of your practices are to release the mind,
to give up the mind, to make the mind quiescent. 

Then you're close to God what we call God.

God's grace becomes part of your being
and you become totally free.

Do not make your life complicated.
Do not make the teaching complicated. 

The teaching is very simple it's for a child.
All you have to do is to look at the world with awe
and realize that the world is really God in expression. 

Pray to the God within you say,
"God this is your world that I see.
This is your illusion.
This is your maya.
This is all you.
Even my body is you.
Even my mind is you, my thoughts are you.
You are all and I am that." 

As you passionately learn to love God, as your Self,
you become free and grace flows
and you become the true Self. 

That’s all you have to do.

-Robert Adams - T184: The Power That Knows The Way


There is no-one on this earth who does anything.
The whole universe is a puppet show.
We're dancing the dance of Shiva.
-Robert Adams

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