Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Soul Loss Soul Retrieval


“It is believed that whenever we suffer an emotional or physical trauma a part of our soul flees the body in order to survive the experience.

The definition of soul that I am using is soul is our essence, life force, the part of our vitality that keeps us alive and thriving.” –
(Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval )

Most shamanic cultures around the world believe that illness is due to the loss of the soul. Soul loss is an adaptive mechanism that allows us to cope, and in some situations survive a terrible experience, in which the dissociated soul parts depart, carrying the pain or an extreme emotion which may be unbearable to the sufferer at the time it occurs.

This survival area cannot be tapped ordinarily and only under the intervention of a Shaman, who can tap this non-ordinary reality, the soul can be facilitated back into the body.

Traditionally, a shaman would conduct a soul retrieval within three days of someone experiencing soul loss. According to Ingerman, “It is important to understand that soul loss is a good thing that happens to us. It is how we survive pain.”

Many of us feel like we are missing an important part of ourselves or feel like we are not quite whole. Sometimes we also experience soul loss as a chronic illness or face debilitating emotions such as sadness, anger, depression etc.

According to Jung, the only way to address the deep loss of connection to soul that we are experiencing as a species is to re-establish our connection to the sacred.
The soul is what connects you not only to your own value and essence, but to the value and essence of every other living being.
The inevitability of soul loss in modern times cannot be overruled. Most of us do not know that we have disconnected from our soul and have come to accept as normal a numbness and lack of meaning in our lives.

What are the causes of Soul Loss?
Apart some of the obvious causes of Soul loss like serious surgery, accident, shock etc. here is a short list of causes for soul loss:
Any form of abuse from sexual to emotional to mental
An event of prolonged grief, pain and fear that made you feel trapped without any possibility of escape
When you feel shameful enough that you would like to shut out from the world for quite some time.
Giving a part of your soul unconsciously in a dependent relationship to another just like giving away your power to the other person.
A sudden, shocking incident traps a part of our soul in that time or situation like a ghost.
An event where we are rejected, bullied, insulted or are unsupported
Under the spell of addiction we sign a part of our soul to that thing
Constantly suppressing the intuition until the part of intuition leaves the body
Self-inflicted soul loss is another vital reason.
By blocking the part of our personality that is socially unacceptable, we shun that part of our soul. Gradually the shunned part splits and goes into hiding where it is revered.
For instance, as a child, we are constantly reminded of the do’s and dont’s. So if a child is noisy or naughty, he is constantly reprimanded & asked to suppress this emotion.
A constant suppression blocks a vital part of his personality, thereby facilitating fragmentation of that part.

Are you suffering from Soul Loss?
Modern wo/man, lost in the circle of creation and victimization of the dog-eat-dog ideology, has lost an integral part of their soul.

Here are symptoms that indicate soul loss:
A sensation of fragmentation and feeling incomplete like a part is missing
The flat, indifferent attitude towards development in life.
The feeling of low self esteem and considering oneself as unimportant or not worthy.
Depression or panic attacks
Inability to decide and a feeling of being aimless & lost.
Fearful attitude before doing anything.
Lost in the loop of a bad relationship, situations or places.
A sense of non-recovery from a past traumatic event.
Anger management issues and the helpless feeling on the inability to shake off anger, stress, fear or grief.
A constant desire to go back in the past and make things good.
Most importantly, if you feel soul retrieval is the answer to your worries.

The last one is significant to our understanding because generations ago, each & every person practiced Shamanism.
To be more precise, they breathed and lived Shamanism.
This central way of living required them to perform soul retrieval each time a trauma occurred.

This vital knowledge of our ancestors still remains in some part of our unconscious mind still.
And if an ardent need is experienced to get a soul retrieval performed on oneself, it is highly likely that your ancestral wisdom is guiding you.

What happens in Soul Retrieval?
The first obstacle in soul retrieval is to actually find the lost soul piece/s.
Since, we’ve drifted away from the connections we once had with our soul, the shamanic healer has to drift into the past.
“Today, as we have not been practicing soul retrieval, modern day practitioners are going back ten, twenty, thirty, or forty years or even more looking for lost soul parts.”, says Ingerman.
Earlier individuals knew the real reason for illness and recovered by spiritually practicing soul retrieval on their own.
With the help of drumming, rattling, crystals, the shamanic practitioner connects herself with the patient.
The shaman relies on the assistance of her spirit guides and power animal allies to aid her in this process.
Journeying into inner and outer realms, the healer persuades the missing pieces of the soul to return back and removes the obstacles as well.

Upon completion of the journey, the healer returns the missing soul parts by blowing them into the heart chakra, and into the the crown of the head. 

The reaction to the process canat times  be felt immediately or after some time when analysed in retrospect. The ability to receive and store on the part of the patient, is a great factor that determines the impact of the process. 

Sometimes more than one session can be necessary, if the lost piece requires more attention, persuasion or more than one piece is lost.

Mother Earth demands her children to return back to their natural state of happiness, wholeness and harmony within themselves and externally too. 

Imagine a world where all souls are whole and complete; each day would be a celebration.


Saturday, November 07, 2015

More about Identity

Q: Can you please explain more about identity?
A: The ego fears dissolution and therefore resists giving up the illusion of a separate existence in an imaginary 'here' and an imaginary 'now'. It fears it will dissolve into being nothing and, therefore, the conscious awareness will also cease.
With examination, it will become clear that one's reality is not a 'who' at all, but instead is an intensely loving Allness, which is realized and known to be much closer and more comforting and fulfilling than the prior sense of ‘I’.
In the evolution of consciousness, the sense of the small 'I' is replaced by a more profound, invulnerable and nontransitory sense of universal presence. The sense of 'I' is now infinite, more grand, more gentle, more powerful, more aware, and more gratifying than the sense of the little ‘I’ had been. The small ‘I’ is like a penny whistle compared to the full symphony of the Self.

Q: What does the Self feel like?
A: It is like the ultimate completion of being home. There is a knowingness of finality, conclusion, completion, fulfillment, satisfaction, perfection, and beauty.
The quality of Love dissolves all possibility of suffering or wanting. No mentation occurs, nor is it necessary. A profound sense of certainty prevails. Divinity is unmistakable.
There is absolutely nothing in ordinary human experience to compare with the joy of the presence of the Love of God. No sacrifice is too great nor effort too much in order to realize that Presence.

Q: What is the ultimate truth of one's reality?
A: One's absolute reality is beyond consciousness itself. It is the substrate of consciousness; it is beyond Allness or Voidness. It is prior to Creation, beyond the manifest and the unmanifest. It is prior to existence, beingness, or is-ness. It is beyond identity, yet out of it arises the Self. It is neither transcendent nor immanent, yet both.

Q: Where or when could enlightenment occur? If there is no reality such as time or here or now, nor a real 'me' to become enlightened, how can it be possible?
A: If it were a phenomenon that had to occur at a certain time or place, then indeed it would not be a possibility. The only explanation is that the state or condition termed enlightenment already is a reality and therefore needs only to be allowed to be realized in order to prevail. What already 'is' requires no future. Acceptance is an ever-present option.
Complete surrender to God unveils the Truth. Nothing is hidden; only the ego is blind. Reality lies just beyond the mind. Out of the fear of becoming nothing, consciousness denies its only reality that it is everything—the infinite, everlasting Allness out of which existence itself arises.
Truth prevails when falsity is surrendered.
To do this, however, requires great dedication, courage, and faith, which are supplied by divine inspiration in response to surrender.
The trigger is the consent of the Will.

From: “The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing Is Hidden” 
D. Hawkins(2002),
 Chapter 19: Commentaries and Examples, pp. 288–290

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Just say 'Yes' and let him take you inside.

Just admit: My life is not in my hands.
It is in God's hands.
Offer yourself up.
Live on God's plate.
Climb into God's soup bowl.
Be willing to be even a single lentil seed in the Lord's minestrone pot.
Like this, become God's Prasad.
Don't know how.
Just say 'Yes' and let him take you inside.
~ Mooji

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Samadhi by Paramhansa Yogananda

by Paramhansa Yogananda
Vanished the veils of light and shade,
Lifted every vapor of sorrow,
Sailed away all dawns of fleeting joy,
Gone the dim sensory mirage.
Love, hate, health, disease, life, death,
Perished these false shadows on the screen of duality.
Waves of laughter, scyllas of sarcasm, melancholic whirlpools,
Melting in the vast sea of bliss.
The storm of maya stilled
By magic wand of intuition deep.
The universe, forgotten dream, subconsciously lurks,
Ready to invade my newly wakened memory divine.
I live without the cosmic shadow,
But it is not, bereft of me;
As the sea exists without the waves,
But they breathe not without the sea.
Dreams, wakings, states of deep turiya sleep,
Present, past, future, no more for me,
But ever-present, all-flowing I, I, everywhere.
Planets, stars, stardust, earth,
Volcanic bursts of doomsday cataclysms,
Creation’s molding furnace,
Glaciers of silent x-rays, burning electron floods,
Thoughts of all men, past, present, to come,
Every blade of grass, myself, mankind,
Each particle of universal dust,
Anger, greed, good, bad, salvation, lust,
I swallowed, transmuted all
Into a vast ocean of blood of my own one Being!
Smoldering joy, oft-puffed by meditation
Blinding my tearful eyes,
Burst into immortal flames of bliss,
Consumed my tears, my frame, my all.
Thou art I, I am Thou,
Knowing, Knower, Known, as One!
Tranquilled, unbroken thrill, eternally living, ever new peace!
Enjoyable beyond imagination of expectancy, samadhi bliss!
Not a mental chloroform
Or unconscious state without wilful return,
Samadhi but extends my conscious realm
Beyond the limits of the mortal frame
To farthest boundary of eternity
Where I, the Cosmic Sea,
Watch the little ego floating in me.
The sparrow, each grain of sand, fall not without my sight.
All space like an iceberg floats within my mental sea.
Colossal Container, I, of all things made.
By deeper, longer, thirsty, guru-given meditation
Comes this celestial samadhi
Mobile murmurs of atoms are heard,
The dark earth, mountains, vales, lo! molten liquid!
Flowing seas change into vapors of nebulae!
Aum blows upon the vapors, opening wondrously their veils,
Oceans stand revealed, shining electrons,
Till, at last sound of the cosmic drum,**
Vanish the grosser lights into eternal rays
Of all-pervading bliss.
From joy I came, for joy I live, in sacred joy I melt.
Ocean of mind, I drink all creation’s waves.
Four veils of solid, liquid, vapor, light,
Lift aright.
Myself, in everything, enters the Great Myself.
Gone forever, fitful, flickering shadows of mortal memory.
Spotless is my mental sky, below, ahead, and high above.
Eternity and I, one united ray.
A tiny bubble of laughter, I
Am become the Sea of Mirth Itself.

* Samadhi means: oneness of human consciousness with cosmic consciousness.
The human consciousness is subjected to relativity and dual experience.
In meditation, there are: The meditator, the act of meditation, and God (as the object of meditation) .
Samadhi is the final result of deep, continuous, right meditation, in which the above mentioned three factors of meditation become one.
Just as the wave melt’ in the Sea, so the human soul becomes the Spirit

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Hawk Medicine

, Hawk is the Messenger of the Great Spirit, the protector and the visionary; delivering omens, spirit messages and blessings from the Creator in order that you may see the larger picture. It holds the key to higher levels of consciousness.
 This totem awakens vision, recalls past lives and inspires a creative life purpose. Be careful not to become caught up in the details; fly higher so you can see the big picture, the overall view. 
Observe and study your surroundings and work on accepting things the way they are, rather than forcing change. 

Soar high above the mundane and everyday problems and be reminded of the great responsibility of diligently working to fulfill your soul's purpose.
  • Harrier -Sky dancer, constantly changing sides, getting in on the ground floor, a "Ramblin' Man"
    Night Hawk -Patient, nocturnal vision, resting when others cannot
  • Red Tailked Hawk
     A Red-Tailed Hawk is a special totem. It has direct ties to the kundalini the seat of the primal life force. It teaches of higher expressions of psychic ability and vision, lessons of awareness and insight. 
    The Red-Tailed Hawk represents the Sun and the Great Horned Owl the Moon.

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Jay symbolism

Jay, Understanding how to use power wisely, comfort within shadow self, link between the world of dark and world of light, Moon magic. (The word jay comes from the Latin word Gaea,for Mother Earth)

    Gray Jay -- Thievery, trickery, quiet planning.
The Gray Jay only exists in North America, so its mythology is completely North American. It has been equated with the Algonquin crane spirit 'Wisakedjak', which gave rise to its name 'Whiskey Jack'.
 Wisakedjak was a trickster figure responsible for a great destroying flood and for creating the world with magic. He was a master thief and loves to play tricks on people.
The Algonquin natives so hated his thieving that if they caught a Gray Jay, they would pluck it alive if they could catch it.
To the Cree, while still a thief and trickster he is seen as a psychopomp type of divine figure.
 They love to pull pranks but it's done with such good humor that they are always forgiven for their transgressions.
    Western Scrub Jay,(California Jay and Long-Tailed Jay) -- Unusual yet functional family units, scrub wisdom and connection to scrub spirits, theft and appropriation, urban wisdom, growth in urban areas, material wealth, saving something for later, delayed gratification, adapting and learning, great intelligence


Sunday, August 02, 2015

Violet Flame -more insight

 Did you know?


1 The Violet Flame can help you synchronise your heart and mind, to blend left and right brain awareness
2 The Violet Flame can help you anchor into Divinity
3 The Violet Flame ensures your deep cellular clearing
4 The Violet Flame can supports your physical body in its transformation
5 The Violet Flame can help you purify the physical body
6 The Violet Flame can help you as you reclaim your Mastery
7 The Violet Flame can help you in a transformation of Self
8 The Violet Flame can help you with your intention of increasing consciousness in the moment.

Book your attunement or remote treatment today


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hummingbird symbolism

Hummingbird -
 The Aztecs of Mexico regarded the hummingbird as a warrior.
Despite the hummingbird's delicate appearance, it is a bold, quarrelsome bird who will readily attack any intruder that strays in,to its territory.
The hummingbird is a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible.
The hummingbird is all about making the effort and going the distance.
The hummingbird is tireless in its efforts to sustain itself over vast migratory paths. Its tiny body is designed for ultimate efficiency and,it taps into massive energy stores to maintain its high pace. This totem reminds us to explore the past and extract the sweetness from it. It can help you find joy and sweetness in any situation.
Grab joy as swiftly as you can.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Heron Symbolism

Native American tribes held the blue heron as a very good omen and they saw the heron as an expert fisher and hunter and sighting a heron before a hunt was a sign that the hunt would be a good one.  Heron represents the Holy Spear, and the concept of spear magic.
Look at the imagery of spears and arrows, and start visualising aiming for your goals with spears to make sure you're 'on target'.
The holy spear, is also the messenger from the gods, and heron comes into our lives like an arrow from the gods, to make sure that we're on target too.
Heron's slow, deliberate manner produces a ceremonial aura and displays the harmonious natural flow of being ourselves.
Heron people prefer complete isolation...but are equally at ease in a crowd of peers.

  Bittern,- Heed promises made
  Egret - Provides safe passage to the soul world, peace bringer, self-confidence, wading rather than swimming, symbol of the Audubon Society
   Great Blue Heron,-Assert your authority and strike while you can

Sunday, July 19, 2015



IKE: The world is what you think it is.

KALA: There are no limits.

MAKIA: Energy flows where attention goes.

MANAWA: Now is the moment of power.

ALOHA: To love is to be happy with.

MANA: All power comes from within.

PONO: Effectiveness is the measure of truth


Friday, July 17, 2015

Affirmations for the best week yet

I choose to  move forward today into a new , glorious experience. I know who I Am, and I let my life be a constant expression of the strengths that are my true nature. I release the splendour within me.

Entering into the stillness, I become quiet and listen to the inner voice. I am willing to be spacious Presence both for myself and for all those who ask to be heard by me. I listen.

I recognize that I am part of an infinite universe and that everything I need is always available to me. I open my mind to the possibility of having it and I declare now that it is so. Thank you, God.

I now choose to shine my light brightly and brilliantly. I now realise that my potential istruly unlimited. I accept this truth as the new basis for my life. I let go of smallness and I expand.

Becoming attuned to the truth of my oneness with Spirit, I see a difficulty that I am now experiencing as part of a healing process in my life. I trust this process and know that good is unfolding.

Today, I am open and responsive to the impulse toward ever-expanding greatness. Knowing that my higher consciousness gives rise to a new world, I accept the invitation of unlimited living.

Knowing that the energy of life is always available to me, I direct this energy in clear, conscious and specific ways. The universe supports the intentions I set and my targets are accomplished..


Book your  telephone session today

DNA 12 Strand Activation Summer 2015

If you had 12 strands awake and alert as you become more open to and conscious of yourself as a co-creator, just imagine what your world could be like

What if every thought is important and potent

One of the many gifts of the year 2015 is the ability to glimpse into the possibility of what is to come, and then manifest it if you really desire enough.

The true pure essence of desire is as powerful as a a star being birthed or a mountain moved.

The energetic degree that you desire something is aligned mathematically and exponentially with your power to manifest it.

Each thought you have has its own consciousness. It is as consciousness within consciousness. Within each thought lives an electromagnetic field of possibilities.

These possibilities are magnetically drawn to other thoughts of like vibration. When enough thoughts form a link of likeness they then birth the desire into a physical reality.

Every thought has a vibrational pulse that magnetizes other similar thoughts. As they respond to the energetic call they begin to pulse and then connect with the image of desire inherent within each of them and create what they have agreed upon.

In other words all thoughts no matter what they are have the potential to manifest if you energetically believe them.

Belief then creates a vibrational wormhole allowing the thought to manifest.

It has just been recently proven that DNA has its own language very similar to the language of humans. In actually our language is believed to be based upon our inner DNA language.

What if every cell in your body listens to every word you speak and think and then creates from that dialogue.

Nothing is dismissed by your DNA as a casual thought . Everything is taken to heart and then into action.

Your DNA within all cell structures believes you are commander-in-chief, it sees you as a god and obeys your every word . There are no 'I am only kidding clauses' within the DNA structure. There is no censoring of the input for it responds to all thoughts and words.

As we learn to communicate with our inner universe on the way to creating our outer personal universe it is important to take time to slow down and go within. The meditative state of alpha is achieved simply by closing our eyes and looking within.

As we enter the internal dialogue with our DNA is then heard loud and clear with no outside buzz and confusion. As we move deeper into alpha communication with our cellular consciousness we find many pathways of insight available to us.

We stand within our Alpha temple looking at many golden arches of opportunity. As we enter into each doorway of insight we weigh the manifestation possibilities of the outcome.

Could this really happen?
Should this happen?

Will this really happen? The DNA says yes to all, but the humanness censors the experience by dousing it with doubt and logic.

To our DNA and cellular cousins everything and anything is possible. To us that is not logical as the self censors our deepest desires creating a mud puddle to splash in instead of an ocean to swim and play in.

When we are in a refined state of DNA communication  we can travel to the past... the future.... . and other universes though microscopic magnetized wormholes. These are activated within the DNA structure when one is in a relaxed meditative responsive state of being.

We have the ability to transcend time and space and walk into a world that the ancients visited and taught about. In this internal world that is connected to all time and space we can see what is to come, we can heal the past and connect with our deepest truths in the now.

As we go within anything is possible. It is up to us to hold that precious essence of possibility as we reenter the everyday world, not tossing it out the window on the way back to beta consciousness. As you visit the vista of all time and internal space hold gently to the treasures you bring back.

These are DNA and Cellular truths you bring back. You are caretakers of what could be.... what was.... and what will be. Honour them as your most precious treasures. To your DNA and cell structure they are worlds that are waiting to be birthed.

Adapted from notes by G .MacBeth-Louthan

book your activation

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Trust Meditation

Meditation by Orin and DaBen

I affirm that I am now ready
to increase my trust
in the goodness of the universe.

I relax my body.
I bring relaxation into
my arms and shoulders.
I adjust my posture so that my
chest and back are comfortable.
I notice my legs and feet
and sit in a way that lets energy
flow throughout my body.

I increase my trust in my
ability to draw to myself
what I need and want
by remembering a time when
I trusted that something would come to me--
and it did.

I think of something I want
that I know is for my higher good.
I picture what having this will give me,
what quality of energy I will have
when this object or situation comes to me.

I make a picture of having this.
I now expect to have this or
something even better.

I believe in myself
and in my ability to create
what is good for me. 
I affirm that the universe is abundant
and that I can have what I want.

I now affirm my trust in the goodness of:
My soul
The Universe
God/Goddess/All That Is
Fill in:________________

I trust that every thing comes
in the perfect time
and in the perfect way.
I trust that those things
that I do not get
are not for my higher good,
or do not serve me to have at this time.

I surrender to my soul and the universe,
and open to receive my higher good
in all of its many forms
and from its many sources.

I affirm that the universe is
always working perfectly through me
and for me.
My heart is open and
I trust myself and the universe
to create the life I want to live.


Monday, July 06, 2015

Gull symbolism

  Spiritual messengers that demonstrate that a higher communication is taking place spiritually with the deities. Gulls also teaches releasing fear by showing that there are many perspectives to consider and it is time to change yours. Soar above your problems, watch how you behave and don't be a pest
Always a complicated story, body language reveals the truth, prefers water to wine, gets what it wants,by bullying
  • The Seagull is a survivor and will survive under the worst conditions. It can go for long periods of time without food and will eat anything if they have to in order to survive. It represents stamina, perseverance, and cunning. But it can also be mischievous, selfish, and quarrelsome. The power of the Seagull can also get rid of negative powers, such as when thousands of grasshoppers ravaged the Midwest back in the 1930s and seagulls were sent by the Great Creator to purify the pestilence. A flock of Seagulls inland flying around in circles is a warning that a bad storm is coming

Sunday, July 05, 2015

Eagle power animal

A Sacred Messenger from Heaven and,the,Eye of the Sun.
 The eagle lives in the spirit realm and it carries prayers to the Creator and returns with a vision. The eagle possesses healing spiritual power and their magical feathers assist medicine men and women in connecting with Spirit for healing. Eagles will mate on the wind and they symbolize the power of creation when released from the confines of the Earthly realm,with a lesson of staying grounded when soaring high. 
,The eagle teaches that with limited vision we may not see the things that lie before us and how to look at life from a higher perspective.

Bald Eagle,-- Swiftness, strength, courage, wisdom, ability to see hidden spiritual truths, rising above the material to see the spiritual, connection to spirit guides and teachers

Golden Eagle,-- Understands the cycles of the Sun, clear vision, sees from the highest places, spiritual power of the Sun

Wedge-tailed Eagle,-- The Persecuted King. Upperworld Messenger. Pride. Transcending the Ego. Flight of the Spirit.

White-tailed Eagle -- A particularly sociable eagle, and this is reflected in the emotional support that he offers as a power animal. A powerful and agile hunter of fish, he can delve into the unconscious of his shaman companion to retrieve hidden images and influences with his sure and strong talons

book a remote session to discover your power animal


Saturday, July 04, 2015

what is Ho'oponopono ?

Ho'oponopono comes from an old Hawaiian tradition. Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian word meaning 'make right' and it is a simple yet profound way of making things right in our lives.

Originally it was used in family situations where there was disharmony among family members A mediator would be invited and Ho'oponopono would be used to make things right between them.

In the 1980's Morrnah Simeona created an updated version that can be used individually for our own healing and personal development.

This is called 'Self-Identity Through Ho'oponopono' .

With Ho'oponopono, we can dissolve the layers around our personality and reveal our true selves, making right things that are wrong in our life as we do so.

Each and every time we practice Ho'oponopono, we are encouraged to take one hundred per cent responsibility for everything in our lives, both 'good' and 'bad'  .

If we see someone who is suffering , then we have brought that person into our life and we are responsible for them being there. We are not actually responsible for that person or for their suffering, but we are responsible for them being in our present moment.

Whenever we are suffering ourselves, in any way , then we are responsible for that. If we are happy, we are responsible for that.

book remote session

Stardust- ho'oponopono cleaning tool

Stardust is for defusing ignorance of the Universal Life Cycle and our interconnectedness .

Stardust reminds us that we came from the stars and the stars come from us.

Stardust is produced in a supernova explosion during the cataclysmic end of a star's life.

Stardust is ejected into space by the force of the massive explosion, where it is mixed with other matter and forms new stars and planets.

 Earth is rich in heavy elements from Stardust.

The iron in our blood and  calcium in our bones were forged from Stardust.
We are made of Stardust and in time we return to Stardust.

Stardust reminds us we are all one.

Each of us sees a reflection of ourselves in the way we experience those around us.

Stardust reminds us to follow the Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have others do unto you - because in the end you are doing it to yourself


what is shamanic healing then?

 So what is shamanic healing then?
Shamanic healing is one of the vast numbers of healing modalities available for us to experience today. Like acupuncture, its roots are in the mists of time and like acupuncture it works with unseen energy. Acupuncture is usually associated with the East, while there have been shamanic healers for thousands of years in tribal communities all around the world.
 Is this something that can help me with today's problems?
There are also many contemporary practitioners of this ancient healing art.
Traditionally a shaman was someone who was able to communicate with the spirits and visit other realities with their own spirit allies. This is still the case in modern shamanism.You do not need to have a problem to benefit from a shamanic journey. You can book a session to develop and enhance your talents, abilities and capacities too


Friday, June 26, 2015

the highest Yoga

Accept everything deeply.

Bless the world and be at peace.

Be aware of your existence.

Remain still.

Be simply aware without judgment.

If thoughts come, be indifferent.

Do this for one minute.

Get the taste of this feeling. 

Abiding in this state is the highest yoga, the highest practice, the highest virtue.

Personal Power thru Awareness

Benefits of a clear, balanced solar plexus.

Reclaim your sense of personal power

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Happy and balanced solar plexus

What does a balanced solar plexus feel like?

A remote Kundalini reiki treatment for your solar plexus chakra will focus on releasing.....

a feeling of lack of power
a lack of physical energy
the sense that the external world has power over you
all kinds of resentments
the inability to take in sweetness
a feeling of being lonely
patterns of being miserable
the sense of being unable to move forward......
release it from every cell...

Monday, June 22, 2015

A remote Kundalini Reiki treatment for your Solar Plexus will  address and transform
the lack of courage to a risk
the inability to honor yourself.

the lack of relationship with self
feeling dependent
can't take care of yourself self
feeling cut off from your needs
self doubt

feeling undeserving
feeling guilty
belief that you can't be loved for you .
a deep hole inside and trying to fill it up from the outside
fear of others thoughts about you
without drama you will die
book your treatment today

Friday, June 12, 2015

Souls Purpose Meditation Symbol



Your Soul's Purpose

Your Soul Sign is the Ascendant.

The Ascendant is your Soul Sign and the potential for your highest expression. in this lifetime.  It is the most important sign in Soul Astrology.

Your Soul Sign indicates your innate core essence. The essence of who you really are. But this will remain latent while you are identified with, and driven by, the needs of the personality.
Our spiritual development involves realizing this core energy and expressing it into the world. Becoming a fully Soul-centered individual.
Zannie is able to use your astrological information- D.O. B, place and time of birth to give you a Soul's Purpose symbol for meditation and journaling.

 book here

Once you have booked, Zannie will email you for your details - name, D.O.B, time and place of birth.
You will usually receive your symbol within 72 hours.

When walking  the spiritual path, understanding the motives and intentions of the Soul is paramount. In fact, it can be proclaimed that living a spiritual life is based upon the conviction that the Higher Self (Soul) seeks to guide us along a particular path of development.
 Its light radiates through us, and by so doing, prompts us to conform to its divine purpose and plan.
 Yet, by what means does one find this beacon of guiding light from the Soul?
 In what way are we certain that the path upon which we place our feet is true to the Soul and its intentions?
Such questions are  important, and need be asked often.
Certainly the answer to these questions come in many wise and insightful ways. Meditation or revelatory dreams,  as well as many  divination systems, give much clarity to the journey.  Esoteric Astrology is one of the most profoundly revealing of these systems and Zannie has studies this and uses her knowledge, insight intuition and visionary talents to bring to you your personal image for meditation and contemplation on your Soul's Purpose.
Book here


Zannie will email you for your  natal details.
She then spends time with your astrological chart and receives your personal symbol.
This information is then emailed to you, usually within 3 days

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Karma is only a store of unspent energies, of unfulfilled desires and fears not understood.
The store is being constantly replenished by new desires and fears.

It need not be so for ever.
Understand the root cause of your fears -- estrangement from yourself: and of desires -- the longing for the self, and your karma will dissolve like a dream.
Between earth and heaven life goes on.
Nothing is affected, only bodies grow and decay.


Tuesday, June 09, 2015

you are the timeless, spaceless witness.

The life force and the mind are operating, but the mind will tempt you to believe that it is “you.”
 Therefore, understand always that you are the timeless, spaceless witness.
 And even if the mind tells you that you are the one who is acting, don’t believe the mind.
 Always keep your identity separate from that which is doing the working, thinking and talking. That which has happened—that is, the apparatus which is functioning—has come upon your original essence, but you are not that apparatus.
 This is to be firmly kept in mind.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
The Ultimate Medicine: Dialogues with a Realized Master


Monday, June 08, 2015

Keep very quiet and watch

Keep very quiet and watch what comes to the surface of the mind. Reject the known, welcome the so far unknown and reject it in its turn. Thus you come to a state in which there is no knowledge, only being, in which being itself is knowledge.


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Reiki News June 2015

Hi Folks

here's to a long and glorious summer.

Have you been doing the practice from the last newsletter?
What do you notice?

Let's look at the 2nd Reiki Principle this month

Just for today, do not worry.

Worry, like anger will also create another great vital energy leak. While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with perceived future events and happenings.

Although worry is not always a negative phenomenon, we should all disregard thoughts of future events and circumstances over which we have no ultimate control.

One  source of worry is fear of change, one thing we do not always have complete control over. Just for today, be grateful.

We should all try to be grateful and show appreciation for the many blessings that can fill our lives, especially when times are difficult. If we can be grateful we can eliminate worry.

If we live in a state of gratitude, appreciating and giving thanks for the many blessings of life we can help transform negative attitudes and thoughts into positive ones.

When we are grateful for all that we have received, and when we believe that we will continue to receive these things then we will attract abundance.

Self Treatment helps greatly to dissolve the habit of worry.
Here is a reminder of its value  for those in the group who are attuned to Reiki , and an encouragement to have your Reiki 1 attunement if you have been thinking about it

Reiki self treatment is a simple yet powerful practice of self nurturing.

Loving Kindness Meditation.

This is a development of the practice I shared last month.
A times we may worry about others.

Here is something we can do instead.

Place your hands on your heart.
Say Reiki on (if you have been attuned).This practice works very well even if you have not been attuned)

Call to mind someone you care deeply about- maybe someone you are worried about.
Reflect upon their goodness, your love for them,your wishes for them to receive abundant blessings.
See his/her face in front of you.
Imagine holding this face tenderly ,look into their eyes, say from your heart to theirs.

May you dwell in the heart
May  you be free from suffering
May you be healed
May you know my wholeness
May you be happy and at peace.


Reiki 1 - June 21st

Reiki 2 -June 28th

Reiki and young people.
When you have a Reiki treatment or Attunement in June, you are invited to nominate a young person - 13-19 years old, for a no cost Reiki session




Friday, May 29, 2015

Stand here and be flooded with joy

All this talk of purity and impurity
These are just opinions. Beyond them
Are the miraculous energies of creation.

Rays of light from a trillion suns
illumine the altar of your sky.
Rolling blue-green oceans
Sanctify the air you breathe.
In this moment, you are inhaling their blessing.
Who are you to call any of this pure or impure?

Find the center around which everything revolves--
Stand here and be flooded with joy.

 The Radiance Sutras

Monday, May 25, 2015

Presume that the world's actual "purpose" is perfect and fully known only by God

Q: What is the most serviceable presumptive view of the world for a spiritual student/devotee/seeker?

A: Presume that the world's actual "purpose" is perfect and fully known only by God. 
See it as neutral overall, but with the benefit that it provides optimal opportunity for spiritual growth and the evolution of consciousness.
 It is a school for enlightenment and the revelation of Divinity, whereby consciousness/awareness reawakens to its source. Thus, to pursue enlightenment in and of itself serves the world and God.
From: “Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality”, Chapter 10: Spirituality and the World, p. 168
Q: Would the overall consequences of intense inner spiritual focus tend to result in detachment and noninvolvement in the world?

A: As a general trend, that is characteristic. As the ego’s dominance of perception recedes, so does the appearance of the world and the mind’s interpretations.
 Decisions are based on projected perceptions. Thus, the mind perceives endless illusions, including classifications based on judgments. 
Those that are interpreted as ‘good’ options are attractive to choice and agreement. Thus, all perceptions reflect content.
Patterns of conduct result from belief systems consequent to prevailing social/educational systems that are both explicit and implicit. Thus, ‘duty calls’ in both overt and subtle expressions. 

To adopt the pathway of devotional nonduality recontextualizes the obligation to the pursuit of Truth rather than worldly involvement and action. How best to serve the world is concordant with comprehension.

Q: What is the most serviceable presumptive view of the world for a spiritual student/devotee/seeker?
A: Presume that the world’s actual ‘purpose’ is perfect and fully known only by God. See it as neutral overall but with the benefit that it provides optimal opportunity for spiritual growth and the evolution of consciousness. It is a school for enlightenment and the revelation of Divinity whereby consciousness/awareness reawakens to its Source. Thus, to pursue enlightenment in and of itself serves the world and God.

Q: But what about war?

A: This is a favorite question of spiritual students. War is the consequence of falsity, just as peace is the consequence of Truth. War has prevailed during ninety-three percent of human history. It is endemic to the ego. To be ‘anti-war’ is also an ego position that presumes omniscience. Therefore, it is more advanced to surrender the world and its wars to God. 

To 'hate war’ is merely another expression of hate, is it not? Better to love peace and come to nonjudgmental compassion for the world’s wars and its karmically influenced participants. Would the protester rob fellow-suffering humans of the opportunity to undo negative karma and reach salvation? 

Suffering and death are the consequences of the ego and its positionalities and perceptions. 

To best serve the world, seek Enlightenment and transcend illusions rather than contribute to them. Omniscience is a quality of Divinity, not of human perception. Watch that the spiritual ego does not become politicized. ‘

Do-gooderism’ is a trap for the naive and unwary.
 Be ‘pro’ God’s will and Divine providence for the world and humanity. How best to ‘serve the highest good’ is concordant with the prevailing level of consciousness of the observer. There is no single answer for everyone.
From: “Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality”, Chapter 10: Spirituality and the World, pp. 167–169

Friday, May 15, 2015

before the real self can be found

I am neither the perceived,
nor the perceiver and
not even the perceiving,
but that which makes all this possible.
Only in complete self-negation is there a chance
to discover our real being.
The false self must be abandoned
before the real self can be found.

~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

A way of Life

Spiritual development is not an accomplishment but a way of life. It is an orientation that brings its own rewards, and what is important is the direction of one’s motives. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Spiritual Merit

To merely hear a great teaching is itself the consequence of spiritual merit. To act on it is of even greater benefit. -
David Hawkins


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How to let all the burden on your heart disappears

"The moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of love - everything disappears. One starts living with a very light weight or almost no weight. So weightless one becomes, one can fly in the open sky." ~Osho 

Mastering the Great Mystery of Life

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match that frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." ~Albert Einstein

The Universe we live in is more intelligent than the mind can comprehend. There are many hidden dimensions to everything and everyone within it. 

 We truly exist in the most fascinating, multi-dimensional, and infinitely mysterious field of conscious intelligent energy. This divine harmonic matrix is vibrating with life all around us. It is inside us and is constantly connecting with our every breath, thought, emotion and heart beat.

Just look all around you. Everything is constantly exploding in an orgasm of wild unabandoned creativity. Right now, millions of flowers are blossoming giving birth to the most amazing sights and scents. Amazing sacred geometric crystals are forming perfect patterns beneath the earth's crust, while millions of animals, birds, insects and humans are having intercourse in the most interesting positions. This is just the tiny tip of the iceberg as to all the wild, mysterious and beautiful things happening on this planet right now.  

If you observe nature long enough, you'll see everything is always changing, including you. They say that we cannot step into the same river twice, and by the time we've stepped in it once, everything (including ourselves) is already completely different. 

This means you cannot have the exact same sequence of thought patterns and feelings that you had last month or last year. Our mind and emotional intelligence is continuously growing, evolving and changing. We were born highly intelligent beings who were meant outgrow the small trousers we once wore in 2nd grade, and truly we wouldn't really want to try putting them on again.

If you take a microscope and look into the DNA inside every cell in your body, you see that they all contain a sacred imprint that is unique to you.  In each quantum particle of your DNA is this wild and uncharted magnificent intelligent mystery within it. This mysterious intelligence is embedded within the foundation of your blood, bones and brain.  You cannot escape from it, no matter how hard you try.

What's interesting  is that the mind tends to take for granted this sacred mystery everyday. The mind has this tendency to create habits, fall into these little comfort zones of thought safe emotional thought patterns. It finds ideas which label life, placing ourselves and others into tiny compartmentalized little thought boxes so we can feel more secure, self-assured, somewhat organized standing the face of this wild uncharted infinite mystery that's surrounding us in all directions. 

The moment we put anything in this divine existence into a thought box, we forget all about enjoying a state of devotion and worship to the divine mystery. The instant we forget about the great mystery of life, we initiate the suffering process.

 Every experience of life there after becomes a challenge, as we live from the head and not from the heart. The mind is a master at continuously getting lost in believing all it's inner thought structures are real. When our intellect holds tight onto fixed beliefs, it thinks life will feel more manageable, giving the illusion of control, and the sensation that we are becoming wiser.  Yet this hard coded know-it-all mindset demolishes our childlike curiosity and abolishes any form of reverence for this deeply sacred divine mystery. 

"Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when s/he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity." ~Albert Einstein

One of the greatest mysteries  in life is the human psyche. The human psyche is the accumulation of other people's thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions that we've adopted and inherited as our own.  All these beliefs form the entire experience of ourselves, other people, this world, and our entire reality. The way we think, how we think, why we think this way and not that way is the core network of our psyche, and makes us behave more like predictable machines than alive cosmic organisms. 

The human psyche however has a magical side to it, in that whatever we accept as the truth becomes what we actually manifest physically into our lives. This may be one of the most awesome mysteries mankind has to explore. Our foundational belief structure is so powerful, pervasive and penetrating, that it always manifests itself in every single possible outcome and experience we have.

The Universe always supports whatever you believe. If deep down you believe you are not a lovable person, the Universe will constantly manifest for you the most challenging people, negative situations and experiences that support this belief inside. If you truly believe you are lovable, the Universe will slather your life with sweet loving beings, devoted to caring about you, honoring you and caring for your needs in the most intimate vulnerable ways. The intelligent Universal energy simply follows thought. Whatever you believe about you, is where the energy flows and manifests into the entire show all around you.

In this highly technological age, people tend to believe science easier than religion. If you can prove God is real in a lab, then it must be true. What's fascinating about this time frame in our lives is that the quantum physicists of this world have ventured so deep into particles, that they have had to merge their scientific understanding within a spiritual context. Their practical Newtonian vocabulary doesn't have the words to explain the outrageous results they are finding. They are having to use more spiritual words and concepts to bridge the understanding of these hard coded scientific results.

For example, they have taken a two quantum particles that were spinning around each other and found a way to separate them by many a few kilometers in distance. Later, they spun one of the particles counter-clockwise, and noticed that instantly the other particle that was kilometers away would also change spinning in this new direction.  This study has been done many times with the same results, so they've concluded there exists some form of spiritual intelligence that is communicating between all quantum particles in this Universe, no matter what physical distance is between them.

Years ago quantum physicists also proved in their labs that thoughts are actual physical measurable things. Scientists would observe a vacuum of space which had no particles in it, and they found that wherever the observers would place their attention, that was the place the particles would show up.  They concluded through other more advanced studies that when the mind cultivates the ability to direct thought in one specific direction for an extended period of time, the person can physically attract, magnetize, and soon manifest an actual physical thing into their field of existence. 

It has been the 21st century for a while now, and the understanding that we are the manifesting magicians of the quantum soup of highly intelligent energy all around us has become an actual science in the quantum physics and the spiritually enlightened communities. The relationship between the mystic and the scientist were separated 500 years ago, and now the pendulum is swinging back towards their reunification again. 

It is our inherent curious nature to want to put labels on things, people, ourselves and create a Universal law of attraction that will solve this great manifesting mystery of life. We think that if we have a more concrete global understanding of life, then we can relax and rest even deeper into our spiritual nature. Perhaps only a fool would believe that we need something external to let go and relax internally. Why would we need to feel inferior to being one with Mother Nature just so as to push away our insecurity and strive towards a need to feel superior? The human psyche as I mentioned, is the greatest mystery of them all.

"All that we have to do is to give up identifying with the body, with forms and limits, and then we shall know ourselves as the Infinite Self that we always are." ~ Ramana Maharshi

Maybe when science creates a machine to find the source of consciousness, then mankind will feel like a God. Yet, why take the long road? Why not just look inside your source of consciousness itself and discover real evidence of where consciousness comes from? Realize what consciousness is made of, and why it exists, and relax into the greatest innermost mystery of them all.  I have the feeling that in order for our world to solve these deep outrageous questions in the future, quantum physicists must merge completely with the metaphysical mindset, if modern science is to make any real progress. 

I'm guessing by now you're more interested in how your life can personally benefit from applying this enlightening path of understanding the great mystery. You want to know how understanding the metaphysical manifesting mystery can make your life easier, more abundant, healthy, loving, happy and financially free? In order for you to have access to manifesting anything and everything you desire in your life, you must first start with believing in one basic foundational understanding.

 Whatever we continuously focus our attention on grows, multiplies and manifests automatically in our lives with the help of this natural powerful magnetic manifesting intelligence that's inside everything.

With all this amazing manifesting power already inside us, it's quite ironic that more people are not accessing it. Many of us are stuck in jobs we don't like, relationships that we lose energy battling with everyday, and we are either having some sort of food, drug, alcohol, or sex addiction that is taking priority over any real deep spiritual devotion and exploration.

 The basic reason for all human suffering here is simple. The mind keeps focusing on what we don't want, and thus keeps manifesting more of the same.  New thoughts rarely have space to form, and after 70-80 years the human being has wasted all its precious energy on magnetizing on what it doesn't want, and doesn't have.

The only reason we are not always manifesting everything that we want, is because we cannot keep our mind focused long enough on feeling that they are receiving that one thing they truly desire to have. It's that simple.  Once we retrain the brain to stay focused, fiercely, deeply and resolutely focused, we will become the manifesting master of our world. When we practice meditation, we will one day attain mastery over our mind, and actually reach a state of physical mastery over our physical world.

"Right now the master is fast asleep. And the mind, the servant, is playing the role of master. And the servant is created by the outside world, it follows the outside world and its laws.
 Once your awareness becomes a flame, it burns up the whole slavery that the mind has created. There is no blissfulness more precious than freedom, than being a master of your own destiny." ~Osho

When it comes down to life/mind mastery within the great mystery, it is all about discovering the the source of pure awareness inside. This is that simple obvious awareness that is always watching, listening and experiencing everything in your life all the time.  It is the light behind the movie screen of your mind, responsible for projecting the entire picture onto everything that you feel, sense and see. It is responsible for shining the light on every single thought and feeling that you have about anything.  It's always the source of what you're experience is in every moment of your existence. 

We don't give awareness enough credit.  We rarely recognize that it's there, and hardly ever take the time to sit down with it and relax into the source of it. The reason we take awareness for granted is because it is ever present, always here now just like the air you're breathing.  Yet think about it, what if awareness wasn't present anymore?  What would happen to your life?  Who would you be without awareness? Who would exist if there were nobody to be aware of your existence anymore?

Sure these are some deep thoughts to contemplate, yet when we do take the time to explore them, something magical happens.  We start becoming more in touch with this divine state of awareness! Whatever we focus on, is what we experience more of, and eventually manifests into physical action and form. Whatever we meditate on results in who we are going to become tonight and tomorrow morning. As we become more aware of the infinite spiritual source of awareness inside, we become more connected with what's totally in charge of what we're magnetizing. We can see each thought fly by, and see exactly how each one is attracting, creating, and designing how our entire lives unfold and manifest.  

It is only when we become conscious of this perfect divine play manifesting inside us and all around us, that we stop fighting ourselves, each other, and beating our heads against our inner emotional prison walls. When we stop pushing up against life, and start appreciating that everything is an aspect of the great sacred mystery, we start resonating at a higher level of consciousness. We begin feeling more expansive when we wake up in the morning, and greet the day with a child-like curiosity, creativity and wonder. We do this because at the source of pure awareness its easy to realize there truly are no actual prisons in this infinite quantum field of intelligent energy. Prisons are are only limiting aspects of our highly creative imagination. 

"If you name me, you negate me." ~Kirkegard

I find that on a karmic level, every person has a unique inner emotional prison, and this is part of their unique soul's destiny. Every human came here to release the lie their soul was fed. They came to re-experience the feelings of being confused, rejected, abandoned, hated, suppressed, depressed and stuck in order to transcend them all. We needed to step harder on thorn hiding in our shoe, in order to stop hiking up this great mountain and remove it with love.
At some point everyday, we each run into some feeling of being stuck, blocked, or challenged by something or someone. 

 We feel limited, small, powerless or suppressed from our full expression. Every human mind already has the program installed to throw it self into some emotional dumpster repeatedly. There are many little thorns hiding in our shoes that we are unaware of. Thus, something terrible happens in the outer world, we get dumped by a lover and we end up trashing our self-esteem, our love for life, our feeling of being empowered, and falling into some treacherous feeling of being locked up in an emotional prison we cannot escape from. 

All of this thorny karma we carry may sound terribly depressing, yet it's good to remember that the Universe is more loving, mysterious and intelligent than we could ever imagine. There is a very beautiful yet unobvious reason why this divinely intelligent unconditionally loving Universe has set life up to throw each and every one of us through experiences of emotional pain, agony and suffering. The reason is so that we stop everything we are doing and become deeply inspired to evolve in a spiritual dimension. The spiritual path is the only way we can remove all our thorns and break out of our thick mental and emotional prisons. 

The only problem is that the mind tends to get lazy and wrapped up in old habit, and would never search for the keys to our spiritual freedom unless we felt deeply trapped, imprisoned or stuck. The mind loves to create these emotional "prison cells" in the brain, as each one provides new fuel to blast off into a new experience of creativity, growth, evolution, movement and eventually reach total liberation.  So we all have these wonderfully perfect prickly prisons constructed inside us. Each one is destined to create a deep yearning and desire to be free.  You can reject this idea, ignore it or accept it. Just notice what happens inside your body either way.

This search for freedom is as much our destiny as the prisons we've placed ourselves in. There are no real enemies in the world. There are only imaginary shadows.  The thorns in our shoes can be removed, once we realize that they are also created by our own imagination.  We must move beyond the mind, through the unconscious righteous mind that believes it is aware, yet is truly ignorant and not worshiping the great mystery 24 hours a day. It is this ignorance that is our only real enemy. The mind that is deeply stuck in thought, in ego, and will only strive to create something new when some form of horrific pain, fear or slavery begins bubbling up inside. 

Yes, the mind is imagining everything that you're experiencing right now. It is believing that your thoughts, beliefs and all your limitations are real. It is entertaining the feeling that being financially stuck is real, or that your relationships are never going to improve, or you'll always live in same house forever.  It has this idea that whatever challenging life experience you're having right now, just may be that way forever. The sensations of emotional imprisonment sure do feel real, yet when we step back from them, we see they are just a conglomeration of negative thoughts. When we step back from the mind with awareness, we can understand that we are the ones who have thrown ourselves into jail with our imagination. From this awareness then we can step out of jail just with using our sweet simple yet all powerful imagination. 

“One who knows the Self has nothing more to do, nor has he any more thoughts. From then on, the infinite power will carry out all further actions that may be necessary for him. ~ Ramana Maharshi

To acquire an out of jail pass, we must gift it to ourselves. We must accept that everything and everyone in life is a part of this deep sweet holographic infinite mystery.

 In this acceptance we stop feeling limited. We see how our imagination is co-creating everything, designing this entire thing we deem as reality. Then and only then can we understand what it takes to be free.  

By knowing what is creating thought, we stop believing in all of its fantasies. We realize that any potential feeling of slavery is a choice from here on out. We understand that we always have the free will and choice in how we wish to interact and engage with any thought that enters the mind, and can keep it like a winning lottery ticket, or toss it away like a used banana peel. 

My invitation right now for you is to not hold on to any beliefs that show up about yourself, others and this life. Choose the mystery over certainty, just because it is more exciting!  It's simply more interesting to not know, than to know. When you're living within the mystery 24 hours a day, you suddenly find yourself becoming spontaneous, free from hesitation, doubt and barely have any fear. It requires all the courage you have to keep choosing the mystery over the normal way of being human. Yet, you're much more likely experience your fears as some weird bubbling state of excitement than something you run from. You might even see your life as this wild passionate birthing of random desires to engage and disengage from.

 Ultimately, it is a mystery how long or short your life is going to last, so why not start embracing it now?  

When we embrace the mystery as a way of living life, the mysterious way keeps us truly alive. We start abiding in a state of wonder and deep curiosity about everything. We stop defining who we are, and start realizing that truly we are actually indefinable.  We start seeing amazing intelligent energy is here now, directly in front of your eyes. From this awareness we can enjoy the grand sacred of mystery that is always all around us, and this real enjoyment is mastery. By loving the mystery as it always is and will be, we awaken from our long slumber and become every amazing thing we were born to be

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